Pet News Daily Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:50:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pet News Daily 32 32 Puppy Weight Calculator: Height and Weight Predictions for Every Breed (with Chart) Thu, 23 Feb 2023 05:00:53 +0000 Our puppy weight calculator determines how big your puppy will be when it becomes an adult dog.

The calculator was built by a data scientist to ensure the results will be as accurate as possible, and approved by our team of veterinarians. All the calculations are based on The American Kennel Club’s database of adult dog weights and heights.

To use the calculator, fill in your puppy’s current age, weight and other details below.

Note: please don’t feed your dog more or less based on the results. For that advice, consult your veterinarian.

Vet’s Puppy Weight Calculator

What’s your puppy’s breed

What’s your puppy’s weight

What’s your puppy’s birth date?

What’s your puppy’s gender

If you like our puppy weight calculator and want to learn all you need to know about puppy weight and growth rates, such as the factors that influence them, weights for various breeds, and our custom puppy growth charts, then read on for more information about puppy weight.

How Big Will My Dog Get? 4 Key Factors that Influence a Puppy’s Weight

As you can imagine, as we built our puppy weight calculator we had to incorporate many factors which can influence both a dog’s current weight and a puppy’s adult weight and eventual adult size. Some are genetic and others are environmental.

1. Size of Puppy’s Parents

First, as we mentioned, whether you’re looking at a small dog or larger breeds, you can look at your puppy’s parents as a possible predictor. While it’s not a surefire method, if both parents are approximately the same size and weight, there’s a good chance that your pup will grow up to be about the same size.

Many times, of course, you won’t be able to see both parents (or even one parent), so this makes it more of a guessing game. Even if the puppy’s mother is, say, 30 lbs, that doesn’t mean that his father wasn’t 20 lbs or 50 lbs.

2. Puppy’s Gender

Sex can also make a difference when it comes to puppy weight. Male dogs of each breed tend to be larger and heavier than female dogs of the same breed. If you are getting a male puppy, then, it’s likely that if the father is the same breed, your pup will be a bit bigger than his mother. A female puppy might end up being the same size as her mother, assuming the father wasn’t much bigger.

3. When You Spay/Neuter

Spaying and neutering can make dogs more likely to end up overweight if you don’t modify their diet. The reduction in sex hormones makes your puppy’s energy needs go down, so it’s often necessary to feed him less. You should not change his diet drastically without speaking to your veterinarian, though; keep in mind that if you have him neutered before he’s a year old, he’s still growing and needs more calories than an adult dog of the same size.

4. Diet and Exercise

And on that note, diet and exercise will play a role in how much your puppy weighs once he’s an adult. Just like humans, dogs can become overweight or obese. And just like humans, there are serious health effects from obesity in dogs. So be sure to feed your dog a healthy diet and help him get the exercise he needs for good health.

How to Calculate Puppy Weight: Formula to Predict Puppy to Adult Dog Weight

There is no one-size-fits-all formula to predict a puppy’s adult weight (this is why we built our custom puppy weight calculator). There are various factors that can impact weight such as:

  • Breed
  • Genetics
  • Nutrition

That being said, there are some general guidelines that can help you estimate your puppy’s weight ad a full-grown, adult dog.

One common method is to use the puppy’s current weight and age to project its adult weight. For example, for medium to large breed dogs, you can use the following formula:

Adult weight = current weight (in pounds) / (age in weeks) x 52 (weeks in a year)

So for example, let’s say your puppy is 8 weeks old and weighs 7 pounds. That calculation would look like this:

Adult weight = 7 (lbs) / 8 (weeks) x 52 = 45 lbs

Keep in mind that this formula provides only an estimate and is not a guarantee of your puppy’s adult weight. Additionally, besides, breed, other factors (such as the puppy’s diet and exercise routine) will also impact its growth and adult weight.

To get a much more accurate puppy weight estimate for you specific breed, use our Puppy Weight Calculator.

Puppy Weight By Breed: Factors that Impact Growth by Breed

If you know your puppy’s breed (or breeds, in the case of a mixed-breed dog), you might be able to guess what his adult weight will be. The puppy calculator takes breed into consideration, but here are a few examples of what you might expect depending on the breed of your pup. Remember that where there is a range, the females will generally be on the smaller end and the males on the larger end, but there is a lot of overlap between individual dogs.

Toy Breeds

  • Chihuahuas will generally not exceed 6 lbs. 1For more, see our Chihuahua Growth Chart
  • Maltese will usually be under 7 lbs. 2
  • Toy Poodles will be between 4 and 6 lbs. 3

Small Breeds

  • Standard Dachshunds will grow to be between 16 and 32 lbs. 4
  • French Bulldogs will be under 28 lbs. 5
  • Pugs will usually be between 14 and 18 lbs. 6

Medium Breeds

  • Border Collies will often grow to be 30 to 55 lbs. 7
  • Goldendoodle (medium) typically weighs 36 to 50 lbs. 8For more, see our Goldendoodle Growth Chart
  • Siberian Huskies will usually be 35 to 60 lbs. 9
  • Dalmatians will often be between 45 and 70 lbs. 10

Large Breeds

  • Akitas are usually between 70 and 130 lbs. 11
  • Belgian Malinois are between 40 and 80 lbs as adults. 12
  • Doberman Pinschers are between 60 and 100 lbs. 13

Giant Breeds

  • Great Danes will grow to 110 to 175 lbs. 14For more, see our Great Dane Growth Chart
  • Saint Bernards will often reach between 120 and 180 lbs. 15
  • Mastiffs will generally be between 120 and 230 lbs. 16

3 Puppy Weight Predictors: How Fast Will My Puppy Gain Weight?

1. Puppy Breed Size

The speed at which your puppy will reach his adult weight depends on his overall size.

In general, toy and small breeds will mature more quickly than large and giant breeds. Toy breeds might reach their adult size at as young as 8 months, while the largest of the giant breeds will continue growing until they are 2 years old. Small, medium, and large breeds will fall in line along that spectrum.

Using a puppy growth chart like these from the Waltham Petcare Science Institute can help you determine whether your pup is at the right weight for his breed and size. Keep in mind, however, that these weight charts are good as a rule of thumb but that there will be some individual variance.

Your vet can help you decide whether your puppy is underweight, overweight, or just right.

2. Check Their Ribcage

As he becomes an adult, you can use the method where you feel his ribs. For most dogs, you should be able to easily feel his ribs without pressing inward; you should not see his ribs.

Some breeds tend to be leaner or heavier, however, so again, this is something your veterinarian should help you determine.

3. Double Their Weight at 4 Months

If you want to guess at how much your puppy will weigh as an adult, you can double what he weighs or weighed at 4 months of age. This is a good estimate for medium and large dogs, but it doesn’t work well with very small or giant breeds, as they grow more quickly or slowly than average.

It also can’t take into consideration the possibility that your dog may become overweight or obese. Still, it will give you a good ballpark estimate if you are curious.

As with everything else pertaining to your puppy, keep in mind that he is an individual. Even littermates generally don’t end up weighing the same as adults, so keep an eye on how your pup is growing with the help of your veterinarian, who will see him several times over the course of his first year and then annually after that.

Your vet is your best source of information pertaining to your specific puppy and what he should weigh.

To get a vet-approved prediction of your puppy’s adult weight, use our Puppy Weight Calculator.

Puppy Growth Chart: Track Your Dog’s Adult Weight and Size

In addition to our puppy weight calculator, we’ve also created a puppy growth chart. This is so dog owners can see just how big their puppy will get (“age in months”) based on their dog breed’s size (toy, small, medium, large and giant dogs).

If you like our puppy growth chart and want to share it, just copy and paste the code below the chart.

puppy growth chart for toy, small, medium, large and giant dogs

Share This Puppy Weight Chart on Your Site

Dog Growth By Breed

You can run the puppy weight calculator above against a variety of breeds, and we’ve also created some breed-specific growth charts for specific breeds. Want answers to questions like “how big do goldendoodles get” or  “when do golden retrievers stop growing“? We also have a Great Dane Growth chart, chihuahua growth chart, and labrador growth chart.

One of the things we found interesting in building our puppy weight calculator was researching the breeds that people most frequently search for when it comes to puppy weight gain. Here are some of the breeds people most frequently look for according to Google’s own search suggestions:

  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Bullmastiff
  • Golden Retriever
  • Rottweiler
  • Spaniel
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • German Shepard
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Labradoodle
  • Labrador
  • Cavapoo
  • Yorkie
  • Shih Tzu
  • Sheepadoodle
  • American Bully

Puppy & Dog Weight FAQs

There are a number of questions we’ve been asked related to topics like puppy size, dog size, weight gain and growth. We’ll walk through some of the most frequently asked questions here:

How can I estimate my puppy’s weight?

We get a lot of questions along these lines (eg, how can you tell how big a puppy will get? How big will a 10 pound 8 week old puppy get, etc.). This is obviously the aim of the puppy calculator! It’ll answer these questions in detail, or you can see more granular estimates by age by looking at some of our growth charts or our post that answers the question “how heavy should my dog be?”.

How can I calculate a weight for a mixed breed?

This is a great question! Some of the same factors (puppy’s age, the size of the parents, environmental) will impact mixed breeds as well. Our calculator also has options for general categories such as large dogs, toy breeds, etc.

How much should my puppy weigh each week?

This is a big “it depends.” Again here growth charts can be helpful in answering this, but it’s also a good idea to consult with your vet.

How much should my puppy eat based on weight?

How much your puppy should eat will vary based on a number of factors. First, choose a high quality dog food. Next, measure food amounts with a measuring cup and follow instructions by weight carefully. Finally, confirm with your vet that the amount recommended on the package will be right for your dog.

At what age is a puppy half their weight?

According to veterinarians for many breeds you can assume 4 months for this question, but again there’s a lot of variance across breeds and depending on a variety of genetic and environmental factors.

What can I feed my puppy to gain weight?

Adding in foods that are high protein or high fat, switching to wet or fresh foods, or changing your dog’s feeding schedule can help them gain weight – but don’t take any of these steps without consulting with your vet!

Why is my puppy not putting on weight?

Typically this is due to either the wrong diet (insufficient or the wrong type) or a medical issue (such as parasites). If your dog is not putting on weight it’s an important time to check in with your vet.

How do you tell if your puppy is a healthy weight?

If you’re concerned about your dog’s weight, it’s really best to take the dog to your vet.

Does paw size determine dog size?

Generally speaking, big paws are found on big dogs, but this isn’t necessarily a great predictor of how big a dog will or won’t get.

Going Beyond Puppy & Dog Body Weight: Dog Health Information & Advice

If you’ve used our puppy weight calculator but want to go beyond answering the question “how big will my puppy get?” we also have a ton of great content to help with keeping your dog healthy. We’ve created a dog collar size chart to help identify the best collar size for your dog as they grow and a dog crate size chart to make sure they have the right space in their crate. We also have a vet-verified list of the best automatic dog feeders if you’re portioning food for your pup that way. If your dog needs exercise indoors, our list of the best dog treadmills might be of interest, along with our guide on how to train your dog to use a treadmill. We also put together a list and reviews (complete with pros and cons) of the best dog food for Dobermans if you have that breed at home.

We’ve also gone deep on a number of other dog health topics. An important one (and one our staff has struggled with with their own dogs) is how to keep your dog out of the trash (and the best dog proof trash can if you’re still struggling there). We’ve also covered topics like how long it takes for a dog to digest food, remedies for your dog’s upset stomach, the best high fiber dog food, and a guide to adding fiber to a dog’s diet if digestion issues are your main concern. We’ve gone into how much exercise your dog needs daily, and of course we have a list of foods dogs can and cannot eat (as well as individual full-page breakdowns for over 30 categories of foods) if you’re not sure what foods are right for your dog, and reviewed the best no escape harnesses for dogs.

Goldendoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Goldendoodle Get? Thu, 23 Feb 2023 05:00:08 +0000 Bred to be part Golden Retriever and part Poodle, the Goldendoodle is considered a crossbreed or designer breed. They’re bred for three different sizes – miniature, medium, and standard. The Goldendoodle is not, however, a registered dog breed and isn’t recognized by the American Kennel Club, or AKC.1 But they have gained the love of many who are drawn to the demeanor and beauty of the two parent breeds. Though there is no guarantee your Goldendoodle will have particular traits of either of their parents, the Goldendoodle tends to be energetic, smart, and friendly, just like the Golden Retriever and Poodle.

Since Goldendoodles may be different sizes, how can you tell how big your Goldendoodle will be? We consulted our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about Goldendoodle weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient Goldendoodle growth chart

Goldendoodle Growth Chart

Goldendoodle Size and Growth Chart
Share This Goldendoodle Growth Chart on Your Site

Text Transcript of the Goldendoodle Growth Chart

Miniature Goldendoodle – Age Weight
8 weeks
12 weeks
16 weeks
24 weeks
36 weeks
One year
Fully grown
4.5 – 9 lbs
6 – 12 lbs
8 – 16 lbs
11 – 22 lbs
13.5 – 27 lbs
14.5 – 29 lbs
15 -30 lbs
Medium Goldendoodle – Age Weight
8 weeks
12 weeks
16 weeks
24 weeks
36 weeks
One year
Fully grown
9 – 13.5 lbs
12 – 18 lbs
16 – 24 lbs
22 – 33.5 lbs
27 – 41 lbs
29 – 43 lbs
30 – 45 lbs
Standard Goldendoodle – Age Weight
8 weeks
12 weeks
16 weeks
24 weeks
36 weeks
One year
Fully grown
13.5 – 27 lbs
18 – 36.5 lbs
24 – 48 lbs
33.5 – 67 lbs
41 – 82 lbs
43 – 87 lbs
45 – 90 lbs

Our Goldendoodle size chart shows you a healthy Mini, Medium, and Standard Goldendoodle puppy’s monthly average weight range during the growing phase (as well as how tall your Goldendoodle will get). Also, check out our Goldendoodle puppy weight calculator – a tool that gives you an idea of how big your puppy may get based on a few factors.

About the F1 Goldendoodle

The Goldendoodle is a crossbreed that only recently captured the hearts of dog lovers. Many of the current Goldendoodles are considered first-generation, or F1; each F1 Goldendoodle has both a Golden Retriever and Miniature or Standard Poodle parent. Both the Golden Retriever and the Standard Poodle are a medium- to large-size breed, thereby creating a medium- to large-size breed in the Standard Goldendoodle.23 When crossed with a Miniature Poodle, though, the Miniature or Medium Goldendoodle is small to medium in size. In comparison, F2 Goldendoodles have two F1 parents. Either way, this designer breed is active, a good companion, intelligent, social, easily trainable, and can also make a good guide or therapy dog.4

What is the Best Size for a Goldendoodle?

The best size for a Goldendoodle is the size she is when she’s officially done growing and obtains an ideal physique. Most veterinarians monitor your puppy’s health and growth by weight, age, and the body condition score. Our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, emphasizes the importance of keeping puppies lean. The body condition score gives vets and pet owners a guide for determining a dog’s healthy weight and size, which can help you keep your growing puppy in tip-top shape.5 A dog’s ideal weight should be associated with easily palpable ribs with minimal fat covering. The abdomen and waist should show a noticeable tuck when viewed from the side and top of the dog.

Work with your veterinarian to figure out the best size for your Goldendoodle as she grows into adulthood. The Waltham Petcare Science Institute offers puppy growth charts that you fill in with your puppy’s personal information in order to track her progress. Using roughly 50,000 healthy dogs as a reference, the Waltham puppy charts show the target range for a healthy growing puppy.6 If your puppy’s weight moves higher on the chart, it could indicate unhealthy weight gain. Moving lower on the chart could be associated with unhealthy weight loss.

What Age do Goldendoodles Stop Growing?

A Goldendoodle puppy goes through a typical puppyhood, consisting of multiple developmental stages. Those stages make up the first to second year of life.7 As she grows from a newborn pup to an adult dog, your puppy gains weight and height at relatively the same rate as other same-size breeds. For instance, a Standard Goldendoodle puppy will, on average, grow at about the same rate as other medium to large dogs like the German Shepherd and Collie.


According to the AKC, a small- to medium-size dog reaches 66 to 75 percent of their adult size by the time they’re 6 months old.8 If you have a Miniature Goldendoodle, chances are he’ll be pretty close to his full size at this point. A Medium Goldendoodle may take a couple of more months to reach most of his adult size.

A Standard Goldendoodle is a large-size dog and typically takes just over a year to become fully grown. But this is an average and some dogs can take up to 2 years to become full-grown adult dogs. The AKC estimates a large dog who weighs anywhere from 51 to 100 pounds reaches full size at around 18 months old.

How Big Will My Goldendoodle Get?

If you’re considering a Goldendoodle you know that the answer to this question “how big will my Goldendoodle get” is a crucial one. How big your puppy gets depends on which type of Goldendoodle you have or are going to get – mini, medium, or standard. Across the three types, adult dogs can weigh anywhere from 15 to 90 pounds. Even then, knowing how big your Goldendoodle will get is not exact. For a guide, check out our Goldendoodle weight chart, which breaks down the weight range for each type of Goldendoodle puppy, from 8 weeks old to fully grown.

The Miniature Goldendoodle weighs approximately 15 to 30 pounds in adulthood. He stands about 13 to 15 inches high at the shoulders. The Medium Goldendoodle weighs around 30 to 45 pounds in adulthood and stands roughly 15 to 20 inches at the shoulder. The Standard Goldendoodle weighs approximately 45 to 90 pounds in adulthood, and measures about 20 to 24 inches at the shoulders.

Our veterinarian, Dr. Coates, advises the numbers are a general gauge. “There certainly will be individuals who fall outside of the ranges due to being overweight or because of ‘unorthodox’ breeding decisions.” Discuss your Goldendoodle puppy’s growth with your veterinarian to help catch any factors that may affect your puppy’s healthy growth.

Goldendoodle Puppy Size and Weight Calculator

Goldendoodle puppies sport a variety of coat types and colors, never mind sizes. While goldendoodles don’t shed much, they still do shed. If you want to keep your furniture dog-hair free, check special pet hair removal tools to keep your home tidy. No matter which Goldendoodle graces your life, or might soon, your new puppy is sure to bring you lots of smiles. Take care of your puppy, monitor her growth, and keep close tabs on her health. Refer to our Goldendoodle puppy growth chart to see the average growth rate for puppies 8 weeks old and up. Beginning with the Mini Goldendoodle growth chart and ending with the Standard Goldendoodle growth chart, we provide you with the average weight ranges per month across the three different-size Goldendoodles, for males and females.


For instance, a 3-month-old Miniature Goldendoodle puppy typically weighs between 6 and 12 pounds, while a 3-month-old Medium Goldendoodle puppy weighs between 12 and 18 pounds. Also included in the chart is the average height for the full-size Miniature, Medium, and Standard Goldendoodle.

Beyond that, if you’ve gotten your Goldendoodle home and you’re looking for additional products to help keep your puppy healthy and happy, we also have a series of buying guides to help you select the best dog ear yeast cleaner, the best animal clippers for dogs, the best dog clippers for poodles, the best dog fur dryer, and our guide to finding the best brush for an Australian Shepherd.

You can also use our puppy size predictor to find out how big your Goldendoodle might get as an adult.

What’s your puppy’s breed

What’s your puppy’s weight

What’s your puppy’s birth date?

What’s your puppy’s gender

Goldendoodle Growth Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know how big my Goldendoodle will be?

A rule of thumb for standard Goldendoodles will be to multiply your puppy’s weight at 4 months by 2 and add 5-10lbs. That doesn’t take into account gender and won’t be accurate for mini or medium sized Goldendoodles. You can also try a growth calculator for a better estimate.

How big should a Goldendoodle be at 6 months?

A standard Goldendoodle should be 33.5-67 pounds, a mini Goldendoodle should be 11-22 pounds, and a medium Goldendoodle should be 22-33.5 pounds.

How long does it take for a Goldendoodle to grow to full size?

A Standard Goldendoodle is a large-size dog and typically takes just over a year to become fully grown. But this is an average and some dogs can take up to 2 years to become full-grown adult dogs. The AKC estimates a large dog who weighs anywhere from 51 to 100 pounds reaches full size at around 18 months old.

How much do 8 week old goldendoodles weigh?

A standard Goldendoodle should weigh 13.5 – 27 pounds at 8 weeks. A mini Goldendoodle should weigh 4.5 – 9 pounds, and a medium Goldendoodle should weigh 9-13.5 pounds at 8 weeks.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for more information about dog growth in general, we’ve created a series of growth charts for different breeds (and dogs and mixed breeds in general):

The Best Cat Door Thu, 22 Dec 2022 02:48:57 +0000 If you have outdoor cats, a cat door can make life easier for you and your feline friends.

Not only do they allow your kitty to go in and out of the house on their own, but they also help conserve energy by preventing heat or air conditioning from escaping through open doors or windows.

While the right cat door can be a great addition to your home, the wrong cat door can create a lot of issues:

  • Some cat doors can be very difficult to fit onto your door
  • Depending on the materials you may have issues with a cat (or other pets if you have them) destroying the material
  • Depending on the fit and materials of the cat door, you could be creating a draft or allowing bugs into your home

Our vet advisor, Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM, reviewed dozens of cat doors to find the best of the best and chose the PetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door as her top pick. With a 3-flap design to keep the weather out and a snap-on panel to close off access when needed, this easy-to-install, reasonably-priced cat door is an excellent choice for most cat owners.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

PetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door

For the best in cat doors, look no further than the PetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door.

While this was Dr. Coates’s top choice, she also offers a series of her top tips for what to look for in choosing the best cat door, a section on who should avoid purchasing a cat door, and she personally selected the best cat door for a variety of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Cat Doors

  1. Best OverallPetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door
  2. Best BudgetPurrfect Portal Interior Cat Door
  3. Best for WindowsIdeal Pet Products Aluminum Sash Window Pet Door
  4. Best MicrochipSureFlap DualScan Microchip Cat Door
  5. Best for Sliding Glass DoorsPetSafe 1-Piece Sliding Glass Door for Dogs and Cats

Cat Doors Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Brand Rating Door or Window? Lockable? Multiple Sizes?
Best Overall PetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door 4.7 Door
Best Budget Buy Purrfect Portal Interior Cat Door 4.9 Door
Best Cat Door for Windows Ideal Pet Products Aluminum Sash Window Pet Door 4.5 Window
Best Microchip Cat Door SureFlap DualScan Microchip Cat Door 4.2 Both
Best Cat Door for Sliding Glass Doors PetSafe 1-Piece Sliding Glass Door for Dogs and Cats 4.4 Door

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Cat Door

  • Pet owners with cats that are allowed outside – cat doors are useful for letting cats in and out of the house as they please.1
  • Cat owners who want to manage their cat’s access to different areas – a cat door can be used to separate cats, allow access to your dustless cat litter box without letting other pets into the room, and more.2
  • People who want to save energy – a well-insulated cat door keeps cold air out in the winter and hot air out in the summer. This is definitely preferable to leaving windows or doors open!

Who Should Not Buy a Cat Door

  • Pet owners with indoor cats – if you have an indoor-only cat that’s allowed access to your entire home, you don’t need a cat door (unless you have an enclosed catio or cat run). However, cats that are allowed to roam outdoors should have a way to get in and out of the house.
  • People who live on high floors of apartments or condos – unless you have a way of securing your balcony, your cat should not go outside.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

As a veterinarian, I often get asked how to choose a good cat door. Here are some tips and best practices to consider when purchasing the right cat door for your kitty. Be sure to do adequate research on the product you are considering purchasing to look for key features and talk to friends and family who are pet owners to learn what types of cat doors have worked well for them.

Your veterinarian can also point to any features that might be ideal based on your cat’s health status, age, or size. In addition, it’s a good idea to read product descriptions closely to avoid unpleasant surprises. Looking at customer reviews posted on trusted sources can give you an idea of how satisfied pet owners are with their purchases.

  1. Decide what you want to use the cat door for – cat doors can serve multiple purposes in your home. When used inside, you can allow cats access to their own spaces while keeping other pets or children out. They’re also great for hiding litter boxes! Additionally, cat doors can give your cat free access to the outdoors but in a controlled manner, like just onto a catio or only at certain times of the day.
  2. Select a cat door that’s easy to install – installation of cat doors can be tricky, so look for products that have good written instructions and/or videos.
  3. Buy from a manufacturer that offers replacement parts – the ability to purchase replacement parts will extend the life of your cat door.
  4. Look for a cat door that can be easily locked – good cat doors should have the option of being closed and locked to keep pets on one side or another when necessary.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $30 and $200

For most cat doors, you can expect to pay between $30-$200 and still get a high-quality product. The price you’ll pay will depend on several factors, including size (larger cat doors tend to be more expensive) and the type of materials used. At the top end of this price range, you can find microchip cat doors that use a sensor to detect your cat’s microchip and unlock them automatically. This is a useful feature for preventing other animals from entering your home.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

I’ve evaluated these cat doors based on my professional experience as a veterinarian combined with product feature considerations. I judged the cat doors on a variety of criteria, including ease of installation, design, and price as well as how safe and easy to use they would be for cats. You also want a cat door that’s made from durable materials that will withstand daily wear and tear. – Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM

The Best Cat Door Reviews

1. Best Overall – PetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door

Our Vet’s Top Pick

PetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door

For the best in cat doors, look no further than the PetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door.

The PetSafe Extreme Weather Dog and Cat Door is an energy-efficient cat door with more than 3,000 overwhelmingly positive reviews. Standout features include a 3-flap design that will keep the weather out and a handy snap-on panel that blocks off access when needed.

The cat door comes complete with a paintable frame, allowing you to match the color of your door. You can also choose an aluminum frame if you prefer a more modern look. Replacement flaps are available in case yours gets damaged, and the unit comes with detailed instructions and installation hardware for quick setup.

  • Energy-efficient 3-flap design with insulated center flap
  • Snap-on closing panel to block off access when needed
  • Aluminum or paintable plastic frame options
  • Detailed instructions and video for easy installation
  • Reviewers say the plastic frame is not as sturdy as it could be
  • Won’t keep out stray or wild animals

2. Best Budget – Purrfect Portal Interior Cat Door

Best Budget Buy

Purrfect Portal Interior Cat Door

This affordable cat door can be placed in solid and hollow core doors.

The Purrfect Portal Interior Cat Door is a budget-friendly cat door that’s specially designed for indoor use. It’s easy to install and can be placed in solid or hollow core doors. This cat door also features a unique no-flap design, which means you won’t need to train your cat to use it.

The simple cat door is ideal for allowing your feline friend access to their litter box or food while keeping larger pets or children out. It’s good for cats up to 20 pounds and an XL model is also available. Reviewers say this cat door is practical, functional, and easy to set up.

  • Unique no-flap design requires no training
  • Specially designed for indoor use
  • Easy DIY installation
  • Only available in white
  • Reviewers say the latch can be unreliable

3. Best for Windows – Ideal Pet Products Aluminum Sash Window Pet Door

Best Cat Door for Windows

Ideal Pet Products Aluminum Sash Window Pet Door

This high-quality aluminum-framed cat door is specially designed for sash windows.

Looking for a cat door that allows your cat to go in and out of your sash window? The Ideal Pet Products Aluminum Sash Window Pet Door is a perfect choice. It’s designed for use in the window frame so you won’t need to cut any glass, and it’s easy to uninstall or move if needed.

The sturdy cat door features a rigid see-through flap that’s lockable for added security. This product is also available in a chubby cat version for kitties with a little extra weight. Overall, it’s a simple, well-built cat door that’s designed to last.

  • Aluminum frame with lockable see-through flap
  • Installs easily into most sash windows
  • Easy to uninstall or move
  • Reviewers say the insulation could be improved
  • Not suitable for all types of sash windows

4. Best Microchip – SureFlap DualScan Microchip Cat Door

Best Microchip Cat Door

SureFlap DualScan Microchip Cat Door

An easily programmable microchip cat door that effectively keeps out stray and wild animals.

The SureFlap DualScan Microchip Cat Door is designed to allow only your cat access through the flap. It works with your cat’s existing microchip or RFID collar tags (sold separately) to keep out stray or wild animals.

This cat door is ideal for multi-cat households as it can be programmed to only let specific pets go outdoors. Quickly and easily set exit permissions for up to 32 pets and change the settings at any time. The versatile cat door can be installed in windows, doors, or walls with appropriate adapters.

  • Keeps out stray and wild animals
  • Easy to program and also features manual locks
  • Installs in windows, doors, or walls
  • App-controlled version is also available
  • RFID collar tag and batteries not included
  • More expensive than most other cat doors

5. Best for Sliding Glass Doors – PetSafe 1-Piece Sliding Glass Door for Dogs and Cats

Best Cat Door for Sliding Glass Doors

PetSafe 1-Piece Sliding Glass Door for Dogs and Cats

An energy-efficient cat door for sliding doors.

Looking for a cat door that can be installed in a sliding door? The PetSafe 1-Piece Sliding Glass Door for Dogs and Cats is an excellent option. It’s easy to install and made of strong, durable materials. It also comes with a closing panel to limit exit and entry, and a magnetic closure to keep bad weather and pests out.

The cat door is available in multiple colors and sizes with clear instructions for measuring and selecting the right door. The energy-efficient cat door also features a handy security lock, tough aluminum frame, and tempered glass panel. This pet door is great for rental properties since it quickly installs in your existing sliding door tracks without damaging the door or wall.

  • Quick and easy to install
  • Closing panel and magnetic closure
  • Made from durable, weather-resistant materials
  • Some reviewers say it’s not ideal for very cold weather
  • Not compatible with some sliding door tracks

Frequently Asked Questions

Are cat doors a good idea?

Cat doors are a great choice for homeowners who want to give their cats the freedom to come and go as they please. They are also a good option for cats who like to spend time outdoors. Before purchasing a cat door, make sure it’s large enough for your cat and compatible with your home.
Do cat doors let in cold air?

Cat doors do not typically let in a lot of cold air, but it’s important to choose a model that’s properly insulated. If you live in a cold climate, make sure to get a cat door with an insulated flap. Some cat doors feature double or triple flaps that hold in the air while trapping drafts.
Do microchip cat doors work both ways?

Most microchip cat doors work in both directions, but there are a few models on the market that only work one way. If you’re not sure which type of cat door to buy, be sure to read the manufacturer’s product information and check out reviews online.
How much does it cost to put in a cat door?

This will depend on several factors, including the type of door you choose and the materials you need for installation. Generally, cat doors range in price from around $30 to $200. If you install the cat door yourself, you may only need a few basic tools and some simple instructions. If you hire a professional to install the door, the cost will be higher.
The Best Automatic Cat Feeders Thu, 22 Dec 2022 02:47:44 +0000 Automatic cat feeders are a great convenience for cat owners. Vets recommend that cats eat a few small meals throughout the day and automatic cat feeders are an easy way to do that without being forced to stay at home all day. They also ensure that morning and evening meals are always on time, whether you are at home or not.

There are a lot of potential issues that can arise from using an automatic feeder (particularly the wrong feeder) as well:

  • If the feeder isn’t locked or you have a particularly “food-motivated” cat (or if you also have a dog at home) who isn’t afraid to attack the feeder the animals may end up gorging themselves on multiple meals’ worth of food rather than getting it portioned out as you planned.
  • Issues with automatic food timers or power sources (cords or batteries) could mean that your cat misses a meal you thought was “automatic”
  • If a feeder’s ability to portion food is out of whack, you may wind up over or under-feeding your cat (without even knowing!)

To help you navigate all of this, we asked our expert vet advisor Dr. Jamie Whittenburg to review each and every automatic cat feeder on the market and bring you her findings.

Dr. Whittenburg’s top pick is the Whisker Feeder-Robot.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Whisker Feeder-Robot

Meet our overall top pick for the best automatic cat feeder, the Whisker Feeder-Robot.

Check Price

This automatic cat feeder can dispense up to eight meals or snacks a day and has a total capacity of 32 cups. It can even be connected to a smartphone app to help you monitor your cat’s eating habits, allow you to give your cat a snack remotely, and notify you if the food storage starts to get low.

While this is Dr. Whittenburg’s top pick, she’s also got you covered with a buying guide with tips for what to look for when selecting an automatic cat feeder, a section on who should avoid automatic cat feeders, and her personal selections for the top automatic cat feeder for a variety of use-cases.

The 5 Best Automatic Cat Feeders

  1. Best OverallWhisker Feeder-Robot
  2. Best BudgetPetSafe Analog 2 Meal Programmable Pet Feeder
  3. Best for Wet FoodCat Mate C300
  4. Best for Multiple CatsPetlibro Automatic Dual Food Tray
  5. Best Microchip ActivatedSure Petcare Microchip Pet Feeder

Automatic Cat Feeders Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Vet’s Picks Brand Rating Good for Multiples Capacity Wet or Dry Food
Best Overall Whisker Feeder-Robot 4.5 32 cups Dry only
Best Budget Buy PetSafe Analog 2 Meal Programmable Pet Feeder 4.1 3 cups Wet or dry
Best for Wet Food Cat Mate C300 4.3 67.5 ounces Wet or dry
Best for Multiple Cats Petlibro Granary Dual Food Tray 4.7 5L Dry only
Best Microchip Activated Sure Petcare Microchip Pet Feeder 4.7 400ml Wet or dry

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers.

Who Should Buy an Automatic Cat Feeder

  • Owners who work outside of the home – While most dogs do okay with just a morning and evening meal, cats are generally healthiest when given a few smaller meals throughout the day. Unfortunately, if you work outside the home, you’re not around to be able to give them those meals during the day. An automatic feeder is a great solution to that problem!
  • Pet parents who want an alternative to boarding – If you’d prefer to leave your cat at home while you travel, an automatic pet feeder can make sure your cat still gets meals at their regular times. However, you should still make sure that someone comes to check on your cat at least once a day to make sure that the feeder hasn’t malfunctioned and to meet your cat’s other needs.
  • Owners who want to sleep in – Many of us are up earlier on workdays and feed our cats before we head out for work. That can be a problem on weekends when your cat expects their morning meal at a certain time but you’d like to sleep in. To keep you both happy, you can set an automatic cat feeder to give your cat their breakfast at their normal time while you snooze a little longer.

Who Should Not Buy an Automatic Cat Feeder

  • Owners who want to be able to leave their cats home alone for multiple days – Having an automatic cat feeder doesn’t mean that you can simply leave your cat unattended while you travel. While most automatic pet feeders have features to help avoid malfunctions, they do still occur. If your cat isn’t eating due to a health issue, an automatic pet feeder can’t tell you that. Besides, your cat has needs other than food, like socialization, play, and a clean litterbox. An automatic pet feeder is a handy way to make sure your pet gets their meals at appropriate times while you’re gone, but you should still have someone come check on your cat each day to make sure that they’re eating and that their other needs are met.
  • Pet parents who don’t want to have to monitor their cat’s meals – While automatic pet feeders are a great way to ensure that your cat gets their meals at the same time every day, they shouldn’t be an excuse to not pay attention to your cat’s meals. A decreased appetite is a common sign of illness in cats, but if you’re not paying attention, it’s easy to not notice. You should still check your cat’s bowl after meal times to make sure they’re eating. If an automatic pet feeder will encourage you to monitor your cat’s appetite less closely, perhaps manual feeding is a better route for you.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

When choosing an automatic cat feeder, there are several things to keep in mind. Be sure to ask your veterinarian, friends, and family for recommendations when looking for an automatic cat feeder, but also make sure to do thorough research and consider these things so you can be sure to make the right choice for you:

  1. Consider how many cats you’re feeding – Most automatic cat feeders are designed to feed a single cat. If you have multiple cats it can make it hard to monitor how much each cat is eating and that no cat is taking more than their share. Fortunately, some automatic cat feeders are designed to feed multiple cats. Others are designed to feed a single cat but have features that prevent other animals from accessing the food. The former style is good if all of your cats eat the same type of food, while the latter is better if you have different pets on different diets.
  2. Ensure that the feeder is reliable – In the case of automatic cat feeders, reliability means two things. First, it means that the feeder is unlikely to malfunction, giving your cat the wrong amount of food or even no food at all. Second, it means that your cat (or another pet) can’t break into the closed food storage to snack at their leisure.
  3. Make sure the feeder is compatible with your type of food – Most automatic cat feeders are designed to only serve dry cat food. If you give your cat wet food, you’ll need a cat feeder designed for that type of food.
  4. Make sure the feeder will hold enough food – If you aren’t able to fill your automatic cat feeder every day, make sure it holds enough food to last several days.

How Much Do They Cost?


Automatic cat feeders are available at a huge range of price points, anywhere from $20 to $300. The lower-cost versions usually have a limited capacity and can only store a couple of meals. These are great if you just want to be able to fill the automatic feeder in the morning so it can provide meals during the day while you’re at work. However, if you want a more hands-off approach where you can fill the automatic feeder and have it last for a while, a suitable one will typically cost you at least $80. With even higher-end options you can get extra, high-tech features. These can include things like the ability to monitor capacity or provide extra feedings via a smartphone app or the ability to provide meals based on which pet approaches the bowl using either your cat’s microchip or an RFID tag.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

As a veterinarian, I frequently talk to other veterinarians, animal nutritionists, and pet owners about how to give pets, including cats, the best possible diet. In those discussions, automatic cat feeders and how they can be a valuable tool often come up. The recommendations I make here are based on those conversations as well as the features and reviews of the products themselves. I considered reliability, capacity, and more to choose the top automatic cat feeders currently on the market. – Dr. Jamie Whittenburg

The Best Automatic Cat Feeder Reviews

1. Best Overall – Whisker Feeder-Robot

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Whisker Feeder-Robot

Meet our overall top pick for the best automatic cat feeder, the Whisker Feeder-Robot.

Check Price

Our vet’s overall top pick for the best automatic cat feeder is the Whisker Feeder-Robot. Full disclosure: this automatic cat feeder isn’t exactly cheap. But in some cases, you get what you pay for, and the Feeder-Robot is an incredibly high-quality automatic cat feeder. The feeder is only equipped to dispense dry food, but it can provide up to eight meals or snacks a day.

But what really sets the Whisker Feeder-Robot apart is that it can connect to your smartphone via an app, available for both Android and iOS. The feeder can be controlled on the unit itself or through the app. The app can also be used to monitor your pet’s meals and get insights into your pet’s feeding habits. It will even let you know when the Feeder-Robot is close to empty. And if you have multiple Feeder-Robots or a Whisker’s Litter-Robot, you can also access them from the same app.

  • High capacity
  • Smartphone app
  • Allows up to eight meals a day
  • Monitors your cat’s feeding habits
  • Costly
  • Large footprint

2. Best Budget – PetSafe Analog 2 Meal Programmable Pet Feeder

Best Budget Buy

PetSafe Analog 2 Meal Programmable Pet Feeder

With the PetSafe Analog 2 Meal Programmable Pet Feeder, even on a budget.

For those looking for a more affordable automatic cat feeder, the PetSafe Analog 2 Meal Programmable Pet Feeder is a great solution. It only fits two meals at a time, so it’s not intended for feeding your cat regularly over long periods. However, if you just want something that will give your cat meals while you’re at work or serve your cat breakfast while you sleep in, this automatic cat feeder is perfect.

This PetSafe automatic cat feeder can be used for dry or wet food and uses a single AA battery. To set the automatic feeder, simply use the dial timers with half-hour increments up to 24 hours in advance. Once the timer has finished running, the top of the feeder will swing open, exposing your cat’s snack or meal. The lids are tamper-resistant, preventing kitty from getting to their food early and the BPA-free bowls inside are dishwasher safe.

  • Very affordable
  • Allows for wet or dry food
  • Tamper-resistant lid
  • Dishwasher-safe bowls
  • Only holds two meals
  • Has to be set up every 24 hours

3. Best for Wet Food – Cat Mate C300

Best for Wet Food

Cat Mate C300

The Cat Mate C300 is a great automatic cat feeder for wet cat food.

If you primarily feed your cat wet food, it can be tough to find a good automatic cat feeder that works for you. Fortunately, the Cat Mate C300 does precisely that. It comes in two sizes, one that holds three meals and one that holds five. The first meal is immediately accessible to your pet, so it’s best to set it up at a time when your cat already gets meals. All other meals are dispensed with a timer.

What sets the Cat Mate C300 apart from other wet food compatible automatic feeders is that it comes a specialized ice pack. These keep wet cat food cool, so it doesn’t dry out before feeding time. If you’ve fed your cat wet food before, you know how gross and unappealing (not to mention smelly) wet food can get if left out. The icepack avoids all that. However, it only comes with a single ice pack, so if you want to use the feeder every day, it’s a good idea to buy a spare so you rotate the ice packs. The Cat Mate C300 also requires three AA batteries.

  • Works for dry or wet food
  • Keeps wet food cool and moist
  • Available in two sizes
  • Only comes with one ice pack
  • First meal is available immediately, so must be given at mealtime

4. Best for Multiple Cats – Petlibro Automatic Dual Food Tray

Best for Multiple Cats

Petlibro Automatic Dual Food Tray

For multiple cats, you need the Petlibro Granary Dual Food Tray.

Most automatic cat feeders only dispense food into a single bowl and have low limits on how much food can be dispensed at a time, making them less than ideal for homes with multiple cats. The Petlibro Automatic Dual Food Tray, however, dispenses foods into two bowls at once and can dispense in larger volumes. There’s even a movable splitter that allows different amounts to be dispensed into each bowl. It has a total capacity of 5 liters and can provide up to 10 meals.

This automatic cat food dispenser comes in two colors, black and white, to suit different decors and can be run with either the 5V plug charger or batteries. A window in the front of the food storage allows you to visually monitor how much food is left, while the LED screen shows you the feeding schedule and battery levels. The Petlibro Granary Dual Food Tray even allows you to record a 10-second call to play at mealtimes so your cats know it’s time to eat.

  • Dispenses food into two bowls
  • Allows food to be dispensed unevenly between bowls
  • Large capacity
  • Records calls to play at mealtimes
  • Only allows for up to two cats
  • Nothing to stop cats from eating out of the other bowl

5. Best Microchip Activated – Sure Petcare Microchip Pet Feeder

Finally, the Sure Petcare Microchip Pet Feeder can help you separate your pets and offer them individualized meals when you are not home. When the pet with the pre-programmed microchip accesses the bowl, the lid will allow them to eat. The lid will stay closed if the incorrect pet tries to access it. No microchip? No problem! The bowl also comes with an RFID tag you can attach to your cat’s collar to activate the bowl instead. Additional RFID tags can be purchased separately. 

This bowl is a great alternative to the Petlibro Granary Dual Food Tray if your cats are on separate diets or if you have cats or other animals that try to steal each other’s food. For pets with separate diets, you’ll need multiple bowls. However, if multiple pets can eat out of the same bowl, you can program the bowl to allow each of those pets access. The Sure Petcare Microchip Pet Feeder comes with a gray mat, a gray single bowl, and a gray split bowl. You can also buy mats and bowls in pink, blue, or green, which is very helpful for keeping multiple bowls straight for pets with different diets. 

  • Works with both wet and dry food
  • Ensures that only the correct pets get access to food
  • Works with microchip and RFID tags
  • Up to 32 animals can share a single bowl
  • Doesn’t allow scheduling of future meals
  • Requires separate bowls for separate diets

Frequently Asked Questions

Are automatic feeders good for cats?

Automatic feeders can be a great solution for cat owners! However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind to make sure that you’re doing the best thing for your cat’s health. For one, most automatic cat feeders only dispense dry food, while veterinarians recommend that cats primarily eat wet cat food. Using an automatic wet feeder or providing meals of wet food by hand helps get around this.

In addition, automatic feeders make it more difficult to monitor how much your cat is actually eating at meal time. A reduced appetite can be one of the first signs of a health problem, but if you aren’t checking if there is food left over in the bowl, you may not notice it quickly. Be sure to still take the time to monitor how much food is leftover after meals so you know if they’re eating or not. At the same time, check to make sure that the meal was actually dispensed so you know that your cat has actually eaten.

What is the best automatic cat feeder on the market?

Our vet’s pick for the best automatic cat feeder on the market is the Whisker Feeder-Robot. This automatic cat feeder can provide up to eight meals or snacks a day and stores up to 32 cups of dry cat food. It can be operated directly from the feeder or through the smartphone app. You can even use the app to monitor how much your pet is eating.
How long can you leave a cat alone with an automatic feeder?

It can be tempting to rely on an automatic feeder to cover your cat’s needs for a weekend or more, but even with an automatic feeder you shouldn’t leave your cat alone for more than 24 hours without someone to check up on them. Like any technology, automatic feeders aren’t infallible. Batteries can die, your cat can flip it over, and mechanical parts can malfunction. Just in case these things happen, it’s a good idea to have someone check in on them to make sure they’re being fed.

Besides, your cats have needs other than food. Their litter box needs to be scooped, and perhaps most importantly, they need human companionship. While many cats may not be as obviously social as most dogs, they do still want human attention. Ideally, that would be yours, but if you do have to be gone for longer, having someone to come to your home each day to pet them, play with them, and otherwise give them attention is a good idea.

How do you clean automatic cat feeders?

Generally, cleaning an automatic feeder is pretty easy. Just disassemble it as much as possible and clean it with dish soap and warm water. Parts without any electrical or mechanical bits are often even dishwasher safe. Once clean, make sure all parts of the automatic feeder are totally dry before reassembling them

However, you should always follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. Sometimes bits that appear dishwasher safe are not, especially if they’re made from plastic.

The Best Automatic Dog Feeders Thu, 22 Dec 2022 02:44:11 +0000 An automatic dog feeder can be a great solution for certain problems related to your dog’s nutrition.

You can make sure your loved pup doesn’t miss a meal, even if you’re out all day or need to come home late.

There are a lot of potential issues that can arise from using an automatic feeder as well:

  • If the feeder isn’t locked or you have a particularly “food-motivated” dog who isn’t afraid to attack the feeder the dog may end up gorging itself on multiple meals’ worth of food rather than getting it portioned out as you planned.
  • Issues with automatic food timers or power sources (cords or batteries) could mean that your pup misses a meal you thought was “automatic”
  • If a feeder’s ability to portion food is out of whack, you may wind up over or under-feeding your dog (without even knowing!)

To help you avoid these pitfalls, we asked our veterinary advisor, Dr. Melody Aitchison-Steed, to look at all types of automatic dog feeders to determine which is the best option for you and your family. She paid particularly close attention to factors like Wi-Fi, food capacity, timer, reliability, and more.

Dr. Aitchison-Steed chose the PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder for its slow feed that prevents jamming, battery backup, and smartphone capability.

Best Overall

PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder

For the best in automatic dog feeders, look no further than the PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder.

While this is our top pick, you can also read on to find out if an automatic dog feeder is even the right tool for you and your pup, what to look for in evaluating feeders if it is right for you, and Dr. Aitchison-Steed also gave her top picks for multiple specific use-cases which you may want to weigh more than some purchasers of dog feeders.

The 5 Best Automatic Dog Feeders

  1. Best OverallPetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder
  2. Best BudgetIseebiz 6L Automatic Pet Feeder
  3. Best for Multiple DogsPETLIBRO Automatic Feeder
  4. Best Smart FeederFeeder-Robot – WiFi-Enabled, Automatic Pet Feeder
  5. Best Microchip FeederSureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect

Automatic Dog Feeders Compared

Here are our top picks. Compare the ratings and features of different models to find the right one for you.

Editor’s Picks Model Rating Good for Multiples? Capacity Battery Backup?
Best Overall PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder 4.6 5.7 Liters
Best Budget Iseebiz 6L Automatic Pet Feeder 4.0 6 Liters
Best for Multiple Dogs PETLIBRO Automatic Feeder 4.5 5 Liters
Best Smart Feeder Feeder-Robot – WiFi-Enabled, Automatic Pet Feeder 5.0 7.5 Liters
Best Microchip Feeder SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect 4.4 13.7 fl oz

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy an Automatic Dog Feeder

  • Forgetful pet parents – When your life gets chaotic, making time to portion out your dog’s food may fall down your list of to-dos. Pretty soon, it’s 9pm and you’re realizing your pup hasn’t eaten dinner. This is particularly worrisome for the well-mannered dog who doesn’t request food. Fortunately, an automatic feeder can be filled ahead of time and you can still ensure your pup is getting his food when he needs it, whether you remember it or not.
  • Those gone for long stretches – If you have to leave for the day, then you may want to make sure your dog still has access to food. (You absolutely will want to make sure he has access to water.) An automatic feeder can make sure he’s still getting plenty of food to give him sufficient sustenance, even if you’re away. Just make sure he has plenty to keep him busy, otherwise, he may entertain himself with the destruction of your home.
  • When your dog overeats – If you’re putting your pup on a diet, then an automatic feeder is an excellent idea to make sure he sticks with his portion control. You’ll have the ability to portion out only what he should be eating and the feeder is secure enough to prevent him from eating any additional food.

Who Should Not Buy an Automatic Dog Feeder

  • When your dog eats on-demand – If you have a dog who needs to gain weight, a rescue, or a dog recovering from an illness, for example, then you may not want to limit his food intake. Most dogs will eat more food if it is always available,1 but if he is able to self-regulate, then you don’t need to worry about an automatic feeder.
  • Different dogs with different foods – There are ways around food being shared between multiples, even with an automatic feeder, however, there are certain dog dynamics that will preclude the advantages of an automatic feeder. If you have a timid dog on a specialized diet and an aggressive dog who cannot eat that food, even two microchip feeders won’t keep the aggressive dog from eating the food after the timid one has opened it. If you’d rather not separate your dogs for feeding time and you have added complications, sometimes a feeder just won’t help.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

When you are researching an automatic feeder there are a few important considerations to make. Whenever you are researching pet products don’t forget to consult your veterinarian or other reputable sources, including looking at trusted reviews online. Here’s what to consider when selecting an automatic dog feeder:

  1. Multiples – Do you have multiple dogs to feed?  If so, do they get along at mealtime?  There are some nice feeders that can feed food into multiple dogs’ bowls, making sure that multiple dogs can all eat together.  These bowls are typically close together, so if your dogs become aggressive around food it would be best to get each dog their own feeder.2
  2. Consider how “smart” you want it – Another consideration for automatic feeders is whether you prefer them to connect to Wi-Fi and have an app to access control of the feeder.  There are several feeders out there that can accommodate this!   This can be really helpful if you would like to access information regarding the feeder from anywhere.  Also, you can manually feed your pet remotely.
  3. Battery or wireless functionality – Consider whether the feeder has a battery backup in case of power outages or placement where there is limited access to an outlet.  Ideally, the feeder could accommodate both electric and battery-operated functions.
  4. Special dietary needs – Finally, consider whether you need to keep other pets away from this food bowl.  If so, then a microchip automatic feeder will be really helpful for your situation.  This can be especially useful when one dog is on a prescription diet and cannot eat from a different feeder.  Or if you have a dog that’s a slow eater and her housemate will eat all the food, then a microchip feeder can be a wonderful solution.

If your dog is struggling with overeating, you may want to try other options, like a snuffle mat, to mitigate his consumption. For pups that are eating because they’re bored, consider alternate ways to entertain them. Of course, if you’re drastically cutting their food intake, you’ll want to make sure they’re not going elsewhere – like the trash (in which case you may want to invest in a pet-proof trash can) – to get scraps.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $70-250

There’s more than just quality and features going into the price range for an automatic feeder. Naturally, the more advanced the technology, the steeper the cost, and of course, the more convenience. But you’ll also pay for the size a giant breed dog will need a larger capacity than a toy breed and you’ll see a significant difference in costs for that difference, as well. You’ll absolutely get what you pay for in an automatic feeder, but you should expect to pay somewhere between $70 to $250. The higher cost will be for the all-electronic, Wi-Fi-controlled feeders, while you can get just timer-controlled feeders for around $65.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

As a veterinarian, I’ve seen a lot of complications to a dog’s health that can be prevented or helped by establishing a healthy feeding schedule. An automatic feeder that takes all the guesswork out of the times and portions can help regulate your dog and save you big in the long run. Between my discussions with other veterinarians and pet owners, I’ve seen plenty of evidence to support this, and combined with my own experience, I know just what features you’ll need and which you’ll love. – Dr. Melody Aitchison-Steed, DVM

The Best Automatic Dog Feeder Reviews

1. Best Overall – PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder

Best Overall

PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder

For the best in automatic dog feeders, look no further than the PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder.

The PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Pet Feeder is the epitome of dog feeding convenience. You’ll be able to completely control your dog’s food from your fingertips, wherever you are with the free app. That means you’ll be able to ensure the feeding schedule your dog needs, whether you’re home or away. In fact, if you combine this with a doggy door to a backyard, you’ll be able to ensure your dog is independent living. (Just make sure you’re not neglecting him for the sake of your convenience!)

Though we love the single pet feeding capabilities of this feeder, it’s worth noting that it also comes in a two pet feeder that distributes the same food into two separate bowls for your pets who are comfortable eating with each other.

  • Works with Alexa
  • Battery backup
  • Feed now option
  • Can only program with a smartphone
  • Connectivity issues

2. Best Budget – Iseebiz 6L Automatic Pet Feeder

Best Budget

Iseebiz 6L Automatic Pet Feeder

The Iseebiz 6L Automatic Pet Feeder will give you the convenience of an automatic feeder without the big expense.

The Iseebiz 6L Automatic Pet Feeder will give you the ability to feed your dog on a set schedule without actively doing it. You’ll program your dog’s feeding schedule and portion directly on the front of the feeder and that means you won’t have to rely on an excellent Wi-Fi signal. You also get to record your voice message of up to 10 seconds so that you will alert your dog to his food delivery – and that may be just the kind of encouragement he needs to stay on schedule.

You can program up to four meals per day, and with the large food capacity, you’ll have your dog fed for plenty of days without ever thinking about it again. The infrared design is perfect for ensuring your pet’s food doesn’t spill or overflow, so if he’s a slow eater, you don’t need to worry about too much food coming out and making a mess.

  • Record your voice to encourage feeding
  • Large capacity (6L)
  • Battery backup
  • No Wi-Fi or app control
  • Only suitable for food 0.2-0.6″ in diameter

3. Best for Multiple Dogs – PETLIBRO Automatic Feeder

Best Feeder for Multiple Dogs

PETLIBRO Automatic Feeder

Two dogs fed automatically is a breeze with the PETLIBRO Automatic Feeder.

The PETLIBRO Automatic Feeder will dispense food into two bowls, ensuring both your dogs can get the right portion of food, at the right time. If all they need is a separate dish to keep them each happy, this is the fix for you. This is an excellent solution to dogs fighting while they eat. You will still want to supervise the first few tries with this method, though, to make sure they’re eating the right food and not bothered by each other as close as they are.

With the desiccant bag located on the underside of the lid and a sealing strip to make sure your dogs’ food is stored virtually airtight, you can count on fresh bites every time. And you won’t need to worry about attracting bugs or rodents, either.

  • Excellent at keeping food fresh
  • 10-second meal call
  • 6 meals a day
  • Programming can be tricky
  • Aggressive eaters may still struggle

4. Best Smart Feeder – Feeder-Robot – WiFi-Enabled, Automatic Pet Feeder

Best Smart Feeder

Feeder-Robot – WiFi-Enabled, Automatic Pet Feeder

For an automatic feeder that has all the smart tech you could want, check out the Feeder-Robot – WiFi-Enabled, Automatic Pet Feeder.

The Feeder-Robot – WiFi-Enabled, Automatic Pet Feeder will connect to your phone via a free app and you’ll be able to program your dog’s feeding schedule and portions easily. Unlike other Wi-Fi feeders, though, you’ll also be able to feed your pup from the console, as well – so if your Wi-Fi is out, you can still make changes.

The backup battery ensures that even during power outages, you’ll be able to get your dog the food he needs when he needs it. And for the puppy who’s especially curious (and maybe a little mischievous), the feeder is made with BPA-free plastic, an auto-locking hopper, tamper-resistant lid, and a chew-resistant power cord (for more tips on the best new puppy products check out our preparing for a puppy checklist). So your loveable little trouble maker won’t easily destroy the “hand” that feeds him.

  • 18-month warranty; 90-day in-home trial
  • “Feed now” options
  • Removable parts for easy cleaning
  • No recordable notification
  • Plastic feeder bowl is less durable

5. Best Microchip Feeder – SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect

Best Microchip Feeder

SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect

If you’re looking for an automatic feeder that only opens for the right pet, then you’ll want to check out SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect.

After you purchase the SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect, you’ll place a microchip tag on your dog’s collar, ensuring that the food will only be accessed by your pet. (You could also take your pet to the vet for an implanted microchip to better guarantee the chip stays with your pet at all times.) The feeder will detect your dog and open it as he approaches. You can, particularly if you know your pup eats his food quickly or that you won’t be gone long, even use this feeder with wet dog food – a unique quality for automatic dog feeders.

Opening the feeder does rely on your dog’s consistent position for good microchip detection, but once your dog gets the hang of how he needs to stand to get the lid open, it’s smooth sailing from then on. In order to use this feeder, you do need to purchase the Sure Petcare Hub. Fortunately, once you purchase the hub, you can connect multiple feeders fr your multiple pets, and put them in different locations (within the hub’s range) to make sure your dogs are eating their own food in their own areas.

  • LED will indicate how much dog has eaten
  • Program via App
  • RFID collar tag or vet implant available
  • Small capacity
  • Requires additional purchase of hub

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a dog food dispenser work?

There are a few different varieties of automatic feeders for dogs, but generally, they operate on a timer. You fill the dispenser with several meals worth of food and program the times and portions you want your dog to eat. (For example, 1 cup of food at 7 am and another 1 cup at 6 pm.) On schedule, the feeder will dispense your dog’s food allowing it to drop into his food bowl and your dog can eat that portion freely.

Another type of automatic feeder growing in popularity is the microchip feeder that will simply put a lid over the food you place there each morning and when your pet approached the feeder, it will detect the corresponding microchip you’ve attached to his collar and open the lid. Gravity feeders are a form of automatic dog feeder, but you can’t regulate the food consumption at all with it. You fill the dispenser and it flows freely to keep the dog’s dish full at all times.

Are automatic feeders good for dogs?

Automatic feeders are excellent for pets. You can schedule perfectly measured portions for each and every meal, making it impossible to overfeed or undernourish your dog. You can even schedule smaller portions for afternoon snacks, too.
What is the best time to feed a dog?

Generally, for a healthy adult dog, you should plan to feed twice a day: Once early in the morning once early in the evening. Separating his feeding times consistently by eight to twelve hours will make his bathroom schedule easier for both of you and will prevent any long bouts of hunger. For those working the standard 9 to 5, feeding your dog when you get up and when you get home is an excellent plan.
Should you leave dog food out all day?

Some dogs do great with self-moderation while others will eat until they get themselves sick. Even if your dog eats a healthy amount with access to his food at all times, you still risk attracting insects or rodents if you leave it out all the time. An automatic feeder will keep excess food securely hidden to prevent that, but even if you don’t use one, you should still put your dog’s food away at night.

Additional Sources & Resources

If you have additional questions about the right dog food for your puppy, check out some of our other dog food and nutrition-based resources for your pup:

The Best Cat Beds Thu, 22 Dec 2022 02:34:04 +0000 Cats sleep as many as 16 hours per day (some, like kittens, even more!), so having a cozy cat bed is essential.

A good cat bed gives kitties a soft, warm, and safe place to pass all those hours they spend snoozing.

More than you may realize can go wrong in selecting a cat bed, however. The wrong bed can lead to:

  • A total lack of use if your cat doesn’t take to the bed.
  • Physical issues for the cat if the bed is difficult to keep clean.
  • A cat retching from having ingested the bed’s materials

To help navigate all of this, we asked our veterinary advisor, Dr. Jennifer Coates, to review a large number of cat beds and share her top picks.

Her top pick is the Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler. This cozy cat bed is made from plush sherpa material and has high walls and AirLoft filling to allow your cat to sink into it. It’s even self-warming!

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler

The Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler is the softest, coziest cat bed out there.

While this is Dr. Coates’ top pick, there’s still a lot to consider in selecting a cat bed. For that reason, we asked her to not only select the best cat bed, but also to offer tips for what to look for in a cat bed, advice on when your cat may not need a bed at all, and to offer her top picks for a variety of use cases.

The 5 Best Cat Beds

Cat Beds Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Model Rating Dimensions Machine Washable Material
Best Overall Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler 4.2 20 x 20 x 12 inches Virgin AirLOFT fibers
Best Budget Buy Furhaven Pet Products – ThermaNAP Cat Bed Pad 4.5 17 x 22 x 0.25 inches Polyester, Mylar
Best Cat Window Bed Zakkart Cat Window Perch for Indoor Cats 4.7 23 x 13 x 12.5 inches Sherpa covered pad, metal support
Best Heated Cat Bed K&H PET PRODUCTS Heated Thermo-Kitty Fashion Splash Cat Bed 4.6 18 x 18 inches (Small) or 16 x 22 inches (Large) Polyester
Best Elevated Cat Bed Catry Cat Bed with Scratching Post 4.6 23 x 16 x 20 inches Plush, Wood, Sisal, Fabric

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Cat Bed

  • Cat owners who want to keep their cats off the furniture – If you own a cat, you know how stubborn they can be. One of the best ways to prevent them from doing things you don’t want them to do is to provide a more pleasant alternative. In this case, that means getting a cat bed that’s more appealing to your cat than your bed or couch.
  • Cat owners who want to minimize the spread of fur and dander – Even if you’re fine with your cat on the furniture, it can be a good idea to provide a cat bed to help keep fur and dander contained. You could even put a mat-style bed on the furniture itself to encourage your cat to stick to that particular spot. Plus, it’s easier to throw a cat bed or cover in the wash than to try to clean your sofa.
  • Owners of older cats – Senior cats who aren’t as spry as they used to be may have a hard time jumping up to their favorite snoozing spots, like the bed, couch, or cat tower.1 A cozy bed lower to the ground can give them a comfy place to rest that’s easier to access.
  • Cat owners who just want to treat their cats to a cozy sleeping spot – Of course, sometimes we just want to get our cats something because we love them. In that case, a cozy cat bed can be the perfect gift for your beloved kitty.

Who Should Not Buy a Cat Bed

  • Owners of picky cats – If your cat has some favorite spots and tends to turn their nose up at anything unfamiliar, a new cat bed will probably get the same reaction. Save your money and give your cat some extra cuddles or playtime instead.
  • People whose cats already have convenient favorite spots to nap – If your cat has carved out some favorite spots that both you and the cat are happy with, there’s really no need to introduce a new bed. Still, if you just want to give your cat a new option, you could try one out anyway.

Buying Guide: Research Tips from a Veterinarian

Cats need spots in their home where they are comfortable and feel safe. A good cat bad can do that! Here are a few tips for choosing the best cat bed.

Talk to friends and family who are pet parents to learn what types of cat beds have worked well for them. Your veterinarian can also point to any features that might be ideal based on your cat’s age, size, and health status. Closely read product descriptions to avoid unpleasant surprises. Looking at customer reviews posted on trusted sources can give you an idea of how satisfied pet parents are with their purchase.

  1. Look for a warm bed – Cats spend a lot of time sleeping,2 and they enjoy having a cozy spot to call their own. Since cats can have trouble staying warm, particularly as they become older, they often prefer beds that they can snuggle into, are elevated off cold floors, can be placed near a sunny window, or are self-warming or electrically heated.3
  2. Make sure it’s easy to clean – Though they clean themselves, cats can still leave their beds messy with fur, dander, kitty litter (even when you’ve opted for dust free clumping cat litter), and more. For that reason, you want a cat bed that you can throw in the wash, or at least one with a removable, machine-washable cover. Ideally, you can also vacuum the cover between washes.
  3. Consider the material – You want to make sure your cat’s bed is made of materials that are safe for your cat. Construction also matters. Your cat shouldn’t be able to rip apart the bed, as damaged pet products may no longer be pet safe.
  4. Think about size and shape – Different cats have different preferences for the size and shape of their bed. You can look at their current favorite places to nap for ideas. For example, if your cat prefers to nap on a bare area of furniture or floor, they’ll probably prefer a mat-style bed with no walls. Do they prefer to cuddle into blankets? Then a plush bed with walls will probably be a hit. If they like to nap on the sill, maybe a window-mounted cat bed is the right choice. Under furniture? A cave-style bed may be their preference.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $10 and $60

For a decent cat bed, you can anticipate paying between $10 and $60. The simpler the design, the less the bed will cost. For example, a plain sleeping mat will be close to $10. An enclosed or walled cat bed will cost more. As you add extra features, like heaters, scratching posts, or window mounts, the price rises even more. Of course, there are very fancy cat beds available that cost even more than $60, but unless your vet recommends a bed in that price range, you’re probably better off saving your money.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

I’ve evaluated these cat beds based on my professional experience as a veterinarian combined with product feature considerations. Every cat is different, so I’ve chosen a variety of cat beds to fit all kinds of cat personalities. However, all of the beds I recommend are high-quality beds that will stand up to years of use. All you have to do is figure out which one your cat will like best! – Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM

The Best Cat Bed Reviews

1. Best Overall – Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler

The Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler is the softest, coziest cat bed out there.

The Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler is one of the coziest cat beds out there. This bed has elevated sides and a high back for comfort and support. The rear wall is 12″ tall and the front and sides are 9″ tall. The lower front and sides make it easier for your cat to get in and out and provide a comfy place for your kitty to rest its head. The high loft filling and sherpa fabric make the bed soft and warm. It’s perfect for your cat to cuddle into.

To make things easier for you, the bed has a water and dirt-resistant bottom and is machine washable. It’s also available in two sizes and several colors, so you can choose the one that best suits your cat and your home decor.

  • Machine washable
  • Water and dirt resistant bottom
  • Reasonably priced
  • Soft, warm, and cuddly
  • Regular size may be too small for large cats
  • Sides are floppy, not firm

2. Best Budget – Furhaven Pet Products – ThermaNAP Cat Bed Pad

Best Budget

Furhaven Pet Products – ThermaNAP Cat Bed Pad

For a quality cat bed that won’t empty your wallet, go with the Furhaven Pet Products – ThermaNAP Cat Bed Pad.

The Furhaven Pet Products – ThermaNAP Cat Bed Pad is great for owners looking for a budget cat bed and for cats that prefer a simple, mat-style bed. It’s also great for putting on furniture to create a barrier for cat fur and dander. And it’s light and thin, making it an excellent option for travel.

The interior contains a reflective thermal sheet covered with polyester fiber cushioning, so the bed is self-warming with no need for electricity. The cover is quilted and made of soft faux-fur. The cover is removable and safe to machine wash and dry. It’s available in two sizes and six colors, all of which are very inexpensive. The smaller size measures 17″ x 22″ and is great for most cats. The larger size measures 36″ x 24″ and is perfect for multiple cats to share the bed or even just a single cat that likes to sprawl.

  • Simple, versatile design
  • Self-warming
  • Very inexpensive
  • Can be machine washed and dried
  • No soft sides
  • Minimal padding
  • Thermal sheet can make a crinkling sound, which some cats may not like

3. Best Window Bed – Zakkart Cat Window Perch for Indoor Cats

Best Cat Window Bed

Zakkart Cat Window Perch for Indoor Cats

The Zakkart Cat Window Perch for Indoor Cats is perfect for the cat that likes to hang out on the window sill.

If your cat is a bird watcher or even just a nosy neighbor, they’ll love the Zakkart Cat Window Perch for Indoor Cats. This cat bed features a metal support frame with strong suction cups that attach to the glass on your window. The supports are under the bed, unlike other window beds where the bed hangs with cables on either side. This prevents the bed from wobbling and allows the cat to easily jump on and off the bed from any direction. The 40-pound weight limit makes the bed sturdy enough for virtually any cat. Just remember to periodically check the suction cups to make sure they’re still in good condition.

The bed itself has a soft sherpa cover that is removable and machine washable. Between the soft fabric and the raised edges, this bed will help your cat stay cozy and warm, even when the weather on the other side of the window is chilly. It’s also large enough for big cats, measuring 23″ x 13″. The bed itself is available in gray and white, while the frame is black.

  • Can be used on any window, with or without a sill, and at any height
  • 40-pound weight limit
  • Machine washable
  • Available in grey and weight
  • Need to inspect suction cups regularly to ensure safety
  • Not the most attractive design

4. Best Heated – K&H PET PRODUCTS Heated Thermo-Kitty Fashion Splash Cat Bed

Best Heated Cat Bed

K&H PET PRODUCTS Heated Thermo-Kitty Fashion Splash Cat Bed

The K&H PET PRODUCTS Heated Thermo-Kitty Fashion Splash Cat Bed will keep your cat warm even on the coldest days.

The K&H PET PRODUCTS Heated Thermo-Kitty Fashion Splash Cat Bed electrically heats up to your cat’s normal body temperature to keep them warm and comfortable but goes no higher for safety. It’s also thermostatically controlled, so it only heats up while your cat is using the bed. It uses an energy-efficient, low-wattage heater and K&H Pet Products sells replacement parts so it’s easy to repair, extending the life of the bed.

The bed also features an orthopedic foam base with bolsters, making this bed especially good for older cats and cats with joint issues. The cover is removable and machine washable for your convenience. It comes in two sizes and two colors to suit a variety of cats and homes. The small size is a 16″ diameter circle, while the large is a 16″ x 22″ oval.

  • Heated
  • Thermostatically controlled
  • Two sizes and two colors
  • Machine washable cover
  • Requires an outlet
  • Small size is a little small for most adult cats
  • Warms while in use, which cats may not understand at first

5. Best Elevated – Catry Cat Bed with Scratching Post

Best Elevated Cat Bed

Catry Cat Bed with Scratching Post

The Catry Cat Bed with Scratching Post is elevated to allow your cat to survey their territory from the comfort of their bed.

The Catry Cat Bed with Scratching Post is an excellent choice for cats that like to sleep up high and for owners who want a cat bed that doubles as a scratching post. The elevated bed satisfies a cat’s desire to survey their territory, while the sisal scratching post underneath allows them to engage in natural scratching behaviors without damaging your furniture or carpet. The post is large, 16″ x 12″ x 4,” which gives your cat plenty of room to scratch and provides plenty of support for the bed on top. It’s also a great option for placing in front of a window. The wide base makes sure the bed is stable despite its tall height.

The bed itself is big and plush, measuring 23″ x 16″, so it’s large enough for most cats. The soft bed cover is removable and machine washable. Finally, the overall design of the bed is much more attractive than many other beds on the market.

  • Elevated bed
  • Good height to put in front of window
  • Large base for stability
  • Machine washable cover
  • Requires you to assemble the bed yourself
  • The bed isn’t very padded

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of bed is best for cats?

Like people, different cats have different preferences for their beds. Look at the places that your cat already likes to snooze and try to find a bed that provides similar elements, like elevation, materials, and side height. For example, if your cat likes to sleep under the bed, an enclosed cat bed might be the best option. If they like to cuddle up near a heating vent, a heated or self-warming cat bed might provide them with the warm, cozy place to sleep that they want.
Do cats prefer round or square beds?

Cats generally like to curl up to sleep,4 so most cats prefer to sleep in a round bed. That way the sides will fit closer to your kitty’s body, helping them feel safe and snug. With that said, most cats love a box, so they’ll generally be happy with a square or rectangular bed too.
Do cats prefer closed or open beds?

Many cats prefer closed beds because these beds tend to be warmer and make cats feel safer. However, all cats are different. If your cat likes to look around from their favorite spot or doesn’t like enclosed spaces with only a single entrance and exit, they may prefer an open cat bed.
What do cats like to sleep on?

As a cat owner, you probably know that cats can make do on just about any surface. However, they’ll almost always prefer something soft and warm. Cats naturally have a higher body temperature than humans,5 so they often find the ambient temperatures that we like just a little too chilly. Soft, warm bedding material helps them feel nice and toasty while they sleep.
The Best Dust Free Cat Litter Thu, 22 Dec 2022 02:31:37 +0000 Cleaning up after your pets is obviously a gross but necessary task. Scooping out a litter box particularly isn’t a very fun job.

Beyond the obvious (scooping cat droppings and clumped cat urine) cat litter can have a number of dangerous chemicals for humans. It’s also a special mess in and of itself! Even moving a litter box around will often leave you with bits of litter all over your floor or behind furniture. Dusty, smelly cat litter is the last thing you want to have hiding out under a couch or bureau.

Dust-free cat litter helps address at least some of these issues by being easier to clean up and not hanging in the air as long as traditional cat litter.

The wrong dust-free cat litter can leave you with a number of issues, however:

  • Cat litter being labeled “dust-free” doesn’t always mean the litter is actually dust-free, unfortunately.
  • Some brands of dust-free cat litter will actually help with dust, but are terrible at clumping so scooping what you’re there to scoop is almost impossible.
  • If your dust-free cat litter isn’t absorbent you can end up with a mess and some very unpleasant cleanup at the bottom of your litter box.

Don’t worry, though. To help you avoid these issues (and more) we asked our veterinary advisor Dr. Chyrle Bonk (a licensed and practicing veterinarian who is an expert on cats and cat products) to personally review each and every major brand of dust-free cat litter and share her findings with our readers.

Dr. Bonk selected Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Unscented Ultra Clumping Cat Litter as the best of the best. It’s hypoallergenic with all-natural ingredients, making it suitable for families with allergies, and it has superior odor control, too.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Unscented Ultra Clumping Cat Litter

This hypoallergenic, odor-controlling, 99.9% dust free natural litter will keep your house clean and smelling fresh.

While this was Dr. Bonk’s top pick, she’s also got you covered if this option isn’t for you. In this article, she’ll share her top tips for choosing the best dust-free cat litter, which cat owners may want to avoid dust-free cat litter altogether, and share her personal recommendations for the best dust-free cat litter brands for a variety of use cases.

The 5 Best Dust-Free Cat Litters

  1. Best OverallDr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Unscented Ultra Clumping Cat Litter
  2. Best for Multiple CatsFresh Step Scented Multi-Cat Litter
  3. Best ClumpingPurina Tidy Cats Instant Action Clumping Cat Litter
  4. Best BiodegradablePurina Yesterday’s News
  5. Best LightweightWorld’s Best Cat Litter, Unscented

Dust-Free Cat Litter Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Model Rating Odor Control Scented Material Dust-free
Best Overall Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Unscented Ultra Clumping Cat Litter 4.4 100% bentonite clay 99.9%
Best for Multiple Cats Fresh Step Scented Multi-cat Cat Litter 4.6 Clumping clay 99.9%
Best Clumping Purina Tidy Cats Instant Action Clumping Cat Litter 4.6 Natural clay with deodorizing system 99.9%
Best Biodegradable Purina Yesterday’s News 4.5 Paper pellets 99.7%
Best Lightweight World’s Best Cat Litter 4.7 Whole-kernel corn with odor control 99%

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy Dust-Free Cat Litter?

  • Families who have allergies – The dust from some cat litter may aggravate your allergies.1 Choosing a dust-free option – ideally, a hypoallergenic one – could help a lot.
  • Owners of cats with allergies – As with humans, if your cat has allergies, the dust from cat litter can worsen their symptoms. Your cat may even be allergic to the cat litter itself. Dust-free, hypoallergenic cat litter can help to reduce your kitty’s symptoms.2
  • Cat owners with small homes – Dust and the tracking of litter can be particularly problematic in a small apartment or house.
  • Owners of any cats that seem reluctant to use their litter box correctly – Cats can be picky … and changing to dust-free litter could instantly improve their litter box behavior.3

Who Should Not Buy Dust-Free Cat Litter?

  • For individuals, couples, or families on a very tight budget – Dust-free litter can come at a premium price.
  • Owners of cats who are happy with their current cat litter – If it’s working for you and your cat, why change it?

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

Dust-free cat litter is a relative term: it’s hard to make something that is 100% not dusty. That being said, there is plenty of cat litter that is very close to dust free. In order to judge which litter is best, I recommend that you:

  1. Consider trying different materials – Not all cat litter is made from clay. You can choose from a multitude of materials including wood chips, corn, newspapers, and even silica gels. Try different options to see what works for both you and your kitty.
  2. Think about clumping vs non-clumping – Some pet parents like clumps, while others don’t. It all depends on how you prefer to clean your litter box and the litter box system that you’re using.
  3. Consider odor control – Nobody likes the ammonia odor of a stinky litter box, especially your cat. Some cat litter doesn’t conceal odors at all, while others may have added fragrance or the ability to trap odors. If your litter box is in a high-traffic area, odor control is particularly important.
  4. Check whether the cat litter is scented or not –This is really down to personal preference: you might like to use a fragrance to mask odors or you may not want a strong perfumy smell lingering in your home.
  5. Check the texture and size of the litter – Some cats are picky about this, so make sure you know your cat’s preferences and choose a dust-free cat litter that’s similar to their current favorites. If your cat doesn’t mind, opt for a larger-sized litter: smaller sizes will stick between your kitty’s toes and get tracked around more easily.

How Much Does It Cost?

Between $20 and $45 for 40lb

The price of dust-free cat litter depends on the material, but most will cost between $20 and $45 for 40 lbs. In general, traditional clay litter will be cheaper than litter made from other materials. You’ll also find that litter is sold in a wide range of sizes, so we’ve given the price range for the equivalent of a 40lb bag. You can expect to spend anywhere between about $20 and $45 for 40lb of dust-free cat litter, depending on the type you go for.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily?

The first feature that I looked for in dust-free cat litter is the actual degree that it is dust free! I wanted the least of the least when it comes to dust produced. Next, I went after odor control, because nobody wants a stinky litter box, and absorbability makes litter box cleaning easier. My final consideration for dust-free cat litter choices was availability. If a product was constantly out of stock or very expensive, I didn’t consider it a practical purchase. Of course, if your cat has health issues that might require specific types of cat litter, I strongly recommend speaking to your own veterinarian to get a personalized recommendation. – Dr. Chyrle Bonk

The Best Dust-Free Cat Litter Reviews

1. Best Overall – Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Unscented Ultra Clumping Cat Litter

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Dr Elsey’s Precious Cat Unscented Ultra Clumping Cat Litter

This hypoallergenic, odor-controlling, 99.9% dust free natural litter will keep your house clean and smelling fresh.

Dr Elsey’s Precious Cat Unscented Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is a fantastic choice if you’re looking for a dust-free cat litter. It’s budget-friendly, coming in right at the low end of our price range. With hard-clumping medium-grain clay, it prevents moisture and is a perfect option for sifting and mechanical litter boxes.

It’s suitable for multiple cats if you have more than one kitty in your home. Plus, it’s designed to reduce tracking so you don’t end up with litter all over your floors. There’s even a money-back guarantee if your cats don’t use the litter box 100% of the time.

  • Hypoallergenic litter, suitable for cat owners with allergies
  • Costs just $19.99 for a huge 40lb bag
  • Forms hard clumps for easy twice-daily cleaning and disposal
  • Comes with a money-back guarantee from Dr. Elsey
  • Clumps are quite large, so you might get through the litter quickly
  • Not fragranced (only a problem if you prefer scented litter!)

2. Best for Multiple Cats – Fresh Step Scented Multi-Cat Litter

Best for Multiple Cats

Fresh Step Scented Multi-Cat Litter

This scented cat litter is ideal for multi-cat homes and busy litter boxes, with ClumpLock technology to keep liquid and odors under control.

Looking for a robust cat litter that can stand up to the needs of multiple cats? Try Fresh Step Scented Multi-Cat Litter. It’s easy to clean up: just remove clumps and solids daily. The fragrance is pleasant rather than overpowering, and many reviewers said this product was the only one their cats really liked.

If you’re keen on finding a cat litter that excels at odor control (and that smells good even when you’re cleaning out the litter tray) then this is the one for you.

  • Pleasant-smelling litter that successfully masks odors
  • Easy to clean out once a day as it clumps well
  • Popular with picky cats that reject other types of litter
  • Some reviewers felt it produced too much dust for a “dust-free” option
  • Litter may track outside the litter box quite easily

3. Best Clumping – Purina Tidy Cats Instant Action Clumping Cat Litter

Best Clumping

Purina Tidy Cats Instant Action Clumping Cat Litter

To fight odor, minimize dust, and achieve better clumping, then go for this fantastic cat litter from Purina.

Purina Tidy Cats Instant Action Clumping Cat Litter is a great option if you want a cat litter that clumps well for easy clean-up. Their cat litter is also designed to be as dust-free as possible, easily preventing clouds of dust when you pour it out.

It has a natural, clean scent rather than a fragrance, which many reviewers said they preferred.

  • Clean-smelling cat litter that will mask odors for up to 2 weeks
  • Clumps well and is easy to clean out of the litter box
  • Good-value cat litter that’s cheaper than many competitors
  • A few reviewers felt it produced too much dust, making their cats sneeze
  • The box it’s supplied in is heavy and may be tricky to carry and pour from

4. Best Biodegradable – Purina Yesterday’s News

Best Biodegradable

Purina Yesterday’s News

This environmentally-friendly cat litter is made from recycled paper, is 3x more absorbent than clay and can be flushed after use.

Worried about your cat’s carbon footprint? Purina Yesterday’s News is a biodegradable cat litter made from recycled paper, mostly newspapers. It can even be flushed away down your toilet.

The paper pellets are suitable for sensitive paws and don’t contain any harmful chemicals, making them a great alternative to traditional clay cat litter.

  • Biodegradable, environmentally-friendly option
  • Doesn’t create much dust at all
  • No smell, not even the “natural” smell of many clay litters
  • Suitable for other pets such as bunnies and rodents
  • Cats accustomed to clay litter may not like it
  • The large pellets may not fall through your poop scoop

5. Best Lightweight – World’s Best Cat Litter, Unscented

Best Lightweight

World’s Best Cat Litter, Unscented

This lightweight cat litter is made from whole-kernel corn and no harmful chemicals, making it people, pet, and planet friendly.

Does World’s Best Cat Litter, Unscented, live up to its name? Plenty of reviewers think so. It’s a popular choice of dust-free litter, as it’s made from corn rather than clay. This prevents dust and helps avoid tracking, too.

It’s also easy to clean up if it does happen to get outside the litter box. It should vacuum easily out of your carpet and wash off hard surfaces with just water.

  • An eco-friendly option that’s great for your pet and the planet
  • Won’t track around your house on your pet’s paws
  • Easy to clean up if it gets outside the litter box
  • Has great odor control, despite being unscented
  • May take some time for cats used to clay litter to adjust to it
  • Clumps may fall apart a bit when scooping

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cat litter that is truly dust-free?

All cat litter will produce at least some dust, but the ones we’ve picked here are as dust-free as it gets. If you find that clay litters are still producing too much dust, or getting tracked around your house, you may want to try out a paper or corn alternative.
How do you make cat litter less dusty?

Seeing dust around your litter box? Consider switching to a covered litter box that will help minimize the spread of dust. Your pouring technique can also make a difference in the amount of dust produced. If you’re tipping cat litter into the tray from a height, it’s going to make more dust than if you scoop the litter carefully into the litter box. You’ll also want to pop the litter box on a litter mat to help stop dust and litter from getting tracked onto your floor.
Where is the best place to put a cat litter box?

You can keep your cat’s litter box wherever makes the most sense for you. Ideally, you want a low-traffic area that’s well away from your cat’s food and water bowls. It should be easy and convenient for your cat to get to. The exact location hasn’t been shown to make a difference to whether or not cats use the litter box correctly.4
How often should you change a cat’s litter?

Ideally, you should spot clean (remove clumps and solids) every day. Some cat litter manufacturers recommend twice daily. You should replace all the litter regularly, usually once a week, though once every 2 weeks may be enough.
The Best Dog Clippers for Poodles Thu, 22 Dec 2022 02:11:11 +0000 Unlike most dog fur, poodle fur is short, thick, and curly, meaning it can easily form mats.

Keeping their coat trimmed makes it easier to brush and maintain while making your poodle look great.

Clippers can have a number of issues, however, including:

  • Power sources not working consistently
  • Blades that are difficult to maintain and replace or that are uncomfortable for your poodle
  • Noises that can turn your poodle off from being groomed at all

To help you avoid these pitfalls and find the perfect set of clippers for your poodle, we asked our veterinary advisor Dr. Jamie Whittenburg to review all of the major brands of dog clippers on the market to find the best fit for a poodle.

Dr. Whittenburg, selected the Wahl Professional Animal Chromado Lithium Dog Clipper Kit as her favorite all-around dog clippers. They’re powerful clippers with an adjustable 5-in-1 blade to make grooming easy and convenient.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Wahl Professional Animal Chromado Lithium Dog Clipper Kit

These excellent lightweight clippers have a 5-in-1 blade and constant speed control for easy grooming.

While these are Dr. Whittenburg’s top pick, you can read on to get her top tips for selecting the right clippers for your poodle, who these clippers may not be a fit for, and Dr. Whittenburg selected the top option for clippers for several uses.

The 5 Best Dog Clippers for Poodles

  1. Best OverallWahl Professional Animal Chromado Lithium Dog Clipper Kit
  2. Best BudgetHatteker Dog Shaver Clippers
  3. Best CordedWahl Clipper Pet-Pro Dog Grooming Kit
  4. Best QuietOneisall Dog Shaver Low Noise Hair Clippers Set
  5. Best Heavy DutyHANSPROU Dog Shaver Clippers for Thick Heavy Coats

The 5 Best Dog Clippers for a Poodle Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Model Rating Blade Run time Constant speed control? Includes guide combs?
Best Overall Wahl Professional Animal Chromado Lithium Dog Clipper Kit 4.7 5-in-1 90 mins
Best Budget Buy Hatteker Dog Shaver Clippers 3.9 Adjustable n/a (corded)
Best Corded Wahl Clipper Pet-Pro Dog Grooming Kit 4.3 Self-sharpening, snag-free n/a (corded)
Best Quiet Oneisall Dog Shaver Low Noise Hair Clippers Set 4.6 Stainless steel and ceramic 150 mins
Best Heavy Duty HANSPROU Dog Shaver Clippers for Thick Heavy Coats 4.4 Titanium and ceramic n/a (corded)

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Dog Clipper for Their Poodle

  • Owners who want to style their poodle’s fur – If you chose a poodle because of its unique style, you want them to look it’s very best. That means paying special attention to grooming.
  • Poodle parents whose pet’s coat is hard to maintain – Shorter poodle hair is much easier to brush and clean than longer hair, so you’ll likely want to keep your pet’s fur trimmed.1
  • Pet parents who already have clippers for themselves (or other breeds) – You shouldn’t use human hair clippers on your poodle. Other breeds may not need such strong clippers so you may find your existing dog clippers aren’t suitable.

Who Should Not Buy a Dog Clipper for Their Poodle

  • Pet owners looking for a fancy or intricate style for their poodle – If you want something complicated, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Take your poodle to be groomed regularly by someone with the experience and credentials to do a great job.
  • Nervous pet parents who are anxious about clipping their poodle’s fur safely –If you don’t feel comfortable using clippers on your poodle’s coat, then take them to a professional groomer instead.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

As a veterinarian, I’m often asked how to choose the right clippers for different breeds of dogs, including poodles. Many pet parents enjoy grooming their poodles at home or would like to avoid groomer’s bills. Choosing the right pair of clippers for the job is important, and I always recommend speaking to a professional groomer in your area to get their recommendations. They’ll have plenty of experience using dog clippers. You should also ask friends, neighbors, and your own veterinarian for recommendations.

If you’re buying online, always read reviews (if available). This gives you honest feedback from other pet owners who’ve used the product. Look for reviews from poodle owners in particular.

  1. Always look for solid construction and quality materials – You don’t want to buy a new set of clippers only for them to break after you’ve used them a few times. Look for sturdy clippers with multiple blades or guards to allow you to select the length of clipped hair that you want. Avoid models with only one blade or guard.
  2. Choose a low vibration and low noise model if possible – This is particularly important if your dog is new to being groomed, or if they’re generally fearful and anxious.
  3. Consider how easy it’ll be to clean the clippers – If possible, pick clippers with detachable blades. This makes them easy to clean and means you can change them once the blade becomes dull through use.
  4. Think about the pros and cons of corded or cordless clippers – Cordless clippers are easier to maneuver but you’ll want to opt for ones with good battery life. Alternatively, you might find that corded clippers suit your situation best.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $30 and $200

Dog clippers for poodles vary a lot in price. Most clippers for home use will cost somewhere between $30 – $200. The price depends on a range of several factors and it’s generally a case that you’ll get what you pay for. High-end models, like our top pick, will be a pleasure to use, with advanced grooming features like speed control. They may also come with extras like cleaning brushes and blade oils. Very cheap models are likely to be noisier and may wear out easily.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

As a veterinarian, I’ve talked to many pet owners, groomers, and other veterinarians about the best dog clippers on the market. I’ve chosen these top five clippers for poodles based on my professional experience as a veterinarian, along with considering their features and durability. I’ve judged them based on safety, noise levels, battery life (where applicable), options for different hair lengths, cutting performance, and ease of use. – Dr. Jamie Whittenburg

The Best Dog Clipper Reviews

1. Best Overall – Wahl Professional Animal Chromado Lithium Dog Clipper Kit

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Wahl Professional Animal Chromado Lithium Dog Clipper Kit

These excellent lightweight clippers have a 5-in-1 blade and constant speed control for easy grooming.

The Wahl Professional Animal Chromado Lithium Dog Clipper Kit has an adjustable 5-in-1 blade that makes grooming easy and convenient for multiple areas of your poodle’s body. Because the clippers are cordless and lightweight, they’re easy to use without making your hand or wrist tired.

The 5-in-1 blade adjusts between sizes #9, #10, #15, #30, and #40. These clippers are powerful and do a great job clipping hair but also run quietly, which is a must for noise-sensitive poodles.

  • High-quality clippers that are comfortable to use
  • Adjustable 5-in-1 blade with a range of fur lengths
  • Powerful clippers that don’t make too much noise
  • Lots of extras included, like blade oil and a cleaning brush
  • Expensive, so may not be affordable on a tight budget
  • Some reviewers have said the battery fails after a few years of use

2. Best Budget – Hatteker Dog Shaver Clippers

Best Budget

Hatteker Dog Shaver Clippers

These budget-friendly, practical clippers are straightforward to use and cut cleanly and smoothly.

The Hatteker Dog Shaver Clippers are fantastic if you’re looking for clippers that won’t break the bank. They might be small, but they feature a 36V high-speed motor that helps to avoid drag in the hair while cutting pet hair cleanly and smoothly.

The clipper’s blades can be adjusted from 1.2mm to 1.8mm, plus they come with 6 guide combs that will change the length of the hair (3, 6, 9, and 12mm). They’re corded and don’t need to be charged, so you won’t need to worry about the battery running out while grooming.

  • Budget-friendly clippers that get the job done well
  • Blades can be adjusted from 1.2mm to 1.8mm
  • Includes 6 guide combs
  • Some reviewers said they didn’t cut well or stopped working quickly
  • No carrying case included

3. Best Corded Clippers – Wahl Clipper Pet-Pro Dog Grooming Kit

Best Corded

Wahl Clipper Pet-Pro Dog Grooming Kit

With their Power Drive System, these clippers cut through thick coats quickly and comfortably.

Long known as a leader in clippers, Wahl has made their Wahl Clipper Pet-Pro Dog Grooming Kit affordable yet effective. These clippers feature a patented Power Drive System, which enables them to easily cut through thick coats.

The kit also comes with four different colored guide combs, making it easy to find the guard you want. The clippers are powerful but quiet with low vibration, making for a calm and easy grooming session with your poodle.

  • Power Drive System makes it easy to get through thick poodle coats
  • The self-sharpening blades provide snag-free cutting
  • The kit includes a carrying case
  • Corded clippers can be tricky to maneuver
  • Quite heavy clippers compared with some other models

4. Best Quiet Clippers – Oneisall Dog Shaver Low Noise Hair Clippers Set

Best Quiet

Oneisall Dog Shaver Low Noise Hair Clippers Set

At just 50db, these are some of the quietest clippers around. They can be used while charging for added convenience.

Made specifically to be low vibration and very quiet, with a noise level of only 50db, the Oneisall Dog Shaver Low Noise Hair Clippers Set is an excellent choice for noise or vibration-averse dogs. This pair of clippers are cordless and easy to work with. They have a long-lasting rechargeable Li-ion battery, and they can be used while charging too.

The detachable blades offer a clean, professional-looking cut. You get six guard combs (3mm/6mm/9mm/12mm/15mm/18mm) with this set, so you can get your poodle’s hair to exactly the length you want.

  • Quiet, low-vibration clippers
  • Can be used while charging
  • LED battery display shows how much battery you have left
  • May struggle with very deep, tough mats
  • The scissors that are included are low quality

5. Best Heavy Duty – HANSPROU Dog Shaver Clippers for Thick Heavy Coats

Best Heavy Duty

HANSPROU Dog Shaver Clippers for Thick Heavy Coats

These powerful clippers will make it through thick and matted coats with ease, without making a lot of noise.

The powerful 12V high-speed motor lets the HANSPROU Dog Shaver Clippers for Thick Heavy Coats cut through thick hair with no sticking. They come with a titanium alloy blade as well as a ceramic moving blade to give you even better-cutting performance.

Though these clippers are heavy-duty for thick, matted poodle hair, they are still quiet and have a low-vibration design. The set includes four guard combs for altering the length of clipped hair. There are also two modes to adjust the width.

  • High-quality titanium alloy blade plus ceramic moving blade
  • Heavy-duty clippers that can get through matted coats
  • Quiet, low-vibration design
  • A few reviewers said the blade clogged with hair quickly
  • Guards may fall off quite easily

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best dog clipper for a poodle?

All the dog clippers we’ve featured above should be suitable for your poodle. When choosing a set of clippers, remember to look for clippers with a high-quality blade that can get through a poodle’s thick fur. You’ll also want clippers that are low noise and low vibration, especially if your poodle is sometimes nervous or anxious.
What clippers do dog groomers use on poodles?

High-end professional dog clippers can easily cost $200 or more. There are a lot of different options available, so if you want to invest in professional clippers, it’s a good idea to talk to your local groomer to see what they would recommend. Alternatively, if you plan to take your poodle for professional grooming, feel free to ask how the grooming will be carried out and what clippers they’ll use. Your groomer should be happy to talk you through everything.
Do I have to cut my poodle’s hair?

Yes. Poodles need to be groomed regularly, either by you or by a professional, ideally every 3 to 6 weeks for adult dogs. This is really important as poodles’ hair grows continuously.2 They do shed hair, but this will get tangled in their coat, and it needs to be continually groomed out.
Can you use human clippers on a poodle?

No. Human clippers aren’t suitable for poodles. Their motor isn’t designed for prolonged use and they’ll produce more noise and vibrations than clippers specifically designed for use on a dog. You’ll find it much easier to use a specialized set of dog clippers, even if it’s a budget option.
What’s the best collar for a Poodle?

In our Poodle collar buying guide our veterinary advisor Dr. Coates selected the Fida Heavy Duty Dog Collar as the best option for Poodles.

How To Introduce Dogs To Avoid A Problem Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:59:48 +0000 Have you been wondering how to introduce dogs to avoid a problem? It’s a common question dog owners ask, such as when they need to introduce a visiting dog to their dog or introduce a nervous dog to other dogs. As a veterinarian, I often get asked tips and tricks to safely introduce two dogs. Introducing dogs can be extremely tricky and can lead to serious injuries if not done correctly. If you follow the steps to introduce dogs outlined in this article, you will have the best chances of successfully introducing two dogs without problems.

1. Go Slowly

When introducing dogs, you should always go slowly. It may take time for your dog to warm up to another dog, especially if they are nervous. If at any point it seems as if either dog is becoming aggressive or very scared, stop the introduction process and try again later. It may take several short on-leash introductions before your dog feels comfortable with another dog. If your dog is aggressive or extremely fearful, you may want to seek help from your veterinarian or a certified dog trainer.

2. Ask For Help

It will take two adults to safely and properly introduce two dogs. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to a certified dog trainer, veterinarian, or veterinary behaviorist if you are having trouble introducing your dog to other dogs. Especially if your dog is aggressive, you should seek professional help to introduce your dog to other dogs to avoid the risk of harm to the dogs or the people involved in the introduction.

3. Meet on Neutral Ground

Two dogs meeting outdoors

The best place to introduce your dog to another dog is on neutral ground.1

Your dog may become fearful, protective, or aggressive if you introduce the new dog inside your house.2   Allow both dogs to meet outside your home or a park. It is best to choose a place where there are not many other dogs or people so your dog doesn’t get overwhelmed or distracted.

4. A Barrier Can Be Helpful

It may help to start the introduction with a chain-link fence or slatted wooden fence in between the dogs. This will give the dogs an added barrier in case they start showing signs of aggression or fear. The openings in the fence will allow them to smell one another and interact without fear of them getting into a fight. This added layer of protection is vital for successfully introducing dogs.

5. Keep Both Dogs on a Leash With an Escape Proof Harness

When you introduce two dogs, this should always be done with both dogs on a leash. This will allow you to be in control of the introduction. It can also be helpful to use a no escape dog harness to decrease the risk of one dog slipping out of their harness. The harness and leash can help you quickly end the introduction if necessary.

6. Take the Dogs for a Walk Together

Two dogs outdoors together with owner

If the two dogs seem to be getting along during the initial introduction on-leash at a neutral area with a barrier in between, you may be able to take them for a walk together. Find an area where you will be able to walk the dogs together with some distance between the two dogs. A walk can be extremely helpful because it allows the dogs the opportunity to become a bit more acquainted with each other while still being on-leash.

7. Read Body Language

As you go through this process, be very aware of both dogs’ body language and closely monitor the interaction. A happy dog will wag their tail and look comfortable and relaxed. If your dog’s hair is standing up or if they are growling, staring, or baring their teeth, this may be a sign that your dog is not comfortable with the introduction.3 If your dog exhibits any signs of fear or aggression, stop the introduction immediately and try again later or seek professional help.

8. Try a Short Off-Leash Interaction

If at this point, neither dog has shown any signs of fear or aggression and both dogs seem happy with one another, you might consider trying an off-leash interaction after your successful initial on-leash introduction. Keep the session short and closely monitor both dogs so you can quickly separate them if an issue arises.

9. If All Goes Well, You Can Try an In-House Introduction

For dogs that seem to get along well outdoors, you may be able to now introduce the two dogs inside. Hide any toys, food, bones, or treats so there will be no items to fight over. I also recommend placing a baby gate between the two dogs when you first introduce them together inside to make sure the dogs will still be comfortable interacting with each other inside. If both dogs seem comfortable, you can then try removing the baby gate and closely supervising the dogs.

What Should You Not Do When Introducing a Dog?

When introducing a dog, you should not immediately allow the dogs to interact off-leash. This gives you no control over the situation and will not allow you to easily stop the introduction if things aren’t going well. You should also not try to introduce two dogs by yourself. You will need someone else to help you with the introduction process.

Finally, you should never try to force an aggressive or fearful dog to meet another dog.4 If your dog is aggressive or fearful, it is best to avoid introductions with other dogs unless under the guidance of your veterinarian, veterinary behaviorist, or certified dog trainer.

How Long Does It Take for a Dog to Digest Food? Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:53:26 +0000 As a dog owner, you no doubt strive to do everything in your power to support your dog’s health and wellbeing. However, there’s one vital health-related consideration that you may not have given too much thought to: the movement of food through your dog’s digestive system. 

While it may seem like an unusual topic to focus on, developing an understanding of how your dog’s digestive system works will help you to maintain your dog’s health for years to come. It will allow you to better recognize when something isn’t quite right.

In this guide, you’ll learn how long it takes for a dog to digest food as well as a few tips to help your dog’s digestion. If you’re ready to get the low-down on your dog’s digestion, keep reading. 

How Long Does It Take for a Dog to Digest Food?

Diagram of a dog's digestive system, with each part labeled.

A fair bit of research has been done into how long it takes for dogs to digest their food. The authors of one study found that it took between 405 and 897 minutes [approximately 6 ¾ to 15 hours] for food to leave the stomach and between 1,294 and 3,443 minutes [approximately 21 ½ to 57 ½  hours] for what remained of the food to leave the body in the form of feces.1

Why such a huge range? Your dog’s digestive system is very complex, and the time it takes for food to be digested is dependent on a range of factors.2


Your dog’s diet is one of the biggest factors that impacts their digestion in part because different ingredients take longer and shorter amounts of time for a dog to digest. 

Put simply, highly digestible ingredients, such as lean chicken, move through the gastrointestinal tract relatively quickly. Whereas other ingredients, such as those that are high in fat, will take longer for your dog to digest. The food’s formulation will also shape your dog’s digestion. Generally speaking, wet foods digest faster than dry foods.

Breed & Size

Happy white spitz on a leash resting on the footpath
Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

While it may seem like your dog’s breed and size should also impact how long they take to digest food, scientific evidence to support this is spotty. A paper published in 2002 found that large breed puppies digested their food more quickly than did small breed puppies, but the differences disappeared in adult dogs.3


Your dog’s age can play a role in their digestion. The same 2002 paper mentioned above found that food leaves the stomach of puppies more quickly than it does in adults.4 However, the time for it to pass all the way through the gastrointestinal tract was only shorter for large-breed puppies, not for small breeds, in comparison to adults. 


Man walking his dog leash-free in a bushy area
Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

The amount of exercise your dog gets will also affect how long your dog takes to digest food. Physical activity has a way of helping with defecation. In other words, if your dog needs to poop, go for a walk. In contrast, studies have shown that relatively intense physical activity slows some digestive processes and the movement of food out of the stomach.5

How Can I Help My Dog’s Digestion?

Dog feasting on bowls of dry kibble
Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

Please talk to your veterinarian if your dog appears to be sick in any way, but if you’re just looking for ways to promote healthy digestion, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Change Your Dog’s Food

Eating a low quality dog food can lead to digestive problems. Look for a food that has an AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) statement of nutritional adequacy on its label and that is made from nutritious, highly digestible ingredients. Foods that are designed for dogs with sensitive stomachs are also available.

In some cases, feeding your dog a high fiber dog food may improve their digestion. In fact, high fiber dog food as well as finding other ways to add fiber to your dog’s diet can help with both diarrhea and constipation! For example, one study found that adding fermentable fiber to a highly digestible dog food “resulted in a very good to excellent response in most dogs” who had chronic large bowel diarrhea.6

Avoid Certain Foods 

Five different types of nuts on cutting boards
Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

When it comes to encouraging healthy digestion, it’s also important to avoid feeding your dog certain foods. There are many foods that can be problematic—and we’re not just talking about chocolate! 

Examples of possible digestion-unfriendly foods that you should avoid giving your dog include:7

  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Raw bread dough
  • Nuts
  • Anything high in fat
  • Raw or undercooked meat
  • Bones

Certain plants can also be toxic if ingested.8 In fact, any plant material can cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset in your dog if consumed.9 So make sure to avoid having toxic plants in and around your house and give your dog lots of healthy chewing options.


Certain supplements may be able to help with your dog’s digestion. For example, probiotics and prebiotics can increase beneficial bacteria, which may help to boost your dog’s digestion.10 However, as there are possible side effects to taking any type of supplement, be sure to ask your vet first. They will be able to tell you whether a supplement is suitable for your dog, and if so, which one would be best.

Exercise Your Dog More

Staffie cross pitbull running through water
Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

As mentioned, mild to moderate exercise, like a brisk walk, can help if your dog has problems with mild constipation. But delay more strenuous activities like games of fetch until after your dog has had a chance to start digesting their latest meal. If weather is an issue in the winter, you may want to find the best dog treadmill for your dog and train your dog to use a dog treadmill.

Be Aware of Signs of Digestive Upset

Numerous digestive disorders can affect dogs, including gastroenteritis and pancreatitis.1112 In fact, any plant material (or human foods that dogs can’t eat) can cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset in your dog if consumed. It’s crucial to watch for any signs of digestive upset in your dog and to look for remedies for a dog’s upset stomach. Typical symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss (it may help to first answer the question “how big will my dog be?“), discomfort, excessive gassiness, and lethargy.13 If you’re worried that your dog has a digestive issue, book an appointment with your veterinarian.  If you need to more carefully portion your dog’s food due to digestive issues, you may want to consider an automatic dog feeder.

Keep an Eye on Their Stools

Golden retriever resting on a patch of grass
Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

The quality of your dog’s stools can give you insight into their digestive health. 14 Firm (but not hard) stools are a sign that your dog is eating food that agrees with them and that their digestive processes are functioning normally. If your dog’s stools are too soft, too hard, or abnormal in any way, don’t hesitate to consult your vet.15 

Also, check out some of our other dog food and nutrition based resources for your pup:

4 Ways to Add Fiber to a Dog’s Diet Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:47:28 +0000 Are you looking for ways to add more fiber to your dog’s diet? While fiber is not considered to be an essential ingredient in a dog’s diet, there are a handful of reasons why it may be beneficial to add fiber to a dog’s diet.

Fiber not only helps dogs form normal stools, but some types also promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria.1 If your dog is diabetic, increased quantities of insoluble fiber can improve glycemic control.2

Soluble and insoluble fiber can help dogs with colitis by normalizing the time it takes everything to move through the colon, protecting the gut against toxins, and feeding good gut bacteria and the cells that line the large intestine.3

Fiber can also help to restrict caloric intake in obese dogs undergoing weight reduction by adding bulk to their food,4 helping them feel fuller for longer.5 The passage of bulky stools also promotes the emptying of anal glands.

If you believe that your dog could benefit from consuming more fiber, be sure to check with your vet first. Once you have the green light, you can try one or more of the following 4 ways to add more fiber to your dog’s diet.

1. Feed Your Dog a High Fiber Dog Food

Bird's eye view of a dog's paws next to a bowl of high fiber dog food

Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

The easiest way to increase your dog’s fiber intake is to switch to high fiber dog food. While regular dog food should have some fiber in it, high fiber dog foods can contain significantly more.

But when selecting a high fiber dog food, keep in mind that not all options are created equal. It’s important to do your research. At the very least, always read the nutrition label to check if the formula is, in fact, high in fiber. High fiber dog foods tend to range from around 5% to 16% crude fiber (“crude” simply refers to the way in which fiber levels are measured). Over the counter foods are usually on the lower end of this range, with prescription dog foods at the higher end.

Unfortunately, dog food labels are notoriously difficult to decipher. While the crude fiber content is listed in a table called the “Guaranteed Analysis,” the percentage listed is the maximum percentage, rather than an absolute amount.6 To make matters more confusing, this amount includes most, but not all, insoluble fiber, and doesn’t factor in any soluble fiber.

This brings us to the next problem with trying to decipher dog food labels for fiber content: they don’t provide much information regarding the types of fiber that are included. It’s hard to pick the right high fiber food for your dog when you don’t know how much of what type of fiber is included.

So how can you work out which high fiber food is best for your dog (or if you should even make the switch)? The simplest answer is to consult your vet.

2. Integrate Fiber-Rich Foods Into Their Diet

Another way to increase your dog’s fiber intake is to add fiber-rich foods to their diet. Of course, in order to do this, you’ll need to know which foods are high in fiber, and you shouldn’t add additional foods to your pet’s diet without first consulting with your veterinarian. Add too much and you can end up with nutritional imbalances. Too little, and you’re unlikely to see much of an effect.

High fiber fruits and vegetables, including apples, blueberries, and carrots, are good treats for dogs or can be ingredients in a nutritionally complete and balanced dog food.7

Pumpkin is often recommended as a source of fiber for dogs. While pumpkin does contain more fiber than most fruits and vegetables, it isn’t as fiber-rich as you might think.8 You would need to give your dog a sizable amount of it to equal the fiber percentages found in prescription formula high fiber dog foods.

To ensure you give your dog fiber-rich foods that are suitable for their particular health needs, ask your vet for advice.

3. Add Fiber Supplements to Their Diet

Wooden bowl filled with psyllium husk with a wooden spoon on top

Another way to give your dog a fiber boost is to add a fiber supplement to their diet. Fiber supplements, such as psyllium husk, have been shown to offer a number of positive benefits including improved intestinal health, reduced constipation, improved quality of fecal matter, and easier defecation.9

While fiber supplements may seem like a quick and easy way to give your dog an extra dose of fiber, it is important to seek your vet’s advice prior to adding them to your dog’s diet. Adding more fiber (of any kind) can impact the absorption of nutrients, so it’s best to check with your vet who can determine if your dog needs a fiber supplement at all, and if so can recommend the right kind and the right dose.

If you get the green light, be sure to take things slowly. Your vet will likely recommend that you gradually add the fiber supplement to their meals. If your dog doesn’t react well to the fiber supplements, immediately stop giving them and contact your veterinarian.

4. Consult Your Vet

Adding more fiber to your dog’s diet may not seem like a decision that warrants a trip to the vet. However, altering your dog’s diet in any significant way can impact their health. Adding fiber could indeed be beneficial… but it could also lead to undesirable side effects. Too much fiber can decrease the absorption of important nutrients and result in loose stools, frequent defecation, and reduced palatability of the dog food.10

Your vet will be able to give you the expert guidance you need to address any health problems your dog is experiencing. If they determine that your dog could indeed benefit from more fiber, they can tell you which of the strategies mentioned above would be most appropriate based on your dog’s particular needs.

Beyond that, if you’re looking for additional resources to help keep your puppy healthy and looking good we also have a series of buying guides to help you select the best dog ear cleaner solution, the best dog clipper, the best dog clippers for poodle hair, and our guide to finding the best brush for Aussies.

If you have additional questions about the right dog food for your new pup, we’ve created a series of resources to help you get the information you need:

Also, check out some of our other dog food and nutrition based resources for your pup:

6 Remedies That Will Settle Your Cat’s Upset Stomach Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:41:32 +0000 Does your cat have diarrhea? Or maybe they’re vomiting? If you’re like many cat owners, these issues have led you to search for remedies that will settle your cat’s upset stomach. These symptoms can be brought on by many different causes including:

  • Viral and bacterial infections
  • Parasites
  • Ingesting a toxic substance, unusual food, or foreign material
  • A food allergy
  • A food intolerance
  • A serious disease, such as an inflammatory bowel disease, organ dysfunction, or cancer
  • A side effect of drug treatment
  • Hairballs

So what can you do to help ease your cat’s upset stomach?

If your cat’s vomiting or diarrhea is severe and/or frequent, talk to your veterinarian immediately. Keep in mind that besides occasional vomiting caused by hairballs, it is not normal for cats to vomit.1 Both vomiting and diarrhea may be symptoms of a range of medical conditions, so it is best to take your cat to the vet to get the all-clear.2

If, however, your cat’s vomiting or diarrhea just started and is not severe or is a rare occurrence, the following 6 remedies may help settle your cat’s upset stomach.

1. Fasting

Cat next to their empty cat food bowl looking up to show their hunger

When your cat is suffering from an upset stomach, one of the best remedies to try is the simplest: fasting. Fasting (that is, withholding food from your cat) will give your cat’s upset stomach a chance to settle.

To put your cat on a fast, you will need to remove their food sources. You can also remove water, but just for a few hours, until it’s clear that their stomach has started to settle. Keep in mind, though, that cats can develop a potentially serious condition called hepatic lipidosis if they don’t eat for even relatively short periods of time.3 Never fast your cat for longer than 12 hours unless told to do so by your veterinarian.

Here is a rough timeline that you can follow to put your cat on a fast:

  1. Remove both food and water for 2 hours.
  2. After 2 hours, reintroduce water if they are no longer vomiting.
  3. After 8 to 12 hours, gradually reintroduce food.

2. Bland Diet

When it comes time to reintroduce food to your cat, it is advisable to put them on a bland diet. A bland diet is recommended by vets when your cat’s digestive tract is upset and needs a rest.4 It is designed to provide your cat with some nutrition to help them get on the road to recovery.

So what foods can you feed them on a bland diet? Boiled white meat chicken mixed with a little cooked white rice is a popular option. The length of time you should stick to a bland diet will depend on your cat’s condition. Anywhere from a few days to a week may be necessary. However, many bland diets do not provide all the nutrition a cat needs to stay healthy. Your veterinarian can prescribe a complete and balanced bland diet for long term feeding if that proves necessary.

While they are on the bland diet, be sure to avoid giving your cat treats or any other foods.

3. Sensitive Stomach Cat Food

Cat eating sensitive stomach cat food from their cat bowl outside on a sunny day

Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

As mentioned above, your cat’s upset stomach may be caused by a food intolerance. If this is the case, switching to high-quality sensitive stomach cat food may help to settle your cat’s upset stomach.

Sensitive stomach cat foods are formulated to provide cats with a nutritious diet that won’t aggravate their gastrointestinal (GI) system. This type of cat food is typically highly digestible and may contain ingredients that promote beneficial gut bacteria.

Of course, if switching your cat to a sensitive stomach cat food doesn’t improve their symptoms, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian.

4. Medication

If you take your cat to the vet, they may prescribe medication to help settle your cat’s upset stomach after assessing their condition. The type of medication will depend on the vet’s diagnosis. For example, if the upset stomach is a one-off occurrence, they may prescribe a short course of anti-nausea medication and/or anti-diarrheal agents. Or, if your cat’s symptoms are caused by certain parasites, the doctor will prescribe a deworming medication.

In more severe cases, cats may require hospitalization for monitoring, supportive care, like fluid therapy, and other treatments.

5. Probiotic Supplements

Cat sitting on their owner's lap sniffing a probiotic supplement their owner is trying to give them

Probiotic supplements may be able to help if your cat’s upset stomach is caused by or leads to changes in their intestinal microbial population.5 Probiotics are naturally-occurring live, good bacteria that help to balance a cat’s gut microbiome (the numerous microorganisms that live in their intestinal tract).

When your cat gets sick, it can lead to a die-off of good bacteria and an increase in the bad bacteria in their gut. This imbalance can in turn cause or exasperate your cat’s upset stomach.

Probiotic supplements help to increase the number of good bacteria in your cat’s gut, so taking one may help settle your cat’s stomach or prevent the issue from recurring in the future.

When selecting a probiotic, it is important to select one that has undergone rigorous research.6 This is why it is best for your vet to recommend one, rather than choose a product yourself.

6. Hairball Remedies

If your cat’s upset stomach is due to a hairball problem, giving them a hairball remedy may help it pass. A variety of hairball remedies are available. Veterinarians commonly recommend flavored lubricant gels (Laxatone, for example) that are available over the counter. Follow the directions on the label, and be sure to reach out to your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.

If your cat’s upset stomach is indeed caused by hairballs, the good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to help prevent hairballs in the future.7


The 6 remedies outlined above may be able to help settle your cat’s upset stomach. The suitability and effectiveness of each one will depend on your cat’s overall health and the cause of their upset stomach.

If your cat’s upset stomach appears to be serious or if you are worried that your cat’s stomach issues may be symptomatic of a more serious health concern, remember that it is vital to seek veterinary advice as soon as possible.

If your cat is having other health issues, you may find our guide to what to do if your cat has blood in its stool, whether cats can get colds, and home remedies for a cat vomiting.

Additional Resources

We’ve created a series of posts here on Pet News Daily related to gastro intestinal issues for cats and cat health in general, including:

7 Ways to Put Your Cat on a Diet Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:40:58 +0000 Have you noticed that your cat has gained a few pounds? Or maybe your cat has been overweight for a while? It might be time to consider putting your cat on a diet.

You’re certainly not alone. Various studies have reported that more than half of pet cats may be overweight or obese and the problem appears to be getting worse over time.1 In fact, obesity is the most common nutrition-related problem in cats.2

While you may think an extra pound here or there isn’t a big deal, excess weight can compromise a cat’s health. It puts them at greater risk for a range of health problems including:3

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Urinary bladder stones
  • Anesthetic complications
  • Hepatic lipidosis
  • Skin problems
  • Difficulty fighting infectious diseases

Putting an overweight cat on a diet will help them live better and longer. Keep reading to discover 7 key ways you can put your cat on a diet.

1. Devise a Weight Loss Plan With Your Vet

Veterinarian using stethoscope to perform a checkup of an overweight cat

As you may already know from personal experience, trying to start a diet without a proper weight loss plan can make an already challenging task even more difficult. Fortunately, when it comes to devising a weight loss plan for your cat, you don’t need to go it alone.

Your vet has the expertise to put together an effective weight loss plan based on your cat’s unique health status, lifestyle, and needs. By involving your veterinarian, you will be able to help ensure that your cat loses weight in a safe and healthy manner.4

Your veterinarian can recommend an appropriate food, tell you exactly how much to feed at every meal, schedule weigh-ins to monitor the rate at which your cat is losing weight, and fine-tune your plan based on the results. Be sure to schedule a veterinary visit before putting your cat on a diet.

2. Measure Your Cat’s Food

If you’re in the habit of feeding your overweight cat however much food they seem to need, or worse yet, leaving food out all the time, it’s time to start measuring your cat’s food.5

Guesswork is a big no-no when it comes to how much food you should feed your cat, and cats will almost always overeat when they have unlimited, easy access to food.

To feed your cat properly, you will need to know how much food is ideal to give them in the first place. The best way to determine this is to ask your veterinarian. They will be able to determine the appropriate amount of food for your cat based on factors such as their health, weight, reproductive status, activity level, and so on.

3. Increase Meal Frequency

Cat-shaped bowl filled with dry cat food

Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

So meals are better than free-feeding, but many well-meaning cat owners only offer their cats food twice a day. While it may be convenient, this feeding schedule makes it more likely that cats will overeat and feel hungrier later on.

So what is the alternative? Feeding multiple small meals throughout the day. By breaking their daily ration into small portions, you can help your cat to lose weight and reduce begging between meals.6 If you don’t have the time nor capacity to manually give them portioned meals throughout the day, consider buying an electronic cat feeder. Look for one that allows you to configure it to automatically dispense predetermined amounts of food throughout the day.

4. Feed Them Diet (Weight Management) Cat Food

Another way to put your cat on a diet is to feed them diet cat food. Diet cat food, also called weight management cat food, is specially formulated to help cats maintain a healthy weight. Most major brands of cat food have a diet cat food line, so you’ll have plenty to choose from.

Just make sure to carefully read the nutrition label of each diet cat food product, as some options are not all that nutritious or as calorie restricted as you might think. If you need advice on how to choose the right diet cat food for your cat (or whether it is even a good option for your cat), don’t hesitate to consult your vet. Foods that are only available with veterinary authorization (often called prescription foods) may be the best option for cats who need to lose large amounts of weight.

5. Switch to a Wet Food Only Diet

Cat eating wet cat food from a plate

Canned cat foods have a much higher moisture content than do dry foods. The extra water has the same effect as drinking a large glass of water before a meal does for us. Cats eating wet food will feel full faster and stop eating sooner, which helps with weight loss.

Quality canned cat foods are also higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than are equivalent dry foods. This better matches a cat’s nutritional needs and will also help with weight management.7

6. Reduce the Amount of Treats You Give

Is your go-to reward for your cat’s good behavior a tasty treat? While a small treat here or there may seem innocuous enough, the calories can really add up.

That is why you should only give treats in moderation; for weight loss they should only represent 5% or less of your cat’s daily food intake.8 And be sure to tell your veterinarian about the treats you give so the extra calories can be included when they calculate how much cat food you can offer each day.

7. Don’t Ignore Other Diet-Responsive Conditions

Overweight tabby cat staring at something in the distance

Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

While this guide has focused on putting your cat on a diet to help them shed excess weight, there are many other health problems that can be managed with diet changes. It’s quite possible that you could find yourself in a position of having to help your cat lose weight while they need to eat a specific type of diet that isn’t designed for weight loss.

For example, a cat with a food sensitivity may need to eat a nutritionally-balanced sensitive stomach cat diet. If they are also overweight, switching to a diet cat food may not be an option. To help them lose weight, you can reduce the amount of sensitive stomach cat food you offer, but feeding too little can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

If your cat is both overweight and suffering from another health problem, including your veterinarian in your weight loss plans is essential.

Final Words

Putting your cat on a diet can help them lose excess weight and boost their overall health. As outlined in the guide above, there are many ways you can put your cat on a diet, but before proceeding, it’s best to schedule an appointment with your vet. As a bonus: you can use our puppy weight calculator to estimate dog weight if you have a pet pooch at home too. Good luck!

Additionally, if you’re looking for additional resources to help keep your cat healthy, happy, and clean you can also check out our list of the dustless litter options.

5 Things to Put in a Dog House for Bedding Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:39:28 +0000 You have just spent the time and effort to set up a nice house for your dog, and now you might be wondering what things to put in a dog house for bedding to keep your pup safe, comfortable, warm, and dry. In this article, I’ll explain the various types of dog house bedding to consider depending on the environment and your dog’s needs.

Before you select one of these things for your dog house, make sure to think about your particular dog house and its location. Is it an indoor dog house or an outdoor dog house? Think about the size of the dog house and the shape. Do you need a waterproof bed?  Is the item you selected easy to wash, especially for outdoor dog houses, puppies, and senior dogs?

And, importantly, remember to think about the needs of your particular dog. See below for some added tips for puppies and senior dogs.

5 Types of Bedding for Your Dog’s House

1. Dog Bed

Jack Russell Terrier laying in green dog bed

A great item to consider for dog house bedding is a dog bed. Dog beds come in all shapes and sizes, making it easy to select one that fits your space. A dog bed is also made for a dog to sleep on and will be durable for long-term use.

There are a variety of different materials that make up dog beds. For an indoor dog house, any bed you like may work well (some sofa dog beds may fit nicely). If this is for an outdoor dog house, you can consider different options like an elevated outdoor dog bed, a standard outdoor dog bed, or an outdoor dog bed that’s waterproof.

Most dog beds will come with a washable cover that helps to keep the bed clean.

While the perfect dog bed may be a bit of an investment, getting the one that suits your needs will be long-lasting and worth it.

2. Rug

A rug can work well for dog house bedding. A rug such as a bathroom rug or area rug works nicely. These rugs often have a rubber backing, making them non-slip. Rugs are easy to wash and come in many sizes and shapes. You can also choose the density and thickness of the carpeting to best suit your dog’s needs.

Rugs are also fairly inexpensive, which is nice for the budget. However, rugs are more likely to need replacement due to wear than some heavier-duty alternatives.

An indoor/outdoor rug can also be considered. While this will be less cozy, it will likely last a bit longer for outdoor use compared to an indoor rug.

3. Kennel Pad

A kennel pad (or dog crate pad or mat) is a good option for dog house bedding. There are many types of these pads that are fairly indestructible and durable.

Depending upon your needs, there are many thicknesses of kennel pads. It may be nice to have a pad that is not too thick, especially in hot environments. These pads also come in many sizes, though they do tend to be rectangular in shape.

Kennel pads will provide padding and some support. There are washable kennel pads, but depending upon the size, it may difficult to wash in a non-commercial washing machine.

4. Blankets

Yellow lab laying on rug under blanket

Blankets or linens also can work for dog house bedding. Blankets are easily bunched up into a cozy sleeping space for your pup. Blankets also offer soft support for your dog. Dogs tend to really like to get cozy into the blankets, so they usually feel very comfortable and safe in blankets.

Blankets are easy to wash and dry. Depending on your environment, blankets will likely need more washing and drying than other types of bedding.

A nice comforter can provide plenty of warmth and comfort for your dog.

5. Foam Pad Covered with Water Resistant Material

For those do-it-yourselfers out there, you can make your own dog house bedding. By using a foam pad and covering it with water-resistant material, you can create a bed that is like a combination of a dog bed and a kennel pad.

This works nicely as you can choose the type of padding your dog needs, something more comfortable and supportive for a senior dog, or maybe something thinner for a young dog and a smaller space. You can also customize the size and shape so it fits your dog’s house perfectly.

Depending upon the materials you choose, this will also be a more economical way to go.

How to Keep Your Dog House Bedding Safe

There are a few additional factors that you need to consider when deciding which of the above bedding makes sense for your dog.

First and foremost, is your dog a puppy or an adult chewer? If your dog chews and ingests items, then you don’t want a dog bed they will destroy. And, if they consume pieces of material, it can pose a health hazard, such as a gastrointestinal obstruction.1 For a destructive dog, consider kennel pads or maybe a dog bed that is intended for chewers. For a dog that is destructive, it is critical to monitor your dog and the bedding.

Also, really think about where your dog house is located. If it’s outdoors, then consider whether the bedding will attract insects. Does the bedding allow for good hiding spots for critters, especially snakes and rodents? Blankets and linens may be a hiding spot for these animals, so if you’re concerned about critters, you should choose an alternative.

For an indoor dog house, consider whether certain types of bedding might get too hot if the sun is shining on the house.2

Finally, for an outdoor dog house, consider cold temperatures and moisture.3 In some areas, you made need to change the bedding more frequently, and you may need waterproof material.

Special Considerations for Puppies

If you need dog house bedding for a puppy, there are a few special considerations.

Puppies commonly chew and eat items.4 Choose chew-proof material. There are kennel pads that are made of indestructible material, these are a good option for a strong chewer.

For puppies that are still potty training, consider bedding that can be easily washed. Again, most kennel pads and dog bed covers can be washed readily.

Special Considerations for Senior Dogs

Senior dogs need consideration too. As dogs age, their joints are more prone to the aches and pains of arthritis.5 To help their joints, make sure to choose dog house bedding that is supportive. I suggest orthopedic or memory foam dog beds that are moderately thick, but not so thick that it is hard for your dog to climb in.

Senior dogs may be more likely to have urinary incontinence issues also.6 Therefore, a washable and absorbent top layer for bedding is ideal.

If you keep all of these tips in mind, you will find bedding that will keep your dog safe and cozy in their house! Your pup is sure to enjoy their space for a long time to come.

6 Strategies to Stop Dogs from Fighting Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:32:16 +0000 Whether your dog doesn’t get along with other dogs or rarely gets into fights, every dog owner should know how to stop dogs from fighting so you’re prepared should it ever occur. There are a variety of reasons that dogs may fight, from protectiveness to resource guarding to too much (or too little) stimulation. Here’s what you need to know about why dogs fight and how to stop dogs from fighting.

Why Do Dogs Fight?

Dogs fight for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, fighting has an underlying cause. Though there are a few bad apples out there who may fight for no reason, that is the exception, not the rule.

We used to discuss a dog’s pack mentality and some inherent need to belong to a social structure or hierarchy. People thought motivation for behavior was to earn a higher “place” in that hierarchy. Over the past 20 years, this philosophy and theory have been disproven. We have a better understanding of dog behavior today, allowing us to better interpret their impending actions. And it has become very apparent that most dogs fight in response to a threat or external stimulation that they feel is a threat.1

When discussing strategies to stop dogs from fighting, we need to learn a bit about why dogs fight. This requires a better understanding of signs of aggression, anxiety, and fear in dogs and learning proper strategies to prevent clashing. By recognizing these signs ahead of time, you can learn to diffuse a situation. You should also know how to stop fighting if it occurs and how to remain safe in the event of a fight.

6 Strategies to Stop Dogs from Fighting

Two dogs play with a toy in the grass as a way to Stop Dogs from Fighting

Step 1: Know Key Triggers for Fighting

Understanding the factors contributing to fighting can help you know your dog’s behavior and anticipate a problem before it occurs. It can also let you identify triggers for your pet. You can then learn to avoid the triggers or work on positive training cues that will refocus your dog’s attention and allow you to prevent a fight.

Dogs may become aggressive with dogs they know, such as a housemate or playmate, or a stranger. The reasons for fighting may include:

Protecting Behavior/Resource Guarding

This can arise when a dog is protecting their property or territory (i.e., a strange dog in your yard)2 or another animal or human in the family.3 A dog may also display aggression when protecting food or prized possessions, such as toys or balls.45


Why would getting excited or playing too much cause aggression? This occurs when they get super aroused. They do not have an outlet to expel excess energy. Some dogs run around doing zoomies, others eat things they shouldn’t, and yet others will fight with the first dog they see.6 Overstimulation can occur when engaging in everyday activities or with new events.


While too much stimulation can provide sensory overload and stress, the opposite is just as true. Lack of exercise, mental stimulation, or physical contact with family members can also lead to aggressive behaviors.

Redirection (Redirected Aggression, Anxiety, or Fear)

Redirection can occur when the animal acts out on the closest thing to them. For example, UPS rings the doorbell. The dog can’t get to the delivery person but can go attack his housemate nearby.7 This is a common cause of interhousehold aggression.8

Attention Seeking

Dogs may display aggression when seeking attention because their owners are paying attention to another pet or a child in the home or when non-family members are present in the home.9

Underlying Medical Reason

Dogs who are in pain or sick may show it in a variety of ways. If aggression develops, have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian to rule out underlying medical reasons.

Not All Dogs Like Other Dogs

Just like humans don’t always get along with one another, some dogs simply don’t like other dogs at all, or a dog may dislike a particular dog. 10

No Trigger At All

Though the exception, not the rule, some dogs are innately more likely to be aggressive to other dogs. However, likely there is still a trigger we just didn’t witness.11

Step 2: Recognize Signs of an Impending Fight

By recognizing signs of anxiety or fear before your pet escalates to fighting, you can stop fighting in its tracks. By learning to recognize the differences between regular play vs. aggressive play, you can monitor for escalation. To do this, we need to discuss some of these normal behaviors.

Signs of Play and Relaxation in Dogs

Knowing what behaviors are normal during play is crucial. When dogs play together, they will often bite or nip around the neck and jump up on each other, but their bodies will remain loose; they may play bow. They’ll have relaxed ears and eyes when playing.12

See Table 1  for some common behaviors shown by a relaxed dog.

Table 1 - Common behaviors of a relaxed dog

TABLE 1: Signs of content, calm dog, even playful dogs. Adapted from Canine and feline behavior and handling13 and Animal Behavior and Rabies.14

Signs of Fear, Stress, or Anxiety in Dogs

Stressed dogs often show subtle signs that may alert you that play or other behavior changes to something of concern.

A dog can go from playful to aggressive with what seems like the flip of a switch. You may not understand the switch or even witness it, but if you can recognize signs of stress and take action, you can prevent a fight from happening.

See Table 2 for communication cues expressed by dogs who are stressed and anxious.

Table 2 - Indicators of STress and Anxiety

Table 2. Behavioral indicators of stress and anxiety. Adapted from Canine and feline behavior and handling15 and Animal Behavior and Rabies.16 with additional resources from Bites Bite! Avoid Being Bitten in This Field!17

Signs of Impending Aggression – “Fight Preparation”

Dog lying in grass growing or barking

Signs of impending aggression may vary depending on the dog. Some dogs may show some of the stressed or anxious behaviors listed above and then may suddenly, with what seems like no warning, attack. However, most of the time, there are subtle shifts that occur. We just have to learn to recognize them.

These changes can be to overall body position, ear position, tail position, body tension, even a shift in the eyes or mouth.18 You may see them raise their hackles. This is when the fur stands up on their back, making them look bigger. They may even growl/vocalize before attacking another dog. Finally, if the dog is barking, the bark’s tone may alter slightly, becoming deeper or more intense.19

Step 3: Don’t Put Your Dog in a Position to Fail

Take steps to minimize the risk of a fight even arising.

Stranger Fighting

  • CONSIDER tying a visible yellow ribbon around your dog’s neck/collar/leash.20
    • This will alert others to approach your dog with caution, or ideally not at all.
    • It can be used for aggressive dogs, fearful dogs, training dogs, dogs with exercise restrictions or arthritis, and not just dogs who fight.
    • It serves as a caution warning to others, saying to stay clear.
  • Avoid dog parks or heavily populated walking routes. Go for walks at off hours of the day to minimize exposure.
  • Use an escape proof harness (read our review of escape proof harness) to ensure that you can keep control of your dog.
  • Always be alert for animals or other triggers for anxiety. Turn and walk your dog the other way.
  • Ensure the pet is confined in a physical (not invisible) fenced-in yard at home or only on a leash when off property.

Interhousehold Fighting

The best way to try and stop dogs from fighting in your home is to maintain a consistent routine. Ensure all social interactions are predictable and comfortable for all animals involved.21 Consider the following additional items to minimize fighting.

  • Avoid having 2 females or 2 males; rather, one of each may be less likely to fight.22
  • Do not allow pets to share crates. Place crates so dogs cannot see each other.23
  • Keep them in separate rooms or parts of the house when you are not home.
  • Allow the dogs only short playtime together, making sure that they take breaks independently. Allow 2-5 minutes of rough play, and if they do not disengage on their own, then distract them or encourage separation.
  • Always feed separately. (Own dishes, own rooms, different times of day, whatever works).
  • If fighting occurs most commonly when you first arrive or depart, ignore your pets for the first 10-30 minutes upon arrival and before leaving. Sounds counterintuitive, but they are less likely to be so excited, and it lessens the chance of redirected aggression. The sooner the dogs settle, the sooner they get the attention they seek. They are not rewarded for being too excited or hyper.2425
  • Walk scared or anxious dogs separately from those who are more likely to fight. This minimizes distractions for you both, increasing the likelihood of a successful stress-free walk. Any stressor could trigger displaced feelings and manifest as fighting if dogs are walked together.

Step 4: Always Remain Calm

Dogs are very good at reading human emotions. So if you are stressed, they will sense it. If you scream and yell at them and are loud and boisterous because you see another dog coming in the distance, you are only going to increase that pet’s own anxiety and stress level.26

When you see a subtle shift in your dog’s behavior or you see that dog across the street, remain calm. Project calmness and confidence to your pet but speak in a normal tone and reassuringly to your dog.

By yelling and screaming, you only increase the chance that the dog will react, thinking there is a threat. To some dogs, remember, threat equals a fight response.27

Step 5: Provide Sufficient Exercise and Mental Stimulation for Your Pet

Two dogs playing on the beach

Always ensure that your dog gets enough exercise. Leash walks, running around a yard, playing at a park are essential for exercise. But don’t forget mental stimulation like sniffing time, food toys and puzzles, dog training such as cooperative care, and more. Failing to stimulate the mind can lead to boredom and acting out behaviors.28

Step 6: Know How to Safely Break Up a Fight in the Event One Occurs

  • You can consider:29
    • Throwing a blanket over them or between them
    • Throwing water over them
    • Using a loud distracting noise like a foghorn, whistle, or symbol. There are phone apps that you can use to create odd sounds.
    • Use a heavy enough object such as a chair that can keep you protected but could get between them.
  • For more detailed suggestions on how to break up a dog fight, see this link by an emergency veterinarian Tony Johnson, DVM, DACVECC.

A Few DOS AND DON’TS To Always Keep in Mind

  • DO learn to recognize cues.
    • Know your dog.
    • Recognize what stresses your dog.
      • Suppose you are on a walk, and the dog starts to get tense, ears erect, pulling towards another animal. Then you can redirect attention with treats or a favorite toy and walk the other way.
    • Don’t put you or your dog in a situation that could escalate to a fight.
  • DO know your environment and where problems may arise.
    • A specific house on a walk with a dog inside a fenced in yard
    • The Amazon delivery driver coming to the door
    • When you first come home from work and both dogs greet you at the door
    • For dog siblings, supervise play.
      • If play becomes too rough, the dogs aren’t taking breaks every few minutes on their own, or their body language changes, intervene. Get their attention and change their focus.
      • If body posture or alertness shifts during play, try calling their names and distracting them.
      • If they do not respond to sounds and happenings around them, they may be too hyper-focused. You should stop play for a bit.
    • For strangers, make sure, as above, you are familiar with your surroundings, and you have an alternate route or plan.
  • DO separate dogs when you aren’t home and only allow short, supervised play.

Remember that aggression often occurs in response to some external situation that scares the dog or overstimulates them. Still, some dogs just don’t like other dogs. These dogs, you simply must avoid interactions with other dogs, period.

Too Late, They Fought. Now What?

  • DON’T attempt to break up two dogs by putting yourself in the middle. You will get hurt.
    • During a fight, your dog isn’t thinking about mom or dad, no matter how gentle your dog is with you. The adrenaline is sky high, and the fur is flying. You WILL get bitten.
  • DON’T kick, beat, or otherwise use instruments to hurt the dogs. Not only can this hurt them, but it also can cause them to redirect their aggression onto you.30

Sometimes, however, you cannot prevent fighting 100% of the time. If a fight ensues, once the dogs are apart, get space between you, so they are out of sight and out of mind. Then thoroughly check your dog for any apparent open wounds, blood, soreness, but do so tenderly. If painful, the pet may bite you inadvertently.

Even if you don’t find any wounds, that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Sometimes it can take time for the wounds to become evident. So do not delay care. Waiting even 24 hours can allow pain and infection to set in. So, after a fight, even if wounds aren’t evident, seek care from your veterinarian.

Finally, always ensure your pet’s rabies vaccine is up to date. Suppose you do not know the dog’s vaccine status the pet was fighting. In that case, it is safer to assume the dog is unvaccinated and get your pet’s rabies vaccine boostered.

Final Thoughts

You can still enjoy long walks, the park, playing with your dog, and much more, even if dog fighting concerns exist. Just take care to do it with preplanning. Know your dog and watch for subtle body language changes that may suggest your dog may become aggressive. Provide proper enrichment and activities to ensure your dog has suitable outlets for energy and prevent built-up frustrations. It may take some effort, but with planning, training (of both you and your dog), and patience, most of the time, we can stop dogs from fighting.

In addition to helping you address issues with dogs fighting, we have a number of other resources dedicated to your dog’s well being. You can check out our guide to choosing the right vet recommended dog ear cleaner for your pup, our list of the best dog hair dryer, and our run-down of the best dog clippers for poodles.

Additional Resources

Why Your Dog Snores (and When & How to Stop It) Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:30:19 +0000 Wondering why your dog snores? The slow rumble of a snoring dog sleeping nearby in bed may be an endearing noise to some dog owners, but to others, it may cost them precious hours of sleep and worrying that something is wrong. Snoring may be normal in some dogs, but there are some instances that should give a dog owner reason for concern.

What is Snoring?

Snoring is a noise that occurs when air flows past relaxed tissue in the throat while breathing when asleep. It is the vibration from the movement of the relaxed tissue and the pressure of the breath that causes the sound we know as snoring.1

Why do Dogs Snore?

Short-nosed dog sleeping in dog bed

For some dogs, snoring could be due to an anatomic variation in the throat that may be considered normal or at least not detrimental to the dog’s health.2 Sometimes snoring is related to the sleep position, abnormal anatomy causing harm, disease, infection, or some other medical issue.3 Here are some common causes of snoring in dogs.


Excess weight can cause snoring or exacerbate breathing problems in dogs that already experience snoring or trouble breathing. Excess fatty tissue around the throat can put pressure on the throat or can cause partial obstructions that lead to snoring when the pup is relaxed or sleeping.4

Conformation and Anatomy

Variations in a dog’s anatomy can cause snoring. This is particularly true in brachycephalic breeds (we will go into more detail about these breeds below) that have shorter, squished, and smaller noses and airways. Some dogs, brachycephalic breeds in particular, also have excess tissue in the soft palate which can causes snoring.5


Any dog can suffer from allergies, similarly to people. When there is dust, dirt, pollens, sprays, and other allergens in the environment, it can cause swelling of the airways and snoring.6


Upper respiratory infections due to viral or bacterial colds can cause swelling and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract such as the sinuses, nasal passages, and throat. This congestion, swelling, inflammation, and discharge can all lead to problems such as snoring or other breathing difficulties.7

Nasal Foreign Body

There are different objects that can cause a full or partial obstruction inside the nose or in the throat that can cause snoring. Some of the most common things that cause obstructions in dogs include benign masses or polyps, cancerous tumors, small pieces of material such as sticks, grass awns, pieces of toys or chews, or other foreign material. When something is stuck in the airway, not only does it cause an obstruction, but it can also lead to infection and inflammation of the surrounding tissue, any of which can cause snoring or breathing difficulty.8

Sleep Position

Any time a dog is sleeping, they could snore due to simply being relaxed. While sleeping, a dog may be in a position that may make him or her more prone to snoring. This is especially true when a dog sleeps on their back. Dogs that sleep with their necks kinked, laying their heads on something in an awkward (yet apparently comfortable) position, or head hanging down off of the bed, all can contribute to snoring.9

If you’re looking to change up your dog’s sleep position with a new bed, we have a number of resources to help you including: our guide to evaluating waterproof large dog beds, our breakdown of the best raised outdoor dog bed, our look at the best elevated dog bed with stairs, or our guide to selecting the best dog bed for a couch.


In some parts of the country, there are certain fungal infections that have a prevalence of infection in the nose and airway. Some of these fungal diseases cause small masses, inflammation, or irritation and can lead to snoring. Aspergillosis is the most common nasal fungal infection seen in dogs.10 It is caused by the Aspergillus fungus and causes mold that can be breathed in.

Secondhand Smoke

Smoking is not only dangerous in people, but many forget that it can affect their furry companions just as badly. Smoke can cause inflammation in the respiratory tract leading to bronchitis, respiration irritation, asthma, and can contribute to snoring.1112


Your dog may be most prone to snoring when they have had a really exciting and active day and are simply worn out. When they fall asleep, they have such a deep and relaxing snooze that they snore.


Some medications such as muscle relaxants, sedatives, and pain medications can lead to excessive tissue relaxation and can cause snoring.13

When Should I be Worried About My Dog Snoring?

Dog sleeping in dog bed laying on back

If your dog doesn’t typically snore and suddenly starts snoring, you may want to take a trip to see your veterinarian to make sure there are no concerning reasons for this. You should especially be concerned if your dog starts snoring in addition to acting sick and showing other signs of abnormalities such as difficulty breathing, coughing, nasal discharge, lethargy, inappetence, or other changes in behavior. If your dog snores and you can find a reasonable cause such as excessive sleepiness or sleeping in a position that could lead to snoring, you have less reason to be concerned.

Dog Breeds Most Prone to Snoring

Any dog can be heard snoring, but brachycephalic breeds are the most common breeds known to snore. Brachycephalic breeds are those that are bred to have short noses and muzzles.14 Some examples include:

  • English Bulldogs
  • French Bulldogs
  • Boston Terriers
  • Pugs
  • Boxers
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
  • Shih Tzus
  • Mastiffs
  • Pekingese
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Brussels Griffon, Japanese Chin

These breeds are prone to brachycephalic syndrome which includes syndromes such as an elongated soft palate, stenotic nares, and everted laryngeal saccules.15 Any of these conditions can exacerbate or cause snoring.

How to Stop or Help a Snoring Dog

If your dog snores and you are concerned, there are some things you can do to help. You may not be able to stop the snoring, and in reality, it may not be something you need to stop. However, in some cases, snoring can be concerning, and a worried dog owner can do some things to help if needed.

See Your Vet

A trip to see your veterinarian should be the first thing you do if you are concerned about your snoring dog. Your vet will partner with you in the best interest of you and your dog to make sure he or she is in the best of health. They will make recommendations about additional diagnostics or tests that need to be performed, medications to give, or procedures that may need to be done.

Weight Loss

An exercise program and diet change are two things that a dog owner can easily do at home to help an overweight dog. More than half of adult dogs in the United States are overweight, according to the American Animal Hospital Association.16 It is still important to work closely with your veterinarian to develop an appropriate weight loss program for your dog.

Allergy Medications

If your vet thinks that allergies are the cause of your dog’s snoring, he or she may prescribe an allergy medication to help relieve allergy symptoms.

Change Position

If your dog is snoring and you notice that he or she is sleeping in an abnormal or uncomfortable position, you can try gently changing their sleep position to see if that helps the snoring. Providing a high-quality dog bed that allows your dog to sleep comfortably can help. Waterproof dog beds are a good solution for dogs who drool or sometimes have accidents while sleeping (you can also get waterproof outdoor dog beds).

Clean Air

To help reduce environmental allergens and irritants that can be breathed in and possibly cause snoring, you should reduce artificial fragrances and sprays, stop using harsh chemicals around your dog, and keep your dog away from secondhand smoke. It can also be helpful to add air purifiers and change furnace filters regularly.

Snoring may not be something you have to be worried about in your dog, but it is important to seek veterinary attention if you think your dog may be sick or suffering from brachycephalic syndrome.

If you’re concerned with your dog’s sleep, you may also be interested in the best nutrition and health for your dog. Our dog weight calculator can let you know how big your dog is likely to be, our answer to what can dogs not eat? can help you figure out what’s safe to feed your dog, our healthy dog weight chart can help you identify different inflection points in your dog’s growth, and our collection of breed-specific growth charts can help you get a better sense of things like how big are goldendoodle puppieshow big are great dane puppieshow big are golden retriever puppieshow big are chihuahua puppies, or how big are labrador puppies.

8 Ways to Keep Your Dog Out of the Trash Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:28:52 +0000 Many dog owners find themselves searching for ways to keep their dog out of the trash after experiencing every dog owner’s worst nightmare. Few things are more frustrating – or more concerning – than coming home to find your garbage can knocked over and last night’s dinner along with all kinds of other trash strewn and shredded across the house.

Many dogs realize what they have done and might give their most convincing guilty face and sad puppy dog eyes, while the more outwardly mischievous dogs revel in the mess they have made with pride and excitement. There are several reasons why your dog might get into the trash including boredom, curiosity, and hunger. However, the trash can be a dangerous place for a dog, and dog owners should do everything they can to prevent their from dogs making a garbage romp a habit and ensure they can’t ever get into the trash in the first place.

Why You Should Keep Your Dog Out of the Trash

Dog looking sad or feeling sick

Not only is cleaning up the trash mess your dog makes an inconvenience, but your dog could get sick or injured from getting into the trash. When a dog eats old or rotten food from the trash, they are also ingesting harmful bacteria which can cause an upset stomach leading to vomiting and diarrhea – other messy inconveniences no one wants to clean up!1

This form of gastroenteritis is also known to many as garbage gut.2  Some of these harmful bacteria and other organisms can release toxins, making dogs even more sick and dehydrated. Dogs who have gotten into the trash could also get pancreatitis which is inflammation of the pancreas.3 Like gastroenteritis, pancreatitis can also cause vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration, but can be more severe and include abdominal pain and be bad enough to require hospitalization for treatment.4

Some items dogs consume from the trash might not be able to be digested. Items such as fabric, corn cobs, bones, diapers, or literally anything else, could become lodged in the gastrointestinal tract and cause a blockage. While some abnormal items could pass, items that cause a gastrointestinal obstruction must be surgically removed.5 This is dangerous for dogs and expensive for owners.

Many items in our trash are poisonous to dogs. Some of the most common toxins found in the trash can are chocolate, grapes, coffee, xylitol, chemicals and detergents, onions, garlic, and more.6

Not only can ingesting poisonous or harmful items from the trash make your dog ill, but some objects found in the trash could also injure your dog. Pieces of glass, sharp pieces of plastic, disposable silverware, and other sharp items could cut your dog or cause internal injuries if they are chewed on or swallowed. Some items might even be a choking hazard and cause an obstruction in a dog’s airway or esophagus.7

If your dog is sick from eating something in the trash can or you are worried about a toxin, obstruction, or other harmful substance that your dog ingested, take your dog to the veterinarian right away. If your dog has ingested something toxic or potentially toxic, call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control on your way to your vet.

8 Ways to Keep Your Dog out of the Trash

Now that you know how important it is to keep your dog out of the trash can, here are some tips to help keep your dog out of the trash.

Prevent Boredom

Naughty dog sitting in trash strewn about on the floor

A common reason dogs will find themselves rummaging through the garbage can is because they are bored. Make sure your dog receives plenty of enrichment to keep his or her mind stimulated and to keep your pooch busy.8 Offer safe chews and toys such as Kongs and other toys that you can put treats inside. Turn on the television for a distraction if your dog enjoys watching it.

If you know your dog will be unattended for some time or gets bored easily, take them for a long walk, play fetch, or go for a visit to the dog park to provide your dog with some play time beforehand. Tiring your dog out as much as possible will help ensure he or she is napping instead of playing in the trash.

Provide Enough Food

If your dog gets into the trash because he or she is hungry, make sure you are feeding enough food at mealtimes. Maybe your dog needs to be fed twice a day instead of once, needs more food, or requires more appropriate food to keep them full and satisfied.

If you are leaving the house before your dog’s mealtime or are gone for longer than usual, make sure your dog is fed before you leave or you provide dog appropriate treats to keep their hunger at bay and keep him out of your trash. If you are worried that your dog isn’t getting the necessary nutrients to keep him satisfied, consult your veterinarian.

Get a Dog Proof Trash Can

If your dog can get into your trash can, it might be time to upgrade to one that is dog proof. Make sure they are large, sturdy, stable, and have a locking or secure lid to keep your dog out. Avoid small trash cans and those that are lightweight and easy to topple over.

Hide the Trash Can

If your space allows, put your trash can in a hidden or otherwise secure area. This could be in a closed pantry, in a cupboard or cabinet, under the sink, or some other covered place where your dog doesn’t have access to it.

Lock the Trash Can

Put child or pet safety locks on trash cans or find trash cans that come with a locking mechanism to keep your dog out. These can be found online or at your local hardware store.

Confine your Dog

It sounds pretty obvious, but keeping your dog in an area where they don’t have access to a trash can will physically prevent them from getting to it. Keep your dog in a large kennel if he is kennel trained, a separate room with the door closed, in a room or area with baby or pet gates up, or a separate floor or another part of the house.

Train your Dog

Owner correcting their dog

Even a well-trained dog might not be trusted not to get into the trash, but it can be a start. Ensure your dog can listen to basic commands such as “no” or “leave it.”9

The best way to make sure your dog knows the trash is off-limits is to catch your dog in the act of getting into the trash. It is hard to discipline and make your dog understand what they are doing is wrong if the deed is already done and you come home to a mess.

Train your People

This one may also seem pretty obvious, but be smart about your trash and make sure others are conscious about the trash and the dog. Don’t put meat or other good-smelling food into the trash and leave your dog unattended with access to it. Take out your trash often and don’t let it overflow.

Keeping your dog out of the trash is important not only for their health and safety, but also for your sanity!

Beyond that, if you’re looking for additional products to help keep your puppy healthy and happy, we also have a series of buying guides to help you select the best ear cleaner for a dog, the best clippers for dog grooming, the best dog hair clippers for poodles, the best dog blow dryer, and our guide to finding the best brush for Australian Shepherds.

4 Best Home Remedies for Cat Vomiting Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:23:58 +0000 Is your cat vomiting? There are a few home remedies for cat vomiting that can help. However, if the vomiting is severe or accompanied by other potentially serious symptoms like abdominal pain, the presence of blood, profuse diarrhea, and weakness, stop reading now and call your veterinarian.

On the other hand, if your cat has just vomited a few times and seems to feel fine or only vomits occasionally, trying a home remedy or two before calling your vet makes sense.

There are many possible causes of vomiting in cats. Some common examples include:

  • Hairballs
  • Ingesting household products, cosmetics, or medications that are poisonous1
  • Inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal disorders
  • Ingesting unusual foods or foreign material (string, for example)2
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Food intolerance or allergy3
  • Diseases related to organ dysfunction such as diabetes,4 pancreatitis,5 and hyperthyroidism 6
  • Intestinal parasites7
  • A side effect of some types of medications, like NSAIDs8

Because many of these conditions are potentially very serious, it’s always safest to talk to your veterinarian before trying any of the four following home remedies for cat vomiting.

1. A Very Short Fast

Orange cat pawing an empty food bowl

Not offering food for a period of time is often recommended as a home remedy for vomiting, but cats are unique in this regard (and many others!). Cats who do not take in sufficient calories, even for relatively short periods of time, are at increased risk for a disease called hepatic lipidosis.9

With that said, it is fine to fast your cat for 8-12 hours. Skipping one meal won’t do any harm and can give your cat’s upset stomach a chance to empty and rest. But leave out fresh, clean water to prevent dehydration. Unlike dogs, cats will rarely overindulge with water. If your cat’s vomiting continues or if your cat is not willing to eat after 24 hours or so, give your veterinarian a call.

2. Bland Food

Feeding your cat bland, easy to digest food is another way to rest their gastrointestinal tract, but wait for at least 3 to 4 hours after their last vomiting episode.10 Initially, try offering a few small pieces of boiled white meat chicken (no skin or bones). If your cat keeps this down, you can continue to offer small portions every few hours and even mix in a little white rice. Bland cat foods that are easy to digest are also available from your veterinarian.

Slowly switch back to your cat’s regular food or a food for sensitive tummies (see below) once your cat seems to be back to normal. Chicken and rice is not nutritionally complete and balanced so don’t feed it alone for more than a few days. Gradually mix increasing amounts of cat food in with decreasing amounts of chicken and rice until your cat is eating only cat food after 3 to 5 days or so.

3. Feeding Your Cat Sensitive Stomach Cat Food

Cat eating sensitive stomach cat food from a food bowl

Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

Once your cat is ready to start eating regularly again, you may want to consider changing their diet. Switching to food that is specifically formulated to be easy on your cat’s stomach, such as high-quality sensitive stomach cat food, may help ease your cat’s discomfort. If your cat eats dry food, it’s also worth considering a change to an all wet food diet.

If you find that switching to sensitive stomach cat food does the trick, this may indicate that the reason your cat threw up is related to their diet. For example, they may have a dietary intolerance or an allergy to one or more ingredients.11

4. Hairball Remedies

Hairballs are a common cause of long term, intermittent vomiting in cats. If hairballs are the reason your cat is vomiting, a hairball remedy can help. However, if your cat brings up hairballs more than once every week or two, you should discuss the situation with your veterinarian. Frequent hairballs are often associated with health problems affecting the gastrointestinal tract or coat and skin.

Numerous hairball remedies are available for you to try out. One of the most common types is a hairball control gel that acts as a lubricant. Hairball control gels are flavored so that cats will (sometimes) readily lick them up. Never give your cat mineral oil, butter, lard, grease, or vegetable oils as a home treatment for hairballs. At best, they won’t work. At worst, they can make your cat very sick.

Brushing your cat more frequently and feeding a hairball prevention diet are good preventative measures for reducing hairballs in the future.12

When to Take Your Cat to the Vet

Sick cat resting his head

Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

When it comes to your cat vomiting (or exhibiting any health issues whatsoever, for that matter), it’s wise to err on the side of caution. Here is a general guide to help you decide when you should take your vomiting cat to the vet.

  • If your cat could have swallowed something poisonous or hazardous contact your vet or the 24/7 Pet Poison Helpline immediately.
  • If you have reason to suspect that your cat’s vomiting could be a symptom of a more serious health problem, your cat continues to vomit for several hours, or their vomiting is getting more severe, contact your vet.
  • If your cat has been vomiting for more than a day or two, take them to the vet.13

Remember, while vomiting is a relatively common problem for cats, it shouldn’t be a regular occurrence. So if you notice your cat vomiting several times a month, take them to the vet, even if their vomiting isn’t severe.

Your vet will be able to evaluate your cat’s condition and give them a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.14

If your cat is having other health issues, you may find our guide to what to do if your cat has blood in its stool, whether cats can get colds, and home remedies for a cat’s upset stomach.

Additional Resources

We’ve created a series of posts here on Pet News Daily related to gastro intestinal issues for cats and cat health in general, including:


7 Ways to Make a Dog’s Coat Shiny Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:19:42 +0000 As a veterinarian, I’m often asked how to make a dog’s coat shiny. Not all breeds have naturally shiny coats, but in some dogs, a dull coat can be an indicator of an underlying health condition. Here’s what you need to know about the potential causes of a dull coat and what you can do to ensure your pup maintains a shiny, healthy coat.

Should Your Dog’s Coat be Shiny?

Often people associate a shiny dog coat with being healthy. In many dog breeds, this may be true. Sure, that Golden retriever with the long flowing fur, we expect it to be shiny. But a bulldog? A boxer with their bristly fur?

So, first, ask yourself, should your dog’s coat be shiny? Was it always dull, and you read something that suggested it should be shiny? Or was it shiny, and now something has changed, and it has lost its luster?

Have you noticed any dry skin, redness, itchiness, dandruff, or loss of fur? Have you recently changed your pet’s food? Added or removed any treats or supplements?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, perhaps there is an underlying cause. If you answered no, then then your pet may not need to have a shiny coat.

Possible Causes of a Dull Coat

Dog laying in the grass outdoors

Your dog’s skin is an important part of the immune system, providing a level of protection from the environment. It also helps to keep your dog’s temperature normal and allows for the sensation of touch.1

Causes for a non-shiny hair coat may include the following.

1. Allergies

Allergies can include environmental allergies, such as pollen, dust mites, or ragweed, and diet-related allergies. A diet-related allergy is an allergy to a specific protein in food, such as chicken or beef.

Signs of allergic skin disease may include patchy fur loss, changes in texture, shine, biting, chewing, or licking at a specific area, or general overgrooming. You may see redness or pimple-like areas.2

2. Diet

Your dog’s diet could be contributing to a dull coat in several ways:

  • Protein allergy
  • An incomplete diet; malnutrition; poor-quality food
  • Change in food (new brand, new flavor, new formulation)

3. Stress

Have you ever gotten pimples when you were stressed? Have you ever noticed your dog gets dandruff when going to the vet?

When stressed, the body acts in numerous ways. Dandruff and increased shedding may occur during or after a stressful event. This is usually a short-term issue not warranting treatment. However, repeated stressors can weaken the skin’s protective barrier and lead to skin and coat changes.

4. Medical conditions

Diseases such as diabetes, Cushing’s disease, or hypothyroidism can cause various skin changes. These diseases often have accompanying signs, such as changes in how much a pet drinks, weakness, lethargy, or weight changes. But sometimes skin changes or coat changes are the first signs.

5. Ectoparasites

Fleas, ticks, scabies (mange), Demodex, and other ectoparasites, depending on where you live, can cause infection and changes to the coat and skin. Always ensure safe, effective monthly parasite prevention. Speak with your veterinarian for specific product recommendations.

6. Environmental conditions

In winter, our homes become drier. Have you ever had dry, chapped hands in the winter? A dog’s skin can react similarly. Shining up your dog’s coat may be as simple as changing your home’s humidity level.

7. It’s not supposed to be shiny

Your dog’s breed naturally may not have a shiny coat.  So, just because a coat isn’t shiny doesn’t mean it isn’t normal.

How to Make a Dog’s Coat Shiny: 7 Steps Towards a Healthier Coat


Person brushing a long haired dog's coat

Follow these steps to help your dog regain a beautiful, healthy, shiny coat.

1. Ensure proper nutrition

An excellent quality, fully balanced dog food may be all your pet needs. However, if your dog is already on a great diet, it’s possible that there is an allergy to a protein in the food (chicken, beef, or fish, for example).

Some people consider raw food diets or home-cooked diets, thinking that this will fix a dull coat. While a diet change may be warranted in some cases, consider the safety risks of raw food diets and the risk of malnutrition associated with them.

If you choose to cook for your pet, please consult a board-certified veterinary nutritionist or service that can help you perfectly balance the food. (See additional resources below).

We also have a lot of resources on your dog’s nutrition that can help. We can help answer the question of how long does it takes a dog to digest food. We also have a dog weight predictor, dog growth charts including our goldendoodle size chartgreat dane size chartchihuahua size chartlabrador size chart, and golden retriever size chart (and our general overview of a dog’s ideal weight), and our list of foods dogs can not eat.

a guide to how much your dog should weigh, and we even have a list that answers the question what foods can dogs not eat?

2. Bathing

Generally speaking, most dogs don’t need to be bathed regularly. However, dogs who play in the dirt/mud may need a bath, and puppies or senior dogs who soil themselves may need a bath.

Frequent bathing in pets that do not have underlying skin disease is not recommended because bathing removes the natural oils in the skin. It causes damage over time to the natural protective measures the skin possesses. An increase in dandruff and shedding may occur after bathing for a day or two. Once the natural oils replenish, this usually resolves.

Steps to proper bathing

If your dog does need a bath, follow these steps to properly bathe your pup:

  • Ensure your pet is comfortable with bathing. Don’t force your pet into a shower or tub. (See Cooperative Care information below).
  • Avoid putting shampoo directly on the face/ears, and try to keep these areas relatively dry.
  • If your pet isn’t itchy and has normal skin, bathing in warm water is feasible. However, in general, and especially if the dog is itchy, cool water should be used. Why? Because warm water dilates (opens) the blood vessels and brings the blood flow closer to the skin’s surface. This increases itchiness. So, using cool water minimizes this. If you’ve ever bathed your dog, and they were itchier after, this may be why.
  • Wet your pet, then use shampoo as discussed below.

Drying recommendations

After bathing, make sure to dry your pet well. Take special care to dry the ears inside and out as a wet ear can lead to infection.

Should you towel dry your pup or use a dog grooming dryer? That is up to you AND your dog. Some dogs take well to them, but others, not so much. They are loud, blow air, and are foreign to most dogs. When using a hairdryer, keep it in the lowest setting and no or minimal heat. For towels, consider a microfiber towel for quick drying as they absorb a lot of water.

Shampoo options, conditioners, mousse

The product you use matters. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right products to bathe your pet.

  • Make sure the product you use is labeled for dogs.
  • Be cautious with over-the-counter products that spout medical claims. These products are not tested or supervised by the FDA, so the medical claims are not proven.
  • Human shampoos are a no-no. Our skin makeup is different from dogs’ skin.3 Additionally, the ingredients may not be safe.
  • For routine bathing, an oatmeal shampoo is mild and safe enough for most pets.
  • If there are patches of fur missing, redness, or itchiness, then ideally you should talk with your veterinarian first. However, if you choose to buy an over-the-counter product, consider one with antibacterial and/or antifungal properties. These often include ingredients like Chlorhexidine or Ketoconazole. Ingredients such as phytosphingosine can be calming to those with itching or irritated skin. Other ingredients help if the skin is greasy or for general itchiness. Again, talk to your vet before using any over-the-counter products in this case.
  • For most products, a minimum of 5-10 minutes of contact time is needed. That means you’ll need to get your dog wet, lather them up, distract them, and keep them busy for 5-10 minutes before rinsing them off. Otherwise, the products will work correctly.4
  • I suggest a bath lick mat of some kind that suctions to the wall or tub. You can use wet food or peanut butter frozen as a treat.
  • Suppose your dog gets something greasy, sticky, or otherwise stuck in their fur. In that case, your best bet is the Original Dawn® dish detergent, developed to use on animals in oil spills.  I recommend that everyone with a pet keep this in their home for emergencies.

Topical ectoparasite medications

If you use a topical flea/tick product for parasite prevention, such as Revolution® or Frontline Plus®, among others, make sure that you do not bathe your dog for 24-48 hours before or after applying the product. These products need the dog’s natural oils to spread properly, so it’s important to wait to let that repopulate after bathing.

3. Brush regularly

Brushing your dog regularly prevents matting of the fur. Matted fur can lead to skin infections and be painful to the pet. Even if your pet doesn’t need to be bathed, regular brushing can be helpful if well tolerated.

Regular brushing helps the human-animal bond; it connects you with your dog. It also helps remove debris, dead skin cells, pollen, and loose fur.

Sometimes, all you must do is brush to get that shiny coat. Some brush suggestions include the King Komb, which I found recently and love. My dog, who is afraid of most things, enjoys it. An added plus is that it is great to run through bedding (either a dog’s or your own), easily getting fur off most fabrics.

My other go-to is the Furminator (read our review of the furminator) . Some dogs may find this a bit more painful, especially if their fur is tangled. But it is also a great brush that comes in a variety of sizes.

If you have an Australian Shepherd we also have a break down of the best brushes for an Australian Shepherd.

4. Ensure routine monthly parasite prevention (topical or oral)

Fleas can commonly cause skin disease. Many pets are allergic to flea bites, which can cause fur loss, often starting around the rump, tail base, and along the dog’s back.5 It may only start as a change in fur coat quality.

Routine monthly prevention can prevent pests, prevent allergic skin disease, and keep your pet healthy from infectious diseases.

5. Consider vitamins, minerals, or supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids may be of benefit for some dogs. For the average, healthy dog who eats a good quality, fully AAFCO balanced diet, you shouldn’t need to add anything to the diet.

Dogs with underlying skin disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and a few other ailments may benefit from some additions such as higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids or occasional individual supplements.6 However, the average dog DOES NOT need supplements regularly.

These products, unless prescription strength, are not regulated by the FDA. Many products out there (animal or human) often do not undergo any testing for safety, effectiveness, or quality assurance testing. Always talk to your veterinarian first before adding any of these types of products.

Some reputable companies make dog food with higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids added to help with skin, allergies, and coat quality. They may be labeled as skin and coat or sensitive skin. These may be sufficient to benefit your pet but can take 4-8 weeks or more to demonstrate an effect.

Finally, some topical products contain fatty acids that may help improve the overall skin protective barrier. However, additional studies are still needed for proper dosing and formulations.7

Always remember, ANY change in food should be done slowly. Slowly wean down the current food over 5-7 days while slowly increasing the new food to prevent GI upset. Adding a supplement like a fatty acid could lead to GI upset, so be sure to monitor your dog closely when you add anything new.

6.  Minimize stress

Use Cooperative Care to train your dog to accept bathing, grooming, nail trims, and more calmly and effortlessly. Keep your pet well-exercised and mentally stimulated, and don’t force your dog to do something they don’t want to do. What you may think is fun for your dog might be stressful, so keep this in mind when assessing your pet’s coat and overall health and needs.

Some dogs love the bath, the attention, and the brushing, but others are afraid of the brush or the water. Some are afraid of the bathroom rug or the shampoo. If you want to learn how to make bathing, brushing, or grooming your dog less stressful for both you and your pup, then I suggest some reading and training with your dog.

Cooperative Care is allowing your pet to have a voice and willingly participate in the event. Please see these resources for additional information:

To reduce stress you’ll also want to make sure your dog is getting enough rest and your puppy is sleeping through the night, and that your dog has a comfortable bed. You can use our series of dog bed guides to find the right bed for your dog, including our guide to evaluating the best waterproof dog bed, our breakdown of the best outdoor dog beds, our look at the best elevated large dog beds, or our guide to selecting the best sofa dog beds.

7. Have your pet evaluated by your veterinarian

If you don’t see results with gentle bathing a few times a week or merely brushing your pet every day, the next step is to check with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can evaluate your dog for potential underlying medical causes of changes in fur quality, texture, or appearance.

If you Google how to make Fluffy’s coat shinier, what will you find?

You may see various suggestions. Some will be safe and healthy, but others will be potentially harmful to your pet. Some may have no science to back up the recommendations, while several may have your veterinarian’s support behind them.

A few words of caution

Sadly, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Remember there is no immediate fix for skin disease, dull coats, or itchiness. Dogs may have underlying allergies that need to be addressed. Keep in mind that allergies can be managed, but never cured. They may have a skin infection that the over-the-counter shampoos may not entirely treat, or they may have an underlying illness that needs to be addressed. Be careful using Dr. Google for pet advice.

If you try one or two things, such as a specific shampoo or different food, but in 2-4 weeks your pet still hasn’t improved, please schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. A medical cause could be present, or stronger or different types of topical applications may be needed. If at any time your pet is getting worse, seek care sooner.

A Few Important Things to Remember

First, ask yourself if your pet’s coat should be shiny. Was it shiny, and now isn’t? Why?

We’ve provided some recommendations for bathing, drying, brushing, and grooming in general. Always ensure you’re feeding your dog a reputable well-balanced diet. Make sure your home isn’t too dry or too humid.

Second, don’t be discouraged if you try something and don’t see immediate results. Even prescription shampoos, conditioners, supplements, or a diet change can take 2-4 weeks to see sufficient improvement.

Finally, if you aren’t getting the success you are seeking, other concerns arise, or the coat isn’t shiny, talk to your vet. Likewise, if dandruff, skin lesions, itchiness, redness, or GI signs (vomiting/diarrhea) occur, please see your veterinarian.

Additionally, while you’re bathing and grooming your pet, you can also consider dog ear wax cleaner to keep your pup’s ears clean.

Additional Resources

If your pet has more than just a dull coat, see this article by Dr. Wendy Brooks. It talks about some of these very topics and offers some information specifically on itchy dogs.

Here are a few resources to help balance a home-cooked meal:

  • University of Tennessee Veterinary Nutrition Service (email:
  • University of Missouri (email:
9 Fun Games to Play with Your Dog Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:15:18 +0000 Playtime is the perfect opportunity to bond with your dog. With these and other fun games to play with your dog, she gets to release energy, stay agile, and enjoy one-on-one time with her favorite human (you). Regularly engaging with your dog helps develop both physical and mental fitness and can even help your dog maintain cognitive ability as he ages.1

The games the two of you play together can go well beyond fetch. Many of the games on our list work inside or out and can be modified for dogs of all sizes, ages, and energy levels.

1. Hide-and-Seek

Hide and seek isn’t just for kids. Dogs love it too. To play hide-and-seek one on one, your dog will need some basic obedience skills. She’ll need to understand come, stay, and sit.

Take your dog into a different room, and tell her to sit and stay. You get to hide in another room. Keep in mind that dogs have an incredibly powerful sense of smell.2 Get creative in your choice of hiding spots because chances are she’s going to find you pretty quickly.

If she’s still working on obedience, you can play this game with the dog and two people.3 One person stays with and reminds the dog of their sit and stay commands. The other person gets to do the hiding.

2. Obstacle Course

An obstacle course lets your dog practice obedience while getting some exercise and working on agility.4 Chances are you’ll get a little exercise, too.

Obstacle courses work indoors and out. Since you get to make the course, you can also adjust it to fit your dog’s fitness and agility level.5 On a rainy day, you can use pillows, your dog’s indoor dog house, dog toys, and chairs to create a course that takes your dog over, under, around, and in between.

In the outdoors, use everything at your disposal—a swing set, stairs, and patio furniture can all become part of the fun.

3. Pole Bending (aka Cardio Twist or Upright Poles)

Small dog playing pole bending game

If you’ve ever watched a rodeo, you might have seen pole bending. It’s a timed event that requires the horse and rider to weave in and out of six poles. A similar event, upright poles, is used in dog agility events.

Most people don’t have poles lying around, so get creative. Grab some buckets, chairs, or pillows (if you’re inside). The first time through, have your dog follow you as you weave through the poles.

As she starts to understand the game, use hand cues and see how fast (or slow) she can complete the poles. Work on obedience by making your dog stay by your side as you change speeds, forcing her to pay attention to you.

4. Hidden Treasure

This game requires you to hide your dog’s “treasure.” The treasure could be a favorite toy or a treat. If you’re playing indoors, hide the treasure under a box, behind a door, or somewhere else that makes your dog work to find it.

You can use hidden treasure to work on your dog’s nose skills, too. Don’t walk directly to the hiding spot. When you hide the toy, drag or touch it to objects along the way. Zigzag, touching objects as you go. Then, go under and over all kinds of obstacles. Then, make your dog sniff her way to the treasure.

5. Tug-of-War

Golden Retriever playing tug of war

Dogs love this game. It’s simple, fun, and burns energy. You can use a tug toy specially made to take the forces of a dog who loves to pull. It’s also fun when you have two dogs who like to play together.

However, (and this is a big however) it’s not the best game for every dog. Fearful dogs may growl or become aggressive when someone takes a toy. If that’s the case, keep moving down the list for a game that won’t trigger your dog’s fears.

6. Ready, Set, Down!

Obedience lies at the heart of this game. You want to get your dog really excited about something like going for a walk or playing fetch. Once she’s really excited, give her a different command like “sit” or “stay.” When she obeys, give her a treat, and the game starts again.

Use this game to help your dog learn listening skills when she’s excited. As your dog gets better at playing, you can up the difficulty. For example, ask your dog to drop the ball in the middle of a game of fetch or tell her to sit. When she does, treat her, and start playing again.

7. Flirt Pole

Flirt pole works well in small yards with limited space. Attach a toy to the end of a rope (or fishing pole if you’ve got an old one sitting around). Now start spinning. Your dog gets to chase the toy.

You can use this game as an obedience and listening tool. Make your dog sit and stay while you spin or run with the toy. Extend the time you spin before releasing her from stay to practice listening and obedience skills.

8. Frisbee (Disc Dogs)

Dachsund playing frisbee

Disc dogs is an actual sport, but you can do it at home without requiring your dog to do any fancy catches. It’s an alternative to fetch that uses a frisbee, giving you and your dog a change of pace.

A frisbee requires your dog to consider timing and work on coordination. Of course, if you want to get fancy, there are online classes or YouTube videos to teach you a few of the more demanding moves.

9. Bubbles

Bubbles are just as magical for dogs as they are kids. Start blowing or pull out a bubble machine to get your dog hopping on a sunny day. She might need encouragement the first time or two, but before long, she’ll get ready to pop when the bubbles come out.

The Wrap Up

Games serve multiple purposes for your dog. They keep her fit, active, and offer a fun way to work on training. It also gives the two of you some time to focus on each other, and that’s what being a dog owner is all about.

If you’re looking for more information on how to keep your dog fit and their minds occupied we have a series of resources on how much your exercise your dog needs, how to train your dog to use a treadmill (along with a guide to buying the best treadmill for your dog) along with a number of training guides including tips for getting your puppy to sleep through the night, training your dog to stay out of a room you don’t want them in, a guide to crate training a puppy, and a guide to training a dog to pee outside, an article on keeping your dog out of the trash (along with a guide to choosing the best dog proof trash cans),

Is it Safe to Blow Dry a Dog? Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:10:26 +0000 As a dog owner, there will always be a need to give your dog a bath at some point, so you might be wondering if it’s safe to blow dry a dog. Even for those dog owners who typically use a dog groomer, there are moments when you will need to give a bath at home. For example, when your dog rolls in the mud, becomes dirty while out hiking, or your toddler spills dinner on them.

Some people choose to routinely bathe and dry their dogs at home. Grooming your pup at home saves time and money and can be more convenient.

So, you have given your dog a bath. What next? Can you use a blow dryer? The short answer is yes; however, there are some safety precautions you need to take. This article will give you the information you need to safely blow dry your dog.

What Type of Blow Dryer Do I Need?

Blow drying a dog after a bath

To blow dry your dog in a safe manner, you need to obtain a dog hair dryer. Dog hair dryers are designed to be the right temperature for your dog. There are many types of dog hair dryers to choose from. The various styles allow you to choose the dog dryer that is most convenient for you depending upon your goals and budget. You can check our guide to purchasing the best dog dryer to select the right blow dryer for your particular dog’s haircoat.1

How Do I Get My Dog Used to a Blow Dryer?

The first time you get out your dog hair dryer, don’t plan on actually drying a wet dog! The best way to get your dog used to the hair dryer is by starting slowly and using lots of patience.

Some dogs are afraid of loud noises, so starting slowly and gradually helps to desensitize your dog to the hair dryer and the noise it makes.2 If your dog is fearful of loud noises, you’re not alone. According to VCA Hospitals, it’s estimated that one-third of dogs are affected by noise aversions.3

I suggest starting by having the blow dryer out at a time when you don’t bathe your dog. Start by offering rewards, treats or toys, to your dog while you hold the blow dryer.4 The dryer will be off the first time you do this. Then, gradually you pretend to use the dryer, eventually turn the dryer on at a low air volume.

As you introduce each stage, keep rewarding your dog with treats or toys. Once your dog is content with the dryer being on, then you use the dryer for just a few minutes, working your way up to a full drying time. At this point, you are ready to use the dryer on a wet dog! The time it takes to get your dog used to the dryer depends on your dog’s reaction to drying.

Always make sure you have your dog in a safe and secure environment. Never have your dog on a table with a leash and walk away.

Finally, don’t worry or be nervous yourself. This will make your dog nervous too. Take each step with confidence and the blow drying experience will go much more easily.

Quick Tips and Tricks to Blow Dry a Dog Safely

Pomeranian shaking water off after a bath

Now that your dog is ready for the hair dryer, here are some quick tips and tricks to make the process go smoothly. Remember, patience is key.

Set up your towels and dog dryer prior to bathing your dog.

After the bath, towel dry your dog first to help get some of the moisture off your pet. Using an appropriately sized towel, gently rub the fur. After you do this, your dog will want to shake. Make sure to give them room to shake. I often hold the towel up so I don’t get soaked! Dogs can remove quite a bit of water when they shake their bodies. After towel drying, move on to the hair dryer.

For cage dryers, which are more commonly used in a grooming facility, the most important tip is to make sure the dog is not getting too hot. Make sure to follow the dryer’s directions completely, use a timer if equipped, and check on your dog routinely. If you are at all concerned, turn the heat level down or turn off the dryer. There are dryers you can purchase that do not have heat elements, and this can help to reduce the risk of overheating.5

For all other dryers, you will be directing the airflow. Start by setting up your dog and yourself in a comfortable position. Turn on the dryer and aim the nozzle/hose at the trunk of your dog’s body, starting near the rear end. Then use a gentle back and forth motion to dry the fur, ensuring that you keep moving and don’t hold the dryer in one place for any length of time. It is also key to use the dryer toward then away from the coat, making sure the fur is blowing away from the dryer. If the hair coat is blowing back and forth, tangles and irritation may occur.

When drying the head and neck, decrease the airflow if possible or hold your dryer further back. Gently go around the neck and back of the head. Avoid direct airflow into the ears and eyes.

It is ok if your dog is 99% dry when you stop blow drying. You don’t need to dry your dog completely with the hair dryer. Brushing your dog using a slicker brush can actually help the fur dry further. Also, allowing the final moisture to air-dry is acceptable as well.

Finally, make sure to follow all instructions that come with your dog blow dryer.

What Is Not Safe When Blow Drying my Dog?

These are some things to avoid when it comes to safely blow drying your dog. First and foremost, it’s best to avoid using a human hair dryer. According to, human hair dryers can reach temperatures of 140 degrees.6

Most dog dryers have “no heat” or minimally warmed air. Human hair dryers are hotter and have less air volume than dryers made for dogs. The high heat is dangerous for your dog’s skin, and it can burn if you are not careful.

Do not leave your dog unattended while using any dog blow dryer. Even with dog hair dryers, if they have a warming element, it is possible for your dog to overheat. So make sure that you don’t continue using a hair dryer once your dog is dry. If you notice your dog is panting excessively, lethargic, vomits, or has diarrhea, seek advice from your veterinarian immediately.

Lastly, make sure to get your dog used to the hair dryer before using it on wet fur. If your dog is too anxious she may try to escape, pull on the leash, or hurt herself. Taking the time to handle your dog properly will help to avoid these complications.


Being able to blow dry your dog at home is safe and convenient. Do not be afraid to try this yourself. Just make sure to set up for success by having the right tools and techniques as described here. Once you’re prepared grooming your dog can be a very rewarding experience.

If you’re looking for additional resources to help keep your puppy healthy and looking good we also have a series of buying guides to help you select a good dog ear cleaner, the best dog trimmers, grooming clippers for poodles, and our guide to finding the best brush for an Australian Shepherd.

8 Remedies for Your Dog’s Upset Stomach Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:01:31 +0000 If you’re reading this article, it means that you’re on the hunt for practical remedies for your dog’s upset stomach. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to address this health concern and ease your pup’s discomfort.

Many things can bring on an upset stomach in your dog, from consuming certain foods and plants,12 to eating too fast, to serious health issues such as pancreatitis (to name just a few!).3 It is important to take your dog to the veterinarian if:

  • Your dog’s vomiting or diarrhea is severe
  • It appears to be getting worse
  • It is accompanied by other serious symptoms like abdominal pain or enlargement, depression, lethargy, or repeated unsuccessful attempts to vomit.

A vet will be able to diagnose your dog and recommend appropriate treatment options. Vomiting and diarrhea can be signs that big trouble is on the horizon, so when in doubt, always seek expert advice.

A vet may be able to identify different issues your dog is having as being related to areas other than food, such as a dog’s need for daily exercise or something like a puppy having issues with sleeping through the night (if sleep is indeed the issue you can also check out our series of dog bed buying guides to: the best waterproof dog beds, the best outdoor dog beds, the best elevated large beds, and the best dog couches).

On the other hand, if your dog is only suffering from a mildly upset stomach and seems to feel fine otherwise, one of the following 8 remedies may be able to help.

1. Fasting

Fasting dog staring hungrily at his empty dog bowl next to him

Fasting gives your dog’s upset stomach a chance to rest and heal, so it can be a good way to treat a mild case of vomiting. A fast typically lasts between 12 and 24 hours,4 but the ideal amount of time will depend on your particular dog.

If your dog is still vomiting after fasting for a few hours, they may require a full 24 hour fast before you transition them back to eating. But if your dog’s stomach has settled after a few hours of fasting, you can begin to transition them to a bland diet.

But do not fast younger dogs or dogs with underlying health problems without first talking to your veterinarian.5 Also, only withhold food but not water when fasting your dog. If your dog has a tendency to gulp down large amounts of water, offer them small amounts frequently.

2. The Bland Diet

Putting your dog on a bland diet for a few days can be a good remedy for a dog who is experiencing a mild case of diarrhea or vomiting. As the name suggests, a bland diet is a diet made up of plain foods that are highly digestible, so they’re easier on your dog’s gastrointestinal tract.6

If you’d like to give a bland diet a try, the following foods may be suitable to feed your dog:

  • Boiled white meat chicken (no skin or bones)
  • Boiled lean hamburger
  • Cooked white rice
  • Boiled and mashed potatoes

Add equal parts of one of the proteins mentioned above with one of the starches and mix thoroughly. Remember, the whole point of this diet is to focus on bland foods, so steer clear of any added spices, fats, and oils!

The key to an effective bland diet is patience. Start with just a very small amount and wait an hour or so to see how it goes. If your dog holds the food down, you can give them a bit more. Slowly increase the amounts and decrease the frequency until your dog is eating a small meal every four hours or so.

When your dog can hold down food again, you can begin to transition them back to their regular diet gradually after one to two days on a bland diet. Similar to fasting your dog, if symptoms persist, don’t delay in taking your dog to the vet.

3. High Fiber Meals

Cocker Spaniel lying next to a bowl of high fiber dog food
Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

If your dog is experiencing loose stools, it may be helpful to consider switching them to a high fiber dog food or giving them a fiber supplement. Adding more fiber to your dog’s diet can help firm up stools and promote a healthy population of gut bacteria.

Always consult your vet before making the switch to a high fiber diet. There are many different kinds of fiber, each of which tends to have particular benefits, and it can be hard to know which type to use under different circumstances.7 Also, high fiber dog food may not be suitable for all dogs, particularly younger dogs or those with high energy requirements.

4. Bone Broth

Similar to the comfort a warm bowl of chicken soup provides when we’re feeling under the weather, a bone broth may help soothe your dog’s upset stomach. Bone broth tends to sit well on an upset stomach and can help pets stay hydrated while also providing them with some protein and other nutrients.8 You can either try making a homemade bone broth for dogs or purchase a pre-made broth from a reputable pet food brand.

5. Ice Cubes

Melting ice cubes scattered on a table
Photo courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain

One of the many things you’ll need to be mindful of when treating a dog with an upset stomach is hydration. Both vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, particularly in combination. To make matters more complex, drinking too much water all at once on an upset stomach can cause your dog to vomit even more.

So how do you ensure your dog maintains a healthy level of hydration when they have an upset stomach? In between small drinks of water, give them some ice chips to chew on.

6. Probiotics

Regardless of the initial cause of your dog’s digestive issues, their symptoms may continue due to disruptions in the populations of microbes that normally live in the gastrointestinal tract. Giving probiotic supplements can help. Probiotics supplements increase good bacteria in your dog’s gut, which can aid digestion.9

However, it is best to consult your vet about whether these supplements are the right remedy for your dog and if so, which brand they would recommend. This is particularly important given that the quality and effectiveness of probiotics are not always known.10

7. Slow-Feed Dog Bowls

A slow food feeder filled with kibble

Does your dog tend to eat a whole meal in just a few seconds? Eating too quickly can cause vomiting and other health problems, so it’s a good idea to put a stop to it.11

Slow-feed dog bowls (and automatic dog feeders) are a convenient way to encourage your dog to nibble rather than gulp. Unlike a typical dog bowl, the interior of slow-feed dog bowls feature ridges or other obstacles that prolong the time it takes for dogs to consume a meal. Not only can they encourage your dog to consume food at a slower pace, but they also make mealtimes more fun and mentally stimulating. 12

8. Medicine

Depending on the cause of your dog’s upset stomach, medication may be able to help. For example, an antidiarrheal medicine, like loperamide (Immodium) may help ease their diarrhea.13 You should only give your dog over the counter medications under the guidance of your veterinarian, so contact your vet before giving your dog loperamide or any other medications or supplements. Dogs with more severe or persistent symptoms may need medications or other treatments that are only available through veterinarians.

If you’re in doubt about which of these remedies for your dog’s upset stomach is best for your pup or you have any questions at all, talk to your vet. 

Additionally, if you’re concerned about your dog’s upset stomach, you’re likely interested in your dog’s food and your pet’s overall health. Luckily, we have a lot of resources to help! We can even answer the question of how long does it takes a dog to digest food. We also have a dog weight predictor, a guide to how much your dog should weigh, and we even have a list that answers the question what foods can dogs not eat?

Beyond that, if you’re looking for additional resources to help keep your puppy healthy and looking good we also have a series of buying guides to help you select a medicated dog ear cleaner, the best professional dog clippersdog clippers for poodle hair, and our guide to finding the best dog brush for an Australian Shepherd.

The Best Dog Hair Dryer Wed, 21 Dec 2022 12:41:31 +0000 Anyone who has given a dog a bath knows the drill. Most dogs hate the bath and can’t wait to get themselves dry. They frantically try to jump out of the bathtub and will shake as much water as they can off at the first opportunity.

Beyond that, if you have an active dog they’re also likely to try to run around the house, potentially slipping and injuring themselves, and potentially getting wet dog smell all over your furniture.

If you bathe your dog frequently, skipping the “wet dog” stage of bath time is pretty appealing, so a dog blow dryer might be a really worthwhile purchase for you.

But dog hair dryers can be a tricky purchase:

  • Some will offer a weak blower or heater, meaning the blast of air is either not enough or not hot enough to dry your dog
  • Some may be too noisy for your dog and make bath time even more of a pain as your pup runs away from your expensive new hair dryer
  • Obviously, some heaters may run too hot or even have dangerous malfunctions putting your dog at risk

Don’t worry, though. To help you sort out which dog hair dryer is the right one for you and your pup, we asked our veterinary advisor, Dr. Melody Aitchison-Steed, DVM, to personally review each and every major dog hair dryer on the market so that she can share her research and recommendations with you.

Dr. Aitchison-Steed chose the MetroVac Air Force Commander Variable Speed Dryers, 4 HP as her top pick. The MetroVac dryer is a versatile drying unit, good for both professionals and pet owners to use for small and large dogs.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

MetroVac Air Force Commander Variable Speed Dryers, 4 HP

For use with a variety of dog coats and breeds, the MetroVac dryer comes with multiple style attachments.

While this is Dr. Aitchison’s top choice, she’s got you covered even if this dryer isn’t a fit, with a series of tips for finding the right hair dryer, a section on which dog owners should avoid dog hair dryers altogether, and her personal recommendations for the best choice across a number of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Dog Hair Dryers

Hair Dryers Compared

Below are the top picks from Dr. Aitchison-Steed so you can compare the ratings and features of different models.

Vet’s Picks Model Rating Nozzle Attachments Handheld For Multiple Dogs
Best Overall MetroVac Air Force Commander Variable Speed Dryers, 4 HP 4.4
Best Budget XPOWER B-53 Airrow Pro Multipurpose Pet Grooming Dryer 4.5
Best Grooming XPOWER X-800TF Cage Dryer & Drying Kit 4.5
Best High Velocity Flying Pig Grooming High Velocity Dog & Cat Grooming Dryer 4.7
Best Cage Dryer B-Air Grizzly Dryer 4.6

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Dog Hair Dryer

  • Professional dog groomers – If you’re drying dogs on a regular basis, or drying more than one dog at a time, consider a dog hair dryer for the job. It will be easier on you and better for the pups.1
  • Pet owners who groom their dogs regularly – If you bathe your dog yourself and live in a colder climate, a dog hair dryer is a good addition to your home.
  • Those who have dogs that swim or get wet often – Dogs who swim should also be dried off. Likewise, if your climate is often damp from rain or snow, then a dog hair dryer could come in handy when your wet dog is waiting at the door to come in.

Who Should Not Buy a Dog Hair Dryer

  • Pet owners in hot or dry climates – If you live in a hot climate, chances are your dog will dry quickly with just a good towel.
  • Pet owners of tiny dogs – No matter how slow a dog hair dryer blows the air, a small dog may be easily frightened by the speed or volume of air.2 Additionally, the noise or large size of the unit might come across as threatening to a small dog. Using a gentle towel or a distant cage dryer might be the better bet.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

When selecting a dog hair dryer there are several things to consider. Here are some tips and best practices when purchasing a dog hair dryer. Be sure to do adequate research on the product you are considering purchasing to look for key features and ask your friends, family, or veterinarian if they have any recommendations on hair dryers for dogs.

  1. Decide if the dryer is for professional grooming or pet owner home use – How many dogs will you be drying during a day or week? Do you need to dry multiple dogs at once? If you are planning on grooming multiple dogs, it is ideal to consider a cage or free-standing dryer so that some dogs can dry while others are being bathed. For at-home use, any of the dryers mentioned would work well.
  2. Keep your budget in mind – Budget plays a role in deciding which dryer is best. There is a large range of costs for dog hair dryers. The more economical dryers are likely to dry a bit slower than the more expensive dryers. One savings tip is to avoid dryers with digital temperature and time keypads. The digital system tends to cost more and has the potential to overheat or break. There are some very nice, effective non-digital dryers available.
  3. Consider the versatility of the dryer – Choose a dog hair dryer that is versatile enough to be used at home or a grooming shop. A versatile dog hair dryer has various nozzle styles to use depending on the coat type of the dog.3 Be sure the cord is long enough to use the dryer wherever you need to move it, and consider whether the dryer can be used on the floor or a table.
  4. Consider the airspeed and volume the dryer will produce – If you are drying a dog in a kennel, the volume and speed of the air may be less, but the air will likely be a bit warmer to increase efficiency. If you are drying a dog on a table or the floor in your home, then using the no-heat dryers with high volume and very fast drying speeds works well. The feet per minute, or FPM, listed on the dryer will tell you how fast the air flows. The cubic feet per minute, or CFM, tells the air volume the dryer will produce. Looking at these two factors can tell you how efficient the dryer will be.4 The high FPM dryers will dry the dog’s coat more quickly.
  5. Avoid purchasing a human hair dryer – Typical human hair dryers don’t blow the air as fast, and they can get too hot, potentially causing a burn to a dog’s skin. Also, if you are purchasing a dog dryer for professional use, make sure to know the laws and regulations in your area. In some locations, only no-heat dryers are allowed.

Though towels are good for drying your dog when the weather is warm, dog hair dryers are recommended to help your pooch from getting too cold due to wet fur and skin.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $30 and $450

The price of a dog hair dryer varies in range, from budget-friendly to hundreds of dollars, depending on what you’re looking for. Expect to pay roughly $30 to $450 for a dog hair dryer. Dryers for the average pet owner can fall under $100, while those who groom professionally may need to invest a bit more to get a powerful and efficient dryer that will last through regular use on multiple dogs. Handheld dog hair dryers tend to be cheaper, while the larger dog hair dryer units that feature the capability of drying multiple dogs will run you more money.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

Based on my profession and experience with numerous pet owners, professional groomers, as well as other veterinarians, I chose the top five products with safety, efficiency, and versatility in mind. There are several factors to consider when selecting a dog hair dryer, whether you are planning this purchase for your home or grooming shop. It’s important to avoid human hair dryers and check with your local business laws regarding professional grooming regulations. – Dr. Melody Aitchison-Steed, DVM

The Best Dog Hair Dryer Reviews

1. Best Overall – MetroVac Air Force Commander Variable Speed Dryers, 4 HP

Our Vet’s Top Pick

MetroVac Air Force Commander Variable Speed Dryers, 4 HP

For use with a variety of dog coats and breeds, the MetroVac dryer comes with multiple style attachments.

Our vet chose the MetroVac Air Force Commander Variable Speed Dryers, 4 HP as the best overall dog hair dryer. Whether you’re a professional groomer or a pet owner who prefers to do it yourself, the MetroVac is easy to use, does not use heat, and delivers a 4.0HP motor with variable speeds to control the flow of air – suitable for small and large dogs. The unit can be positioned upright or horizontally and features a 12-foot power cord, convenient for drying small dogs on top of tables or large dogs on the floor.

The MetroVac weighs less than a gallon of water, and is roughly a foot long, making it compact enough to move around or store for later. The various nozzle styles that attach to the 6-foot hose – air concentrator, air flare tool, and groomer rake – quickly dry short or long hair, as well as thick coats. The dyer unit has a replaceable filter, is made from steel, and is available in multiple colors. The company offers a 1-year warranty on parts, switches, and cords, and a 5-year warranty on the dryer unit and motor.

  • For small and large dogs of all coats
  • Variable air speeds
  • Includes multiple attachments
  • Not for cage use
  • Not for drying multiple dogs

2. Best Budget – XPOWER B-53 Airrow Pro Multipurpose Pet Grooming Dryer

Best Budget

XPOWER B-53 Airrow Pro Multipurpose Pet Grooming Dryer

An easy-to-use dog hair dryer that offers two speeds for safe drying small and large dogs.

Your personal budget plays a big part in which type of dog hair dryer you choose. Dr. Aitchison-Steed, DVM, likes the XPOWER B-53 Airrow Pro Multipurpose Pet Grooming Dryer as an effective, but affordable, option for the best budget dog hair dryer. The XPOWER weighs just over 2 pounds, comparable to a human hair dryer, which creates an easy-to-use, no-heat, air blower for drying pets of all sizes. Outfitted with two speeds, the handy unit can also be used as a portable electric duster and air pump.

The XPOWER dog hair dryer has been certified by the Electrical Testing Lab, or ETL, and features a 3/4HP motor. This unit is made from durable ABS plastic, similar to football helmets, and is not made to be free-standing. Available in multiple colors, this budget-friendly dog hair dryer comes with nine attachments for a variety of styling or cleaning needs. The 10-foot power cord allows you to reach both big and small dogs, up on tables or standing on floors.

  • Lightweight, easy to use
  • Multiple attachments included
  • Variable air speeds
  • Not free-standing
  • The unit may be noisy

3. Best Grooming – XPOWER X-800TF Cage Dryer & Drying Kit

Best Grooming

XPOWER X-800TF Cage Dryer & Drying Kit

A hands-free drying unit that attaches to up to three separate kennel cages.

If you specialize in grooming, and especially multiple dogs at once, the XPOWER X-800TF Cage Dryer & Drying Kit is a win for our vet as the best dog grooming hair dryer. This hands-free drying cage unit features a 3/4HP motor and can be used for up to three cages, helping to dry more than one dog at a time and separately. Control the airflow of each hose, choose up to three different airspeeds, and set the 3-hour timer to customize the drying process for each cage.

The dog drying cage unit uses room temperature air and has been certified by the Electrical Testing Lab. The three flexible hoses measure 8 feet by almost 5 inches and are made from vinyl. The hoses feature a metal inner support ring so they collapse and expand easily, allowing you to attach the hoses to separate cages in different positions. Hook up the hoses using the clamps and cage attachments that are included. The unit features a carry handle on top and a 20-foot power cord, so you can easily move it around your grooming area. Filters are washable and reusable.

  • Dry multiple dogs at one time
  • Hands-free drying
  • Variable air speeds and timer
  • Not for handheld use

4. Best High Velocity – Flying Pig Grooming High Velocity Dog & Cat Grooming Dryer

Best High Velocity

Flying Pig Grooming High-Velocity Dog & Cat Grooming Dryer

Powerful dog dryer that features variable temperature settings and air speeds.

Our vet chose the Flying Pig Grooming High Velocity Dog & Cat Grooming Dryer as the best high-velocity dog hair dryer because it features a 4.0HP motor, up to 240 cubic feet per minute in air volume, and up to 28,000 feet per minute in airspeed. This creates a powerful and efficient dryer with variable speeds to dry dogs of all coats and sizes. The unit also comes with two attachments so you can dry dogs using a flat or round nozzle for short or long hair.

Made from steel, and featuring a 10-foot flexible hose, the Flying Pig dog hair dryer uses heat for drying. Settings include warm, and low or high heat with temperatures from 81 degrees Fahrenheit to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. The unit has a carry handle on the top to help you move it around more easily. Keep the unit clean with the extra filter that’s included. The company also offers a 1-year warranty.

  • Portable
  • Powerful and efficient
  • Multiple temperature settings
  • Not for cage use

5. Best Cage Dryer – B-Air Grizzly Dryer

Best Cage Dryer

B-Air Grizzly Dryer

A cage dryer with a variety of airspeeds and four angles to best direct airflow.

The best cage dog hair dryer is the B-Air Grizzly Dryer, (read our review of the Grizzly dryer as well) according to our veterinarian. The heavy-duty unit can be used as is, or with the compatible duct drying kit, which features three 8-foot, flexible, vinyl hoses with three airflow controls, and six clamps for attaching to cages. Choose from three angles to direct your flow of air – 0, 45, and 90 degrees, as well as a fourth option, which uses a swing-out kickstand that adds 4.5 inches to the height of the dryer unit.

Suitable for commercial and industrial environments, such as a grooming salon, the B-Air dryer has a 1HP motor with multiple speed settings. Dry multiple cages at once by placing them on the floor or a table, and aim it in the direction needed. The unit is Electrical Testing Lab certified, and features a carry handle and 25-foot power cord, giving you easy maneuverability. The dryer is available in multiple colors, and the company offers a 1-year warranty on parts and labor, as well as a 5-year warranty on housing.

  • Multiple airflow angles and speeds
  • Hands-free drying
  • Dry multiple dogs at once
  • Duct drying kit sold separately

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use a human hair dryer on dogs?

Our vet advisor, Dr. Aitchison-Steed, cautions against using a human hair dryer on your dog. Typically, a human hair dryer is not equipped to handle the power needed to dry a dog’s coat, and may also get too hot and damage your dog’s skin or fur.
What kind of dryers do dog groomers use?

Dog groomers use a variety of dog hair dryers, as seen above in the top five picks from our veterinarian, depending on preference or business situation. One major difference of a dog hair dryer for a professional dog groomer versus the average pet owner is that the dryer may need to meet local laws and regulations.
Should you air dry your dog?

Air drying your dog is a viable option if you live in a warmer climate where your wet dog can get adequate drying time. Also, short-haired dogs will dry quickly without help. Air drying is also a good option for pups whose skin may be irritated or sensitive. Otherwise, using a good towel or dog hair dryer to dry your dog is recommended to prevent fungus or infections from prolonged dampness or matted fur.
How can I dry my dog fast?

The fastest way to dry your dog is by using the method your dog is most comfortable with. Technically though, the quickest way to dry your dog’s coat is with a dog hair dryer. Keep in mind, short-haired dogs will dry more quickly than long- or thick-haired dogs. The airspeed and volume of the dryer will determine the efficiency of the unit.
The Best Dog-Proof Trash Cans Wed, 21 Dec 2022 01:52:17 +0000 For a lot of dog owners, finding quality dog-proof trash cans is a necessity. The interest of dogs in eating “human” or “table” food is a well-documented fact and any kind of food waste dropped in your trash can turns it into a beacon of temptation. While you may have a very well-behaved pup, making sure that temptation isn’t too much for your dog to handle is definitely preferred to cleaning up a trash mess or any danger to your pet.

Our vet advisor, Dr. Amanda Jondle, considered the features of dog-proof trash cans to find the absolute best available. She looked at locking lids and costs, as well as ease of cleaning. With the automatic sensor that will allow you to dump your waste hands-free and the durable construction, it’s no wonder that she chose the iTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can as her top pick. Read how she chose the top 5.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

iTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can

For the best in dog-proof trash cans, look no further than the iTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can.

While this was Dr. Jondle’s top choice, she also offers a series of her top tips for what to look for in choosing the best dog-proof trash can for your pup, a section on who should avoid purchasing them altogether, and she personally selected the best trash can for a variety of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Dog-Proof Trash Cans

  1. Best OveralliTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can
  2. Best BudgetSterilite 12.6 Gallon Locking Lid Step On Kitchen Wastebasket
  3. Best AutomatichOmeLabs 13 Gallon Automatic Trash Can
  4. Best Indoor/OutdoorKeter Baltimore 38 Gallon Trash Can
  5. Best Step-Opensimplehuman 55 Liter Rectangular Hands-Free Kitchen Step Trash Can

Trash Cans Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Brand Rating Automatic Locking Size
Best Overall iTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can 4.4 13 gallon
Best Budget Buy Sterilite 12.6 Gallon Locking Lid Step On Kitchen Wastebasket 4.5 12.6 gallon
Best Automatic hOmeLabs 13 Gallon Automatic Trash Can 4.3 13 gallon
Best Indoor/Outdoor Keter Baltimore 38 Gallon Trash Can 4.6 38 gallon
Best Step-Open simplehuman Rectangular Hands-Free Kitchen Step Trash Can 4.7 14.5 gallons

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Dog-Proof Trash Can

  • Those with curious pets – If your dog is into everything, then that curiosity likely extends to the trash can. For the pet parent struggling with that curiosity, a trash can that she can’t get into is invaluable.
  • Garbage gut dog owners – For some dogs, a half-eaten plate in the trash can prove irresistible.1 Getting into certain trash can cause inflammation in your dog’s pancreas, and harmful bacteria can lead to a sick or dehydrated dog.2
  • Puppy parents – Though your puppy may be the sweetest thing to have ever lived, there’s a good chance she’ll touch on both a curious and a gobble stage with regards to your trash can (for some other ideas on things that can help as you get your new puppy home check out our checklist). Stay a step ahead and puppy-proof the trash can now!

Who Should Not Buy a Dog-Proof Trash Can

  • Trash cans are hidden – When your trash can is kept in the closed pantry, then you probably won’t see much of a benefit to making that trash can dog-proof.
  • Owners of tiny or lazy dogs – It may go without saying but of course, you won’t need a trash can that’s dog-proof if your dog has no interest, or ability to topple it over or get into it.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

When looking for a dog-proof trash can the most important features for me would be:

  1. Stationary lid – When looking at the lid, find one that stays in place and is not removable. If the lid is too easy to take off, your pup will definitely figure it out.
  2. Hands-free opening – Whether it is a step or automatic, a hands-free opening means that it’s more likely to
  3. Large, sturdy, and stable – If you pick a trashcan that won’t tip over easily, you’ll find it more difficult for pets to knock over even when they’re empty.
  4. Locking lids – With a lock on the lid of your trash can, pets still can’t get into the trash, even if it does get knocked over.
  5. Easy to clean – A nice, appealing look is a plus, but a sleek design will make it all the easier to keep clean.
  6. Think of the trash bags – Finding a standard-sized trash can may be well worth it for the convenience of easy-to-find trash bags that fit

In addition to making your trash can dog-proof, you’ll probably also want to consider ways to train your dog to stay out of the trash, or at least out of a room that you keep the trash in. Keeping your dog active will go a long way toward keeping your home pet-friendly.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $50-$120

The amount of money you spend on a dog-proof trash can will vary depending on the quality, size, and, more likely, just how dog-proof you want the trash can. You can find a simple plastic trash can with a locking lid for around $20, but if you’re looking for a stainless steel, automatic trash can your dog simply will not ever be able to break into, then you’ll spend closer to the $160 range. Depending on your priorities, you can expect to spend roughly $50-120 on a dog-proof trash can.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet Life Today

As a veterinarian, I’ve seen plenty of dogs in my office with poor reactions after getting into their owner’s trash. Not only that, but the complaints I hear from puppy parents about the messes dogs can make getting into their trash is nearly constant. Between my experience and my discussion with my vet colleagues, we’ve found some of the best solutions for your dog’s trash tendencies. – Dr. Amanda Jondle

The Best Dog-Proof Trash Can Reviews

1. Best Overall – iTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can

Our Vet’s Top Pick

iTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can

For the best in dog-proof trash cans, look no further than the iTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can.

The iTouchless 13 Gallon Pet-Proof Sensor Trash Can is a hands-free trash can that you can open with just a move above its automatic sensor. The Pet Guard keeps it locked against pets, meaning you won’t have to worry about your fur baby’s motion opening it.

It is large and sturdy and comes in a few different styles and sizes, making it the epitome of convenience and pet-proof for any room in your home.

  • 19 sizes and style options
  • Odor control filter to prevent temptation
  • Stainless steel makes easy clean-up
  • Battery adapter not included
  • Filters require replacement

2. Best Budget – Sterilite 12.6 Gallon Locking Lid Step On Kitchen Wastebasket

Best for Budget

Sterilite 12.6 Gallon Locking Lid Step On Kitchen Wastebasket

For a trash can that will keep your dog out, but won’t break the bank, try the Sterilite 12.6 Gallon Locking Lid Step On Kitchen Wastebasket.

The Sterilite 12.6 Gallon Locking Lid Step On Kitchen Wastebasket comes in a two-pack to make pet-proofing your home all the easier. You can add this trash can to the most frequented rooms to keep your pup’s curiosity from getting him into trouble. The lock is so durable that you won’t need to worry about your smart dog unlocking it.

While this is a lighter weight and less sturdy option, it does have a step to open and a lock to protect against pets.

  • 2-pack for multiple rooms
  • 2 colors to coordinate with room decor
  • The lid stays locked when tipped
  • Trash bag compatibility isn’t universal
  • Not tip-proof

3. Best Automatic – hOmeLabs 13 Gallon Automatic Trash Can

Best Automatic

hOmeLabs 13 Gallon Automatic Trash Can

If you’re looking for a hands-free trash can to keep your dog out, consider the hOmeLabs 13 Gallon Automatic Trash Can.

The hOmeLabs 13 Gallon Automatic Trash Can has a motion sensor that will open the lid of your trash can automatically, but should you ever be interested in a more direct approach, you can choose the manual feature to make it all the more difficult for your dog to open. The butterfly opening lid will provide a less convenient opening for the dog, so even should he manage to open it, it’s still not a given he’ll be able to access the contents.

The smart ring bag will hide the bag from view, so your pup won’t be able to pull on the trash bag, and it also makes changing them so much easier.

  • 2 size options
  • Split lid for more versatile countertop clearance
  • Stainless steel makes easy clean-up
  • Not locking lid
  • Some functionality loss over time

4. Best Indoor/Outdoor – Keter Baltimore 38 Gallon Trash Can

Best Indoor/Outdoor

Keter Baltimore 38 Gallon Trash Can

If you’re interested in an indoor/outdoor trash can to keep your pet out, check out the Keter Baltimore 38 Gallon Trash Can.

The Keter Baltimore 38 Gallon Trash Can is an excellent locking trash can that will keep your pup out, for sure. You may not love how difficult it is for even you to get into this trash can, but if you absolutely need to keep your dog out, this will definitely do it! It’s a durable design, but if that means you’re not keen on putting it in your home, the good news is that it will work excellently in your outdoor location, as well.

The added bonus of this trash can is that it will keep out any other critters, too – so it’s perfect if your dog or your raccoons are prone to digging through your trash.

  • Durable resin construction
  • Double lid to hide trash bag
  • Fluid drawer for drip catch
  • Difficult to open (even for you!)
  • Not especially aesthetic for indoor use

5. Best Step-Open – simplehuman 55 Liter Rectangular Hands-Free Kitchen Step Trash Can

Best Step-Open

simplehuman 55 Liter Rectangular Hands-Free Kitchen Step Trash Can

The simplehuman 55 Liter Rectangular Hands-Free Kitchen Step Trash Can is a one-step operation that your dog won’t be able to master.

The simplehuman 55 Liter Rectangular Hands-Free Kitchen Step Trash Can is a clean, large, sturdy step trash can that is engineered to last over 150,000 steps. It will allow you access to your trash without making it too accessible for your pup.

It comes in a variety of three different sizes and four colors. While it doesn’t have a locking lid, its hands-free opening and lid make it especially difficult for dogs to open.

  • Silent close lid
  • Rear trash bag storage
  • 10-year warranty
  • simplehuman brand trash bags for optimal fit
  • No lock

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a dog-proof trash can and how does it work?

A dog-proof trash can is a trash can in which your dog is unable to get. There are varying degrees of resistance and depending on your dog’s tenacity, you may not need a completely proof trash can. You can get a trash can that requires motion over a sensor to open – there’s a good chance your dog will be unable to figure that out. You could also try a locking lid that will not open, even if your dog knocks the trash can over. – And with that in mind, you can also find a heavy-duty trash can that won’t topple over. A dog-proof trash can will have all of these features.
How to do you dog-proof a trash can?

If you are unable to purchase a bespoke dog-proof trash can, there are ways to dog-proof it yourself. The simplest way is to put it behind a closed door. – A closet or pantry, perhaps. Along those lines are baby or dog gates that keep your dog out of the room your trash is in. You could also purchase a locking mechanism (think “baby-proofing”) and stick it on the lid and the side to make sure the trash cannot be opened without unlocking. They’re typically inexpensive, sometimes less than $5.
Why do dogs knock over trash cans?

While we may never know exactly what goes on in our dogs’ minds or why they knock over the trash, there are two very likely causes of this behavior. He may be bored.3 Taking him on more walks, and giving him plenty of chew toys may be all you need to stop this from happening. Additionally, he may just simply be curious. If you put in pleasant-smelling (to him) waste, then it’s natural for him to want to know what it is and try to get to it.
How do I get my dog to stop eating trash?

The easiest way to keep him from eating trash is making the trash can do-proof. The trash cans on our list above will do that, or you can move it. You may also want to train him to avoid the trash can – this is probably the most effective, but most difficult. A sealed lid will keep appealing smells from escaping and that may mitigate some temptation and as we mentioned, keeping your dog engaged can help tremendously to prevent boredom and trash picking.4
How to Give a Dog a Bath – The Right Way! Wed, 21 Dec 2022 01:48:57 +0000 Giving a dog a bath sounds easy enough, right? Just take them out back and hose them off, squirt some of your own shampoo on them, and rinse. Ta da! But wait – there actually is a right and wrong way to bathe your furry friend. By following these tips on how to give a dog a bath the right way you will hopefully find bath time less stressful and your dog will hopefully be feeling more refreshed and comfortable than before.

How Frequently Should I Bathe My Dog?

You should bathe your dog no more than every two weeks and ideally just once monthly. Bathing too frequently will result in stripping your dog’s skin of the beneficial oils that prevent dryness and flaking which ultimately result in itchy skin.1

If you have a new puppy or a pup who is working on housebreaking (i.e., stepping in their urine and/or feces), then it is important to frequently wash their paws to decrease the chance of disease spread (and make sure to get all of the key puppy shampoo and cleaning products by checking out our New Puppy Checklist). However, that does not mean you need to give them a full bath each time. Try to rinse just their paws or use wet wipes to keep them clean in between bathing. Additionally, if your dog has little outdoor activity, it is okay to go longer than one month between baths. If their coat appears clean and free from smells and they do not suffer from allergies or skin conditions, then going several months without a bath will likely not result in any undesirable consequences.

In general, but particularly If your dog has long hair, then daily brushing is also essential to decrease the frequency of required baths.2

Please note that animals with allergies or skin conditions may be on a more frequent bathing schedule under the advice of their veterinarian.3  If you think your pet may have allergies or a skin condition, it is best to have them evaluated by a veterinarian who can prescribe medicated shampoos, topical products, oral medications, and a long-term treatment plan for your pet.

Where Should I Bathe My Dog?

Dog being rinsed after a bath in a bathtub

Ideally, you will bathe your dog in your bathtub or if they are small enough, in your sink. If you do not have a shower head with a hose attachment, you can find sprayer attachments or portable bet baths from various online providers. If you need to use your outdoor hose just be sure to test the water temperature before spraying your pet. You never want to pick up a hose that’s been laying in the direct sun and immediately spray your dog – this can result in severe burns.

What Supplies are Necessary?

The most important product you will need is shampoo. Do not use human or even baby shampoos on your dog as these tend to strip their coat of essential oils causing an overly dry coat or irritated skin.4

The ideal shampoo is moisturizing, so products with oatmeal, coconut oil, or aloe are preferred. An important step many owners forget is that once the shampoo is lathered up, you need to let it sit on the coat for 10-15 minutes before rinsing – this is essential!5 I recommend the product Dechra DermAllay Oatmeal Shampoo for Pets to my clients.

Conditioners are not essential but can provide some great benefits. I prefer leave-in conditioners which act to replenish the skin coat with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, thereby improving the skin barrier.6

Once sprayed onto the coat, conditioners should be brushed through or manually worked into the coat. Don’t forget the armpits, groin, and in between the toes as these areas tend to get irritated through rubbing. By using a leave-in conditioner you can increase the interval between baths by two weeks. If your pet is averse to spray applications, you can always spray the conditioner onto a gauze square or paper towel and then wipe it onto their coat. Additionally, to prevent your dog from licking the product off, take them on a walk, give them a puzzle toy, or play a game with them immediately following the application to serve as a distraction. My conditioner of choice is Dermoscent Atop 7 Spray.

What Water Temperature is Preferred?

We tend to assume that our pets prefer a nice warm shower as we would, and while that might feel good to them at the time, ultimately this will result in a dry, flakey coat that can be intensely itchy and uncomfortable. The water temperature should be lukewarm to cool. Always test the water temperature on your own skin before spraying it onto your pet.

Do I Need to Dry My Dog?

Yes! You should dry your dog following a bath to prevent them from getting too cold. If it is warm outside you can towel dry your pet. If it is cold or your pet is small (less than 20 lbs) I would recommend using a dog hair dryer.

One final note is that brushing your dog prior to bathing will shorten the drying time and also make it easier to brush as wet fur mats more easily than dry fur. This important step will save you time and make bath time more comfortable for your companion.

Bathing your dog doesn’t have to be a dreaded chore for you or your furry friend. Follow these steps to give a proper bath and try your best to make it an enjoyable experience.  And don’t forget, treats and praise following bath time is always an essential step!

If you’re concerned with your dog’s hygiene, you may also be interested in the best nutrition and health for your pup. We have a series of resources on those topics. Our puppy weight calculator can let you know how big your dog is likely to be, our list of human foods dogs can eat can help you figure out what’s safe to feed your dog, our guide to a healthy dog weight can help you identify different inflection points in your dog’s growth, and our collection of breed-specific growth charts can help you get a better sense of the goldendoodle average weight, great dane average weight, golden retriever average weight, chihuahua average weight, or labrador average weight.(Check our article and know more about labrador average weight)

The Best Cat Food for a Sensitive Stomach Wed, 21 Dec 2022 01:44:24 +0000 A sensitive stomach cat food can give your cat back his quality of life. When eating a food that triggers a reaction like vomiting, your cat is uncomfortable at best and damaging his digestive system at worst.1 Picking the right cat food is crucial to a prolonged and healthy life for your cat.

Our vet advisor, Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM, took a close look at the ingredients in a variety of sensitive stomach cat foods to find the elimination of triggers for adverse food reactions like allergies and the inclusion of stomach-soothing ingredients. In her professional opinion, Hill’s Prescription Diet z/d Skin/Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food is the best food for most cats with sensitive stomachs.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Hill’s Prescription Diet ZD Skin Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food

For the best in sensitive stomach cat food, look no further than Hill’s Prescription Diet ZD Skin and Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food.

While this was Dr. Coates’ top choice, she also offers a series of her top tips for what to look for in choosing the best cat food for a sensitive stomach, a section on who should avoid purchasing these kinds of food, and she personally selected the best sensitive stomach cat foods for a variety of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Cat Foods for a Sensitive Stomach

  1. Best OverallHill’s Prescription Diet z/d Skin/Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food
  2. Best BudgetPurina Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach Classic Arctic Char Grain-Free Entree Canned Cat Food
  3. Best Dry FoodRoyal Canin Adult Cat Sensitive Digestion Dry Adult Cat Food
  4. Best for Older CatsPurina Pro Plan Prime Plus Adult 7+ Turkey & Giblets Entree Classic Canned Cat Food
  5. Best for KittensBlue Buffalo Basics Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Indoor Kitten Turkey & Potato Entree Canned Cat Food

Sensitive Stomach Cat Foods Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different products.

Editor’s Picks Brand Rating Canned or Dry Prebiotics? Limited Ingredient?
Best Overall Hill’s Prescription Diet ZD Skin/Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food 4.6 Canned
Best Budget Buy Purina Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach 4.6 Canned
Best Dry Food Royal Canin Adult Cat Sensitive Digestion Dry Adult Cat Food 4.7 Dry
Best for Older Cats Purina Pro Plan Prime Plus Adult 7+ Classic Canned Cat Food 4.6 Canned
Best for Kittens Blue Buffalo Basics Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Indoor Kitten Canned Cat Food 4.9 Canned

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Eat a Sensitive Stomach Cat Food

  • Kitties with an Upset Stomach – If your feline friend has shown signs of a mildly upset stomach but seems to feel fine otherwise, then you may want to try a food that is a bit easier on her stomach.
  • Odd Appetites – Although this isn’t a guarantee of food sensitivity, there’s a chance that she has an upset stomach if you find your cat chomping on unusual things. Just be aware that nibbling on grass can be a normal behavior in cats.
  • Itchy Skin – Food allergies are typically associated with frequent scratching and infections in the ear or skin, which can be improved with a dietary switch.1

Who Should Not Eat a Sensitive Stomach Cat Food

  • Bigger problems – If you don’t know the cause of your cat’s sensitive stomach, or if you do know that an underlying health problem is to blame, it’s best to take your kitty to the vet to address your cat’s condition.
  • Sudden symptoms – If your cat has a sudden onset of frequent vomiting with no history of a recent diet change, it’s likely that something else is upsetting his stomach. For example, you’ll want to make sure he’s not eaten any poisonous plants or potentially dangerous human food.23

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

A cat’s sensitive stomach may be a sign of many different health concerns including food allergies, food intolerances, hairballs, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. Once you and your veterinarian have decided that a change in diet is in order, here’s what you should look for in a sensitive stomach cat food.

  • Pay attention to ingredients – Options may include limited ingredient diets, hydrolyzed protein diets, grain-free diets, and foods that include prebiotics, highly digestible ingredients, and fatty acids/fish oil. Reducing the number of ingredients will lower the probability of food reactions.4
  • Try canned foods – Canned food better meets a cat’s nutritional needs than does dry food. In fact, just switching a cat from dry to canned food will sometimes take care of their digestive problems.
  • Prescription is quality – Prescription diets, like Hill’s Prescription Diet z/d, are produced under the strictest quality control measures and are therefore less likely to be cross-contaminated with ingredients not listed on the food’s label that could lead to a flare-up of a cat’s symptoms.
  • Look for certifications – All foods need to provide complete and balanced nutrition based on a cat’s stage of life and other factors. Only feed foods that are labeled with an appropriate AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) statement of nutritional adequacy.
  • Find reputable brands – Only purchase foods from companies that have a well-deserved reputation for making quality products.

Of course, a sensitive stomach isn’t the only possible cause of a cat’s gastrointestinal distress. You may want to try some home remedies to stop his symptoms and settle his stomach, but for severe or long-lasting problems, always talk to your veterinarian first.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $1-$1.50 a day

The price of any pet food depends on its quantity and quality. You wouldn’t pay the same for ground beef as you would a steak, and you won’t pay the same for different quality cat foods either. Sensitive stomachs typically require more expensive ingredients, and that means a bit higher of a price tag for the food as a whole. However, that doesn’t mean you need to break the bank feeding your fur baby. You can look to spend around $1-$1.50 a day for your cat’s sensitive stomach cat food.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

I have only recommended sensitive stomach cat foods made by companies with a well-deserved reputation for their excellent quality control standards and that make foods that follow AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) guidelines. The products I’ve selected are commonly recommended by veterinarians, and vets report having had good success using the products listed, which has led me to these picks. For significant health problems, you should talk to your veterinarian to determine the best food based on your cat’s particular needs. – Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM

The Best Sensitive Stomach Cat Food Reviews

1. Best Overall – Hill’s Prescription Diet z/d Skin/Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Hill’s Prescription Diet ZD Skin Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food

For the best in sensitive stomach cat food, look no further than Hill’s Prescription Diet ZD Skin and Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food.

Hill’s Prescription Diet z/d Skin/Food Sensitivities Canned Cat Food is made with hydrolyzed protein that won’t trigger your cat’s immune system. With limited ingredients, this food unlikely to contain something that your cat’s digestive tract will object to. It’s made with a single animal protein source and a single carbohydrate source, plus it has essential fatty acids and natural fiber.

Once upon a time, it was only available at your vet’s office. However, you can now purchase it online, with veterinary authorization, making it all the easier to keep your kitty comfortable.

  • Contains natural fiber and essential fatty acids
  • Promotes a healthy skin barrier
  • Single animal protein source that has been hydrolyzed
  • No variety in flavor
  • Limited availability

2. Best Budget – Purina Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach Classic Arctic Char Grain-Free Entree Canned Cat Food

Best Budget

Purina Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach

For food that will work for your sensitive cat without costing a fortune, try Purina Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach.

Purina Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach Classic Arctic Char Grain-Free Entree Canned Cat Food is highly digestible and comes in a variety of flavors your cat is sure to enjoy. The grain-free recipe is packed with protein to match her nutritional needs, and may help her sensitive stomach, too.

The food contains linoleic acid, which helps to support healthy skin and coat, as well as high-quality protein sources such as real fish in every serving and plenty of vitamins and minerals. Feed one can of this food for every 3 1/2 to 4 pounds of body weight. If you divide a can into multiple servings, you’ll want to refrigerate after opening.

  • No artificial flavors or preservatives
  • Highly digestible
  • Larger tender bites to keep cat engaged with food
  • Contains multiple protein sources
  • Not limited ingredient

3. Best Dry Food – Royal Canin Adult Cat Sensitive Digestion Dry Adult Cat Food

Best Dry Food

Royal Canin Adult Cat Sensitive Digestion Dry Adult Cat Food

Royal Canin Adult Cat Sensitive Digestion Dry Adult Cat Food is a dry cat food option that will have your sensitive cat meowing for more.

Royal Canin Adult Cat Sensitive Digestion Dry Adult Cat Food is highly digestible and contains prebiotics. It has a high concentration of nutrients in a small serving size, so your kitty can get the nutrients she needs in smaller meals, which can help with digestive sensitivities. If you’re looking for a combination of dry and wet, it’s best paired with Royal Canin Digest Sensitive wet cat food formulas.

NOTE from our vet advisor: All other recommendations are for canned foods because they are generally superior to dry for cats, especially cats with sensitive stomachs. However, should you opt for dry food, this is an excellent option for your cat with a sensitive stomach.

  • High energy density per serving
  • 3 sizes available for bulk buys and trial periods
  • Unique kibble shapes for maximum cat interest
  • Oily texture displeasing to some cats
  • Only one flavor option

4. Best for Older Cats – Purina Pro Plan Prime Plus Adult 7+ Turkey & Giblets Entree Classic Canned Cat Food

Best for Older Cats

Purina Pro Plan Prime Plus Adult 7+

For a senior with a sensitive stomach, you won’t want to miss Purina Pro Plan Prime Plus Adult 7+.

Purina Pro Plan Prime Plus Adult 7+ Turkey & Giblets Entree Classic Canned Cat Food contains prebiotic fiber with high quality protein sources to create a cat food that can ease your cat’s upset stomach. It’s specially formulated to improve gut microflora, promote lean muscle mass, and maintain a healthy weight.

Most adult cat foods are also appropriate for senior cats, but this cat food will take into consideration the additional support your senior cat with a sensitive stomach needs, with a proprietary blend to extend a cat’s life. For combo feeding, mix with Purina Pro Plan Prime Plus dry cat food.

  • 2 senior cat age formulas: 7+ years and 11+ years
  • 5 flavor options for picky cats
  • Animal protein sources are the primary ingredients
  • Includes multiple meats
  • Contains artificial flavors

5. Best for Kittens – Blue Buffalo Basics Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Indoor Kitten Turkey & Potato Entree Canned Cat Food

Best for Kittens

Blue Buffalo Basics Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Indoor Kitten Food

If your kitten is struggling with her sensitive stomach, you may want to consider Blue Buffalo Basics Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Indoor Kitten Food.

Blue Buffalo Basics Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Indoor Kitten Turkey & Potato Entree Canned Cat Food is a limited ingredient cat food made with turkey as the sole animal protein and no grains. This means you won’t have to worry about the presence of many different ingredients that may upset your cat’s stomach.

This diet contains fish oil as a source of DHA to give a boost to your kitten’s cognitive development and no wheat, a commonly included product used to thicken the food.5

  • Limited ingredient
  • DHA for kitten’s brain development
  • No grains
  • No flavor variety for picky kittens
  • Only ships within U.S.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sensitive stomach cat food?

Sensitive stomach cat foods can have many different attributes. Some are made from highly digestible ingredients or are free from common allergy triggers. Having a single source of high-quality animal protein is ideal. Look for omega-3 fatty acids—healthy fats that can help with inflammation. Carbohydrates should not play a major role in a sensitive stomach cat food (or any cat food, for that matter). 67 A food that contains probiotics or prebiotics will help maintain that healthy balance of gut bacteria for digestive health.8
How can I tell if my cat has a sensitive stomach?

Clinical signs associated with a sensitive stomach include vomiting, diarrhea, or even just an excess of gas.9 If you can’t identify the cause of your cat’s symptoms and they persist, you’ll know it’s time to do something about it – but you should consult your veterinarian to rule out potentially serious underlying health problems and for advice before switching your cat’s food.
Why is my cat’s stomach sensitive?

Unfortunately, many readily available cat foods aren’t well matched with cats’ nutritional needs, which can lead to an upset stomach and other problems. Also, some cats (just like some people) develop food allergies and intolerances to certain ingredients. A sensitive stomach can also be a sign of a health problem like inflammatory bowel disease.
What food is best for cats with sensitive stomachs?

Obviously, you want to find a food that you can give your cat that doesn’t upset her stomach. Trying a canned formulation, limited ingredient food, or one that has a prebiotic may be all you need to keep your cat comfortable, However, if you try a different food or two and your cat’s symptoms persist, you will need to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.10
The Best Pet Stores in America Wed, 21 Dec 2022 01:18:02 +0000 Finding a pet store that carries the supplies you need for your furry, feathered, or scaly family member can be difficult. You want a store that has fair prices, and a staff of caring, knowledgeable experts. You might also have special pet-related needs, like a pet store that caters to exotic creatures or one that carries raw or natural pet foods (to make sure your pet isn’t hungry and and consuming human foods that dogs can’t eat) or food for your pup on a diet if your pooch isn’t at the desired dog weight.

We looked at hundreds of pet stores in the United States to find the very best. We focused on small, individually-owned pet shops (not big-box, pet store chains or franchises), and we chose ones that meet a range of needs. We also consulted with our team of veterinarians for tips on how to choose the best pet store in your city. Keep reading to see our list of the best pet shops in America.

How to Choose a Pet Store: Expert Vet Tips

We spoke to three veterinarians to find out what makes a good pet store. All three stressed the importance of a clean and sanitary store, which is a strong indication that the store is focused on health and safety. You also make sure that rodents and insects are not getting into any of the products, particularly the pet foods.

Dr. Addie Reinhard had the following tips:

  • Dr Addie Reinhard DVMIt’s a good sign if pet store employees can recommend a good veterinarian.
  • They’ll carry high-quality pet foods.
  • If the store sells small animals, you should ask where they obtain them from. If the staff doesn’t want to answer or doesn’t know, find a different pet store.

Dr. Jennifer Coates says that:

  • Dr Jennifer Coates DVMYou should check edible and health products to be sure they’re not past their expiration dates.
  • Look carefully at the discounted racks; a pet store willing to sell outdated items might also be cutting corners elsewhere.
  • A good pet store doesn’t sell cats and dogs; these pets are provided by pet breeding facilities and are typically not well-socialized or healthy. However, many pet stores partner with rescue organizations and have dogs and cats to adopt.

Dr. Melody Aitchison-Steed suggests you should:

  • Look at the small animals (rodents, reptiles, birds, and fish) that the store might have for sale. Do they look healthy? Are they active? Make sure that their cages are clean.
  • Talk to the employees to see if they are helpful and can answer questions about animal care and health. Their advice should align with what your veterinarian says; if it is completely different, that might be a red flag to look elsewhere.

Of course there’s more to pet health than just shopping at the right store as well. You want to make sure to be monitoring and tracking your pet’s overall well-being, which you can do with tools like our dog weight calculator, our Goldendoodle growth chart (or any of our other growth charts by breed), our our guide to foods dogs can and can not eat.

The Top Pet Stores and Pet Shops in America (in 50 Cities)

We looked at pet stores in 50 major metro areas all across the United States. In each city, we selected a top pick, then we also looked for two additional categories. For example, some pet stores really shine when it comes to customer service, while others have the distinction of carrying organic and holistic products. Most cities have a great store for the owners of exotic pets, such as lizards and snakes. We hope you’re able to find an amazing pet store near you, and we think this list is great place to start.

NOTE: Use the links below to jump to your city. 

Albuquerque, NM

Simply Diego’s – Top Pick
Simply Diego's Pet Store

What we like: Simply Diego’s has a great selection of pet products and a clean, well-organized store. Their staff is friendly and helpful, and the prices are reasonable. They also have a rewards program.

Long Leash on Life – Best for DIY Grooming

What we like: You’ll be able to find high-quality pet products at Long Leash on Life. What makes it unique, though, is that they offer a DIY doggie wash, which allows you to bring in your dirty dog and use their products and space to get him squeaky clean.

Southwest Reef Company – Best for Tropical Fish

What we like: Keeping tropical fish and saltwater fish can be expensive, but Southwest Reef Company works hard to keep their prices as reasonable as possible. The staff is friendly and the selection of fish, corals, and supplies is large and varied.

Arlington, VA

The Dog Park – Top Pick

The Dog Park Pet Store

What we like: The Dog Park is a great boutique-style store with many unique products and a friendly, helpful staff. They have homemade goodies, including puppy ice cream, and they’re very welcoming of pets.

Nature’s Nibbles – Best for Natural Food

What we like: Nature’s Nibbles is a small shop that specializes in natural pet food that benefits not only pets but also the planet. The staff is great at making recommendations based on your pet’s needs. They have two locations in Alexandria.

American Bird Company – Best for Birds

What we like: The staff at American Bird Company is top-notch, and they make it easy to choose and socialize your new baby bird. They will also adjust tags, clip nails, and perform other regular bird-related maintenance.

Atlanta, GA

Park Pet Supply – Top Pick

Park Pet Supply Pet Store

What we like: Park Pet Supply carries a wide range of supplies for all different types of pets, and their customer service is excellent. They offer health supplements, homeopathic remedies, natural foods, herbal shampoos, and many other safe products.

Inman Park Pet Works – Best for Unique Products

What we like: If you are looking for cool products for your pet, you’ll want to visit Inman Park Pet Works. This is a boutique pet store that includes a grooming salon and even an art gallery. There are a lot of high-quality items that you won’t want to miss.

Exotic Envy Reptiles – Best for Exotics

What we like: Exotic Envy Reptiles recently celebrated their one-year anniversary. They are known for having excellent customer service, clean and healthy animals, and lots of knowledge when it comes to keeping these exotic pets healthy.

Austin, TX

P & F Pet Provisions – Top Pick

p and f pet provisions pet store

What we like: The staff at P & F Pet Provisions are friendly, and they have a great selection of food, toys, and other pet products. One nice perk is their policy of accepting opened food if a pet doesn’t like it; local rescues pick up opened bags weekly, so it doesn’t go to waste.

Healthy Pet – Best for DIY Grooming

What we like: In addition to carrying a wide variety of pet products, Healthy Pet has a DIY dog wash center. You can go in with your dog and you’ll have everything you need to groom him yourself, from a grooming table and shampoo to after-bath treats.

Gallery of Pets – Best for Exotics

What we like: You’ll be able to find what you need for your dog, cat, fish, or small animals. The store also carries well-cared-for reptiles, particularly bearded dragons, leopard geckos, chameleons, and tortoises, along with the products you need for them.

Baltimore, MD

Howl – Top Pick

Howl pet store

What we like: Howl is a pet store carrying high-quality brands. The customer service is excellent and the staff is helpful when it comes to choosing products. There is also a DIY dog wash for bathing, and they’ve recently implemented a discount rewards program.

Mutt Mart – Best for Adoptions

What we like: Mutt Mart has relationships with local rescues and has dogs, cats, puppies, and/or kittens available on the weekends for adoption. They also collect gently used pet supplies to donate to pets in need. On top of that, you’ll find a wide selection and excellent customer service!

House of Tropicals – Best for Exotics

What we like: In addition to an impressive selection of fish and a small section of reptiles, House of Tropicals carries feeder rodents and insects for various meat-eating critters. The staff is helpful, and while it’s a small store, it’s also well-stocked and well-organized.

Boston, MA

The Fish and Bone – Top Pick

Fish and Bone Pet Store

What we like: The Fish and Bone makes shopping for pets in Boston fun and convenient. They offer free local delivery and excellent customer service. Add that to their large selection of high-quality pet supplies and you’ll understand why this shop made the top of our list.

PAWSH – Best for Stylish Pets

What we like: Not only does PAWSH carry everything needed to care for your pets but they also offer award-winning grooming services. The staff is friendly and helpful, and your dog will come out of the salon looking as posh (err, pawsh) as possible.

Jabberwock Reptiles – Best for Exotics

What we like: Jabberwock Reptiles is the place to go in the Boston area if you’re looking for a healthy, captive-bred reptile or amphibian. The animals are well taken care of and the employees are kind, helpful, and full of the information you need.

Charlotte, NC

Four Dogs Pet Supplies – Top Pick

Four Dogs Pet Store

What we like: Four Dogs Pet Supplies is a favorite among Charlotte residents. The staff is very knowledgeable and friendly, and they’ll give individualized nutritional advice. They are also happy to order any type of food that your dog needs even if they don’t carry it.

4 Paws Holistic – Best for Holistic Products

What we like: At 4 Paws Holistic, you can be assured that you’ll get only the highest quality of pet food and supplies. This store also offers dog training; you can set up a free consultation so they can help you help your dog become a well-behaved member of the family.

Cold Blooded & Bizarre – Best for Exotics

What we like: The owners and staff at Cold Blooded & Bizarre have made it their mission to educate locals about the various types of reptiles available. If you need a reptile, supplies, or just some comprehensive information, stop in!

Chicago, IL

Liz’s Pet Shop – Top Pick

Liz's Pet Shop

What we like: Liz’s Pet Shop has a bit of everything: a helpful, knowledgeable staff; a focus on healthy and holistic foods; and the ability to order online 24 hour per day and pick up your items in the store or at curbside. They also have nutritional counseling available.

Wigglyville Pet Boutique – Best Sustainable

What we like: At Wigglyville, sustainability is of the utmost importance. They focus on products that will encourage a positive lifestyle for your pets. From the most nutritious foods to eco-friendly toys that are built to last, you can feel confident in your Wigglyville purchase.

Curious Creatures LLC – Best for Exotics

What we like: Alison and Andy are the founders and owners of Curious Creatures, and they have centered their business around helping pet lizards and other exotics in Chicago enjoy their lives to the fullest. They offer not only reptile products but also the knowledge you’ll need to successfully raise these creatures.

Colorado Springs, CO

Mike’s Natural Pet Market – Top Pick

Mike's Natural Pet Market

What we like: Mike’s Natural Pet Market carries a range of natural, holistic, and organic foods, treats, and supplements for your  pets. They also have toys, all types of pet gear, and even CBD products.

Wag N Wash – Best for Grooming

What we like: Do you want to get your dog clean and fresh while shopping for supplies? If so, Wag N Wash is the place to be. You can use their self-serve dog wash or make an appointment for grooming; pick up your pet’s toys and other gear at the same time.

Exotic Bird Shop – Best for Birds

What we like: Exotic Bird Shop has a variety of hand-fed baby birds that are properly socialized, in good health, and ready to go to their new homes! The knowledgeable staff is able to answer questions and they have everything you need for your new bird.

Columbus, OH

Mutts & Co. – Top Pick

Mutts & Co Pet Store

What we like: Mark, the owner of Mutts & Co. is very friendly and knowledgeable and does his best to help pet-owners with whatever they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. The store is also very clean and well-organized.

Fangs & Fur – Best for Raw Food

What we like: Fangs & Fur prides itself on carrying only the best, whether that’s raw food, supplements, or pet gear. Their shop is clean, uncluttered, and stress-free, and they welcome you and your pet to stop in and enjoy a seamless shopping experience.

Moochie & Co. – Best for Stylish Pets

What we like: If you want the best dressed or accessorized pet on the block, then you’ll want to check out Moochie & Co. This store caters to pets who have a sense of style, and they carry leashes, bow ties, jackets, collars, sweaters, shirts, and so much more.

Dallas, TX

Uptown Pup – Top Pick

uptown pup pet store

What we like: Customers describe Uptown Pup as a beautiful store, and it’s also chock-full of products, including those that are natural and good for your pet’s health. The staff is engaging and friendly, too, and is always happy to help.

Odyssey Pets – Most Knowledgeable

What we like: The staff at Odyssey Pets are knowledgeable and happy to share their best tips and advice. The store carries a wide range of products for dogs, cats, fish, birds, and more. According to Odyssey Pet’s owner, Sherry Redwine, the store doesn’t carry anything with corn, gluten, or by-products. “We encourage our clients to feed a species appropriate diet like raw food and… it needs to be the highest grade that someone can afford for their budget.” The store also offers grooming services.

DFW Reptarium – Best for Exotics

What we like: DFW Reptarium is the place to go if you want to see and purchase reptiles and amphibians of all types. They also carry feeder insects and mice for the animals they sell. The staff is friendly and knows a lot about these creatures.

Denver, CO

Luke & Company Fine Pet Supply – Top Pick

Luke and Company Pet Store

What we like: If you’re looking for safe and healthy toys, food, and treats for your pet, look no further than Luke & Company Fine Pet Supply. They’re picky about what they sell, and they also offer grooming services, a DIY dog-wash, and low-cost delivery of anything on their shelves.

Two Pals and a Pup – Best for Baked Treats

What we like: While you won’t find typical kibble or non-dusty cat litter at Two Pals and a Pup, you will find a plethora of delicious baked goods that will delight your pup whether it’s for a birthday or an everyday treat. They also carry adorable apparel and fun toys for your four-legged friends.

Exotic Birds of Denver – Best for Birds

What we like: Whether you want information about birds or you are ready to take the plunge and add a feathered friend to your family, Exotic Birds of Denver is the shop you need to visit. They allow their birds to self-wean and they only clip wings once the birds are fully fledged, so these birds are well-adjusted and healthy from the start.

Detroit, MI

City Bark – Top Pick

City Bark Pet Store

What we like: City Bark is a small pet store with a good variety of high-end products for your pets. The staff is friendly and helpful, and they can order items that they don’t have in stock. Several customers commented on the resident bird, Cleo, who is an important part of the staff, too.

3 Dogs 1 Cat – Best for Stylish Pets

What we like: 3 Dogs 1 Cat is an urban pet shop for the stylish cats and dogs. They carry items like neckties, collars, bandanas, and spiffy leashes. In addition, they have cat towers, dog toys, and even items for owners to use, such as a sling to wear a small dog. This is a fun boutique to check out.

Lou’s Petshop – Best for Exotics

What we like: Lou’s Petshop is home to birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and even spiders. They breed these animals themselves or get them from local breeders, and they’re able to get species that are not commonly found at pet stores.

El Paso, TX

Happy Tails – Top Pick

Happy Tails Pet Store

What we like: You can visit Happy Tails to choose your products for your pet, or you can sign up for their delivery services. In addition to healthy treats, fun toys, and comfortable pet beds, they also offer pet subscription boxes that are sure to delight.

Fino’s Rainforest – Best for Exotics

What we like: Chameleons and geckos and frogs, oh my! Fino’s Rainforest is stocked with all of the exotics you might be looking for. The staff is knowledgeable about all of the critters they sell, and the store is clean and well-organized.

Reef City & More – Best for Fish

What we like: Great customer services and a wide variety of freshwater, saltwater, and pond fish and accessories put Reef City & More at the top of our list of fish stores in El Paso. The owner, Miguel, is very helpful and friendly and is happy to assist with information and knowledge.

Fort Worth, TX

Russell Feed & Supply – Top Pick

Russell Feed Supply Pet Store

What we like: Russell Feed & Supply is a family-owned business with eight locations around northern Texas. They carry feed and supplies for all types of animals, from dogs and cats to livestock. You’ll be able to find high-quality brands here that the big-box stores don’t carry.

Handley Feed Store – Best for Farm Animals

What we like: If you have a farm, you won’t want to pass up the opportunity to visit Handley Feed Store. Their feed and products are of the best quality, and in addition to livestock supplies, they also carry items for dogs and wild birds.

The Fish Place – Best for Fish

What we like: For over 45 years, The Fish Place has been serving Texans who keep fish as pets. They offer hundreds of species, tank deliver and setup services, maintenance, custom tanks, and a wealth of knowledge to share with their customers.

Fresno, CA

Whitie’s Pets – Top Pick

Whitie's Pet Store

What we like: If you go to Whitie’s Pets, you’re sure to notice the ample supply of products for all types of pets, the cleanliness, and, most of all, the knowledgeable and caring staff. Several reviewers mentioned the fair prices, too.

Kelley’s Pets – Most Helpful Staff

What we like: The staff at Kelley’s Pets is very helpful and will assist customers in finding anything they need. In addition to carrying a good supply of food, treats, toys, and gear, they also host vaccination clinics to keep pets healthy at a low cost.

Regal Reptiles – Best for Exotics

What we like: Regal Reptiles has a great selection of reptiles and amphibians, and they’re sold at fair prices. In addition, they have the information you need to care for your new pet properly. They also carry feeder insects.

Houston, TX

The Pet Stop – Top Pick

The Pet Shop Pet Store

What we like: The owner of The Pet Stop, Angella, focuses on natural foods and high-quality products. She loves trying the newest and best products, so there are always new options to discover. She is also happy to put in special orders for customers who are looking for something they don’t have in stock.

Funny Fur – Best for Stylish Pets

What we like: Funny Fur specializes in the hottest styles for dogs (and a few for cats, too). They carry a wide variety of apparel and accessories, including carrier bags, dog backpacks, harnesses for dogs that escape and personalized leashes and collars. You can also find organic toys, grooming needs, and dog beds.

S & S Exotic Animals – Best for Exotics

What we like: S & S Exotics breeds and sells their own reptiles, birds, and small mammals like ferrets and hedgehogs. They also offer a lot of  help to their customers; if you have questions about your exotic pets, you’re welcome to contact them in person, by phone, or by email.

Indianapolis, IL

Speck’s Pet – Top Pick

Speck's Pet Store

What we like: Speck’s Pet is everything you’d want in a pet store, from a good selection of supplies to knowledgeable and friendly staff. They also partner with a local kitty rescue organization and often have cats available for adoption.

Bow Wow Meow Boutique – Best for Grooming

What we like: Bow Wow Meow Boutique is a pet store with natural and ecologically friendly treats, toys, and other items. They are also a full-service grooming facility, so take your pooch or kitty to be spiffed up while you enjoy the shopping selection.

CC’s Exotic Pets – Best for Exotics

What we like: CC’s Exotic Pets carries a variety of exotic reptiles, birds, and mammals, but their specialty is hedgehogs. They have them in many different colors and they offer a complete kit so you’ll have everything your new critter needs for a long and happy life.

Jacksonville, FL

Pet Creations – Top Pick

pet creations pet store

What we like: Pet Creations has a lot of different products for all types of animals, including fish. The owner, Kim, and the staff are knowledgeable and always willing to help. Several customers also commented on the low prices, as well.

Earth Pets – Best for Natural Foods

What we like: Earth Pets is a locally owned store that also has a location in Gainesville. They have food and supplies for dogs, cats, and small mammals, and they also offer nutritional counseling to help pet owners make the best choices for their pets’ diets.

Fish Galore Critters & More – Best for Fish

What we like: Fish Galore Critters & More carries not only lots of fish but also small mammals and supplies for various types of pets. The critters are all well cared for, and James, the owner, is very knowledgeable about the animals he sells.

Kansas City, MO

Tail Waggin’ Pet Stop – Top Pick

Tail Waggin Pet Store

What we like: Tail Waggin’ Pet Shop is a big place to take your pet to explore. They carry all different types of pet products, including some unique brands you won’t find in the big-box stores. Their customer service is top-notch, too.

Pet-Topia – Best for Fish

What we like: Whether you have (or want) freshwater or saltwater fish, Pet-Topia is the place to visit in Kansas City. The staff is extremely helpful and will help you get your tank started and also troubleshoot any issues that come up.

Miles of Exotics – Best for Exotics

What we like: You can get a variety of small animals such as fish, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals here, along with feeders. Miles of Exotics also partners with local rescues and sometimes has kittens for adoption, as well.

Las Vegas, NV

Healthy Tails – Top Pick

Healthy Tails Pet Store

What we like: The great customer service and knowledgeable staff combine with the desire to focus on safe, environmentally friendly, and nutrition-packed supplies and products for your pet. Healthy Tails is a well-organized and clean place to bring your pets and make your purchases.

Dog Supplies Outlet – Best for Low Prices

What we like: Dog Supplies Outlet is an independently owned store with several locations in the Las Vegas area. The products are priced fairly, and their rewards program applies to each location, so you can take your savings with you to the different stores.

LLL Reptile – Best for Exotics

What we like: LLL Reptile has a few locations in Nevada and California. The one in Las Vegas is known for being helpful and their animals are well taken care of. You can actually order online and have reptiles or supplies shipped to your home, too.

Long Beach, CA

Centinela Feed & Pet Supplies – Top Pick

Centinela Pet Store

What we like: If you’re looking for a pet store to find all of the supplies you’ll need for your pet, you’ll want to check out Centinela Feed & Pet Supplies. They carry food, treats, and all types of gear. They also have a dog wash station for mess-free baths.

Animalia – Best for Grooming

What we like: At Animalia, your dog can be groomed by a pro while you shop for various supplies for your pets. There’s also the DIY dog wash option, which allows you to walk in and use their supplies to brush, wash, and dry your pup with no appointment needed.

Paramount Reptiles – Best for Exotics

What we like: The owners of Paramount Reptiles, Jesse and Holly, go above and beyond to welcome other reptile enthusiasts to come in and check out their collection. Their animals are well cared for, and they also carry the supplies you’ll need to keep your new critter happy and healthy.

Los Angeles, CA

Healthy Spot – Top Pick

Healthy Spot Pet Store

What we like: Healthy Spot has several locations in the L.A. area, and each store is staffed with knowledgeable employees. They offer online and phone-in ordering; you can pick up your items at curbside if you don’t want to go in. They also have a variety of services like grooming and dental care available in-house.

Pet Project LA – Best for Stylish Pets

What we like: Pet Project LA’s got it all, from food and toys to amazingly stylish looks for your pet. Leashes, hats, shirts, and other apparel are available to suit any style. And don’t worry: You’re covered, too, with plenty of human accessories, including masks, scrunchies, and buttons.

Exotic Life Fish & Reptiles – Best for Exotics

What we like: The staff at Exotic Life are friendly and knowledgeable about their reptiles and fish, and they happily share their know-how with their customers. Several reviewers mentioned that they are very patient with answering questions and helping people find the right pet for them.

Louisville, KY

Pet Wants on the Avenue – Top Pick

Pet Wants on the Avenue Pet Store

What we like: Pet Wants on the Avenue has a great supply of food, treats, toys, and more for dogs and cats. Their staff is friendly and helpful, and the store is kept clean. They also have a food delivery service.

Poe’s Pet Depot – Best for Grooming

What we like: Poe’s Pet Depot has a great selection of food and other products for your pets, and they also offer full grooming services. They can handle bathing and grooming dogs and also will clip kitty nails for those who need it.

Sandy’s Pet Shop – Best for Exotics

What we like: Sandy’s Pet Shop carries exotics, birds, and small mammals. Their pets are kept in large, clean cages, and they are healthy and well-cared-for. You can also get lots of information about the different types of animals available.

Memphis, TN

Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming – Top Pick

Woof Gang Bakery Pet Store

What we like: Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming has it all: high quality pet food, treats and toys, and an excellent grooming service. The owner and staff are knowledgeable and will work with you to help you find the right products for your pet.

Raleigh Feed Store – Best for Farm Animals

What we like: Having been serving the Memphis area for over 50 years, Raleigh Feed Store is the place to go if you need feed, pharmaceuticals, bridles, and other supplies for your livestock. They also carry supplies for dogs.

Main Drain Aquatics – Best for Fish

What we like: Main Drain Aquatics is a small store with a nice selection of both freshwater and saltwater fish. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, too. In addition, they can service your pond, so if yours needs cleaning or you’d like a waterfall, give them a call.

Mesa, AZ

Pratt’s Pets  – Top Pick

Pratt's Pets

What we like: No matter what kind of pet you have, you’ll be able to find feed and other supplies for it at Pratt’s Pets. The customer service is excellent, and most reviewers say that the prices are fair. Check them out!

Bark Avenue Pets – Most Knowledgeable

What we like: The staff at Bark Avenue Pets are all animal lovers who know a lot about care and nutrition, and they are happy to share their knowledge and tips with their customers. The store also offers training classes, grooming, and doggie day care at their attached pet resort.

Wildside Pets – Best for Exotics

What we like: You’ll be able to find birds, fish, and reptiles at Wildside Pets. They also carry feeder insects to keep your hungry pets satisfied. The staff is helpful and friendly and will be able to answer your questions about the animals they carry.

Miami, FL

Animal Crackers Miami – Top Pick

Animal Crackers Pet Store

What we like: Animal Crackers carries a variety of products that are designed to keep your pet healthy. Their customer service is excellent and they go above and beyond for their customers. They also offer grooming.

The Dog Bar – Best for Grooming

What we like: The Dog Bar is a boutique-style store that carries a variety of food and gear for your pets. They also have a grooming spa, including anesthesia-free dental care, as well as a dog-training class. You can get almost all of your pet-related needs taken care of here.

Exotic Aquariums – Best for Fish

What we like: If you are looking for a custom-build aquarium, saltwater or freshwater fish, or even a koi pond, Exotic Aquariums is the shop you need to check out. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, so they’ll be able to help you find what you need.

Milwaukee, WI

Skilos – Top Pick

Skilos Pet Store

What we like: Between excellent customer service, a wide variety of products, and good prices, Skilos made the very top of our list among the best pet stores in Milwaukee. The staff is knowledgeable and will order items that they don’t have in stock.

Bark N Scratch Outpost – Best for Raw Food

What we like: If you are looking for organic, holistic, natural, or raw food and treats for your pet, look no further than the Bark N Scratch Outpost. This small store is served by friendly staff who are knowledgeable about the products they carry and passionate about nutrition.

Marineland Pets – Best for Fish

What we like: Tom, the owner, is helpful and knowledgeable about the different fish that he sells. The staff will also help you if you need advice in setting up your tank. In addition to fish, they also carry some exotics and small mammals.

Minneapolis, MN

Urban Tails Pet Supply – Top Pick

Urban Tails Pet Shop

What we like: The high-quality food and products at Urban Tails Pet Supply is enough to get you in the door, but the friendly and highly knowledgeable staff is a reason to keep going back. They carry raw and holistic food and can advise you on the best ones.

Copilot Dog Outfitters – Best for Stylish Pets

What we like: Copilot Dog Outfitters provides Minneapolis pups with stylish accessories, including outdoor gear for the harsh winters. They carry the best brands, and they also have treats, supplements, and other trinkets for your pets.

Twin Cities Reptiles – Best for Exotics

What we like: Reasonable prices and a large variety of reptiles and reptile accessories are what put Twin Cities Reptiles at the top of our list. The staff is experienced and knowledgeable and they’re happy to share lots of information with their customers.

Nashville, TN

Nashville Pet Products – Top Pick

Nashville Pet Products Pet Store

What we like: Nashville Pet Products has a few locations in the Nashville area. It’s a well-stocked store with friendly staff; customers rave about the amazing customer service. They also have several resident kitties who roam and lounge around the store and greet guests.

Wags and Whiskers – Best for DIY Grooming

What we like: If you are looking for a one-stop pet shop that will also let you wash your dog while you’re there, then Wags and Whiskers is the place to be. You’ll find lots of holistic, healthy products for your pets and they have everything you need to get your dog squeaky clean.

Emerald Bay Fish & Reptiles – Best for Exotics

What we like: Shawn, the owner at Emerald Bay Fish & Reptiles, is friendly and knowledgeable. The store carries a large selection of saltwater fish and supplies; it also has reptiles. If there’s something you want, they can probably get it for you.

New Orleans, LA

Southern Paws – Top Pick

Southern Paws Pet Store

What we like: You’ll find lots of cool and unique items at Southern Paws. This is a boutique-style store with a substantial variety of items for small dogs; they have fewer items for larger dogs and cats, but still some good products to consider.

Jefferson Feed – Best for Natural Food

What we like: Whether you’re feeding dogs, chickens, or some other type of animal, you’ll find the high-quality food you need at Jefferson Feed. The customer service is excellent, and the staff is friendly and well-informed.

50 Fathoms Pet Shop – Best for Exotics

What we like: Reptiles, amphibians, and fish are the stars of the show at 50 Fathoms Pet Shop. The employees are extremely knowledgeable and willing to spend a lot of time helping customers pick out and learn about their perfect pet.

New York, NY

Petropolis – Top Pick

petropolis pet store

What we like: This small store in the financial district has a wide selection of products and it’s kept very clean and organized. It’s also very easy to place order and re-orders from Petropolis; one customer even said that they sent his order to his house via cab because he was unable to make it to the store.

Love Thy Pet – Best Customer Service

What we like: If you’re looking for helpful employees, you’ll want to check out Love Thy Pet in Brooklyn. They stock a lot of products, but if you need something they don’t carry, they’ll do their best to get it for you.

Nature’s Reef & Reptile – Best for Exotics

What we like: Nature’s Reef & Reptile is the place to go if you need supplies for your reptiles, corals, fish, and more. They also carry food, toys, and other products for cats and dogs. Reviewers find the employees to be helpful and knowledgeable.

Oakland, CA

Pet Club – Top Pick

Pet Club Pet Store

What we like: Pet Club is family-owned, and they have 11 stores all around the Bay area. The one in Oakland is clean and well-stocked with a variety of items for all different types of pets. They carry some lizards and other exotics, too.

Alameda See Spot Run – Best for Holistic Pet Supplies

What we like: Alameda See Spot Run is an excellent source for holistic pet supplies for not only dogs and cats but also birds, chickens, guinea pigs, and more. They offer free local delivery and they also have grooming services.

Bay Bridge Aquarium – Best for Fish

What we like: For the biggest variety of both common and rare fish in the Bay area, you’ll want to go to the Bay Bridge Aquarium. All fish are medicated and quarantined, so you will know that you’re bringing a healthy, disease-free creature into your aquarium.

Oklahoma City, OK

A1 Pet Emporium – Top Pick

A1 Pet Emporium Pet Store

What we like: A1 Pet Emporium has two missions: The first is to educate customers about good nutrition for their pets. The second is to help local rescue organizations find homes for their rescued pets. The friendly and helpful staff is committed to both of these.

EarthWise Pet – Best for Grooming

What we like: EarthWise Pet is a grooming salon with a well-stocked pet store attached. You’ll be able to find high-quality food and products for your cat or dog. They also have a DIY dog wash station for those who want to give their dog a bath without the mess at home.

Rudy’s Pet Shop & Feed Store – Best for Birds

What we like: Whether you have birds or you want a bird, you’ll want to stop into Rudy’s Pet Shop & Feed Store. You’ll be able to see the various birds available and the staff will help you pick out exactly the right pet for your circumstances.

Omaha, NE

The Green Spot – Top Pick

The Green Spot Pet Store

What we like: The Green Spot is a full-service pet store, but it’s also much more. They have a spa and a bakery, so your pet can get salon services as well as a savory treat. They also have a dog wash available for DIY baths.

Long Dog Fat Cat – Best for Natural Food

What we like: Long Dog Fat Cat has four locations in Omaha, and it caters to pets whose owners want them on a natural, raw, or organic diet. In addition to regular food, they also offer treats, including those from their in-house bakery.

Fish Freaks – Best for Fish

What we like: Whether you prefer a freshwater or saltwater tank, you will find everything you need for a colorful, roomy aquarium at Fish Freaks. The staff will take the time to talk to you about what you need to know to succeed with your fish-keeping.

Philadelphia, PA

Rittenhouse Pet Supply – Top Pick

Rittenhouse Pet Store

What we like: The owners of Rittenhouse Pet Supply are super friendly and helpful, and they’re always willing to order any items that they don’t have in stock. Monty, the shop cat, is also friendly. If you’re looking for a kitten, they sometimes have them for adoption, too.

Fairmount Pet Shoppe – Best for Adoptions

What we like: At Fairmount Pet Shoppe, cats are always available for adoption. These kitties come from local rescues. As a bonus, if you adopt a cat, you’ll get 15 percent off of your next order, which can make stocking up on supplies for your new pet a bit easier on your wallet.

Monster Pets – Best for Fish

What we like: Monster Pets has products for cats, dogs, and other pets, but their main specialty is their amazing fish section. You can get everything from goldfish to beautiful exotics, and they have all of the supplies you’ll need to keep your fish happy and healthy.

Phoenix, AZ

Noble Beast Pets – Top Pick

Noble Beast Pet Store

What we like: Noble Beast Pets is a large pet shop that has a wide variety of products for all different pets. The prices are reasonable and the owners and staff are friendly. Visitors have also mentioned that it is clean and quite organized.

Gordon’s Feed – Best for Farm Animals

What we like: Gordon’s Feed is perfect for people who have chickens, want chickens, or need supplies for their pets. They do carry items for dogs, cats, and other common household pets, but they also have various breeds of chickens and supplies for them, too.

Custom Creatures Pet Shop – Best for Exotics

What we like: In addition to getting supplies for your furry and feathered pets, you’ll also find a wide array of exotics to choose from. The staff can answer a lot of questions about various reptiles, and they have the supplies you’ll need, too.

Portland, OR

Pet Loft – Top Pick

Pet Loft Pet Store

What we like: Pet Loft is a great full-service pet store and they carry a lot of organic, natural products. They focus on locally manufactured pet supplies and they also partner with local rescue to help find families for homeless cats and dogs.

Western Pet Supply – Best for Raw and Natural Foods

What we like: If you’re looking for high-quality, natural, or raw foods for your pets, you’ll want to c heck out Western Pet Supply. They carry products not only for cats and dogs but also small mammals, reptiles, pet birds, chickens, fish, and more.

Tropical Hut – Best for Exotics

What we like: Tropical Hut carries a variety of amphibians, reptiles, and some tarantulas. The staff is very friendly and informative, and they’ll walk you through the process of choosing your ideal exotic pet as well as picking out the supplies you’ll need.

Raleigh, NC

Phydeaux – Top Pick

Phydeaux Pet Store

What we like: The owners of Phydeaux also have two other stores in the Triangle area. This is a large pet shop with a lot of variety, and the customer service is very good. They also partner with rescues to host adoptions.

Unleashed Mutt – Most Knowledgeable

What we like: The staff at Unleashed Mutt goes through many hours of training so they are well-equipped to advise pet owners on health and general wellness. You can even set up personal consultations if you need more help!

The Fish Room – Best for Fish

What we like: The Fish Room has everything you need if you keep fish. They have fish and supplies for both freshwater and saltwater tanks, and they also carry coral and can provide maintenance services. The staff is friendly and helpful, too.

Sacramento, CA

Incredible Pets – Top Pick

Incredible Pet Store

What we like: Incredible Pets is a pet store with three locations in the Sacramento area, so there’s probably one that is convenient to get to. The staff is friendly, the small animals are well taken care of, and they host pet vaccine clinics for convenient, low-cost care.

Western Feed & Pet Supply – Best for Pet Food

What we like: While Western Feed & Pet Supply has a variety of pet products available, their specialty is healthy, high-quality feed for different types of animals. They carry some brands you won’t find in the big box stores.

GX3 Reptiles and Exotic Pets – Best for Exotics

What we like: Grant, the owner of GX3 Reptiles and Exotic Pets, is known for being honest and experienced with various types of exotic pets. The reptiles are healthy and priced fairly, and the staff is knowledgeable and helpful.

San Antonio, TX

Mike’s Dog Store – Top Pick

Mike's Dog Store

What we like: You and your dog will both love Mike’s Dog Store. The resident shop dog, Trixie, will greet you both exuberantly, and your pooch might even get a complimentary treat just for visiting. They carry a lot of different products and the staff is friendly and knowledgeable.

Pet’s Barn – Best Prices

What we like: Pet’s Barn is a pet store that has several locations around the San Antonio area. It is known for having good prices, making pet ownership a bit more affordable. You can also take your pet to get his vaccinations; call ahead to confirm the hours of the vaccine clinics.

Southside Aquatics – Best for Exotics

What we like: Customers visiting Southside Aquatics for fish, reptiles, and small mammals have said that the store is very clean and smells good. The staff is also helpful and can advise customers on proper pet care, feeding, and more.

San Diego, CA

Earthwise Pet – Top Pick

Earthwise Pet

What we like: You’ll be able to find what you are looking for at Earthwise Pet, which carries many products and has a well-trained, knowledgeable staff. They also help out with animal adoptions and they have a doggie day care service that pup-owners love.

Howlistic – Best Natural

What we like: Howlistic has a variety of natural and organic foods for your dog or cat. The staff can help advise you on what might be best for your pet’s health. They also offer a grooming service that customers describe as good and fairly priced.

Doggie Style Pets – Best for Helping Pets

What we like: Located in Little Italy, Doggie Style Pets has everything you need to make sure your pets are well-fed and look great. What makes them stand out, however, is their commitment to rescuing animals and providing vet care to homeless pets. You can read more about their mission here.

San Francisco, CA

Village Pets and Supplies – Top Pick

village pets pet store

What we like: Village Pets and Supplies has it all when it comes to pet supplies. In addition to products for dogs, cats, small animals, and fish, they also offer a do-it-yourself dog wash station and an anesthesia-free teeth-cleaning service.

Bow Wow Meow – Best for Grooming

What we like: Bow Wow Meow carries a large variety of supplies and products for all types of pets. They also have a grooming service that’s open seven days a week, which is invaluable when pet parents work Monday through Friday!

East Bay Vivarium – Best for Exotics

What we like: East Bay Vivarium is the oldest and largest reptile store in the nation and has been in the Bay area since 1970. They offer boarding services for reptiles, which is a service that’s hard to find. They also attend reptile expos with their stock.

San Jose, CA

An-Jan Feed & Pet Supply – Top Pick

an-jan pet store

What we like: An-Jan Feed & Pet Supply is always well-stocked and has a great variety of supplies for all types of pets. The staff is also friendly and knowledgeable. As an added bonus, they have community veterinary days for people to have their pets vaccinated.

Sam’s Downtown Feed – Best for Farm Animals

What we like: This farm supply store has been in business for over 30 years and providing exceptional customer service along the way. They carry mainly feed for all types of animals, but they also stock a wide variety of products for companion animals as well as livestock.

Louis Birds Pets & Supplies – Best for Birds

What we like: Louis is the owner of this store, and he knows his stuff when it comes to birds. He sells top-quality birds and also helps owners with basic care like clipping wings and trimming nails. In addition, he carries a lot of products for feathered pets.

Seattle, WA

Wally Pets – Top Pick

Wally Pets Pet Store

What we like: Locals describe Wally Pets as clean, reasonably priced, and, most importantly, chock full of knowledgeable and helpful staff. They can advise you on how to best care for your pet and they have the supplies you need to keep them happy and healthy.

Mud Bay Pet Supplies – Most Knowledgeable

What we like: If you’re looking for advice on how to care for your pet, the employees at Mud Bay Pet Supplies have it. They caution that they’re not veterinarians, but they’re well-read and there is also a lot of information on their website. They even provide information packs to animals who are being adopted from local shelters.

Sierra Fish and Pets – Best for Fish

What we like: Sierra Fish and Pets carries supplies for all type of pets but they specialize in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. In fact, they got their start as solely a fish store and branched out from there. You’ll love the selection!

Tucson, AZ

Desert Pet – Top Pick

Desert Pet Store

What we like: Desert Pet is a clean, well-organized store with friendly staff and a great selection of products. They also carry small animals like fish and some reptiles, and they often have kitties for adoption. Their prices are fair and reasonable, too.

Arizona Feeds – Best for Farm Animals

What we like: You’ll be able to find feed and supplements for any kind of pet at Arizona Feeds. They also carry some farm supplies and hay bales. The staff is friendly and they have a lot of different products in stock.

Tropical Kingdom – Best for Exotics

What we like: Whether you’re shopping for a lizard, snake, tortoise, small mammal, or fish, Tropical Kingdom has the animals and the supplies you’ll need. Their staff is friendly and knowledgeable about various issues affecting these pets, too.

Tulsa, OK

Dog Dish – Top Pick

Dog Dish Pet Store

What we like: Dog Dish is a great resource for dog food, toys, treats, and various products. The owner, Emily, is helpful, as is the rest of the staff. They carry high-quality brands and will help customers find what will work best for their dogs.

Southern Agriculture – Best for Farm Animals

What we like: In addition to carrying a lot of items for dogs, cats, and small animals, Southern Agriculture also has products for livestock, poultry, horses, and even beekeepers. The staff is friendly, and they have a wide selection.

Grant Family Exotics and Reptiles – Best for Exotics

What we like: Grant Family Exotics and Reptiles has fair prices and a knowledgeable staff. They carry various types of reptiles and other exotics, along with the products you will need to keep them well-cared-for.

Virginia Beach, VA

Care-a-Lot Pet Supply – Top Pick

Care a Lot Pet Store

What we like: Care-a-Lot Pet Supply has all of the products you need for your pets, but even more importantly, they give back to disadvantaged animals. They are partnered with rescues for adoption events and also have their own charitable foundation.

Doggstuff – Best for Natural Foods

What we like: This family-owned company takes pride in providing local pets with natural, healthy food and other supplies. Doggstuff is staffed with knowledgeable people who will help you choose the right diet for your furry family member.

Pet Paradise – Best for Exotics

What we like: You’ll be able to find healthy, well-cared-for reptiles at Pet Paradise. The animals are in clean tanks, and the staff is well-versed on how to take care of them, so if you’re looking for a snake or lizard, be sure to stop in.

Washington, DC

Howl to the Chief – Top Pick

Howl to the Chief Pet Store

What we like: The staff at Howl to the Chief are knowledgeable and can tell you about the ethics of the various products they carry. This is a clean, spacious store with plenty of room, and they carry high-quality brands for both pets and people.

The Big Bad Woof – Best for Raw and Organic Pet Food

What we like: Everything that The Big Bad Woof carries is sustainable, local, or otherwise ethically procured. They go out of their way to ensure that the foods they stock for their customers support local business and support your pet’s health.

Tropical Lagoon Aquarium – Best for Fish

What we like: Tropical Lagoon Aquarium has a great selection of tropical fish. Their staff is friendly and knowledgeable, so you’ll be able to get the information you need to make your choices, and their prices are reasonable, making your new hobby affordable.

Wichita, KS

PawPrints Pet Supply – Top Pick

Paw Prints Pet Supply

What we like: Along with the typical pet supplies that you’d find at any pet store, PawPrints Pet Supply also carries a nice variety of homemade treats. They also have a DIY dog wash, so you can leave the mess at the store when you give your dog a bath.

Feline Groovy – Best for Cats

What we like: If you have a pampered kitty, you will want to check out Feline Groovy. They focus on supplying Wichita-area cats with local, sustainable foods and high-quality treats and toys. The staff is very knowledgeable and helpful.

Birds of Paradise – Best for Birds

What we like: When you purchase a bird from Birds of Paradise, there is a system in place to ensure that you get the bird that is right for you. You can visit your bird several times before bringing him home, allowing for excellent socialization.

If you live outside these metro areas, we urge you to use the veterinarians’ tips above to help you narrow down the choices available in your city or town. Once you find a great pet supply store near you, you’ll feel more comfortable with your pet-related purchases and will have someone to go to if you have non-urgent questions about pet care. We wish you well on your search!

If you’re interested in pet stores, you probably have a strong interest in dogs. If you’re a dog owner, we have a load of resources that can help you keep your pet healthy and happy.

One set of guides is our collection of buying guides which can help you find a great waterproof dog bed, an outdoor dog bed, an elevated dog bed, or a dog bed for the couch.

Beyond that, if you’re looking for additional resources to help keep your puppy healthy and looking good we also have a series of buying guides to help you select the best dog ear cleaner, the best professional dog clippers, the best dog clippers for poodle hair, and our guide to finding the best Australian Shepherd dog brushes.

How To Get A Puppy To Sleep Through The Night Wed, 21 Dec 2022 01:17:42 +0000 If you’ve just brought your new furry family member home, you might be wondering how to get a puppy to sleep through the night. Having a puppy can be very fun yet exhausting! If you are having trouble getting your puppy to sleep through the night, you are not alone. One of the most challenging parts of owning a puppy is developing healthy bedtime habits. In this article, I will discuss some tips and techniques to help you and your puppy sleep soundly through the night.

Obviously one big issue related to sleeping is having a comfortable bed. We created a series of guides that you might find useful here, where we outline the best waterproof dog bed, the best outdoor dog bed, the best elevated dog bed, and the best sofa dog bed.

8 Vet Tips on How To Get a Puppy To Sleep Through the Night

1. Develop a Routine

The first step to getting your puppy to sleep through the night is to develop clear and consistent bedtime routines. Try to go to bed at the same time every night so your puppy understands when it is time for sleep. At the start, your puppy will likely be waking you up pretty early in the morning to go outside to potty. This is very normal for the first 4 to 6 months of age.

2. Bathroom Break Before Bed

It can help to take your puppy outside just before bedtime. Puppies have extremely small bladders so by taking them out to the bathroom right at bedtime, you will likely get more hours of whine-free sleep. You may even try taking them on a quick bedtime walk to make sure they pee and poop.

3. Lots of Exercise!

Young woman playing with puppy

If your puppy just wants to play at bedtime, then they are likely not getting enough exercise during the day. Be sure that you are exercising your puppy for at least 20 to 30 minutes around 3 times per day. 1Some high-energy dog breeds may need even more exercise than that! For exercise, you could play fetch in the yard, take your puppy for a walk, or just play with toys inside. Any kind of physical activity can help your puppy sleep better at night.

4. Mental Stimulation

A bored puppy will not sleep well at night. During the day, make sure you are giving your puppy mentally stimulating tasks. I recommend trying out interactive puzzle toys to keep their brain active. You could also try filling a Kong with their meals, or you could try another treat-dispensing toy.

5. Try Crate Training

You might be wondering “should a puppy be crated at night?” Some puppies will do better in a crate at night, but only if they have been properly crate trained. You should choose a heavy-duty crate that is easy to clean in case your puppy has an accident. Make the crate comfortable by adding a soft puppy bed or comfy blanket.

6. Give Them Something To Chew On

Right as you put your puppy to sleep, consider giving them a chew toy that will keep them occupied for a while. Puppies that are teething may appreciate having something to chew on during the night. Opt for safe chew toys that your puppy won’t be able to destroy. For puppies, I usually recommend soft Nylabones for puppies or Kong chew toys.

7. Midnight Potty Break

Puppies under 4 to 6 months of age will likely not be able to sleep fully through the night without having accidents. Most puppies can’t hold it for more than 3 to 4 hours, which means you will likely have to let your puppy out once in the middle of the night. If you know what time your puppy usually starts whining to go outside in the middle of the night, try setting an alarm 15 minutes before that time so you can let your puppy out before they start whining.

8. Consult With a Veterinarian and Dog Trainer

If you are still having trouble getting your puppy to sleep through the night, it may be time to speak with your veterinarian. There may be an underlying medical reason why your puppy can’t sleep through the night such as a urinary tract infection. A certified dog trainer may also be able to give you additional training tips. Some dog trainers may recommend training collars to train dogs. I usually do not recommend using training collars for puppies under 6 months of age, and in general, positive reinforcement is more effective for training a puppy.2

How long does it take for a puppy to sleep through the night?

Most puppies will not be able to sleep for a full 8 hours at night without needing to go to the bathroom. Puppies that are under 4 to 6 months of age usually have to go to the bathroom every 3 to 4 hours, so you will probably need to let your puppy out once in the middle of the night. Once your puppy is around 6 months of age, they should be able to sleep through the night without having an accident.

What do I do if my puppy wakes up at night?

If your puppy wakes you up at night about 3 to 4 hours after you go to bed, this means that they probably need to go to the bathroom. If they are waking you up more than 1 to 2 times per night, then they are probably just bored or want attention. If they are whining even after you take them out to the bathroom, try to ignore the whining. Don’t scold your puppy for whining because usually, this will make it worse.

How do you get a puppy to stop whining at night?

Puppies that whine at night usually want one of two things—a bathroom break or attention. Your puppy will likely need to go to the bathroom once or twice in the middle of the night. I typically recommend ignoring the whining if you know that your puppy doesn’t need to go outside to the bathroom. Usually, if you ignore the whining and don’t scold them for whining, eventually they will stop whining.

How to Crate Train a Puppy Wed, 21 Dec 2022 01:17:20 +0000 As a veterinarian, many pet owners ask me why they should consider crate training and how to crate train a puppy. Crate training is an excellent way to keep your puppy from getting into trouble while you are out of the house. A crate trained puppy will not be able to chew up your couch, go counter surfing, or have accidents in the house while you are gone. If done correctly, the crate will be seen by your puppy as a safe and comforting place, which may reduce their anxiety while you are gone.

This article will discuss the best way to crate train a puppy and the keys to crate training a puppy.

The Best Way To Crate Train a Puppy

Step 1: Crate Orientation

The first step in crate training a puppy is to let your puppy become acquainted with the crate. Put soft blankets within the crate to make it look inviting. Leave the crate open at all times and let your puppy explore the crate. Never try to force your puppy into the crate. You can try throwing some treats into the crate to see if your puppy will enter the crate. Once your puppy seems eager to go into the crate on their own, you can move to step 2.

Step 2: Crate Playtime

Try playing with your puppy in the crate.1 Throw his favorite toy into the crate or play tug of war with him. You may even consider buying your puppy a few new toys to play with in their crate. At this point, you want your new uppy to think the crate is a fun place to be.

Step 3: Crate Mealtime

Next, begin to feed your puppy meals in the crate. In the beginning, do not close the door to the crate during mealtime. Keep the crate door open so your puppy can still come and go as they please. Once your puppy seems content with the crate, you can begin to close the crate door during mealtime and open up the crate just before your puppy is done eating.

Step 4: Crate Trial

Your puppy should now associate the crate with food, treats, playtime, and toys. If your puppy still seems to enjoy the crate, try a trial run. Get several of your puppy’s favorite treats or chew toys and place them in the crate. After your puppy enters the crate, close the crate door. Leave your puppy in the crate for 5 to 10 minutes then let them out. If they begin whining, try not to let them out until they stop whining. If they still seem content with the crate trial, begin to lengthen the period of time in the crate to 20 to 30 minutes. Slowly work your way up to 1 to 2 hours.

Step 5: Crate Time!

At this point, you have moved slowly with the crate training process, and your puppy should think that the crate is a safe and fun place to be. You can now try to leave your puppy in the crate for 3 to 4 hours while you are out of the house. Remember that puppies have small bladders so you shouldn’t leave them in the crate for any more than 3 to 4 hours at a time.

Keys To Crate Training a Puppy

Puppy in metal cage or crate

Be Patient

Many pet owners ask me, “How long does it take to crate train a puppy?” When crate training a puppy, you must be patient. Crate training can take weeks to months and will not work if rushed. The training process should be done gradually because if you move too quickly through the steps, your puppy could become frustrated and start to associate the crate with a bad place. Remember to stay positive and be patient!

Do Not React To Whining

Should you ignore a puppy whining in a crate? Yes, if your puppy is whining, do not scold them or let them out of the crate. Any attention is good attention for a puppy, so by scolding them you are actually making the problem worse. Try to ignore the whining and only let them out of the crate when they have stayed quiet for 10 to 15 seconds.

Remove Any Collars or Harnesses

If you use a collar or a no slip harness for dogs and want to leave your puppy in a crate unattended, make sure you have removed their collar or harness. These things can get caught within the crate grating, and I have heard of cases where puppies have been strangled to death because their collar got caught in the crate.

Do Not Punish by Using the Crate

The Humane Society of the U.S. recommends never using crating as a punishment for your dog.2 If your puppy associates the crate with a negative experience, they will not want to use the crate at all.

Choose the Right Crate

You may be wondering how to choose a crate for your puppy. You will want to find a sturdy crate that can not be chewed up by your puppy. I usually recommend a metal crate when crate training a puppy. You can also consider

You will want the crate to give your puppy a little wiggle room, so be sure the crate is large enough for them to easily move around and stretch. We have resources for determining how big a dog crate should be, like our dog crate size chart

Additionally, you can also consider using an indoor dog house or an outdoor dog kennel, depending on your pup’s needs.

Keep It Short

You may also be wondering how long you can leave an 8 week old puppy in a crate. Ideally, to avoid accidents, you should never leave your puppy in the crate for more than 4 hours at a time. Puppy bladders are extremely small, so it can be tough for them to go longer than 4 hours without going to the bathroom. As your puppy gets older, you can begin to leave them in the crate longer, but at less than 8 weeks of age, I usually recommend letting them out at least every 3 to 4 hours.

Consult with Your Veterinarian and Trainer

If you are struggling with crate training a puppy, remember to consult with your veterinarian and trainer. Other tips and techniques may be recommended for crate training your puppy. Some trainers may instruct you to use a training collar. Although in general, positive reinforcement is better for crate training a puppy than using a training collar because you will want to be sure your puppy associates the crate with positive experiences.3 In addition, I do not recommend training collars for puppies under 6 months of age.

Six Steps to Train Your Dog to Use a Treadmill Wed, 21 Dec 2022 01:15:39 +0000 Training your dog to use a treadmill is an excellent way to ensure daily exercise for your dog, even when your regular outdoor walks aren’t an option. This post will describe the six key steps to train your dog to use a treadmill.

There are many benefits of exercise for dogs. Adequate exercise is one of the main factors in determining the health and longevity of our canine companions (our guide can help you answer the question how much exercise does a dog need?). It’s also true that getting your pup their daily exercise isn’t always an easy task. Time constraints, weather, and inadequate space are all issues that we’re up against, so sometimes you need to get creative to ensure your dog is getting enough daily exercise. Enter the world of treadmills for dogs.

Benefits of Using a Treadmill for Your Dog

Treadmills offer many benefits when it comes to getting your pup the exercise that they need. First, you won’t have to monitor the weather. If the snow is over your pup’s head, the rain is coming down in sheets, or the pavement is paw-toasting hot, your dog won’t have to go outside in those conditions.

Another benefit is that you no longer need to go out after dark. Worried about safety issues surrounding early morning or late-night walks? Not with a doggie treadmill. Your pup can get their exercise from the comfort and safety of your own home.

Finally, your dog will get their exercise even if you can’t. Whether you’re in the middle of cooking dinner, your video conference is lasting longer than you’d like, or your knee is bothering you from last weekend’s hike, your pup can still stretch their legs. Some dogs may also be looking for a more intense workout than what we can provide for them. A treadmill is a great way to allow your dog to run or walk at a speed and incline that you might not be able to handle yourself.

General Guidelines for Training Your Dog to Use a Treadmill

Person training dog to use a treadmill

Before we get into how to train your dog to use a treadmill, there are a few guidelines to go over.

  • Never leave your dog unsupervised. Treadmills aren’t a babysitter. You need to be around to ensure that your pup isn’t getting overworked or to intervene if he gets a toenail stuck or falls off and gets hurt.
  • Take it slow. Treadmills can be scary for dogs! Think about it. What dog would be okay with a noisy, moving floor right away? Make sure your pup is completely comfortable with the treadmill before you plan for daily workouts, and be sure to get them off of it promptly if they show any signs of apprehension or uneasiness.
  • Wait until your puppy is done growing (there are plenty of other items that can help make use of that puppy energy on our new puppy shopping checklist in the meantime).1This will help ensure that they are coordinated enough to use a treadmill safely. For small breeds that means 10-12 months. Medium breeds continue to grow until 12-15 months, large breeds until around 18 months, and giant breeds up to two years old. Our puppy to dog growth calculator helps with predicting dog size.
  • Make sure you have the proper treadmill. Be sure that you have an appropriately sized treadmill for your pup. It should go a speed that is suitable and safe. It should also not be so noisy that it scares the neighbor’s dog.

Six Steps to Train Your Dog to Use a Treadmill

Don’t expect your dog to jump on a treadmill and run with it straight out of the box. Rather, taking a step-by-step approach is the best way to train your dog to use a treadmill.

1. Let your pup get used to the treadmill.

Allow your dog to sniff the treadmill, get on it, and explore it without being expected to walk or run. Let them get completely comfortable with having it around and reward them with praise or treats when they get on it without apprehension.

If your pup simply isn’t interested in the treadmill, start by having them step onto it. Give them some basic commands like sit or stay and reward when they do it. This is all done with the power off.

2. Now, turn the power on.

Go through the previous step with the power on. Let your dog get used to the sound and watch the movement. Don’t ask your pup to get on a moving treadmill but just let them watch from the sidelines with encouragement. If your pup is at all uncomfortable with this step, repeat the first step until they’re ready to move on.

3. It’s time to get your dog moving.

With your pup standing on the treadmill, start it at its lowest speed. It’s best to have your pup on a leash for this step to prevent them from jumping off and hurting themselves. Keep it slow, keep the amount of time that they’re on it short, and give them pets and encouragement the entire time.

4. Gradually increase the speed.

Now that your dog has gained some confidence with the treadmill, it’s time to increase the speed. Do so in gradual intervals so that it’s not overtaxing or scary, and only for the length of time your dog is comfortable. Again, keep the length of time short until you know how much your dog can handle or wants to do, and remember to reward your pup.

5. Train for the dismount of the treadmill.

Don’t just let your dog jump off when they’re finished. Instead, make it a more controlled exit. Have them stand or sit, and then have them get off with a command. That way they’ll be less likely to jump off while the treadmill is moving and hurt themselves.

6. Keep it up!

If your dog doesn’t love it the first time, no big deal. Just keep trying over and over with lots of encouragement and patience. Go back to the previous step if your dog shows any apprehension with any of the training.

Even if your pup takes to the treadmill right away, it’s still important to increase speeds and time slowly so that they don’t overdo it.

Final Thoughts

A dog treadmill is a great way to get your dog the exercise that they need to stay happy and healthy. However, getting them to use a treadmill is going to take some time and patience that will be more than worth it in the end.

If the reason for a treadmill is that you’re particularly concerned about your dog’s weight, we have a series of resources on that topic as well that you might find helpful. Our puppy calculator can let you know how big your dog is likely to be, our list of foods dogs can and can not eat can help you figure out what’s safe to feed your dog, our dog size chart by weight can help you identify different inflection points in your dog’s growth, and our collection of breed-specific growth charts can help you get a better sense of the ideal weight for your full grown goldendoodle, full grown great dane, full grown golden retriever, full grown chihuahua, or full grown labrador.

The Best Wireless Dog Fence Mon, 19 Dec 2022 12:54:40 +0000 A wireless dog fence can be a great tool for keeping your dog contained in areas where the fencing is lacking.

But choosing the wrong wireless dog fence for the wrong dog can cause a number of issues for your pup. The humane society does a great job breaking down some of the potential concerns with wireless fences:

  • Shock collars use electric current passing through metal contact points on the collar to give your dog an electric signal.
  • This electric signal can range from a mild tickling sensation to a painful shock.
  • Shock collars may be sold as training devices, although more and more companies are pulling them from the shelves. They are also used with pet containment (electronic fencing) systems.
  • Shock collars are often misused and can create fear, anxiety and aggression in your dog toward you or other animals while suppressing unwanted behavior.

Wireless fences may or may not be classified as “shock collars” and many don’t meet the level of painful shock mentioned above, but it can be difficult to tell the difference.

To help walk you through an important decision, we asked our veterinary advisor, Dr. Jamie Whittenburg, to review each of the major wireless dog fences on the market.

Dr. Whittenburg chose the PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Pet Containment System as her top choice for the best wireless dog fence. “I especially like that this system does not correct your dog if they return into the boundary from outside it,” Dr. Whittenburg said. “This is integral to successful training.”

Our Vet’s Top Pick

PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Pet Containment System

The PetSafe Pet Containment System covers up to a half acre and is easy to set up.

While this is Dr. Whittenburg’s top choice, she also shared the most important things to look for in choosing a wireless dog fence, which owners and their dogs may not be a fit for a wireless dog fence and offered her top selections for a variety of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Wireless Dog Fences

  1. Best OverallPetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Pet Containment System
  2. Best BudgetOKPet GPS Wireless Dog Fence
  3. Best PortablePetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence
  4. Best for Large AreasJustPet Wireless Dog Fence

Wireless Dog Fences Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Vet’s Picks Model Rating Correctionless Reentry Multiple Correction Methods Rechargeable Battery Barrier Flags Included
Best Overall PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Pet Containment System 4.3
Best Budget OKPet GPS Wireless Dog Fence Pet Containment System 4.8
Best for Multiple Pets Invifence Wireless Dog Fence and Training Collar 4.5
Best Portable PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence 4.2
Best for Large Areas JustPet Wireless Dog Fence 4.8

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Wireless Dog Fence

  • Your yard has uneven terrain. A large benefit to a wireless dog fence is you have the ability to fence in an otherwise un-fencible area. Whether your yard is an odd shape or on uneven terrain, the wireless fence can pattern the perimeter.
  • You have plenty of time to train your dog. Training your dog to use the wireless fence is a must. Your dog will not instinctively learn how this technology works. You must teach him. Do not get this type of fence if you don’t have the time to put in the training.
  • Your dog chews through, climbs, or digs under traditional fences. A wireless dog fence might be a consideration if your pooch is the escape artist who chews through, digs under, or scales traditional fencing. But this doesn’t mean a wireless fence is infallible to the drive a dog might have to leave the yard.

Who Should Not Buy a Wireless Dog Fence

  • You don’t have time to train your dog. Training is essential to a positive outcome. Patient training is required to help the dog learn the boundaries of the fence. Some fencing systems can be frustrating or even ineffective for some dogs. This could lead to serious injury.
  • Your dog is the anxious or fearful type. Negative stimuli, such as the corrections associated with wireless fencing, can exacerbate negative behaviors in anxious, stressed, or fearful dogs.1

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

As a veterinarian, I often get asked how to choose a good wireless dog fence. Here are some tips and best practices to consider when purchasing a wireless dog fence. Be sure to do adequate research on the product you are considering purchasing to look for key features, and ask your friends, family, or veterinarian if they have any recommendations on wireless fences for dogs.

  1. Consider your individual situation – How large is your dog? Do they learn quickly with minimum correction? What environment are you expecting to use the fence in? Are there dangers that could come into the fenced boundary? Are there distractions that may cause your dog to leave the boundary regardless of collar corrections? How large of a space do you wish to control? Do you have time and patience to effectively train your dog to understand the fence?
  2. Be aware of both the pros and cons – Wireless dog fence systems can be much more cost-effective and visually pleasing than a traditional fence. They are also more adaptable to uneven terrain and frequent moving. However, wireless fences do not offer protection to the dogs inside the boundary from people, predators, or other pets that may enter the yard. Power outages or failure to recharge the components can also lead to fence failure and put your dog at unnecessary risk of escape and injury.
  3. Training is essential – Training your dog to understand a wireless fence is required, though these fences may still be ineffective for some. Many wireless dog fence systems offer alternative corrections, such as vibration or sound, but shocking your dog for correction is a method that you may not be comfortable with.
  4. Speak to someone you know who has used a wireless dog fence system – It is crucial to research the features and reliability of a wireless fence when choosing what is best for your dog. Speak to your veterinarian or another pet care professional for recommendations.
  5. Avoiding systems that do not include training aids – Since training to use the wireless dog fence is of the utmost importance, avoid systems that don’t use visual aids such as boundary flags. Also, avoid systems that have no option other than shocking for correction. Do not use wireless fences that correct the dog if they enter from outside the boundary, as this is confusing to the dog and discourages their return to the boundary if they ever get out.

Using a wireless dog fence as a way to restrict your dog to your yard includes regular training with your pooch. Seek out a professional dog trainer or consult with your personal veterinarian to help you keep your dog safely contained in your yard.

How Much Do They Cost?


Wireless dog fences vary greatly in price, from about $40 to $400, depending on the type of system you wish to purchase. Wireless fencing systems under $50 tend to cover a smaller area for smaller dogs, and may not include helpful items such as boundary flags. Budget-friendly systems usually have to be buried on your property and don’t offer more options past the shock correction. Wireless dog fences in the pricier range offer multiple correction methods, often allow for multiple fences to be linked together, cover a wider area and are better suited for larger dogs.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Us

With what I’ve learned through the veterinary profession and my personal experience, I selected the top five wireless dog fences based on several factors, such as reliability, safety, and effectiveness. It’s important to research the type of wireless fence you want to use to ensure your dog is safe. – Dr. Jamie Whittenburg

The Best Wireless Dog Fence Reviews

1. Best Overall – PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Pet Containment System

Our Vet’s Top Pick

PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Pet Containment System

The PetSafe Pet Containment System covers up to a half acre and is easy to set up.

The PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Pet Containment System is our vet’s top pick because it’s easy to set up and use, and functions reliably. Recommended for dogs over 8 pounds, the wireless fence is waterproof and uses tone and static correction to keep your dog in the yard. With up to a half-acre of coverage, you don’t need to bury the wire so you can set it up pretty quickly. In line with our vet’s suggestion, this fence allows your dog to reenter the fenced property without receiving a correction.

The PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence comes with an indoor transmitter, waterproof collar, and barrier flags. The transmitter is portable so you can set up your wireless fence anywhere you go. The collar fits neck sizes between 6 and 28 inches, and the battery features a long life of up to two months before you need to replace it. The collar is also compatible with other PetSafe wireless fence transmitters. You have the option of using sound-only training or five levels of static correction.

This wireless dog fence allows you to add another base unit transmitter to widen your coverage area. Purchase additional collars if you have multiple pets. Personalize your coverage from 5 to 90 feet in all directions, starting from the base of the transmitter, up to 180 feet across.

  • Easy to set up
  • Covers half an acre
  • Long battery life
  • Not meant for tiny dogs
  • Extra collars sold separately

2. Best Budget – OKPet GPS Wireless Dog Fence

Best Budget

OKPet GPS Wireless Dog Fence Pet Containment System

For a more budget-friendly option, the OKPet Wireless Dog Fence covers up to nearly 3,300 feet.

The OKPet GPS Wireless Dog Fence is our vet’s top choice for a budget-friendly wireless fencing option. The system uses GPS satellite positioning technology to keep tabs on your pooch. Stable and reliable, the wireless fence doesn’t use a base transmitter or boundary wires, above or below ground, and sends out a signal up to 3,281 feet.

The OKPet system comes with a waterproof collar with a rechargeable battery that lasts up to 15 hours on one charge. There are three correction methods with three levels of intensity: beep, vibration, and shock. Should your dog leave the wireless area, the vibration and shock continue for three cycles and then shut off. If you don’t set a correction stimulus, the collar defaults to a beep.

  • GPS to track your dog
  • Easy to set up
  • Frequent charging needed
  • Barrier flags not included
      • Easy to install
      • Covers up to 1,000 feet
      • Correction continues outside boundaries
      • Barrier flags not included

4. Best Portable – PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence

Best Portable

PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence

The PetSafe Stay and Play wireless dog fence covers a wide area without burying wires.

The PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence is Dr. Jamie Whittenburg’s choice for the best portable wireless dog fence. The small size and easy setup make it ideal for traveling and on-the-go moments. The system covers up to a three-quarter-acre area with no wires to bury. The PetSafe Stay and Play is an overall easy unit that features a plug-in transmitter and battery-operated, receiver collar.

The PetSafe collar is waterproof and features a static-free reentry, so your dog is not corrected on the return pass over the boundary. There are five intensities of static correction, plus a tone-only correction mode. The collar is adjustable from 6 inches up to 28 inches in neck size. The PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence include barrier flags to give your dog a visual aid when the fence is in use.

      • No correction on reentry
      • Barrier flags included
      • Extra collars sold separately
      • The battery needs replacing after 1 to 2 months

5. Best for Large Areas – JustPet Wireless Dog Fence

Best for Large Areas

JustPet Wireless Dog Fence

The JustPet fencing system covers up to 2,000 feet.

The JustPet Wireless Dog Fence is our vet’s pick for the best wireless dog fence for large areas (read our review of JustPet Wireless Dog Fence). With an adjustable range from 100 feet to 2,000 feet, this wireless fencing system has one of the largest boundary areas on the market. The package includes a base transmitter, waterproof receiver collar, charger, and training flags. Signal transmission is not blocked by walls or objects when the base is in the house. Multiple receiver collars can be used on one transmitter.

The JustPet Wireless Dog Fence comes with a receiver collar that adjusts to ten levels and three intensities of electric shock. The wireless system is equipped with a warning method as opposed to responding immediately with a shock. If your dog travels outside of the set boundary, the collar issues a vibration warning before giving a shock. The collar cycles twice and then continue to beep until your dog returns to the fenced area.

      • Range up to 2,000 feet
      • Barrier flags included
  • Correction continues until reentry
  • Multiple correction options are not available

Frequently Asked Questions

Do wireless dog fences work?

Yes and no. Many wireless dog fences work as advertised, but wireless dog fences require a power source. Should the power source fail for any reason, the invisible fence is rendered useless. Many dogs will attempt to escape the yard, even if they have been trained, because an animal’s natural instinct is to hunt, chase, or ease their own curiosity by venturing out of the yard. Wireless fences do not keep intruders or other animals from entering the yard either. If your dog gets out and there is a correction on reentry, your dog may not come home.23

How can I keep my dog in the yard without a fence?

What dog doesn’t want to roam? Whether they believe something is better in your neighbor’s yard, they caught a whiff of something interesting, or they spotted a squirrel to chase, dogs love to walk, run, and roam. Keeping an unleashed dog in an unfenced yard is a tall task. Unfortunately, most dogs need protection from the outside world. Speak with your veterinarian or a local trainer to determine the best way to safely and effectively keep your dog in your yard.45

Can you train a dog to stay in an unfenced yard?

Many dogs can be trained to do a lot of things. Some dogs might do very well staying in a yard that doesn’t have a fence. But dogs are animals and have animal instincts. Even the best-trained dog may chase prey outside of the yard. Natural curiosity usually leads to dogs wanting to explore as far as they can physically go.6

Is an invisible fence cruel?

There’s a lot of debate as to whether or not an invisible fence causes harm to the animals who use it. Most experts agree that negative reinforcement does more harm than good.789 But some invisible fences allow for methods of correction that don’t involve an extreme such as electric shock. Other methods of correction include tones, beeps, vibrations, or a combination.

Additional Sources & Resources

Looking for more information about dog fences? We have a library of in-depth information about various aspects of dog fences. Including tips and ideas for keeping your dog from jumping and building your own dog fence:

As well as in-depth reviews of each category of dog fence (with recommendations generated by licensed veterinarians):

And in-depth product reviews of some of the leading dog fence brands:

The Best Step-In Dog Harness Mon, 19 Dec 2022 12:45:49 +0000 A harness can be a great tool for training and walking your dog without putting pressure on its neck and trachea.

Getting the right harness, though, is a stressful process.

We’ve tested and reviewed all of the major harness brands here at Pet News Daily, and in reading a ton of dog harness reviews from unhappy customers there are typically a few common complaints:

  • The harness doesn’t fit right
  • It slips off
  • The material frays or breaks with use over time

Any of these can be a nightmare if you’re a dog owner. It’s not just about having to get a new harness: these are legitimate safety issues if your dog gets off the harness at the wrong time (or hurts its neck or back because of the wrong fit).

For the right dog, a step-in dog harness can really solve a lot of these issues. But for the wrong dog or with the wrong harness, they can make them worse.

To help you avoid these pitfalls, we asked our veterinary advisor Dr. Jamie Whittenburg (who created our free course on raising a healthy puppy, some of the insights from which you can also find in our free new puppy checklist) to review the top step in dog harnesses on the market.

Dr. Whittenburg chose the Gooby Comfort X Step in Harness as the best overall step in harness due to the patented X shape to avoid choking and putting pressure on your dog’s neck.

While this is Dr. Whittenburg’s top pick, you’ll also find a buying guide with tips for what to look for in a harness, a list of factors that may indicate a step-in harness isn’t right for your dog, and Dr. Whittenburg has also shared her recommendation for the best step-in harness models for a variety of purposes.

The 5 Best Step In Dog Harnesses

Step-In Harnesses Compared

Below are Dr. Whittenburg’s top picks. Compare the ratings and key features of each of the harnesses to decide which one is the best car harness for your dog.

Vet’s Picks Model Rating Material Closure Type Notable Feature
Best Overall Gooby Comfort X Step in Harness 4.4 Micro suede; nylon strap Buckle X Shaped Design
Best Budget AIITLE Pet Supply No Pull, Step in Adjustable Dog Harness 4.2 Nylon Buckle Reflective strips
Best for Small Dogs Voyager Step-In Plush Dog Harness 4.6 Plush corduroy Pull On Soft & warm plush fabric
Best for Large Dogs EcoBark Step in Dog Harness 4.6 Neoprene Buckle Padded vest with recycled straps
Best for Escape Artists PUPTECK No Pull Dog Harness 4.2 Nylon Buckle ID tag included

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Step-In Dog Harness?

  • Owners who don’t want to use a collar on their dog (often out of concern for your dog’s neck and trachea if they’re a puller) should opt for a harness generally.
  • If your dog has an issue with getting a standard (aka adjustable) harness on, a step-in harness may be a good alternative. Standard harnesses go on over the neck of your dog, whereas a step-in is obviously something they step in so it may be more comfortable for the dog.
  • Dogs that are the right shape for a step-in harness – you want to think about the fit for the harness as it relates to your dog’s shoulder blades and use sizing charts to make sure the harness will work for your breed and the size of your dog.

Who Should Not Buy One (Step In Harness vs. Regular Harness)?

  • Some step-in harness owners report issues for small dogs particularly those who are “wigglers” being able to escape from some step-in harnesses.
  • The opposite of the above points is obviously also true: if you’re someone who prefers a collar as a tool for teaching your dog not to pull (which is a theory some dog trainers subscribe to) you won’t want a harness, and if your dog fits better into an adjustable harness a step in harness won’t be right for your dog.

This is a great video walkthrough of things to think about in selecting the type of harness that’s right for your dog:

And, if you are looking for a step-in harness, below are some additional tips for making the right call from our vet advisor Dr. Whittenburg.

“Step-in dog harnesses should be made out of high-quality, durable materials. The fabric should be soft and breathable for your dog’s comfort. Depending on your use, you will want to ensure that the harness has the leash attachment sites you desire. A harness with multiple adjustment points may be the best choice for oddly shaped dogs. “

How Much Does a Step In Harness Cost?

Between $10 and $25

Step-in harnesses cost roughly $10 to $25, but most tend to run closer to the $10-20 range, depending on the style of harness, the size harness you’re buying, and what material they’re made from.

Budget-friendly harnesses are a less-frills option that is typically still effective. A more expensive dog harness option often features tougher materials, additional points of adjustment for a more customized fit, or may have extra attachment options (some of those listed here have ID tags as well, for instance).

Buying Guide: How to Find the Perfect Step-In Harness

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

“Comfort and security are the most important features to look for in a step-in dog harness. When we test products we look for comfort and security, even in selecting the best budget options. If you have questions beyond what’s covered in this post, I suggest speaking to your veterinarian, and other dog owners, and reading the product reviews for guidance.” – Dr. Jamie Whittenburg, DVM.

Buying Guide: Finding the Perfect Step-In Harness for Your Dog

When it comes to finding the perfect harness for your pup, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. But, there are a few factors that you should keep in mind if you’re considering purchasing a step-in harness for your four-legged friend. In this guide, we’ll break down the key features of a good step-in harness, what to avoid, specific brands to steer clear of, alternative options (such as collars and a DIY approach), types of dogs that may experience neck and trachea issues with traditional collars, how these issues can start developing in your pup, and tips for fitting and putting on step-in harnesses.

What Makes a Good Step-In Harness?

The best step-in harnesses are designed with maximum comfort and safety in mind. A good step-in harness should have adjustable straps that allow you to tailor the fit to your pup’s body shape for a snug, but not too tight, fit. Look for features such as:

  • Breathable mesh material
  • Reflective detailing (for extra visibility when out and about at night)
  • Padding around the chest area to provide cushioning.
  • The buckles should be sturdy, durable, and easy to attach – so you don’t have to struggle to try to get your pup ready for a walk.
  • A detailed sizing guide to make sure the harness will fit your dog.

What Makes a Bad Step-in Harness?

When it comes to harnesses, quality matters. Some of the lesser-quality step-in harnesses are made of thin material that can easily stretch and loosen over time, allowing your pup to slip out. These harnesses are also not designed with any kind of padding or cushioning in mind, which can be uncomfortable for your pup to wear for extended periods of time.

Other features to avoid include:

  • Cheap metal buckles, which can easily lose their strength over time
  • Thin or flimsy material that stretches easily
  • No reflective detailing for added visibility
  • No adjustable straps
  • No sizing guide

Specific Step-In Harness Brands to Avoid

Based on our testing and experience, we’d recommend avoiding Fancy Fido, Big Dogz, All Paws, and Mutt Mate.

A few issues common to these harnesses (and others you may want to avoid):

  • They lack adequate adjustable straps and materials that provide the necessary support and comfort to ensure a safe fit for your pet.
  • They often use clip-on buckles instead of stronger and more durable metal hardware, which means that the buckles may not stay secure over time or when exposed to rough terrain.
  • There is limited padding on the chest plate which can cause irritation or rub against your dog’s skin.
  • They lack reflective material which is important for safety during nighttime walks or activities.
  • Many of the harnesses from these brands use poor stitching techniques which can lead to seams becoming easily torn or frayed.

Alternatives to Step-In Harnesses

If a step-in harness isn’t the right fit for your pup, there are plenty of other options available. Traditional collars can be an effective way to control your pup and keep them safe, but they should be used with caution. Dogs with shorter necks or those that are prone to neck and trachea issues may need a more supportive collar.

A DIY approach is also an option if you’re comfortable enough to take on the challenge yourself. You can use materials like nylon webbing and sturdy hardware to make a custom harness for your pup.

Types of Dogs Prone to Neck and Trachea Issues

Certain breeds are more likely to experience neck and trachea issues, such as those with shortened or flat faces. Breeds like Pugs, French Bulldogs, Shih Tzus, and Boxers may be more prone to these issues due to their anatomy, and as such should be fitted with a more supportive type of collar.

How Do Dogs Start to Experience Neck and Trachea Issues?

Neck and trachea problems can start developing if your pup is regularly pulling against the collar while on walks.

This kind of pressure can cause the cartilage on their neck and trachea to be strained, leading to issues such as coughing or trouble breathing. To minimize this risk, you’ll want to make sure your pup is properly fitted with the right type of collar for its size and anatomy.

Tips for How to Fit and Put On Step-in Dog Harnesses

When fitting a step-in harness, it’s important to make sure the straps are adjusted properly and securely fastened. Here are a few key tips:

  • Measure your pup’s girth (the widest part of their chest) before fitting the harness. This will help you find the right size for your pup.
  • Check that all buckles and adjustable straps are securely fastened before each use.
  • Check that the straps are not too tight and do not cause any discomfort or restriction of movement.
  • Make sure your pup can still move freely while the harness is on, and adjust as needed.
  • double-check all buckles to make sure they are securely closed before walking your pup.

Once you’ve found a suitable step-in harness for your pup, it’s important to get them used to wear it before taking them out on walks.

To do this, start by introducing the harness indoors and allow your pup to get used to it without any pressure or expectations.

Once they seem comfortable with the harness, you can take them outside and gradually increase the duration of their walks until they become accustomed to wearing the harness in public.

The Best Step-In Dog Harness Reviews

1. Best Overall – Gooby Comfort X Step in Harness

  • Available in 5 sizes
  • Step in design to avoid putting harness over dog’s head
  • 4 points of adjustment for the perfect fit
  • Patented X shape to avoid choking and putting pressure on your dog’s delicate neck
  • Multiple owners had issues with the harness tearing or being easily chewed through by their pet.
  • Multiple owners mentioned their dogs being able to easily escape or slip out of the harness, particularly for dogs that are aggressive pullers (and smaller dogs with a difficult fit).

The Gooby Comfort X Step in Harness is the best overall step in harness according to Dr. Whittenburg.

The X-shaped harness is very easy for most dogs to step into – if you’re opting for a step-in harness because of issues with your pup getting an adjustable harness on, or you want to keep pressure off your dog’s neck and chest. this is a great option.

Overall the harness gets relatively strong reviews (though not the best reviews on this list – that’s the Voyager and Eco Bark):

A screenshot of product reviews for the Gooby harness

The negative reviewers mention specific issues with the harness, including:

  • Durability- Multiple owners had issues with the harness tearing or being easily chewed through by their pet.
  • Escapability – Multiple owners mentioned their dogs being able to easily escape or slip out of the harness, particularly for dogs that are aggressive pullers (and smaller dogs with a difficult fit).

That said each of those is a common complaint across harnesses in general and particularly for step-in harnesses and many customers are very happy with the quality of materials and the X-shaped approach, which is why we recommend this harness even more highly than the standard reviews.

2. Best Budget – AIITLE Soft Dog Harness and Leash Set

  • Made with soft, breathable mesh material for your dog’s comfort
  • Reflective material for safety in low light
  • Vest-style step-in fit is easy for putting on and taking off
  • Some customers complained about the fit of the harness (being too big or too small for very small dogs)
  • Some customers complained about the quality and durability of the harness

The AIITLE Soft Dog Harness and Leash Set is our best budget pick.

It feels very lightweight but does have some padding and breathable mesh. It’s geared towards small to medium sized dogs and is a vest-style harness (we prefer the X-shaped design of the Gooby harness but this design may be a better fit for some dogs).

Overall the harness gets reasonable reviews for the price, but is the worst reviewed of those in this post:

Screenshot of AllTLE step in harness reviews

The negative reviews tend to center around a few core issues:

  • Some customers complained about the fit of the harness (being too big or too small for very small dogs)
  • Some customers complained about the quality and durability of the harness

All in all, this is a good option for budget-conscious customers looking for a step in harness.

3. Best Padded – Voyager Step-In Plush Dog Harness

Best Padded

Voyager Step-In Plush Dog Harness – Soft Plush, Step In Vest Harness for Small and Medium Dogs by Best Pet Supplies – Chocolate Suede, XL (Chest: 20.5 – 23″)

[pros title=Pros]

  • Padded and made of push, soft corduroy – keeps your dog comfortable
  • Reflective bands on the sides of this harness enhance your pet’s visibility in low light
  • Easy to put on and take off step-in design
  • D-rings and buckles to add safety and security


  • The harness being difficult to fit into a dog is the biggest customer complaint
  • If your dog is particularly furry and gets tired in the heat the material is relatively heavy and thick


The best-padded step-in harness is the Voyager Step-In Plush Dog Harness.

This is by far the heaviest and most substantial harness on this list. Obviously, the corduroy material makes the harness feel much more durable and it has additional features for durability and security like multiple buckles and a D-ring attachment.

Below is a video of the Voyager being put on a medium-sized dog:

The Voyager is tied for the highest-rated harness among those listed here:

Screenshot of Voyager Step in Harness reviews

Complaints from customers who had issues with the harness included:

  • The fit was the main complaint from upset customers, with some dogs having a tough time getting into and staying in the harness.
  • One customer also highlighted that the material stretched over time, so be aware of fit over the life of the harness

All of that said, if you’re looking for a padded step-in harness we highly recommend this one.

4. Best for Small Dogs – EcoBark Step in Dog Harness

[amazon-box banner="Best for Small Dogs" asin="B096MY9S97" title="EcoBark Step in Dog Harness "]A step-in harness specifically designed for small breed dogs.

  • Specially designed for small breed dogs
  • Made from soft and breathable fabric for your dog’s comfort
  • Specialized safety buckle for added security
  • Designed to not put pressure on a small dog’s trachea
  • Available in 32 different colors/patterns
  • The most common complaint was that the size chart didn’t map correctly to dogs’ sizes and that some dogs have a difficult time fitting the vest
  • Additional complaints were that the vest was escapable (again mainly because of fit issues) and the harness chaffed the dog.

The best step in harness for small dogs is the EcoBark Step in Dog Harness.

This is a much smaller, lighter harness that’s specifically designed for much smaller breeds.

The Ecobark harness is tied for the best-rated harness on the list in terms of ratings:

A screenshot of Ecobark step in harness reviews

Customers who had issues with the harness had two common complaints:

  • The most common complaint was that the size chart didn’t map correctly to dogs’ sizes and that some dogs have a difficult time fitting the vest
  • Additional complaints were that the vest was escapable (again mainly because of fit issues) and the harness chaffed the dog.

All in all, for smaller dogs this is a great option.

5. Best For Large Dogs – PUPTECK No Pull Dog Harness

Best for Large Dogs

PUPTECK No Pull Dog Harness Soft Adjustable Basic Nylon Step in Puppy Vest Outdoor Walking with ID Tag

This adjustable step-in harness comes with an engravable ID tag, heavy-duty D-rings, and a wide chest strap for comfort on larger dogs.
  • Available in 10 colors and four sizes
  • Adjustable straps for the perfect fit
  • High-quality nylon fabric with high-density webbing to add durability.
  • Wide chest strap for comfort on larger dogs
  • Metal, engravable ID tag for identification
  • Plastic clip closure and two heavy-duty D-rings for added security
  • Issues with dogs escaping the harness
  • Issues with dogs chewing and destroying the harness (it’s just strapped, not as thick as some of the other harnesses listed)

The PUPTECK No Pull Dog Harness is our top pick for step-in harnesses for large dogs.

This harness has a lot less material than the other options – when you pick it up its light and feels like collar material fastened into a harness. It’s a particularly good fit for larger dogs due to the four adjustments, wide chest strap, and the fact that it has less material while still being made with high-density webbing for durability.

PUPTECK No Pull Dog Harness is on the lower end in terms of reviews out of our best harnesses:

Screenshot of Puptek step in harness reviews

The biggest complaints among customers who had issues with the harness included:

  • Issues with dogs escaping the harness
  • Issues with dogs chewing and destroying the harness (it’s just strapped, not as thick as some of the other harnesses listed)

All in all, if you have a larger dog who doesn’t have issues with wiggling out of harnesses and chewing on the harness, this is the perfect harness for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Step-in harnesses better?

Like most things, it depends on the dog. Step-in harnesses are great for dogs when you want to avoid pressure on the neck and trachea and your dog has trouble with pullover harnesses.

What is a step-in harness for dogs?

A step-in harness for dogs is a harness that your dog steps into that’s applied from below rather than being pulled over its head.

How do step-in harnesses work?

You lay down the step-in harness, and have your dog put their paws into the harness as instructed (different step-in harnesses will be designed and work slightly differently).

What is the best step-in harness for small dogs?

Our veterinary advisor Dr. Jamie Whittenburg selected the EcoBark Step-in Dog Harness as the best step-in harness for small dogs.

How tight should a step-in dog harness be?

A step-in harness should be tight enough that the dog can’t escape but not so tight that it pinches the skin. Different styles of harnesses will fit differently.

Can a dog get out of a step-in harness?

Yes – dogs can get out of any harness given the right circumstances. The best way to avoid a dog getting out of a harness is to pick one that’s comfortable enough that the dog doesn’t hate it, and snug enough that the dog won’t escape.

What is the difference between a Roman harness and a step-in harness?

The biggest differences are that the Roman harness pulls over a dog’s head while step-in is put on from the bottom, and a Roman harness is typically better for dogs that pull while step-in harnesses are better for smaller dogs that don’t want a harness pulled over their head.

Additional Sources & Resources

For more on dog harnesses, including everything from how to measure your dog for a harness and how a dog harness should fit the best escape-proof dog harnesses, check out our series of posts:

And our individual harness reviews:

And our breed-specific harness guides:

The Best Small Breed Puppy Food Mon, 19 Dec 2022 03:35:36 +0000 Small-breed puppy food is important because it’s formulated to the specific nutrition needs of small-breed puppies. It takes into account both their special dietary needs as a puppy and their needs as a small breed. While it isn’t necessarily unsafe to feed a small-breed puppy a different type of dog food, a high-quality small-breed puppy food will better suit your dog’s nutritional needs.

Our vet advisor, Dr. Jamie Whittenburg, chose Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food as her top pick. This food is formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists to specifically meet the higher energy needs of small dogs. It’s also feed-trial-tested and compliant with both the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA).

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food

Our pick for the best overall small breed puppy food is Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food.

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While this was Dr. Whittenburg’s top choice, she also offers a series of her top tips for what to look for in choosing the best small breed puppy foods, a section on who should avoid purchasing them altogether, and she personally selected the best food for a variety of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Small Breed Puppy Foods

  1. Best OverallRoyal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food
  2. Best BudgetPurina Pro Plan Adult Small Breed Chicken & Rice Formula
  3. Best FreshJust Food for Dogs
  4. Best for ActiveHill’s Science Diet Puppy Small Paws Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe
  5. Best for AllergiesRoyal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein HP Dry Dog Food

Small Breed Puppy Foods Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Brand Rating Consistency Specifically for Puppies Specifically for Small Breeds
Our Vet’s Top Pick Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food 5.0 Dry
Best Budget Buy Purina Pro Plan Adult Small Breed Chicken & Rice Formula 4.7 Dry
Best Fresh Just Food for Dogs 4.7 Soft
Best for Active Puppies Hill’s Science Diet Puppy Small Paws Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe 4.9 Dry
Best for Puppies with Allergies Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein HP Dry Dog Food 4.9 Dry

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Small Breed Puppy Food

  • Owners of small-breed puppies – Obviously, if you have a small-breed puppy, your dog may benefit from small-breed puppy food! These foods are made of smaller pieces to make them easier to chew and digest, plus they are specially formulated to meet the specific nutritional needs of small breed puppies.
  • Dogs with poor dentition – Since small-breed puppy foods are made with smaller pieces than other dog foods, they are sometimes recommended for dogs that have difficulty chewing their food. The smaller pieces are easier for these dogs to eat, and they’re easier to successfully swallow and digest if not chewed as completely.

Who Should Not Buy a Small Breed Puppy Food

  • Owners of adult small-breed dogs – If your small-breed dog is an adult, you probably don’t need food formulated for puppies. However, several of the foods we recommend here are suitable for small breed dogs of different life stages, so you may still find helpful suggestions.
  • Owners of non-small breed puppies – Small breed puppy food is formulated specifically for the needs of small breed puppies. If you have a puppy that is a medium or larger breed, you should look for general puppy food or a puppy food formulated specifically for your dog’s breed size.

Buying Guide: Research Tips from a Veterinarian

As a veterinarian, I’m frequently asked about how to choose the right food to meet a dog’s nutritional needs, small breed puppies included. In addition to talking to friends and looking at online reviews, here are some tips and features to consider when selecting food for your small-breed puppy.

  1. Talk to your vet – If you’re not sure what food your dog should be eating, one of the first things you should do is talk to your vet. While my recommendations here are based on the needs of small-breed puppies in general, your vet will be able to make recommendations based on your dog as an individual.
  2. Make sure it’s formulated for puppies – Puppies have specific nutritional needs because they’re still growing. To make sure a dog food fits those needs, look for one labeled as being for puppies or “complete nutrition for all life stages.” Any food that makes the “complete nutrition for all life stages” is essentially puppy food and therefore not appropriate for an adult or senior dogs.
  3. Make sure it’s formulated for small breeds – Small breed dogs have different needs than larger dogs, and it’s good to have food that’s formulated with those needs in mind. For example, small breed dogs tend to have higher energy requirements than large breed dogs, even as puppies. In addition, food for small breeds tends to come in smaller pieces, which makes it easier for small dogs to chew and digest.
  4. Vets should be involved in the formulation – Unfortunately, many dog food companies aren’t enlisting the help of actual canine nutritional experts when formulating their foods. To make sure your dog’s food was formulated by actual experts, look for one formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists.

And don’t forget that you need a bowl to feed your puppy with, too! Consider an automatic dog feeder to help make feeding your puppy healthy portions as easy as possible.

How Much Do They Cost?


A bag of high-quality small-breed puppy food can cost anywhere from $20 to $90. That’s a wide range, but where a particular small breed of puppy food falls within it depends on a few different factors. One of the simplest is the size of the container. Obviously, the larger the container, the more the food will cost. However, a larger container of the exact same food will generally have a lower cost per ounce than a smaller one, so buying in bulk is a good way to get long-term savings on the food. However, the formula also makes a difference. For example, Royal Canin Hydrolized Protein HP Dry Dog Food is a veterinary-grade food formulated for specific dietary needs, so it’s much costlier than other dog foods. More generalized puppy food will typically cost less.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

As a veterinarian, I have spoken with other veterinarians as well as canine nutritionists and pet owners about the unique dietary needs of small-breed puppies. I’ve used those conversations, as well as my experience treating animals, to inform the recommendations I make here. In addition to that experience, I also chose these foods based on their ingredients and ability to provide for the dietary needs of small breed puppies. – Dr. Jamie Whittenburg

The Best Small Breed Puppy Food Reviews

1. Best Overall – Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food

Our pick for the best overall small breed puppy food is Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food.

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Our vet’s overall top pick for the best small-breed puppy food is Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food. This dog food is designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of small-breed dogs. It is formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists and is also feed-trial-tested. In addition, it’s both AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) and WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association) compliant.

One thing to note, however, is that this dog food is formulated for small dogs from 10 months to eight years old, so it’s best for older puppies. On the other hand, they can continue eating it well into adulthood. It comes in two package sizes, one with 14 pounds of food and the other with 2.5 pounds.

  • Formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists
  • AAFCO and WSAVA compliant
  • Can be eaten into adulthood
  • Best for older puppies and adult dogs
  • Picky dogs may not care for it

2. Best Budget – Purina Pro Plan Adult Small Breed Chicken & Rice Formula

Best Budget Buy

Purina Pro Plan Adult Small Breed Chicken & Rice Formula

Save money while still giving your dog healthy nutrition with Purina Pro Plan Adult Small Breed Chicken & Rice Formula.

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Purina Pro Plan Adult Small Breed Chicken & Rice Formula is a great option for small-breed puppy owners on a budget. It’s a high-quality food that’s still reasonably priced. This food is WSAVA compliant and formulated to AAFCO standards. Most importantly, Purina Pro Plan is formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists and feed trial-tested.

With chicken as the first ingredient, it’s high in protein to meet the high activity needs of small dog breeds. The formula is easy to digest, plus it’s formulated with probiotics and contains natural prebiotic fiber to further promote digestive health. It’s high in calcium and phosphorus for healthy bones and teeth, plus omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin A promote healthy skin and coat. Finally, this food has no artificial colors or flavors.

  • Formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists
  • AAFCO and WSAVA compliant
  • High in protein
  • No artificial colors or flavors
  • Best for older puppies and adult dogs
  • Some buyers report that the kibble is a little too large for their dogs

3. Best Fresh – Just Food for Dogs

Best Fresh

Just Food for Dogs

When it comes to fresh pet food, it’s hard to beat Just Food for Dogs.

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Just Food for Dogs makes fresh food that is delivered to your home frozen for easy storage. Simply thaw, then serve the food. Since it’s frozen, there’s no need for preservatives. And, unique among fresh pet foods, Just Food For Dogs is feed trial tested and formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists. It even exceeds AAFCO standards.

Unlike typical dog food, this food uses high-quality, human-grade ingredients. Each food contains real meat, fruits, and vegetables for complete nutrition. The food comes in several different recipes, too, like Beef & Russet Potato, Fish & Sweet Potato, and Lamp & Brown Rice, so there’s sure to be a flavor that your dog will love. The different recipe options and short list of ingredients also make Just Food for Dogs great for dogs with allergies.

  • Made with human-grade ingredients
  • Multiple flavors to choose from
  • No preservatives
  • Feed trial tested and formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists
  • Costly
  • Not formulated specifically for puppies

4. Best for Active Puppies – Hill’s Science Diet Puppy Small Paws Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe

Best for Active Puppies

Hill’s Science Diet Puppy Small Paws Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe

Give your active puppy the energy it needs with Hill’s Science Diet Puppy Small Paws Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe.

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Hill’s Science Diet Puppy Small Paws Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe will get your puppy started off on the right foot for good health throughout their life. This food is specifically formulated for small-breed puppies under a year old. It contains high-quality protein to support an active lifestyle and help build lean muscles. DHA promotes healthy eye and brain development, while other minerals promote healthy teeth and bones. This food also contains Hill’s Small & Mini antioxidant blend for a healthy immune system.

This food contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. It’s made in the United States from high-quality ingredients that exceed the industry standard and are sourced from Europe, New Zealand, and North America. It’s also both AAFCO and WSAVA compliant.

  • Formulated specifically for puppies
  • No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
  • High-quality ingredients that exceed the industry standard
  • AAFCO and WSAVA compliant
  • More expensive than many other brands
  • Not recommended for obese or obese-prone dogs

5. Best for Allergies – Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein HP Dry Dog Food

Best for Puppies with Allergies

Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein HP Dry Dog Food

Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein HP Dry Dog Food is the best choice for puppies with allergies.

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For dogs with diagnosed food allergies, Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein HP Dry Dog Food is a highly palatable food that can be fed to both adult dogs and puppies. The food is non-allergenic because it’s formulated with hydrolyzed proteins. This is a process of using very low molecular weight proteins that can be absorbed in the digestive tract with a reduced risk of triggering an immune reaction.

On top of that, Royal Canin formulates this dog food with nutrients to support skin health, including by reinforcing the skin barrier, which helps prevent skin irritation and sensitivity that can occur as a result of allergens. Furthermore, this food also contains a blend of fibers and prebiotics that encourages healthy digestion.

  • Formulated to prevent allergic reactions
  • Encourage healthy digestion
  • Promotes skin health
  • Costly
  • Not formulated specifically for puppies or small breeds

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best dog food for a small breed puppy?

Our vet’s pick for the best dog food for a small breed puppy is Royal Canin Small Adult Dry Dog Food. It’s formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists specifically to meet the higher energy needs of small dogs. It’s also feed-trial-tested and both Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) compliant.
Is small breed dog food good for puppies?

Small-breed dog food is specially formulated for the needs of small-breed dogs, so it’s not the best choice for all puppies. While it’s not necessarily dangerous to feed a non-small breed puppy small breed dog food, a food designed for puppies of their size will better meet their nutritional needs.
What is the difference between small breed puppy food and regular puppy food?

One major difference between small-breed puppy food and regular puppy food is simply the smaller size of the kibble. Small breed puppies are obviously even smaller than other puppies, so their little mouths and digestive systems do better with smaller kibble. In addition, small breeds typically have higher energy requirements than larger breeds, even as puppies and small-breed puppy foods are formulated to meet their special nutritional needs as both puppies and small-breed dogs.
How often should you feed a puppy?

Puppies generally need to be fed more frequently than adult dogs, and small breeds need to be fed especially frequently. Until they’re about three months old, small breeds should be fed about four to six meals each day. However, there can also be great variation from breed to breed, even within the same size group, and even from dog to dog within the same breed. Talk to your vet about your dog’s nutritional needs to find the best feeding schedule, meal type, and food that works for your puppy.

If you have additional questions about the right dog food for your puppy, we’ve created a series of resources to help you get the information you need:

A series of deep dives on different categories of dog food, including:

The Best Escape Proof Dog Harnesses Mon, 19 Dec 2022 01:54:35 +0000 Finding the right escape-proof dog harness is vital if you have a Houdini dog. When you’re taking him on a walk, you should both be enjoying yourselves, not worried about whether he’s going to get loose.

Finding the right harness can turn those stressful walks into the peaceful experience you prefer.

The wrong harness – even if it’s labeled as escape-proof – can cause serious issues for your pup:

  • The wrong harness on the wrong dog can lead to physical issues
  • A poor-fitting “escape-proof harness” can mean that your dog is still able to wiggle free of the harness
  • A poorly made harness might be something your dog can bust through when it runs away (or chew through if they’re a chewer)

Harnesses are also expensive and can be difficult to fit and put on a dog, so purchasing the right one is difficult and important.

For all these reasons, we asked our veterinary advisor, Dr. Addie Reinhard, DVM, to carefully consider dozens of dog harnesses to find one that made it most difficult for a dog to escape.

In this article, you’ll also find Dr. Reinhard’s key considerations for selecting the right escape-proof harness for your dog, and even considerations for why an escape-proof harness may not be the right purchase for your dog at all.

Dr. Reinhard looked for the best combination of comfort and quality as well as safety and durability.

She identified the RUFFWEAR Web Master Multi-Use Support Dog Harness as the best overall escape-proof dog harness.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

RUFFWEAR Web Master Multi-Use Support Dog Harness

For the best in Escape-proof dog harnesses, look no further than the RUFFWEAR Web Master Multi-Use Support Dog Harness.

While this is our top overall pick, different dogs and their owners will have different concerns and specific use cases, so Dr. Reinhard has also selected the top harnesses for a variety of purposes.

The Best Escape Proof Dog Harnesses

  1. Best OverallRUFFWEAR Web Master Multi-Use Support Dog Harness
  2. Best BudgetRabbitgoo Escape Proof Dog Harness
  3. Best for Small DogsGooby Dog Harness Escape Free Sport
  4. Best for Hiking & Trail RunningRUFFWEAR Front Range Dog Harness
  5. Best TacticalICEFANG Tactical Dog Harness

Escape-Proof Harnesses Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Vet’s Picks Model Rating Padded Adjustment Points Reflective Strips
Best Overall RUFFWEAR, Web Master, Multi-Use Support Dog Harness 4.7 5
Best Budget rabbitgoo Escape Proof Dog Harness 4.4 5
Best for Small Dogs Gooby Dog Harness Escape Free Sport 4.4 4
Best for Hiking/Trail Running RUFFWEAR, Front Range Dog Harness 4.6 2
Best Tactical ICEFANG Tactical Dog Harness 4.7 4

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy an Escape Proof Dog Harness

  • Escape artist dog parents – If your dog can escape his collar and pull away from his leash, then having a harness that will keep him safe and with you is key to his health and happiness.
  • Anxious dogs – For the dog who struggles with outside stressors, having a harness that will keep him feeling secure and safe by your side will make the necessary walks more bearable – and may even convince him to take walks for fun.
  • Frequent walkers – Whether your dog pulls or bolts, or even if he’s a trained dog who walks well on the leash, a harness that prevents escape will help make your daily walks all the more comfortable on your pup and for you.

Who Should Not Buy an Escape Proof Dog Harness

  • Well-behaved dogs – For the dog who never strays far from his parent’s side, the robust nature of an escape-proof harness may prove to be unnecessary.
  •  Pups with health issues – Though there are very few circumstances where the occasional use of an escape-proof harness will harm your dog, if they have any condition where the harness interferes, then you’ll want to steer clear. (For example, dogs who developed skin tags or have injuries in areas the harness will rub and potentially irritate those sensitive areas.)

Buying Guide: Research Tips from a Veterinarian

A quality dog harness is important for ensuring your pup doesn’t escape. Dogs that slip out of their harnesses are at high risk of becoming injured, getting into a scuffle with another dog, or being hit by a car. One of the most important factors when purchasing an escape-proof harness is to purchase the correct size. A correctly fitted harness will prevent major mishaps. Other factors to consider include adjustability, durability, and padding. The following product features are important to consider when purchasing an escape-proof dog harness.

  1. Get the correct size – This is perhaps the most important aspect of purchasing a harness. A well-fitted harness will decrease the risk that your dog will be able to escape from the harness. Measure your dog before purchasing the harness to ensure you are ordering the correct size.
  2. Look for adjustable harnesses – Every dog is a unique size and shape. Because of this, it is important to seek a highly adjustable dog harness. Look for a harness that has multiple points of adjustment.
  3. Evaluate buckle quality – The buckles are usually considered a weak point in the harness design. Look for a dog harness with sturdy buckles that seem durable.
  4. Consider multiple leash attachment points – It can be beneficial to have multiple leash attachment points on the harness. If one buckle breaks, the other buckle will serve as a backup. You may even consider attaching the leash to the harness and your pet’s collar to ensure that they won’t escape from you.
  5. Look for reflective or bright harnesses – A bright color harness can be safer and easier to spot if you are walking your dog in the evening or at night. Reflective material can also be beneficial so your dog can be easily spotted.
  6. Choose durable material – Look for a harness that is made out of a durable material such as nylon webbing. You will want to find a material that will be difficult for your dog to easily chew through.
  7. Consider padding – Consider finding an escape-proof dog harness with some extra padding. Your dog may be less prone to slipping out of its harness if it is comfortable. Also, padding may decrease the risk of damage to your pup’s skin, especially if they tug on the leash. 

One additional note: if you plan on taking your dog on walks where he will encounter other dogs, then you’ll benefit from making sure you know how to introduce him to new dogs in the right way to stop problems before they start. An escape-proof dog harness can help you keep your dog under control in situations that could potentially lead to anxiety or aggression, as well.1

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $30-$60

The good news is that escape-proof harnesses aren’t the type of dog gear that will break the bank. You can find harnesses in a decently wide range of price and quality, but the bulk will fit within the scope of roughly $30 to $60.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

Finding the right harness for your pet can be tricky. As a large dog owner and veterinarian, I have tested many different dog harnesses. These escape-proof harnesses were selected based on my professional experience as a veterinarian and my personal experience as a dog owner. An escape-proof harness should be durable, comfortable, and adjustable, so these key product features were considered when choosing these products. Only products from the most reputable and reliable pet companies were selected to ensure top-notch product quality. – Dr. Addie Reinhard, DVM

The Best Escape-Proof Dog Harnesses

1. Best Overall – RUFFWEAR Web Master Multi-Use Support Dog Harness

Our Vet’s Top Pick

RUFFWEAR Web Master Multi-Use Support Dog Harness

For the best in Escape-proof dog harnesses, look no further than the RUFFWEAR Web Master Multi-Use Support Dog Harness.

The RUFFWEAR Web Master Multi-Use Support Dog Harness (read our review of Ruffwear Web Master) is perfect for your escape artist pup. It’s made of robust, foam-padded straps and features a handle on the back for grabbing and restraining. That also makes it perfect for the owners trying to teach their pets to heel.

The Y-shaped front makes it a comfortable harness. The two leash connection points, along with the anodized aluminum v-ring, make it comfortable for you to guide him, even when he’s being naughty.

  • Safety light loop
  • 5 points of adjustment
  • Space for patches for service or working dogs
  • Too few reflective accents
  • Not chew-proof

2. Best Budget – Rabbitgoo Escape Proof Dog Harness

Best Budget Buy

rabbitgoo Escape Proof Dog Harness

If you’re looking for a quality option that won’t break your budget, try the rabbitgoo Escape Proof Dog Harness.

The Rabbitgoo Escape Proof Dog Harness uses heavy-duty polyester weaving to reinforce the straps and, when used in conjunction with the lift handle, it makes controlling your over-enthusiastic pup all the easier. (read our review of Rabbitgoo escape-proof dog harness as well)

You’ll be able to select the fit for your dog that you’ll need, but bear in mind these are for larger dogs. There are five adjustable points to make sure your dog’s harness fits just right, and that kind of customization is crucial to making it inescapable.

  • Large padded handle for “dog lift”
  • Breathable padding prevents overheating
  • Y-front design for comfort
  • Plastic clips are a weak point
  • Too few reflective strips

3. Best for Small Dogs – Gooby Dog Harness Escape Free Sport

Best for Small Dogs

Gooby Dog Harness Escape Free Sport

If your little dog has a tendency to escape, then try the Gooby Dog Harness Escape Free Sport.

The Gooby Dog Harness Escape Free Sport is designed to truly be inescapable (read our review of Gooby Dog Harness). Unlike a lot of this harness’s competitors that allow a dog to struggle and slip out by sliding back, this harness offers what it calls an “Escape Free” functionality that prevents this kind of tactic.

This is a harness intended for small dogs, and if that’s what you have, then this is the kind of harness you should be looking for – simply adjusting a large dog harness to fit your small dog may nullify the escape-proof features.

  • Adjustable on the back and front
  • Escape Free function
  • 4-point adjustable connections
  • No padding on the back straps
  • Not meant for dogs bigger than 35 lbs

4. Best for Hiking & Trail Running – RUFFWEAR Front Range Dog Harness

Best for Hiking/Trail Running

RUFFWEAR, Front Range Dog Harness

If you want to take your dog on your hikes then take a look at the RUFFWEAR Front Range Dog Harness.

The RUFFWEAR Front Range Dog Harness (read our review of Ruffwear Front Range Dog Harness) uses a more durable shell fabric to make sure that this harness isn’t torn apart with regular wear and tear. That means taking your dog on the trail won’t be a problem.

The two attachment points are reinforced with heavy webbing meant to withstand your dog’s pressure and still allow you control over him while on your hike. That’s certainly a plus when you’re taking your dog someplace where he’s sure to encounter wildlife!

  • 4 points of adjustment
  • Reflective trim
  • ID tag storage
  • Plastic clips are a weak point
  • Not chew-proof

5. Best Tactical – ICEFANG Tactical Dog Harness

Best Tactical

ICEFANG Tactical Dog Harness

Getting your dog the ICEFANG Tactical Dog Harness will make him tacti-cool.

The ICEFANG Tactical Dog Harness (read our review of Icefang Tactical Dog Harness) is an excellent harness for training your dog, especially if you’re working with him for more advanced training. The metal buckle is tested for up to 1,000 pounds of load-bearing, and the two leash clips will make sure your dog is comfortable and could help ensure he won’t strain himself during your more intense training.

The durable handle has earned the name of “control handle” with good reason. It’s sewn into the harness and strong enough to grab quickly and easily for a more rambunctious dog.

  • Quick-release buckle
  • 4 adjustment points
  • Panel for service dog patches
  • No reflective strips
  • Buckles create noisy movement

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an escape-proof dog harness and how does it work?

There are several features that make a harness more difficult to escape, and the more a harness has, the more “escape-proof” it becomes. For example, a harness that has a metal buckle latch is certainly more robust and escape-proof than those with a plastic buckle latch. A harness that allows you to adjust it and create the absolute perfect fit for your dog makes it less likely your pet will escape it. A handle, though it won’t make the harness more or less escapable, will give you more control over your pup, which can certainly help to prevent escapes. Reinforced anchor points will also help prevent escapes. If you find a harness with all these features, it will be highly unlikely that your pup manages to escape.
How do I stop my dog from escaping his harness?

If you want to supplement your effective harness by preventing your dog from ever trying to escape it, then you can start by making sure he has plenty of attention to distract him. That will also benefit you both because when he’s properly exercised, that means he won’t have the pent-up energy or the boredom to be tempted into bad behavior.2 If you must leave him home for extended periods of time, you could make sure you’re leaving him plenty of toys and activities for him to do on his own to try to keep him well-behaved and not desperate for something new when you put his harness on.
Can dogs wear harnesses all day?

While there are some limitations on wearing the harness all day, the biggest limitation is that you’ll want to remove the harness when you’re not around or when your dog is sleeping. Though it may be a secure fit, you never know what your dog can do, given the right motivation and time. He may get himself stuck or hurt. It will help, too, if you only put the harness on for walks, for him to relate walking behaviors with the harness.3 Besides, it won’t be comfortable for your dog to hang out in a harness all day, either.
Why does a dog harness stop pulling?

A lot of times dogs will pull simply because the pressure on their neck will disturb their balance, making them try to get away from it. The two-point connection of a harness will allow your dog the balance he needs, and his opposition reflex isn’t triggered. You also shouldn’t discount how much more comfortable it is for your dog.

Additional Sources & Resources

For more on dog harnesses, including everything from how to measure your dog for a harness and how a dog harness should fit the best escape-proof dog harnesses, check out our series of posts:

And our individual harness reviews:

And our breed-specific harness guides:

The Best No-Pull Dog Harness Mon, 19 Dec 2022 01:45:46 +0000 Having a dog that yanks you in every direction on a walk is no fun for you as an owner, and can be dangerous to the dog. Dogs who are pullers on walks can create all kinds of issues for themselves like:

  • Injuries to their neck or chest.
  • Destroying their collar, leash, or harness.
  • Pulling themselves into a bad situation with an aggressive dog or another animal.

The right no-pull harness can help address each of these issues, but the wrong no-pull harness can leave you right where you started experiencing any or all of these issues.

To help you navigate all of that, we asked our veterinary advisor, Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM, to review the efficacy, safety, fit, and comfort of a number of dog harnesses.

Dr. Coates chose the 2 Hounds Design Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness as the top overall choice because of its versatility, durability, and ease of use.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

2 Hounds Design Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness

Available for dogs weighing about 15 pounds to over 125 pounds, the 2 Hounds no-pull dog harness features five points of adjustment for a more customized fit.

The 5 Best No-Pull Dog Harnesses

While this was Dr. Coates’ top pick, in this article she’s also shared her top tips for choosing the right no-pull harness, outlined who should avoid purchasing a no-pull harness for their dog, and has chosen her top pick across multiple specific use cases:

The 5 Best No-Pull Dog Harnesses Compared

Below are the top picks from our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates. Compare the ratings and key features of each of the harnesses to decide which one is the best dog harness no-pull choice for your dog.

Vet’s Picks Model Rating Multiple Leash Attachments Grab Handle Metal Hardware
Best Overall 2 Hounds Design Freedom No Pull Dog Harness 4.5
Best Budget PoyPet No Pull Dog Harness 4.5
Best for Large Dogs Auroth Tactical Dog Harness 4.6
Best for Small Dogs Ruffwear Front Range Dog Harness 4.7 on the back
Best Padded rabbitgoo Dog Harness No-Pull 4.5

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a No-Pull Dog Harness

  • Your dog pulls on the leash. If no amount of dog walk training has helped curb your pup’s desire to be the leader and simply continues to wear your arm out, consider a no-pull dog harness. The front leash attachment, coupled with walk training, can help your pooch ease up on the tugging.
  • You’re training your puppy or dog to walk on a leash. A no-pull harness can be a great training tool if your pup is new to walking on a lead. With the lead attached to the front of the harness, the harness gently guides your dog back to you when he tries to pull himself forward.
  • You have a very strong or large dog. Some dogs are just all muscle. Large, strong dogs also benefit from a no-pull harness. When dogs weighing upward of 100 pounds pull on a leash, injuries are bound to happen.

Who Should Not Buy a No-Pull Dog Harness

  • Your dog would benefit from a different type of harness. While no-pull dog harnesses can benefit just about every dog, some dogs do better with other types of harnesses, such as escape-proof harnesses, lift harnesses or service harnesses.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

It’s hard to enjoy a walk with a dog who pulls on its leash, and a leash attachment at the front of the harness (on the dog’s chest) is the most common way to prevent pulling. When a dog pulls, they are spun around to face away from where they want to go. Over time, dogs learn that pulling is counterproductive. A dog training no-pull harness also distributes the pressure from pulling across their body, not just around their neck, which can be dangerous. Here are some more research tips to consider when selecting a dog no-pull harness.

  1. Look for a well-designed and sturdy dog harness, no pull style – No-pull dog harnesses need to be well-designed, sturdy, sized appropriately, adjustable, and comfortable. The harnesses recommended here are all made from quality materials, have a wide range of sizes and good sizing guides, and can be adjusted for a precise fit. They’re also well-padded or have other measures to ensure your dog’s comfort.
  2. Talk with other pet parents about which no-pull harness they like best – Speak with other pet parents to learn what types of no-pull harnesses have worked well for them. Your veterinarian or dog trainer can also point to any features that might be ideal based on your dog’s age, size, behavior, and health status.
  3. Read customer reviews regarding the no-pull dog harnesses you’re looking at – Read product descriptions closely and look at customer reviews posted on trusted sources. This can give you an idea about how satisfied other pet parents are with the harness you’re looking at.
  4. Measure your dog correctly – To fit your dog in any type of harness, be sure to measure your dog accurately. Use the manufacturer’s measurement guide when sizing your dog to a specific harness. Dogs are typically measured around the widest part of the chest and around the neck just above the collar bone, but since styles of harnesses vary widely, always use the company’s suggested sizing guide.

No-pull dog harnesses also come in a variety of styles, and multiple sizes, and offer different functions, such as doubling as a dog lift harness or dog backpack harness.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $25 and $50

No-pull dog harnesses cost roughly $25 to $50, but you’ll find both cheaper and more expensive options, depending on the style of harness, what material they’re made from, and what other functions the harness may feature. Budget-friendly harnesses are a no-frills option that is typically effective and constructed well. A more expensive dog harness option often features tougher materials, pouches for storage, additional points of adjustment for a more customized fit, or maybe outfitted with a grab handle and extra leash attachments.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

I chose the top five no-pull dog harnesses using the knowledge I’ve gained from the veterinary profession, as well as from my personal experience with pet parents. Ask other dog owners and your veterinarian for suggestions in picking the right harness. Also, check out reviews from other customers that have purchased and used the no-pull dog harness you’re considering getting. – Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM

The Best No-Pull Dog Harness Reviews

1. Best Overall – 2 Hounds Design Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness

Our Vet’s Top Pick

2 Hounds Design Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness

Available for dogs weighing about 15 pounds to over 125 pounds, the 2 Hounds no-pull dog harness features five points of adjustment for a more customized fit.

The 2 Hounds Design Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness fits dogs weighing as little as 15 pounds with a chest girth of 15 inches to 20 inches up to large dogs over 125 pounds with a chest girth of 38 inches to 44 inches. Available in seven sizes with a wide range of colors to suit your dog’s personality, this no-pull dog harness features four adjustment points to customize the fit better for your dog. The harness is outfitted with two leash attachments – one on the front of the chest and a martingale loop on the back, which can be combined for enhanced no-pull training. However, the leash required – a single handle with two leash hook connection points – is not included and must be purchased separately.

The 2 Hounds no-pull dog harness is made from a lightweight material with a soft velvet inner lining for your dog’s comfort. The hardware is constructed from stainless steel and the harness features strong nylon webbing reinforcement, which adds more strength and durability to the harness. This product is made in the USA and comes with a chewing replacement warranty.

  • Two leash attachment options
  • Stainless steel hardware
  • Sturdy and durable construction
  • No padding
  • No additional features

2. Best Budget – PoyPet No-Pull Dog Harness

Best Budget

PoyPet No-Pull Dog Harness

The PoyPet no-pull dog harness is available in five sizes and is easy to put on.

When you’re on a budget but need a no-pull option, our vet suggests the PoyPet No-Pull Dog Harness as the best budget pick. Available in five sizes for dogs with chest girths from 10 inches to 39 inches, this harness is lightweight and features two leash attachments – a metal ring in the front for no-pull control and an aluminum leash hook on the back of the harness for regular walking. Choose from a wide variety of colors, all of which have reflective stitching for better visibility.

The PoyPet no-pull dog harness is padded for your dog’s comfort, featuring breathable mesh that’s also water resistant. Beneficial to both you and your pup, the straps of the harness stretch to help absorb the force and shock from tugging and pulling. Customize the fit of the harness using the four adjustment points, featuring quick-release buckles. There’s also a top grab handle for extra control, which is padded with neoprene for additional comfort.

  • Two leash attachment options
  • Stretch in the straps
  • Grab handle
  • Not suitable for all dogs

3. Best for Large Dogs – Auroth Tactical Dog Harness

Best for Large Dogs

Auroth Tactical Dog Harness

The Auroth no-pull dog harness is strong, has metal leash attachments, and a top grab handle.

The best no-pull dog harness for large dogs is the Auroth Tactical Dog Harness, which is available in four sizes for dogs weighing up to 135 pounds. From a 20-inch chest girth up to a 42-inch chest girth, this no-pull harness features four points of adjustment for a more customized fit. The harness is made from sturdy and strong 900D nylon material with reinforced stitching and is outfitted with two metal rings for leash attachment, suitable for large, strong dogs. You can also choose from no-pull training or traditional walking.

The Auroth no-pull dog harness features extra wide padding on the harness straps to help protect your dog’s skin from irritation. The durable, but soft, grab handle on the top of the harness helps gives you more control when you need to have your dog close by. And the harness features reflective trim for those times you need to be visible. As a tactical dog harness, it includes the Molle system – a versatile carrying system that allows you to customize the harness for your particular carrying or storing needs. It’s also compatible with a Molle or PALs pouch, enabling you to hook pet items for carrying. (This pouch is sold separately.)

  • Strong, durable construction
  • Multiple leash attachments
  • Top grab handle
  • Extra wide padded straps
  • Not suitable for all dogs

4. Best for Small Dogs – Ruffwear Front Range Dog Harness

Best for Small Dogs

Ruffwear Front Range Dog Harness

The Ruffwear no-pull harness is foam padded for extra comfort.

The best no-pull small dog harness is the Ruffwear Front Range Dog Harness, (read our review of Ruffwear Front Range Dog Harness) according to our vet advisor. This harness is available in multiple sizes from extra, extra small, with a chest girth of at least 13 inches, up to extra large, with a chest girth up to 42 inches. Easy to put on and take off, the lightweight material makes it ideal for smaller dogs. The harness is foam padded for ultimate comfort and features reflective trim for better visibility.

The Ruffwear no-pull dog harness for small dogs is available in multiple colors to match your little dog’s spunky personality and there are four points of adjustment on the straps to create a better fit for your pup. Two leash attachments – a metal ring on the back and a webbing loop on the front, allow you to use the no-pull training method or the traditional method of walking on a harness.

  • Foam padded straps
  • Easy to use
  • Two leash attachments
  • The no-pull leash attachment loop is a fabric

5. Best Padded – Rabbitgoo Dog Harness No-Pull

Best Padded

Rabbitgoo Dog Harness No-Pull

Control your dog in comfort with the Rabbitgoo no-pull harnesses.

When comfort is your top priority, the best padded no-pull dog harness is the Rabbitgoo Dog Harness No-Pull. There are four sizes available – small to extra large – making it suitable for dogs with chest girths from 13 inches to 38 inches. Constructed from a soft, breathable mesh, the no-pull harness dog chest and back panels are also thickly padded for extra comfort. The harness features four buckled points of adjustment for customizing the fit to your dog, and the buckles make it easy to put on and take off.

The Rabbitgoo harness is available in a wide range of colors, and though the harness panels are padded, it’s lightweight enough to keep your dog cool. You can also walk your pup using either of the two leash attachments – a metal ring on the chest for no-pull, or one on the back for traditional walking. The straps are outfitted with reflective stitching for better visibility. This no-pull dog harness also features a top grab handle, giving you better control and keeping your dog close to your side.

  • Thick cushioned padding
  • Lightweight and breathable
  • Two leash attachments
  • Top grab handle
  • Might be bulky for some dogs
  • Not sized for all breeds

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best no-pull dog harness?

The best no-pull dog harness is the one that best suits the needs and specifications of your dog. The best harness for a small dog may not be the best harness for a large dog. The best no-pull harness for you and your dog may or may not include key features, such as grab or lift handles, storage pouches, and extra leash attachments. Check out our top five choices for the best no-pull dog harnesses ranging from small to large dogs, budget-friendly to average price, and basic to extra padding.
How do you put on a no-pull dog harness?

To know how to put on a no-pull dog harness, read the instructions that belong to the harness you’re looking at. Dog harnesses come in varying styles and while most go on your dog the same way, each design may be different. Typically, a no-pull dog harness either slips over your dog’s head or straps around the neck just above the shoulders with quick-release buckles. It is then secured to the dog’s body with chest straps that buckle underneath your dog. The leash attachment for no-pull training is located in the front of the harness on the chest.
What makes a no-pull dog harness no-pull?

A no-pull dog harness is considered “no pull” because of the location of the leash attachment. When the leash is attached to the front of the harness, as in no-pull dog harnesses, your dog’s body is turned inward to you if she tries to lunge forward. This action allows you to train your dog to walk calmly on a leash.
How do you measure a dog for a no-pull harness?

To measure a dog for a no-pull harness, use the company’s sizing guide as your best gauge for fit. The most common way is to measure their neck and chest girth at the widest parts of the body.
Are no-pull harnesses safe for dogs?

No-pull harnesses are safe for dogs so long as they fit well, are made with strong materials, are comfortable, and feature sturdy leash attachments.
Do no-pull harnesses actually work?

No-pull dog harnesses work best when you take the time to train your dog while using one. Though their natural tendency is to turn toward you, should your pup pull on the leash, a strong and determined dog can indeed still pull with a no-pull harness, which could lead to injury.
How do you stop a dog from pulling you when you walk him?

Dogs love to lead. They have to be first at just about everything. So how do you determine that when the walk is the most fascinating thing in the world to a dog? Train your dog or puppy to walk on a leash. A no-pull harness is an excellent training tool when it comes to teaching your dog to walk calmly on a leash.

Additional Sources & Resources

For more on dog harnesses, including everything from how to measure your dog for a harness and how a dog harness should fit the best escape-proof dog harnesses, check out our series of posts:

And our individual harness reviews:

And our breed-specific harness guides:

The Best Waterproof Dog Bed Mon, 19 Dec 2022 01:45:01 +0000 Waterproof dog beds are perfect for senior dogs or puppies who experience an odd bathroom accident, as the waterproof layer protects the filling of the bed inside. They’re also ideal for dogs who drool excessively or those who often head to their beds with wet, muddy paws.

Our vet advisor, Dr. Amanda Jondle, reviewed dozens of waterproof dog beds, and she chose the PupLounge Memory Foam Bolster Bed and Topper as her top pick. With a waterproof liner around a memory foam base, along with a cozy faux fur topper, this bed is both comfortable and practical.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

PupLounge Memory Foam Bolster Bed and Topper

An extremely comfortable bed with a supportive bolster and a faux fur topper.

Check Price

While this was Dr. Jondle’s top choice, she also offers a series of her top tips for what to look for in choosing the best waterproof dog beds, a section on who should avoid purchasing them altogether, and she personally selected the best bed for a variety of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Waterproof Dog Beds

  1. Best OverallPupLounge Memory Foam Bolster Bed and Topper
  2. Best BudgetSport PET Designs Large Luxury Waterproof Pet Bed
  3. Best WashableYellow Links Large Round Indoor Outdoor Pet Dog Bed
  4. Best for Large DogsK9 Ballistics Tough Bolster Dog Bed
  5. Best for Small Dogs – K9 Ballistics Round Deep Den Dog Bed

Waterproof Dog Beds Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Brand Rating Waterproof Machine washable Size
Best Overall PupLounge™ Memory Foam Bolster Bed & Topper 4.9 Small to giant
Best Budget Buy Sport PET Designs Large Luxury Waterproof Pet Bed 4.1 Large
Best Washable Yellow Links Large Round Indoor Outdoor Pet Dog Bed 4.4 Large
Best for Large Dogs K9 Ballistics Tough Bolster Dog Bed 4.4 Small to xx-large
Best for Small Dogs K9 Ballistics Round Deep Den Dog Bed 4.8 Small

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Waterproof Dog Bed

  • Owners of puppies and senior dogs – Both young dogs and old dogs are more likely to have accidents, which can ruin a bed if it seeps into the filling.1
  • Owners of frequent droolers – Like pee, excessive drool can work its way into the filling of a dog bed that isn’t waterproof, potentially leading to mold, mildew, and bad odors. If your dog tends to snore and drool while sleeping, a waterproof dog bed is a good choice. 2
  • If you want the option to use your dog’s bed outside – If you’d like to move your dog’s bed out to the patio or the lawn so your canine companion has a comfortable spot to rest while you eat al fresco or lounge outside with a book, a waterproof dog bed won’t get damp from absorbing moisture from the ground.

Who Shouldn’t Buy a Waterproof Dog Bed

  • If you’re satisfied with your current dog bed – If you’re satisfied with your dog’s current bed and haven’t had any issues with the fact that it’s not waterproof, you might as well wait until your pup’s current bed needs replacing before upgrading to a waterproof model.
  • If your dog might be scared by crinkling sounds – Sometimes the waterproof layer can make a crinkling sound when your dog gets on the bed or moves around. If you have a nervous canine companion who is likely to be bothered by this noise, it’s best to avoid waterproof dog beds.3

If a waterproof dog bed isn’t for you, you may want to check out one of our other guides to find the right bed for your dogs, such as our guide to buying the best-elevated dog bed, our outdoor dog bed buying guide, or our guide to selecting the best dog couch bed. You might also want to know how you can help your puppy to sleep better at night.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

As a veterinarian, I’m often asked how to choose a quality waterproof dog bed. The following tips will help you to pick the right waterproof bed for your dog. You should carefully research to identify the key features, plus you can ask your dog’s veterinarian or dog-owning friends and family members if they have any dog bed recommendations.

  1. Waterproof vs. water-resistant – Check whether a dog bed is waterproof or just water-resistant. Water-resistant dog beds are fine to protect against muddy paws or light splashes, but won’t hold up against a spill or incontinence.
  2. Choose a bed that’s comfortable while still being waterproof – Some waterproof dog beds can have a plastic-like exterior which isn’t all that comfortable for dogs to lie on.
  3. Machine washable – At a minimum, a bed should have a washable cover, but it’s a bonus if the whole thing is washable. Plus, it should be easy to spot clean when you don’t want to wash the whole thing.
  4. Lining of the inner filling to help with waterproofing the inside – The foam mattress or other padding inside should ideally have a waterproof lining, which helps ensure effective waterproofing.
  5. Good for large and small breed dogs – Beds should be available in a range of different size options to suit all kinds of dogs.
  6. Comfortable shape – All dogs seem to have their own preferences when it comes to bed shape, but bolsters are good for allowing dogs to snuggle and rest their heads.
  7. Overall comfort – Quality waterproof dog beds have thick, comfortable padding and are snuggly, soft, or plush.
  8. Durability – It’s a huge bonus if your chosen dog bed is durable, chew-proof, or has a guarantee against destruction.
  9. Good value – Look for expensive beds with guarantees or durable and easy to clean beds. These are worth it compared to cheap beds that you may have to buy every few months because they get torn up or destroyed.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $30 and $200

You can find some small, basic waterproof dog beds starting at around $30, but these can offer poor value for money as cheap beds often don’t last long. We’d recommend spending at least $50 on a waterproof dog bed, but some extra-large, durable models with orthopedic mattresses can cost up to $200.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

In my line of work, I speak with many pet owners and other veterinarians about the best waterproof dog beds available. I’ve chosen these products based on my professional experience as a veterinarian, along with considerations about the features of these beds. A combination of comfort and effective waterproofing is vital in a waterproof dog bed. – Dr. Amanda Jondle

The Best Waterproof Dog Bed Reviews

1. Best Overall – PupLounge Memory Foam Bolster Bed and Topper

Our Vet’s Top Pick

PupLounge Memory Foam Bolster Bed and Topper

An extremely comfortable bed with a supportive bolster and a faux fur topper.

Check Price

The PupLounge Memory Foam Bolster Bed and Topper consists of a comfortable waterproof memory foam bed with a removable faux fur topper. Not only is the topper extremely soft and cozy, but it’s also machine washable to easily keep the bed clean and fresh. The bolster around the edge of the bed offers support and a place for your dog to rest their head.

This top-notch waterproof dog bed comes in sizes from small to giant, which will fit the vast majority of dogs. It’s a highly durable option with a supportive, comfortable mattress that’s great for dogs with joint issues.4

  • Waterproof lining protects the mattress inside
  • Mattress guaranteed not to flatten for 10 years
  • Machine washable faux fur topper
  • The mattress is a little firm for some dogs
  • Topper looks worn after a few washes

2. Best Budget – Sport PET Designs Large Luxury Waterproof Pet Bed

Best Budget

Sport PET Designs Large Luxury Waterproof Pet Bed

A soft, plush waterproof dog bed at an affordable price.

We love that the interior of the Sport PET Designs Large Luxury Waterproof Pet Bed is filled with a shredded high-density foam, rather than a basic poly filling. Unlike a poly filling, shredded foam maintains its loft and will stay plush and supportive for years to come.

Not only is the interior of the bed comfortable, but the exterior is made from plush faux fur that’s wonderfully cozy for your dog. The cover is removable and machine washable, while the filling is protected by a waterproof lining.

  • Large size works for many dogs
  • Supportive yet soft
  • Wipe-clean waterproof liner
  • Can slide around on hard floors
  • Sheds fluff if cover is not washed before first use

3. Best Washable – Yellow Links Large Round Indoor Outdoor Pet Dog Bed

Best Washable

Yellow Links Large Round Indoor Outdoor Pet Dog Bed

We love that both the cover and the inner of this waterproof bed are washable.

The Yellow Links Large Round Indoor Outdoor Pet Dog Bed is a large round bed with a 42-inch diameter. Thanks to its impressive waterproofing, you can use this bed either indoors or outdoors, which is great if you have a dog who likes to spend lots of time in the yard when weather conditions allow.

The cushion is filled with high-loft polyester, which feels nice and plush, though it doesn’t offer as much support or relief for pressure points as foam does, so it isn’t the best choice for seniors or dogs with joint issues.5 While the whole bed is machine washable, only the outer is safe to tumble dry.

  • Machine-washable inner and outer portions
  • Attractive pattern and comes in 6 color options
  • Plenty of space for most dogs to stretch out
  • Inner can only be air-dried
  • The inner pad flattens and gets lumpy quickly

4. Best for Large Dogs – K9 Ballistics Tough Bolster Dog Bed

Best for Large Dogs

K9 Ballistics Tough Bolster Dog Bed

Thanks to its tough outer layer, this is an excellent choice for dogs who dig or scratch at their beds.

Check Price

The K9 Ballistics Tough Bolster Dog Bed is a great choice for large dogs as the rectangular shape gives them plenty of room to stretch out, while the high bolster sides offer support and a snuggly feeling. The ripstop outer cover is durable for dogs who dig at their beds, and also stands up beautifully to general wear and tear.

The inner mattress is made from supportive yet comfortable memory foam, which is a great option for large dogs as their weight tends to put more pressure on their joints.6 Memory foam beds reduce pressure points as dogs sleep, which can help reduce joint pain on waking.7 The inner is protected by a waterproof lining to keep all manner of fluids out.

  • XX-large size (40×68 inches) for giant breeds
  • The removable, machine-washable outer cover
  • The whole bed is washable
  • Highly durable cover
  • Dig and scratch-resistant
  • Not chew-proof
  • Some sizes are larger than expected

5. Best for Small Dogs – K9 Ballistics Round Deep Den Dog Bed

Best for Small Dogs

K9 Ballistics Round Deep Den Dog Bed

Small dogs love to cuddle inside this deep den bed.

Check Price

If your small dog loves to curl up in their sleep, the K9 Ballistics Round Deep Den Dog Bed is a perfect choice. The high sides are supportive and make dogs feel safe as they catch some Zs. Although not completely indestructible, this bed is durable and can stand up to light chewers and diggers.

The outer cover is made from a water-resistant material that’s easy to wipe clean. However, you can also wash either just the cover or the whole bed when you need to. The filling is soft and comfortable, but not as supportive as memory foam.

  • Perfect size for small dogs
  • Plenty of support from bolster edges
  • Comes with a 90-day chew-proof guarantee
  • Not ideal for dogs who like to stretch out
  • Water-resistant rather than waterproof

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dog beds waterproof?

No, not all dog beds are waterproof, which can lead to issues if your dog has an accident in bed or routinely runs to their bed with their paws still wet from outside. You can, however, find plenty of waterproof dog beds on the market, so you should look for dog beds specifically labeled “waterproof” if this is what you’re after.
How do you clean a waterproof dog bed?

This depends on which bed you opt for. Most have removable covers that are washable, while others can be washed in their entirety, though this can be an issue unless you have a large washer or a small bed. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to find out which parts of your chosen dog bed are washable and at what temperature, as well as the proper way to dry each portion.
Do dogs really need a dog bed?

If your dog is happy sleeping in your bed or on the couch, you might be wondering if you really need a dog bed. While some people manage without a dog bed, we think it’s best for dogs to have their own beds they can retreat to if they need some space. What’s more, if your dog makes enough of a mess to warrant a waterproof dog bed, you probably don’t want that mess in your bed or on your sofa.
What is the best waterproof dog bed?

There’s no single best waterproof dog bed. Of course, some waterproof dog beds are better than others, but most have a combination of good features and not-so-great features, so it’s all about finding a balance. Plus, each waterproof dog bed will suit some dogs’ needs better than others. For instance, a circular bed with high sides is great for dogs who curl up in their sleep but not suitable for dogs who sleep stretched out flat.
The Best Snuffle Mat for Dogs Mon, 19 Dec 2022 01:43:33 +0000 Are you looking for the perfect snuffle mat for your dog? Snuffle mats are a way to “slow feed” your dog, encouraging them to use their senses and think hard in order to find the treats or kibble hidden in the mat. This can relieve boredom and anxiety, and reduce any regurgitation of food.

Our vet advisor, Dr. Melody Aitchison-Steed, DVM, reviewed dozens of snuffle mats for dogs to bring you her top 5 picks. The RUNDA Snuffle Mat for Dogs was her top choice. It’s durable and easy to clean: it can even be put through your washing machine. Plus, it has two suction cups and a non-slip cloth backing to keep it securely in place on your floor. Read how she chose the top 5.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

RUNDA Snuffle Mat for Dogs

Looking for a strong, easy-to-clean dog snuffle mat? This great mat from RUNDA suits dogs of all sizes stays firmly in place and can go in your washing machine.

While this was Dr. Aitchison-Steed’s top choice, she also offers a series of her top tips for what to look for in choosing the best snuffle mats for dogs, a section on who should avoid purchasing them altogether, and she personally selected the best snuffle mat for a variety of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Snuffle Mats for Dogs

  1. Best OverallRUNDA Snuffle Mat for Dogs
  2. Best BudgetOVERTANG Pet Snuffle Mat for Dogs
  3. Best for Large DogsHOPET Snuffle Mat for Large Dogs
  4. Best for Small DogsTEIFUT Snuffle Mat
  5. Best for PuppiesSCHITEC Snuffle Mat for Dogs

Snuffle Mats Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Model Rating Size Material Folds/rolls to store? Machine washable?
Best Overall RUNDA Snuffle Mat for Dogs 4.3 17″ x 21″ Felt
Best Budget OVERTANG Pet Snuffle Mat for Dogs 3.9 18.9″ diameter Felt
Best for Large Dogs HOPET Snuffle Mat for Large Dogs 4.4 27″ x 27″ Flannel
Best for Small Dogs TEIFUT Snuffle Mat 5.0 16.9″ diameter Chenille plush
Best for Puppies SCHITEC Snuffle Mat for Dogs 4.2 14″ diameter Polar fleece fabric

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Snuffle Mat for Dogs?

  • Pet owners who are concerned about their dog eating too quickly – Does your dog gobble their food too fast? If they guzzle down every meal, that can cause issues like vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea.1 Plus, your dog might eat too much and become overweight. A snuffle mat slows them down while keeping them occupied.
  • Owners of dogs that seem bored or anxious – Just like humans, dogs can get bored. If your dog is bored, they’re more likely to act out. Using a snuffle mat helps give your dog extra mental stimulation while providing strong motivation too.2
  • Exhausted pet owners with high-energy dogs – All that sniffing and foraging helps your dog to burn some energy. If your dog is full of energy and struggles to calm down, then the snuffle mat could give you a much-needed break!

Who Should Not Buy a Snuffle Mat for Dogs?

  • Puppy owners who can’t supervise the use of the snuffle matNew puppies are really good at chewing items. If left unattended, a puppy might be more likely to tear apart a snuffle mat or even ingest pieces of the fabric.  Ingested material can lead to intestinal obstruction.3
  • Pet owners who won’t keep the snuffle mat clean – Don’t give your dog a snuffle mat that you rarely or never clean. For good hygiene, it’s important to clean it on a regular basis, at least weekly. Otherwise, you might find that it’s getting moldy or smelling bad.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

As a vet, I often get asked how to help dogs with issues like boredom, anxiety, an overabundance of energy, and digestive problems. Snuffle mats can be great for assisting with all of these. Always remember, when considering any snuffle mat or slow feeder consult with your veterinarian!  And of course, if you are researching online make sure you are using a reputable source.

  1. Choose a snuffle mat that can go in the washing machine – You want a snuffle mat that’s easy to clean, and being able to put it through your washing machine is ideal. I’d recommend cleaning the mat several times a week.
  2. Make sure the snuffle mat’s “hairs” are firmly attached – It’s important that all the pieces of the snuffle mat (often called “hairs”) are securely attached. This is especially crucial in the area where your dog will use their nose. Although it’s unlikely, you don’t want to risk a small piece of unattached material becoming lodged in their nose.
  3. Opt for a snuffle mat that’s easy to store – Many snuffle mats pack into an integrated carry bag or roll up when not in use. If you don’t want to keep your snuffle mat out permanently, look for one you can easily pack away.

Trying to choose the best food for your dog? Your dog might benefit from a high-fiber diet, especially if they’re overweight or have digestive issues.

How Much Do They Cost?

Between $15 and $40

Snuffle mats vary quite a bit in price depending on the size, design, and material, but most will cost between $15 and $40. Obviously, large, complex snuffle mats will cost more than smaller, simpler ones. Make sure you’re choosing a snuffle mat that’s safe, durable, and large enough for your dog to enjoy. Be prepared to spend at the higher end of this range if you want a snuffle mat with extra features and puzzles for your pet.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily?

When choosing the best snuffle mats to recommend for your dog, I’ve picked mats that are durable, have securely attached pieces, and are easy to clean. All the mats I’ve chosen can go through your washing machine. I also took into account the value for money and the availability of the snuffle mats. Of course, you should always consult with your own veterinarian for recommendations that are personalized to your pet, too. – Dr. Melody Aitchison-Steed, DVM

The Best Snuffle Mat for Dogs Reviews

1. Best Overall – RUNDA Snuffle Mat for Dogs

Our Vet’s Top Pick

RUNDA Snuffle Mat for Dogs

Looking for a strong, easy-to-clean dog snuffle mat? This great mat from RUNDA suits dogs of all sizes stays firmly in place and can go in your washing machine.

The RUNDA Snuffle Mat for Dogs is a high-quality, very durable snuffle mat that your pooch is sure to love. It’s a great option if you have a dog that tends to get a bit over-excited, as it fixes securely to your floor using two suction cups. There’s also a strong edge guard all the way around to prevent food from dropping out, making this a great low-mess snuffle mat.

RUNDA uses non-toxic, odorless materials for the snuffle mat, so you can be sure that it’s safe and comfortable for your dog to use. You can wash it by hand or simply put it through your washing machine.

  • A high-quality durable snuffle mat
  • Fixes securely to the floor
  • Has non-slip backing
  • Easy to keep clean; machine washable
  • Doesn’t fold/roll up for easy storage
  • May be too small for some dogs

2. Best Budget – OVERTANG Pet Snuffle Mat for Dogs

Best Budget

OVERTANG Pet Snuffle Mat for Dogs

The OVERTANG Pet Snuffle Mat for Dogs is a simple snuffle mat that packs up small and that won’t break the bank.

When you’re on a tight budget, a snuffle mat might seem like an unnecessary purchase for your pet. But there are plenty of great value snuffle mats out there, including the OVERTANG Pet Snuffle Mat for Dogs. This mat doesn’t compromise on quality: it’s anti-slip, environmentally friendly, and can be easily folded up into a slow-feeding bowl.

OVERTANG advises washing the mat by hand, though it’s also fine to pop it in the washing machine. They offer a 24-hour online after-sales service, just in case you run into any issues.

  • Quality, durable snuffle mat at a great price
  • Stays in one spot due to the anti-slip backing
  • Folds up into a slow feeding bowl (or for storage)
  • Some dogs may shake/flip to get the treats out
  • Closure cord for storage is easily detached

3. Best for Large Dogs – HOPET Snuffle Mat for Large Dogs

Best for Large Dogs

HOPET Snuffle Mat for Large Dogs

This big and detailed snuffle mat has lots of enrichment puzzles to keep your dog interested. It folds neatly for storage, too.

If you have a large dog, the HOPET Snuffle Mat for Large Dogs is a great buy. It’s big enough for larger dogs to enjoy, and it’s cleverly designed with several different zones to provide different feeding puzzles.

It’s also a good option if you travel, as it folds up into a flat square for easy transportation. Like the other mats in our list, it’s simple to clean by putting it in the washing machine.

  • A large mat that’s suitable for bigger dogs
  • Multiple “feeding games” to hold your dog’s interest
  • Folds up for easy transportation or storage
  • Plastic buckle could be dangerous if chewed
  • Some dogs may flip/shake to get the treats out

4. Best for Small Dogs – TEIFUT Snuffle Mat

Best for Small Dogs

TEIFUT Snuffle Mat

Try this soft, small, and portable mat for your smaller dog … or even a cat. It includes suction cups on the reverse side to keep it in place.

The TEIFUT Snuffle Mat is a simple circular mat that you can fix down so your dog won’t flip it or drag it. There are suction cups on the bottom to hold it to the floor, a rope that lets you loop it around a table leg, and even nails to fix the mat to the grass if you’re using it outside.

This mat is best for small to medium-sized dogs, as it’s not the largest snuffle mat out there. It’s strong and durable, though, and should stand up well to repeated use.

  • Compact, durable mat ideal for smaller dogs
  • Easily folds for storage
  • Can be fastened down in multiple ways
  • Not ideal for larger dogs
  • The neon green color may not suit your decor

5. Best for Puppies – SCHITEC Snuffle Mat for Dogs

Best for Puppies

SCHITEC Snuffle Mat for Dogs

This small snuffle mat is great for puppies or for other small pets like cats or rabbits. It closes up with a drawstring, allowing you to hang it for easy storage

If you have a puppy, the SCHITEC Snuffle Mat for Dogs is a great choice. It’s small, with just a 14″ diameter, making it perfect for even quite little puppies. You’ll need to keep a close eye on your pet, though, because your pup might try to break off swallow pieces.

It’s easy to store this snuffle mat when it’s not in use, as the integrated drawstring lets you close it up into a little pouch. You can also use the drawstring to make it into more of a bowl shape than a flat mat.

  • Size can be adjusted using the drawstring
  • 90-day refund or replacement guarantee
  • Comes with a matching collapsible dog bowl
  • Fleece pieces tear easily (by your dog or when washing)
  • Some puppies can flip it over to get treats instantly

Frequently Asked Questions

Are snuffle mats safe for dogs?

Good-quality snuffle mats should be as safe as any other toy for your dog. It’s important to watch your dog closely when you first introduce them to the snuffle mat, to make sure they don’t chew and swallow pieces of it. If you have a puppy, you should always supervise them while they’re using the snuffle mat.
Are snuffle mats worth it?

Snuffle mats are relatively inexpensive and many pet owners find that their dogs really love using the snuffle mat. A snuffle mat is an especially worthwhile purchase if your dog suffers from anxiety or boredom. It’s also very helpful for overweight pooches or ones that tend to eat too quickly.4

What do you put in snuffle mats?

You should only put dry food (such as kibble or other treats) in your dog’s snuffle mat. Go for small, tasty treats with a strong smell so that they’re easy for your dog to scavenge for using their nose. Stick with food that you already know your dog likes, at least when introducing the snuffle mat.
How often should you wash a snuffle mat?

Most manufacturers will recommend washing the snuffle mat weekly, but two or three times a week is even better. Check the manufacturer’s instructions about how to best clean the mat. You may need to use a cold, delicate cycle, for instance. Some mats can also be tumble-dried.
The Best Outdoor Dog Kennel Mon, 19 Dec 2022 01:32:49 +0000 An outdoor dog kennel is perfect for dogs who like to spend plenty of time outdoors but can’t always have free reign of the yard due to safety concerns or other reasons. While keeping dogs outdoors full time isn’t recommended, especially in kennels that aren’t climate-controlled, they’re great for letting your dog stretch their legs in unfenced yards or chill outdoors unsupervised.

Our vet advisor, Dr. Jamie Whittenburg, selected these products. Her top pick is the Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Dog Kennel, thanks to its durability and ease of cleaning.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Dog Kennel

This sturdy kennel is rust-resistant and free from sharp edges.

While this was Dr. Whittenburg’s top choice, she also offers a series of her top tips for what to look for in choosing the best outdoor dog kennels, a section on who should avoid purchasing them altogether, and she personally selected the best kennel for a variety of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Outdoor Dog Kennels

  1. Best OverallLucky Dog Uptown Welded Dog Kennel
  2. Best BudgetPawHut Heavy-Duty Kennel
  3. Best LargeChickenCoopOutlet Backyard Dog Kennel
  4. Best Heavy DutyPolar Aurora Outdoor Dog Kennel
  5. Best PlaypenBestPet Dog Pen

Outdoor Dog Kennels Compared

Editor’s Picks Brand Rating Covered Rust resistant Size
Best Overall Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Dog Kennel 4.6 8ft x 4ft x 6ft
Best Budget Buy PawHut Heavy Duty Outdoor Kennel 4.3 48in x 41in x 47in
Best Large Outdoor Kennel and Run ChickenCoopOutlet Backyard Dog Kennel 3.4 20ft x 10ft x 6ft
Best Heavy Duty Outdoor Kennel Polar Aurora Outdoor Dog Kennel 4.3 4ft x 4ft x 6ft or 4ft x 6ft x 8ft
Best Playpen BestPet Dog Pen 4.5 Various sizes/adjustable

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy an Outdoor Dog Kennel

  • Pet parents with unfenced yards – A large kennel, run, or playpen is ideal for letting dogs have some outdoor time when you don’t have a secure yard for them to play in.1
  • Owners of canine Houdinis – If your yard is fenced but your dog still manages to find a way to get out of it, a large kennel will give them more outdoor time without you needing to watch their every move.
  • Owners of dogs who spend a lot of time outdoors – Some dogs would happily spend most of the day outdoors, but this can be an issue if they get up to mischief when left outdoors unsupervised or if your yard lacks natural shelter from rain or sun.

Who Should Not Buy an Outdoor Dog Kennel

  • Anyone considering keeping their dog outdoors because of behavioral issues – You should never send your dog to live in the yard because they bark too much, chew up furniture, have accidents in the house, or due to any other behavioral issue. Dogs with behavioral issues need gentle training, not to be isolated from their human family.
  • People who want to keep their dogs outside all day, year-round – Outdoor kennels have their place but a standard kennel isn’t suitable for dogs to live outside in all year round. In some situations, dogs can live in kennels rather than in the home, but these kennels are climate-controlled outbuildings, rather than simple wire structures. Unless you’re willing to have an elaborate heated and air-conditioned kennel built, you can’t leave your dog out in a kennel all day.

Buying Guide: Research Tips From a Veterinarian

As a veterinarian, I’m often asked about what outdoor dog kennels are best for dogs. While keeping your canine in the yard full time isn’t best for most dogs, outdoor kennels have their place and can provide shelter for dogs while they spend time in the yard. Outdoor dog kennels are just that: made to be used outside. Because this is a relatively significant investment, it is important to pick a well-built kennel that will withstand outdoor conditions. The following tips will help you pick the right option for you and your dog.

  1. Consider the material that the kennel is made from – Heavy-duty metal kennels will last longer, and they should ideally be coated for protection.
  2. Pick carefully if you have a strong dog – If you have a strong dog or an escape artist, it is essential to consider the strength of the bars. Flimsy or small gauge wire kennels can be easily escaped by some dogs.
  3. Think about ease of cleaning – Many people spray their outdoor kennels out with a water hose. If you are planning this, I suggest a kennel with an elevated bottom. If the kennel will just set on the grass, this feature may not be as important.
  4. Carefully review the size of the kennel you’re considering – Larger dogs or multiple dogs will require larger kennels.2 But it is crucial to ensure that the kennel will fit into the space where you want to place it. Kennel size will be different than determining how big you’d want a dog crate to be.
  5. Think about covering – In most cases, you should choose a kennel that comes with a roof or covering to allow your dogs to get out of the sun and to offer protection from any bad weather. If you’re only going to use a kennel for short periods of time while you’re home and can bring your dog inside if it gets too hot or wet, a model without a cover is fine.

Dogs have physical and emotional needs that can’t necessarily be met when living outside. If you’re considering keeping your dog outdoors full-time, this article discusses whether it’s fair to keep dogs outdoors and how to do it right if you absolutely must.

How Much Does it Cost?

Between $150 and $5,000

Outdoor dog kennels aren’t cheap and cost anywhere from $150 to $5,000. You can find some small, basic outdoor kennels for around $150, but large, heavy-duty options cost more like $300-$800. Elaborate climate-controlled outdoor kennels can cost well into the thousands.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

As a veterinarian, I have spoken with other veterinarians and dog owners to find the best outdoor dog kennels. I chose these products based on my professional experience, as well as customer reviews, and knowledge of what’s important in an outdoor kennel for dogs. I’ve considered factors such as the durability of the chosen kennels, how safe they are for your dog, and how easy they are to clean. – Dr. Jamie Whittenburg, DVM

The Best Outdoor Dog Kennel Reviews

1. Best Overall – Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Dog Kennel

Our Vet’s Top Pick

Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Dog Kennel

This sturdy kennel is rust-resistant and free from sharp edges.

The Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Dog Kennel is made of heavy-duty steel welded together for strength and then coated with a protective coating that protects your dog from any sharp points. The kennel has also been treated to prevent rust and corrosion, so the steel will last longer.

The slight elevation off of the ground enables you to spray the kennel out with a hose easily, and any feces, urine, and other debris will easily wash out. The water-resistant cover goes over the entire roof to protect your dog from inclement weather such as rain or snow, as well as protect them from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

  • Easy to assemble
  • Waterproof and UV-resistant cover
  • Fairly spacious at 8 by 4 feet
  • Latching gate
  • Could be sturdier
  • The cover isn’t especially thick

2. Best Budget – PawHut Heavy-Duty Kennel

Best Budget Buy

PawHut Heavy-Duty Kennel

An affordable kennel for small breed dogs.

Although affordable, the PawHut Heavy-Duty Kennel has all the basic features you’d expect from a kennel. However, ay 48 by 41.25 by 46.75 inches, it is small, so check that the size will work for your dog. It’s sturdily built with a heavy-duty metal frame and is coated with a treated material to make the kennel rust-resistant.

The door on this kennel is lockable to keep your dog in and others out. It comes with a polyester fabric cover that is both UV and water-resistant to protect your dog from rain and the sun.

  • Narrow bar spacing prevents escapes
  • The striped polyester cover provides shade
  • Simple assembly with no tools required
  • The cover isn’t fully waterproof
  • Only suitable for small dogs

3. Best Large – ChickenCoopOutlet Backyard Dog Kennel

Best Large Outdoor Kennel and Run

ChickenCoopOutlet Backyard Dog Kennel

This large run is great for giving dogs space to roam in unfenced yards.

The ChickenCoopOutlet Backyard Dog Kennel is half covered and half open, so it serves as a kennel and a playpen. The kennel portion allows dogs to have a place in the shade, while the playpen allows room for frolicking in the sun. This enclosure is large, measuring 20 feet long by 10 wide and 6 feet high, so it’s big enough for multiple dogs and gives your canine companion space to stretch their legs.

While the chain-link sides are relatively sturdy, it isn’t exactly heavy duty so it may not be ideal for very strong dogs or escape artists. While it uses a quick-connect system that should allow for easy assembly, some buyers found assembly frustrating. Still, it’s a good choice if a large size is important to you.

  • UV-resistant cover protects from rain and sun
  • This is a larger option than most
  • The wrench needed for assembly is included
  • Chain link can tangle during assembly
  • Not the heaviest-duty option

4. Best Heavy Duty – Polar Aurora Outdoor Dog Kennel

Best Heavy Duty Outdoor Kennel

Polar Aurora Outdoor Dog Kennel

A sturdy dog kennel that comes in two sizes.

Made of heavy-duty welded steel, the Polar Aurora Outdoor Dog Kennel is marketed for residential or professional use. The steel bars are welded to the wire mesh before coating for extra durability. Not only does the coating prevent any sharp points that could hurt your dog, but it also prevents rust and corrosion.

It features a heavy-duty waterproof cover that will do an excellent job of protecting your dog from the sun or rain. The kennel also has added UV protection that prevents ripping, cracking, fading, or peeling so that the kennel will last for years.

  • A pitched roof allows rain and debris to run off
  • It’s available in two sizes
  • Assembly is fairly straightforward
  • Smaller size; best for short-term use
  • The latch could be improved upon

5. Best Playpen – BestPet Dog Pen

Best Playpen

BestPet Dog Pen

A large playpen that’s easy to set up and can be used indoors or outdoors.

The BestPet Dog Pen is a spacious playpen for indoor or outdoor use. The roofless design of a playpen isn’t recommended for use for long periods of time. However, when used as a short-term area for play, these enclosures can keep your dog safe and contained. Assembly is simple, and the playpen comes with assembly instructions that will enable you to construct the structure in a matter of minutes.

This playpen is well-built and spacious enough to allow dogs to play safely while still being secure. That said, it isn’t very tall so dogs who jump are not good candidates for this type of structure as they may easily escape. If you need more area for your dog or dogs, this playpen is excellent because you can add extra panels to increase the space. The playpen can also be configured into multiple shapes configurations such as the shape of a rectangle, square, or octagon.

  • Easy to assemble
  • Great for unsecured yards or camping trips
  • 8 or 16 panels in a range of heights
  • 40-inch panels may allow dogs to escape
  • Dogs have to hop over the bottom to get inside

Frequently Asked Questions

What are outdoor dog kennels used for?

Outdoor kennels can offer shelter to your dog while they’re outside. You can even leave the door open if the rest of your yard is safe and secure, so your dog has access to shade and shelter when they need it. They can also help keep your dog safe in yards that are unfenced or aren’t fully secure when you can’t keep an eye on your dog.
Are outdoor kennels good for dogs?

This depends on a range of factors, including your dog’s preferences and how you use the kennel. When keeping a dog as a pet, it’s always preferable to keep them in your home with you than in a kennel, but kennels can provide shelter when your dog’s outside and keep them from getting into mischief. When it’s a choice between crating your dog indoors while you’re out of the house or letting them spend time in a spacious outdoor kennel, many dogs would prefer the outdoor kennel. Of course, this depends on the weather, as your dog won’t be safe or comfortable in an outdoor kennel on a hot or cold day unless the kennel is climate-controlled.3
Do dog kennels require planning permission?

Commercial dog kennels require planning permission in many areas, but a standard dog kennel for general use shouldn’t do so. That said, if you’re planning to erect a large, permanent dog kennel, you should check if it will require a planning permit before you get started.
How big should a dog run be?

If you’re looking for a dog run, it should be at least 3 feet wide (or 4 feet for dogs over 100 pounds) and 10 feet long. However, it doesn’t hurt to go bigger.
The Best Outdoor Dog Fence Mon, 19 Dec 2022 01:25:12 +0000 Outdoor dog fences are a great way to give your dog some outdoor off-leash time while still keeping them safely contained.

They’re also a great way to allow a dog who doesn’t get along with strange dogs or people some time to safely roam.

That said, the wrong dog fence can you to leave with a number of issues including:

  • A difficult structure to put up and maintain
  • A fence that doesn’t actually contain your dog, allowing it to escape
  • A fence that can injure your dog, or may not be sufficient in terms of space and will cause the dog to feel trapped and isolated

To help you choose the right outdoor dog fence for your dog and for your outdoor space, our vet advisor Dr. Jennifer Coates reviewed all of the major outdoor dog fences on the market.

Dr. Coates’s top pick is the FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen because it includes great features at an excellent price. This fence is very customizable, is corrosion resistant, and comes with stakes so it can be easily secured to the ground.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen

For the best in outdoor dog fences, look no further than the FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen.

While this is Dr. Coates’ top pick, in this article she also outlines her top tips for evaluating and choosing an outdoor fence, what dog owners may want to avoid outdoor fence, and offers her top choices for a number of specific use cases.

The 5 Best Outdoor Dog Fences

  1. Best Overall FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen
  2. Best BudgetAmazon Basics Foldable Metal Exercise Pet Play Pen for Dogs
  3. Best for Large DogsGiantex 48-inch Dog Fence with Door
  4. Best with a GateYaheetech Dog Playpen
  5. Best Fence PanelsZippity Outdoor Products No Dig Baskenridge

Outdoor Dog Fences Compared

Here are the top picks from our veterinarian. Compare the ratings and features of different models.

Editor’s Picks Brand Rating Expandable Rust resistant Height
Best Overall FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen 4.6 24, 32, 40, or 50 inches
Best Budget Buy Amazon Basics Foldable Metal Exercise Pet Play Pen for Dogs 4.6 42 inches
Best Outdoor Dog Fence for Large Dogs Giantex 48 inch Dog Fence with Door 4.5 40 or 48 inches
Best Outdoor Dog Fence with Gate Yaheetech Dog Playpen 4.6 24, 32, or 40 inches
Best Outdoor Dog Fence Panels Zippity Outdoor Products No Dig Baskenridge 4.1 36 inches

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy an Outdoor Dog Fence

  • Dog owners who want a convenient way to give their dog off-leash time – Bringing your dog outside off-leash is generally not a good idea without a fence, but if you don’t have a dog park nearby, you may not have a great option to give your dog outdoor time off-leash. An outdoor dog fence gives you the convenience of a dog park in your own yard.
  • Owners of dogs that are wary of strangers – Even if you live close to a dog park, your dog may not be a great candidate for one. Some dogs are uncomfortable around dogs or people they don’t know, making a dog park less than ideal. Some dogs are even great in one on one situations, but get nervous in a crowded dog park. Whatever the guess, an outdoor dog fence is a great way to give your pup off-leash time without worrying about
  • Dogs that ignore electric fences Have you tried an electric dog fence only for your dog to completely ignore whatever warnings it gets from the collar? In that case, you’ll need a physical barrier to keep your dog in your yard.

Who Should Not Buy an Outdoor Dog Fence

  • People who want to leave their dogs outside for long periods Even if your dog loves to be outside, leaving them unattended outdoors for hours isn’t a good idea. Dogs need interaction with humans in their lives and being outdoors without supervision can also be very dangerous.
  • Owners of dogs that aren’t very active – Not all dogs like to run and play a lot. If that’s your dog, you may not need an outdoor dog fence to give them the exercise that they want and need.

Buying Guide: Research Tips from a Veterinarian

  1. Consider permanence – Outdoor dog fences are a quick and relatively inexpensive way of keeping dogs safe when they are outside. They can be used permanently or semi-permanently around your home (ideal for renters) or temporarily when traveling.
  2. Security is important – Make sure the fence is tall enough to prevent your dog from jumping over. Outdoor dog fences need to be sturdy and securely affixed to the ground so that dogs can’t simply push them over or breakthrough. Doors make getting dogs in and out easier. Doors with 2 latches may be more secure than those with only one.
  3. Size matters – Larger enclosures will allow dogs to get some exercise and to relieve themselves in one part of the “yard” and rest or play in another. Remember that many fences can be expanded by adding additional panels, so if a fence seems too small, check to see if you can make it larger.

Whatever fence you go with, make sure that it’s tall enough that your dog can’t jump or climb over it and that your dog won’t dig under the fence either.

How Much Do They Cost?


Outdoor dog fences can come in a wide variety of prices and most fall between about $60 and $500. Where exactly an outdoor dog fence falls in that range depends on a few different factors. Size is one of the biggest. For a taller, longer fence, you should expect to spend more money. Materials are the other main factor in determining price. A lot of outdoor dog fences are made from metal-coated wire, which is perfectly well-suited for most dogs but may be insufficient for large dogs or dogs that can be rough on their belongings. In those cases, heavy-duty steel fences are a better option.

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

As a veterinarian, I frequently talk with pet owners and other vets about fencing options for dogs. The products I chose here are based on that experience as well as the various features of each product. When it comes to outdoor dog fences, be sure to select one that’s safe for your dog, will keep them securely inside, and provides them with as much room as they need. – Dr. Jennifer Coates

The Best Outdoor Dog Fence Reviews

1. Best Overall –  FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen

Our Vet’s Top Pick

FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen

For the best in outdoor dog fences, look no further than the FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen.

First up, we have our best overall option, the FXW Outdoor Dog Playpen. This portable playpen is extremely customizable and can be purchased in sets of 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 interlocking panels so you can get exactly what you need, or upgrade as necessary for your dog. 

FXW has also kept an eye on safety and has designed the panels with round knobs at the connection points to prevent injury to you or your pup. Lastly, there are floor protectors available for indoor use to avoid damaging hardwood or carpet, and there are easy-push stakes for outdoor usage.

  • Extremely customizable
  • Automatic gravity-latch door
  • Powder-coated for rust and corrosion resistance
  • Only one single latch
  • Panels of varying heights can’t always be combined

2. Best Budget – Amazon Basics Foldable Metal Exercise Pet Play Pen for Dogs

Best Budget Buy

Amazon Basics Foldable Metal Exercise Pet Play Pen for Dogs

If you’re looking for a quality but affordable option, go with the Amazon Basics Foldable Metal Exercise Pet Play Pen for Dogs.

If you’re looking for something that will keep your dog contained without breaking the bank, we recommend the Amazon Basics Foldable Metal Exercise Pet Play Pen for Dogs. This pen is easy to set up, comes with 8 panels in a choice of five different heights, and requires no tools to put together.

This pen can also be combined or doubled up so you can expand it if you find your dog needs a little more space, or if you have more than one dog. This makes it a fairly flexible option, even though it only comes in sets of 8 panels.

  • Can be ordered with or without the door
  • Double-locking door
  • Available in 24-inch, 30-inch, 36-inch, 42-inch, and 48-inch heights
  • Wire finish is not very durable
  • A little easier to bend than others, so you need to be careful while transporting

3. Best for Large Dogs – Giantex 48-inch Dog Fence with Door

Best for Large Dogs

Giantex 48-inch Dog Fence with Door

For large dogs, the Giantex 48-inch Dog Fence with Door is the best option.

If you have a particularly large, heavy, or strong dog, we recommend the Giantex 48-inch Dog Fence with Door. This kit comes in sections of 8 panels with one door, or you can get a double set with 16 panels and two doors. This gives even the largest of dogs plenty of room, and you can choose from a 40-inch or 48-inch height.

The panels are all heavy-duty iron and though they weigh a good bit, they are very durable and strong. The kit is completely foldable still, so transport isn’t too much of a bother. The doors also feature double latches for added security.

  • Extremely rugged and durable
  • Easy to set up and secure
  • A strong latch system keeps even the biggest dogs inside
  • A little bit on the heavy side
  • Only available in two heights

4. Best with a Gate – Yaheetech Dog Playpen

Best Outdoor Dog Fence with Gate

Yaheetech Dog Playpen

The Yaheetech Dog Playpen is a great option that’s easy for both humans and canines to enter and exit.

If you’re looking for an outdoor fence for a gate that can really stand up to the elements, then the Yaheetech Dog Playpen is a great option. It comes with a gate and is coated to prevent rust and corrosion even if you leave it set up outside full-time.

It’s also available in 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32-panel kits, each with a gate. You also have 24, 32, and 42-inch height options. The panels on this one are also extra-wide as it’s designed for outdoor use, making this a great one if you have a particularly rambunctious pup that likes to run around a lot outdoors.

  • Gate included with every 8 panels
  • Extra-wide panels provide more room inside the pen
  • Very durable and rust-resistant finish
  • Might be too big for many outdoor spaces
  • Wider panels are more difficult to store and transport

5. Best Fence Panels – Zippity Outdoor Products No Dig Baskenridge

Best Outdoor Dog Fence Panels

Zippity Outdoor Products No Dig Baskenridge

Zippity Outdoor Products No Dig Baskenridge are great for those who want a system that’s easy to set up but can cover the whole yard.

If you are looking for a more decorative option, the Zippity Outdoor Products No Dig Baskenridge is a great option. You order them in sets of two panels, in 42-inch and 36-inch heights, and order the gates separately as needed. This allows you to only get what you want for the setup, and ignore everything you don’t. 

This is a great permanent or semi-permanent option and is made almost entirely of recycled PVC, so it is very environmentally friendly as well.

  • Great for semi-permanent installation
  • Looks better than a lot of other non-permanent options
  • 10-year warranty
  • Gate hardware is a weak point
  • Plastic isn’t as durable as metal

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make an inexpensive dog fence?

Amazon Basics Foldable Metal Exercise Pet Play Pen for Dogs is a great option for pet owners on a budget. However, there are plenty of ways to affordably DIY a dog fence.
How do you fence in a yard for a dog?

If you’re looking to easily install a fence around your entire backyard, or at least a large section of it, we suggest going for outdoor dog fence panels like Zippity Outdoor Products No Dig Baskenridge Fence Panels or an expandable fence system like the Giantex 48 inch Dog Fence.
What is the best fence for a small dog?

With small dogs, you don’t typically need as much room and you can usually get away with a relatively short fence, so the Yaheetech Dog Playpen is a great place to start. It’s expandable, so you can provide your little buddy with more room if you’d like.
How can I keep my dog in the yard without a fence?

Fences are the easiest way to keep your dog in your yard, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a traditional fence. If you’d like to keep your dog in your yard without having to install or look at a physical barrier, a wireless dog fence or GPS dog fence can be a great option.
Is it okay to tie your dog outside?

It is not okay to tie your dog outside alone or for extended periods. Tethered dogs generally do not get adequate socialization and can be at risk for many physical health problems, both due to the tether itself and from exposure to the elements. In addition, dogs that are tethered may feel like they can’t escape perceived threats, leading them to become aggressive when approached. Unfortunately, the victims in these situations are most commonly children. It’s only okay to tether your dog outside while you are outdoors with them and are directly supervising them to ensure that they’re happy and comfortable.
Is it animal cruelty to keep a dog outside?

Pet dogs should not be kept outside. Dogs kept outside frequently do not have adequate access to needs like safe food, water, and shelter. Furthermore, dogs are social, just like people, and need time with their humans to be happy and healthy. Remember, dogs may be descended from wolves, but domestication has led them to be fundamentally different and most dogs aren’t equipped to be outdoors full-time.

Additional Sources & Resources

Looking for more information about dog fences? We have a library of in-depth information about various aspects of dog fences. Including tips and ideas for keeping your dog from jumping and building your own dog fence:

As well as in-depth reviews of each category of dog fence (with recommendations generated by licensed veterinarians):

And in-depth product reviews of some of the leading dog fence brands:

The Best Service Dog Harness or Vest Mon, 19 Dec 2022 01:22:27 +0000 If you or a loved one has (or is getting) a service dog, it can be a little confusing. The ADA has a great Q and A page that can answer a lot of the questions you have about service dogs in general. But what about the topic of vests and harnesses?

First off, a few key points via the ADA to be aware of before you look into purchasing a service harness for your dog:

  • The ADA does not require service animals to wear a vest, ID tag, or specific harness
  • In situations where it is not obvious that the dog is a service animal, staff may ask only two specific questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the dog, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability.
  • Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals are not considered service animals under the ADA

Since getting the right harness for your service dog involves not only the functionality and fit of the harness (which is hard enough to navigate as you’re choosing a harness) but also how the vest or harness will display that your dog is a service dog.

For that reason, we asked our veterinary advisor Dr. Jennifer Coates to review the top service dog harnesses on the market and make her recommendation for the best models for a variety of purposes.

Dr. Coates chose the PETNANNY Tactical Dog Harness as the best overall service dog harness.

Our Vet’s Top Pick

PETNANNY Tactical Dog Harness

The PETNANNY tactical dog harness has reinforced stitching with multiple handles and heavy-duty buckles.

While this was Dr. Coates’s top choice, she also offers a series of her top tips for what to look for in choosing the best service dog harnesses, a section on who should avoid purchasing them altogether, and she personally selected the best harness or vest for a variety of specific use cases.

You’ll leave this post confident you can purchase the right service dog harness for you and your dog.

The 5 Best Service Dog Harnesses (Or Vests)

  1. Best OverallPETNANNY Tactical Dog Harness
  2. Best BudgetCymiler Dog Harness
  3. Best with HandleBolux Tactical Dog Harness
  4. Best Mobility HarnessActivedogs Service Dog Pulling & Balance Mobility Harness
  5. Best Service Dog in Training HarnessIndustrial Service Dog in Training Vest

Service Harnesses & Vests Compared

Below are Dr. Coates’s top picks. Compare the ratings and key features of each of the harnesses to decide which one is the best car harness for your dog.

Vet’s Picks Model Rating Material Closure Type Notable Feature
Best Overall PETNANNY Tactical Dog Harness 4.5 Nylon Loop, Buckle 2 metal buckles, reinforced D ring, double sided stitching
Best Budget Cymiler Dog Harness 4.3 Nylon Buckle Reflective straps
Best With Handle Bolux Tactical Dog Harness 4.3 Mesh Buckle Double handles, removable patches
Best Mobility Activedogs Service Dog Pulling & Balance Mobility Harness 4.6 Sheepskin Buckle Front chest straps have double adjustments
Best Service Dog in Training Industrial Puppy Service Dog In Training Vest 4.7 Mesh Buckle Features pockets for food, bowls, medications, or extra supplies

*Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 and based on reviews, feedback, and opinions of actual customers

Who Should Buy a Service Dog Harness?

  • Obviously, someone who has a disability for which they need assistance from a service dog would be the intended market for a service dog harness.
  • Some of these harnesses have patches rather than the service dog labels stitched in, so you might consider one if you’re just looking for a heavier-duty harness with additional options even if you don’t require a service dog.

Who Should Not Buy One?

  • Obviously, if you don’t need an actual service dog you shouldn’t be buying a harness with that emblazoned on the harness.
  • You may also want to consider other options if you have a service dog but don’t require a harness – you can use the best dog collar available and get a vest that doesn’t actually function as a harness, but can indicate to people that your dog is a service dog to avoid things like them asking to pet the dog and to make sure as you enter a retail store that people know the dog is a service dog.

There are a lot of great resources for service dog owners if you’re new to service harnesses or vests. Here’s a great video overview from professional trainer Emily Larlham on training a dog to put its own harness or vest on:

This is a walk-through (literally) of how a woman uses her service harness for balance and to be able to walk (she recommends the Bold Lead harness in the video – that’s a custom made harness so we didn’t include that for review in this post, but you may want to check it out):

This is a video overview of how a woman self-trained her dog to be a service dog:

And, if you are looking for a service dog harness, below are some additional tips for making the right call from our vet advisor Dr. Coates.

“Service dog harnesses need to be well-designed, sturdy, sized appropriately, adjustable, and comfortable. The harnesses recommended here are all made from quality materials, have a wide range of sizes and good sizing guides, and can be adjusted for a precise fit. They are also well-padded or have other measures to ensure a dog’s comfort since service dog harnesses may be worn for extended periods of time.

Comfort is especially important for dogs who help with owner mobility since a lot of pressure can be put on a dog’s body when the harness is in use.

Service dog harnesses should include a MOLLE or hook and loop system that allows service dog patches to be added and removed as the situation warrants.

Talk to pet parents to learn what types of service dog harnesses have worked well for them. Your veterinarian or dog trainer can also point to any features that might be ideal based on your dog’s age, size, and working status. Closely read product descriptions to avoid unpleasant surprises. Looking at customer reviews posted on trusted sources can give you an idea of how satisfied pet parents are with their purchase.”

How Much Does a Service Dog Harness Cost?

Between $15 and $70

Service dog harnesses cost roughly $15 to $70, which is the widest range by far across the many types of dog harnesses we’ve reviewed, but most tend to run closer to the $15-30 range, depending on the style of harness, the size harness you’re buying, and what material they’re made from.

Again it’s not a focus of this post, but if you have specialized needs you can also consider a custom service dog harness, which will tend to be much higher (in the hundreds of dollars per harness in some cases).

Budget-friendly harnesses are a less-frills option that is typically still effective. A more expensive dog harness option often features tougher materials, additional points of adjustment for a more customized fit, or may have extra attachment options (the handles particularly are a focal point for service dog harnesses).

Our Methodology: Why Trust Pet News Daily

“Comfort and security are the most important features to look for in a step-in dog harness. When we test products we look for comfort and security, even in selecting the best budget options. If you have questions beyond what’s covered in this post, I suggest speaking to your veterinarian, and other dog owners, and reading the product reviews for guidance.” – Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM.

The Best Service Dog Harnesses: Full Reviews

Our Vet’s Top Pick

PETNANNY Tactical Dog Harness

A heavy-duty tactical harness with heavy stitching and heavy-duty metal buckles.
  • Comes in small, medium, large, and X-large sizes
  • Excellent sizing guide available online
  • Reinforced stitching
  • Top handle for giving assistance
  • Mesh liner and padded for comfort
  • Has heavy-duty metal buckles where most forces are applied
  • Multiple adjustable straps
  • 2 leash attachments including on front of chest for no-pull training
  • Good video showing how to fit your pup
  • Easy on and off
  • Powerful MOLLE system for service dog badges and other attachments
  • The negative reviewers almost all mentioned the plastic attaching the clip that you’d attach the leash to being lower quality and ripping off after strong pulls from dogs that are big pullers.

The PETNANNY Tactical Dog Harness is the best overall service harness according to Dr. Coates.

The tactical harness feels very substantial when I pick it up – it’s made from nylon but the material is thick and there are multiple reinforcements throughout the harness to make it feel much sturdier than some other service dog harnesses we tested.

Here is an unboxing and hands-on review of the harness:

Overall the harness gets relatively strong reviews (though not the best reviews on this list – that’s the Industrial service dog vest):

Screenshot of Petnanny tactical service dog harness reviews

The negative reviewers almost all mentioned the plastic attaching the clip that you’d attach the leash to being lower quality and ripping off after strong pulls from dogs that are big pullers.

That said many customers are very happy with the quality of materials and the harness as a whole, and we’d recommend this harness even more highly than the standard reviews.

Best Budget

Cymiler Dog Harness

A padded harness with a top handle and multiple sizes with adjustable straps.
  • Available in 6 sizes and many colors
  • Excellent sizing guide available online
  • Adjustable neck and chest straps
  • Top handle
  • Padded and mesh-lined chest panel for comfort
  • Includes removable service dog patches
  • Reflective
  • Some customers complained about the fit of the harness (the size chart not being accurate)
  • Multiple customers complained about the quality and durability of the harness (this was the most common review)

The Cymiler Dog Harness is our best budget pick.

The harness feels very lightweight and less substantial and durable than the PETNANNY tactical harness. It has a vest shape and does have service dog patches you can add and remove if you wanted to use the harness for a dog that’s not a service dog.

Overall the harness gets (tied for) the worst reviews of the harnesses featured in this post, but in comparison with other harnesses we’ve tested the reviews are decent for the price:

Screenshot of Cymiler service dog harness reviews

The negative reviews tend to center around two core issues:

  • Some customers complained about the fit of the harness (the size chart not being accurate)
  • Multiple customers complained about the quality and durability of the harness (this was the most common review)

That said these are the most common complaints about harnesses we’ve seen reviewing tons of negative customer reviews. All in all, this is a good option for budget-conscious customers looking for a service dog harness.

Best with a Handle

Bolux Tactical Dog Harness

Harness includes multiple patches including service dog and service dog in training, and comes with 2 top handles.
  • Comes in small, medium, large, and X-large sizes
  • 3 points of adjustment for good fit
  • Has 2 top handles for close-in control
  • MOLLE system includes 7 patches including service dog and service dog in training
  • Padded and lined with mesh for the dog’s comfort
  • Reflective
  • The patches are not being delivered (multiple customers had this complaint)
  • Difficult fit (it was difficult to size when we tested the harness)
  • The harness is too heavy, even for a large dog, particularly with the patches on

The best top-handle harness is the Bolux Tactical Dog Harness.

This mesh harness felt very substantial and heavy when I pick it up – it has a different shape than some of the other harnesses with thick straps underneath and a thick strap across the chest and close to the neck (if you’re looking for open chest space in your harness this isn’t the right harness for you). It also comes with several patches and is the only harness we tested with two handles on the top of the harness, making it our top pick for top-handle harnesses.

Here is a video showing you the harness on a dog, as well as an in-depth review of the harness:

The Bolux harness is tied for the lowest-rated harness among those listed here:

Screenshot of the Bolux tactical dog harness reviews

Complaints from customers who had issues with the harness included:

  • The patches are not being delivered (multiple customers had this complaint)
  • Difficult fit (it was difficult to size when we tested the harness)
  • The harness is too heavy, even for a large dog, particularly with the patches on

All of that said, a number of people were happy with the harness and if you’re prioritizing top handles on your harness this is the one we’d recommend.

  • Ideal for dogs who help with owner mobility
  • The harness takes the stress away from the dog’s neck and has a stand-up handle
  • Softly padded for dog comfort
  • Available in 2 sizes to fit larger dogs who can help with owner mobility
  • Adjustable for good fit
  • Heavy-duty construction
  • Comes with 2 removable service dog patches
  • Easy on/off
  • Only two fairly broad sizing options
  • The most expensive option of those we tested

The best service mobility harness is the Activedogs Service Dog Pulling & Balance Mobility Harness.

This is a light-feeling harness that feels a bit oddly shaped when you pick it up and put it on your dog due to the sheepskin material.

We’d recommend ignoring the reviews for this product at the moment as of the date of publishing the harness only had 7 total reviews (all 4 or 5 stars), which is not enough to really weigh those either way.

All in all, if you’re looking for a mobility harness this is a great option.

Best for Service Dog in Training

Industrial Puppy Service Dog In Training Vest

This service dog vest features 8 sizes, multiple removable patches, and a top handle.
  • Comes in 8 sizes to fit puppies of all sizes as they grow and go through their training
  • Includes 2 removable “service dog in training” patches
  • Top handle for extra control
  • Durable
  • Cushioned for comfort
  • Easy on/off
  • Reflective

The Industrial Puppy Service Dog In Training Vest is our top pick for service dogs in training.

The harness feels a lot thicker than some of the other harnesses when I pick it up, and the fit is a little strange as there’s a strap underneath and a strap that goes somewhat loosely across the chest (almost like a kid carries a backpack on one shoulder). It’s marketed as a service vest but it does have a top handle and ring to attach a leash, so it’s functionally a harness.

This is actually the best-reviewed of the harnesses we tested by a good margin:

Screenshot of industrial service dog in training vest reviews.

The biggest complaints among customers who had issues with the harness included:

  • Issues with the harness being an awkward fit (this was my experience as well)
  • Issues with durability and the harness breaking with use

That said again those are the two most common complaints people have about harnesses in general, and the reviews for this harness are overwhelmingly positive. If you have a growing puppy and need a service dog in a training vest, this is definitely your best bet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Resources

For more on dog harnesses, including everything from how to measure your dog for a harness and how a dog harness should fit the best escape-proof dog harnesses, check out our series of posts:

And our individual harness reviews:

And our breed-specific harness guides:
