Puppy Weight Calculator: Height and Weight Predictions for Every Breed (with Chart)

Husky puppy on scale being weighed

Our puppy weight calculator determines how big your puppy will be when it becomes an adult dog. The calculator was built by a data scientist to ensure the results will be as accurate as possible, and approved by our team of veterinarians. All the calculations are based on The American Kennel Club’s database of adult […]

Goldendoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Goldendoodle Get?

Adult Goldendoodle with a Goldendoodle puppy

Bred to be part Golden Retriever and part Poodle, the Goldendoodle is considered a crossbreed or designer breed. They’re bred for three different sizes – miniature, medium, and standard. The Goldendoodle is not, however, a registered dog breed and isn’t recognized by the American Kennel Club, or AKC. But they have gained the love of […]

The Best Cat Beds

Cat Asleep in Bed

Cats sleep as many as 16 hours per day (some, like kittens, even more!), so having a cozy cat bed is essential. A good cat bed gives kitties a soft, warm, and safe place to pass all those hours they spend snoozing. More than you may realize can go wrong in selecting a cat bed, […]

The Best Dust Free Cat Litter

Two cats exploring clean litter box with dust free cat litter

Cleaning up after your pets is obviously a gross but necessary task. Scooping out a litter box particularly isn’t a very fun job. Beyond the obvious (scooping cat droppings and clumped cat urine) cat litter can have a number of dangerous chemicals for humans. It’s also a special mess in and of itself! Even moving […]

6 Remedies That Will Settle Your Cat’s Upset Stomach

Cat suffering from an upset stomach resting in bed

Does your cat have diarrhea? Or maybe they’re vomiting? If you’re like many cat owners, these issues have led you to search for remedies that will settle your cat’s upset stomach. These symptoms can be brought on by many different causes including: Viral and bacterial infections Parasites Ingesting a toxic substance, unusual food, or foreign […]

5 Things to Put in a Dog House for Bedding

Two dogs on bed in indoor dog house

You have just spent the time and effort to set up a nice house for your dog, and now you might be wondering what things to put in a dog house for bedding to keep your pup safe, comfortable, warm, and dry. In this article, I’ll explain the various types of dog house bedding to […]

Why Your Dog Snores (and When & How to Stop It)

Bulldog snoring while sleeping in bed

Wondering why your dog snores? The slow rumble of a snoring dog sleeping nearby in bed may be an endearing noise to some dog owners, but to others, it may cost them precious hours of sleep and worrying that something is wrong. Snoring may be normal in some dogs, but there are some instances that […]

4 Best Home Remedies for Cat Vomiting

Sick cat with an upset stomach hunched over

Is your cat vomiting? There are a few home remedies for cat vomiting that can help. However, if the vomiting is severe or accompanied by other potentially serious symptoms like abdominal pain, the presence of blood, profuse diarrhea, and weakness, stop reading now and call your veterinarian. On the other hand, if your cat has […]

8 Remedies for Your Dog’s Upset Stomach

Sick dog with an upset stomach resting on their owner's bed

If you’re reading this article, it means that you’re on the hunt for practical remedies for your dog’s upset stomach. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to address this health concern and ease your pup’s discomfort. Many things can bring on an upset stomach in your dog, from consuming certain foods and […]

The Best Pet Stores in America

best pet shops in America

Finding a pet store that carries the supplies you need for your furry, feathered, or scaly family member can be difficult. You want a store that has fair prices, and a staff of caring, knowledgeable experts. You might also have special pet-related needs, like a pet store that caters to exotic creatures or one that […]

Six Steps to Train Your Dog to Use a Treadmill

Dog walking on treadmill

Training your dog to use a treadmill is an excellent way to ensure daily exercise for your dog, even when your regular outdoor walks aren’t an option. This post will describe the six key steps to train your dog to use a treadmill. There are many benefits of exercise for dogs. Adequate exercise is one […]

The Best Waterproof Dog Bed

Dog lounging on waterproof dog bed

Waterproof dog beds are perfect for senior dogs or puppies who experience an odd bathroom accident, as the waterproof layer protects the filling of the bed inside. They’re also ideal for dogs who drool excessively or those who often head to their beds with wet, muddy paws. Our vet advisor, Dr. Amanda Jondle, reviewed dozens […]

The Best Outdoor Dog Kennel

Dog standing in outdoor dog kennel on a warm sunny day

An outdoor dog kennel is perfect for dogs who like to spend plenty of time outdoors but can’t always have free reign of the yard due to safety concerns or other reasons. While keeping dogs outdoors full time isn’t recommended, especially in kennels that aren’t climate-controlled, they’re great for letting your dog stretch their legs […]

The Best Toys for German Shepherds

German Shepherd with a toy outside

Choosing the best toys for German Shepherds might feel tricky. Maybe you’re worried about buying a toy that won’t be rugged enough to stand up to your dog. Perhaps you’ve already purchased a few toys that came highly recommended for dogs … but it seems like they’re sized for a miniature poodle. Our vet advisor, […]

The Best Elevated Dog Beds

Dog laying on elevated dog bed in the grass

Elevated dog beds are great for managing orthopedic problems and improving your pet’s overall comfort. They can be ideal for dogs with hip and joint issues and help keep your furry friend cool and comfortable during the warm summer months. Of course, if your pet already has issues sleeping comfortably you don’t want to pick […]

The Best Dog Stairs and Steps

Small dog using wooden dog stairs

Dog stairs and steps may just be the thing you need to keep your pup’s life happy and fulfilled – and if you could ask them what they need to be happy, they’d probably say all they need is you. Unfortunately, just because our dog wants to be everywhere we are doesn’t necessarily mean the […]

The Best Dog Cooling Mats

Dog sitting on a cooling mat

When the temperature starts to rise, it’s easy for your beloved pup to get overheated. Puppies, older dogs, and certain breeds may have trouble keeping themselves cool in the heat. The best dog cooling mats help your dog stay comfortable and safe when it’s hot outside. There are many dog cooling mats available on the […]

The Best Dog Car Seat Covers

Dogs in backseat of car on a dog car seat cover

Dog car seat covers are a great way to protect your car’s interior from damage and messes that can result from transporting your dog in your car. Taking your dog on adventures is so much fun and sometimes we have to transport our dog places, like to the vet. Unfortunately, between mud, claws, hair, and […]

The Best Dog Blankets

Dog snuggled wrapped in a blanket on a bed

Are you looking for the best dog blankets? Whether you want a spare blanket to keep in the car, a blanket for your sofa, or simply an extra blanket for your dog’s bed, there are loads of different options available. Our vet advisor, Dr. Danielle Morosco, has selected the very best dog blankets out there […]

The Best Dog Couch Beds and Dog Sofa Beds

Corgi lying on a dog sofa bed

Dog sofas and couches are beds for dogs that look like mini couches. They’re ideal if you want a dog bed that will look stylish in a main living area or if your dog prefers to sleep on slightly elevated beds. These products have been selected by our vet advisor, Dr. Amanda Jondle. Her top […]

Cat Foaming at the Mouth: Reasons & What to Do

Cat foaming at the mouth

Seeing your cat foaming at the mouth or throwing up white foam can be horrifying. We all love our furry felines, so it’s terrible to see them ill. So, why is your cat foaming at the mouth? Cats can foam at the mouth for various reasons, including rabies, dental disease, nausea, and poisoning. If it […]

Dog (or Puppy) Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Puppy Get?

How big will my puppy get? Puppy / dog growth chart

Though every breed (and mix of breeds) is different, some general guidelines can help you track your puppy’s growth. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy (or dog) growth chart. Puppy Growth Chart Fully Grown: […]

Kitten and Cat Growth Chart

How big will your kitten get? Kitten / cat growth chart

A kitten growth chart can help you decide if you would like to add a furry feline to your family. Though most cats average somewhere between 10 pounds and 18 pounds, one pound on a cat can make a major difference in their health. From the short-haired Abyssinian to the long-haired Maine Coon, cats range […]

Mixed Breed Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Mixed Breed Dog Get?

How big do mixed breeds get? Mixed breed growth chart

Though every mixed-breed dog is different, some general guidelines can help you track your puppy’s growth. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about mixed-breed weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient mixed-breed dog growth chart. The chart shows you a mixed-breed puppy’s monthly average […]

Rottweiler Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Rottweiler Get?

How big will my Rottweiler get? Rottweiler growth chart

If you recently brought home a Rottweiler puppy, there’s one thing you know: It’s going to get big! Just how big will your puppy be when he’s full-grown? We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient Rottweiler […]

Pit Bull Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Pit Bull Get?

How big will my Pitbull get? Pitbull growth chart

We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient pit bull growth chart. You can use this as a reference to see how your puppy compares to the average. The chart shows you a pit bull’s monthly average […]

Australian Shepherd Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Australian Shepherd Get?

How big will my Australian Shepherd get? Australian Shepherd growth chart

Most Aussies are medium-sized dogs, but when you get your new puppy, you may wonder how big he or she will get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this […]

French Bulldog Growth Chart: How Big Will Your French Bulldog Get?

How big will my French Bulldog get? French Bulldog growth chart

If you recently brought home a French Bulldog puppy, you may be wondering how big he will get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient French Bulldog growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

Great Pyrenees Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Great Pyrenees Get?

How big will my Great Pyrenees get? Great Pyrenees growth chart

If you’re the proud owner of a new Great Pyrenees puppy, you know he’s going to get big. The question is: just how big? We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient Great Pyrenees growth chart. You […]

Standard Poodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Standard Poodle Get?

How big will your Standard Poodle get? Standard Poodle Growth Chart

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

Bernedoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Bernedoodle Get?

How big will your Bernedoodle get?

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart—You can use this as a reference to […]

Husky Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Husky Get?

How big will my Husky get? Husky growth chart

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

Home Remedies for a Cat Throwing Up Food

Home remedies for a cat throwing up food

Cats throw up food for many different reasons. Some are serious and require veterinary attention, but others, like eating too much too quickly, can usually be handled with home remedies. If your cat has just vomited once or twice but seems to feel fine otherwise, it’s safe to try some home treatment. But do not […]

4 Home Remedies for a Cat Vomiting Bile

Home remedies for a cat throwing up bile

Bile is a digestive fluid that is made in the liver and secreted into the small intestine. Bile can be seen in a cat’s vomit, giving it a yellow, orange, or even a brown or greenish tinge. You’re more likely to see bile when a cat vomits on an empty stomach, so you’ll often notice […]

What To Do if Your Cat is Vomiting Blood (Call Your Vet!)

What to do when your cat is vomiting blood

Vomiting isn’t all that unusual in cats. Whether it’s because of a hairball or because they ate something unusual, a cat who vomits once or twice but is acting normally doesn’t necessarily need to be rushed to the veterinarian. But the situation is very different if you see blood in your cat’s vomit. If your […]

4 Things to Do if Your Cat is Throwing Up White Foam

Things to do when your cat is throwing up white foam

The white foam that cats vomit is usually just mucus mixed with a little fluid. Mucus and fluid are almost always present in cat vomit, but they’re easy to miss when they’re mixed with food or other materials. White foamy cat vomit is most apparent when a cat throws up on an empty stomach. There […]

Over the Counter Medicine for Cat Diarrhea (4 Types)

OTC medicine for cat diarrhea

Diarrhea is a symptom of many different diseases in cats. Some are serious, but a few will get better with a little home treatment. If over the counter medication is an option, the four main options are: Anti-bacterial medications Probiotics Diet Hydration Supplements If your cat has had just a few episodes of diarrhea but […]

4 Home Remedies for Cat Diarrhea

Home remedies for cat diarrhea

Sometimes a cat with diarrhea needs to see a vet ASAP, but there are occasions when trying a little home treatment first just makes sense. Let’s take a look at the best ways to approach cat diarrhea and what home remedies might help your feline friend feel better. The four home remedies for treating your […]

Is Pepto Bismol Safe for Dogs? (Important Considerations)

Is Pepto Bismol safe for dogs?

My dog is constantly trying to eat all kinds of things he shouldn’t. This is extremely stressful for pet parents. The most obvious reason is that you don’t want your dog to get sick, but you also have to think about whether the thing they’ve gotten into is even bad for the dog. Do you […]

Is Citronella Safe for Dogs? (Oil, Plant, & Spray)

Is citronella safe for your dog?

My dog is constantly trying to eat all kinds of things he shouldn’t. This is extremely stressful for pet parents. The most obvious reason is that you don’t want your dog to get sick, but you also have to think about whether the thing they’ve gotten into is even bad for the dog. Do you […]